If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. .. .; J , ..~. .;"~ • .' ~ .~ _... '> .' UJ.l.IU.ll Calendar No. 605 102n CONGRESS REPORT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2d Session 102-1070 • ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1991 REPORT OF THE • SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS FIRST SESSION SCNAC-102-1-14 N'CJRS ACQUISITKON,; Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control U.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE • o WASHINGTON : 1992 :au • SELECI' COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL (102D CoNGRESS) CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York, Chairman JACK BROOKS, Texas LAWRENCE COUGHLIN, Pennsylvania FORTNEY H. (PETE) STARK, California BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, New York JAMES H. SCHEUER, New York MICHAEL G. OXLEY, Ohio CARDISS COLLINS, TIlinois F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., FRANK J. GUARINI, New Jersey Wisconsin DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida ROBERT K. DORNAN, California WILLIAM J. HUGHES, New Jersey TOM LEWIS, Florida • MEL LEVINE, California JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma SOWMON P. ORTIZ, Texas WALLY HERGER, California LAWRENCE J. SMITH, Florida CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut EDOLPHUS "ED" TOWