3 November 2015 Dear Sir/Madam A meeting of the Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 in the New Council Chamber, Town Hall, Beeston at 7:00pm. Should you require advice on declaring an interest in any item on the agenda, please contact the Monitoring Officer or a member of his team at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully Chief Executive To: Members of the Planning Committee, viz: Cllrs M Handley (Chair), D Bagshaw, L A Ball BEM, J S Briggs, M J Crow, H G Khaled MBE, P J Owen, G Marshall, R S Robinson, J K Marsters, R D MacRae Other members of the Council (for information) A G E N D A 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, in any item on the agenda. 3. MINUTES PAGES 1 - 13 The Committee is asked to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2015. 4. NOTIFICATION OF LOBBYING Town Hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB www.broxtowe.gov.uk Listening and responding to ensure the delivery of efficient and effective services 5. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 5.1 15/00508/FUL PAGES 14 - 29 Construct two detached dwellings and demolition of existing dwelling 7 Bridle Road,.Bramcote 5.2 15/00221/FUL PAGES 30 - 52 Demolish former Police Station, Construct 19 No. apartments and convert The Grange into 5 No. apartments 5.3 15/00018/REG3 PAGES 53 - 66 Enhanced drainage/biodiversity attenuation storage infrastructure works related to application reference 15/00010/FUL to ensure direct downstream discharge of surface water from the new proposed development to the existing watercourse Land off Thorn Drive and west of The Pastures, Giltbrook NG16 2UF 5.4 15/00010/FUL PAGES 67 - 87 Construct 67 No. dwellings (revised scheme – 92/00730/FUL) Land off Acorn Avenue, Giltbrook NG16 2UF 5.5 15/00011/FUL PAGES 88 - 109 Construct 55 dwellings Land at Gin Close Way, Awsworth NG16 2WH 5.6 15/00515/FUL PAGES 110 - 119 Land adjacent 4 Grangelea Gardens, Bramcote NG9 3HR Construct dwelling with garage 5.7 15/00617/FUL PAGES 120 - 124 Retain first floor rear extension 19 Grange View, Eastwood NG16 3DE 5.8 15/00525/FUL Change of use of agricultural land to 17mw PV solar PAGES 125 - 142 farm and associated infrastructure (revised scheme) Land off Long Lane, Watnall 5.9 15/00101/LBC and 15/00115/FUL PAGES 143 - 171 Beauvale Abbey Farm, New Road, Geasley NG16 2AA 5.10 15/00420/FUL PAGES 172 - 190 Construct side extension to provide ground and mezzanine floorspace, relocation of service yard and creation of below ground attenuation facility in place of existing attenuation feature Next, 2 Giltbrook Retail Park, Ikea Way, Giltbrook NG16 2RP 5.11 15/00269/FUL PAGES 191 - 192 Appeal Reference APP/J3015/W/15/3133491 Change use of public house (Class A4) to retail (Class A1) with alterations including part demolition, two storey side and single storey rear extension and conversion of first floor apartment to create two apartments, car park and landscaping New White Bull, 519 Nottingham Road, Giltbrook NG16 2GS 6. INFORMATION ITEMS 6.2 Delegated Decisions PAGES 193 - 199 PLANNING COMMITTEE 7 OCTOBER 2015 Present: Councillor M Handley, Chair Councillors: D Bagshaw R D McRae L A Ball BEM G Marshall J S Briggs J K Marsters M J Crow P J Owen R I Jackson R S Robinson H G Khaled MBE An apology for absence was received from Councillor M Radulovic MBE. 21. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 22. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2015 were confirmed and signed. 23. NOTIFICATION OF LOBBYING The Committee received notifications of lobbying in respect of the planning applications subject to consideration at the meeting. 24. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 24.1 15/00583/FUL Change of use from dwelling house (Class C3) to children’s home (Class 2) (resubmission) 1A Roland Avenue, Nuthall, Nottinghamshire NG16 1BB The application, which proposed change of use from a dwelling to a children’s home, had been brought before the Committee due to the high volume of objections which had been received. The Committee was referred to the summary of late items which included 10 responses which had been received in objection to the application, one letter of support and one letter of comment from the owner of the property. 1 Mr Russell Foley (objecting), Mr Paul Cook (applicant) and Councillor P Simpson (ward member) addressed the Committee prior to the general debate. The application was debated and a summary of the comments made is set out below: • The development would result in a loss of amenity to residents due to the number of visits which would be necessary to the property by multi- agency staff. • There would be an increase in traffic. • Since the proposed development was not supported by local residents this would be unfair to the young people who would occupy the home who, by the nature of their needs, deserved to reside within a supportive local community. • There had been a lack of consultation by the applicant. • The highways officer had demonstrated naivety in respect of likely traffic generation which was certain to have a big impact on the residential area in terms of increased traffic and parking and inadequate parking provision at the proposed development. • Members of the Committee commented on the emails they had received from some local residents during the lobbying process which they perceived to be intimidating. A proposal was moved by Councillor R S Robinson and seconded by Councillor G Marshall that consideration of the matter be deferred to afford members the opportunity to compare the application with another, similar, successful application in another planning authority’s area. The proposal, on being put to the meeting, was lost. RESOLVED that planning permission be refused. Reason The proposed change of use would result in the potential for noise and disturbance to surrounding residential properties as a result of a significant number of vehicular movements into and out of the site with inadequate provision for off-street parking. The proposal is therefore contrary to the aims and criteria of Saved Policy RC12 of the Broxtowe Local Plan (2004) and paragraph 17 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and there are no other material considerations that justify treating this proposal as an exception. 24.2 15/00454/FUL Installation and commissioning of one 500 kw wind turbine with a 50m hub height and 77m height and ancillary works Field at grid reference 450426 348082, Narrow Lane, Watnall 2 The application, which sought planning permission for the erection of a single wind turbine and associated works, had been referred to Committee following requests from Councillors J M Owen and M Brown and the Council’s Head of Neighbourhoods and Prosperity. The Committee was referred to the summary of late items which included emails in support of the application and emails commenting on the application but not objecting to it. The Committee’s attention was drawn to an error in the recommendation and it was duly noted that the words ‘listed building consent’ should be replaced with the words ‘planning permission’ in the first sentence thereof. Mr Hett (objecting), Mrs Clay (applicant) and Councillor J S Rowland (ward member) addressed the Committee prior to the general debate. The application was debated and a summary of the comments made is set out below: • The proposals were detrimental to the green belt and would disturb ancient hedgerows. • There was the need for transition to ‘greener’ production of energy and to refuse the application would contribute to the difficulties around climate change. • Although there was a need to reduce carbon output, the application was not a reasonable way to do this and it was not suitable in the green belt since it was considered that very special circumstances had not been sufficiently demonstrated. RESOLVED that planning permission be refused. Reason The proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the open character of the green belt contrary to Saved Policy E8 of the Broxtowe Local Plan (2004) as well as the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2010) and the ‘very special circumstances’ presented are not sufficient to outweigh this harm. 24.3 15/00304/FUL Construct 1 No. dwelling Land to the rear of 29 Oak Drive, Nuthall NG16 1FJ The application, which proposed the construction of a detached bungalow with living accommodation in the roof space, had been called in to Committee by Councillor J M Owen. There were no late items and no public speakers. The application was debated and a summary of the comments made is set out below: 3 • The site plan referred to Rowan Crescent when the development actually related to the supported living bungalows at Rowan Court. • Many of the residents were elderly with mobility issues and, having no access to garages or off street parking, had to park at the far end of Rowan Court. • The development would cause loss of amenity for residents. RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the site location plan and the proposed drawings received by the Local Planning Authority on 7 August 2015. 3. No building operations shall be carried out until details of the manufacturer, type and colour of the materials to be used in facing walls and roofs have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and the development shall be constructed only in accordance with those details.
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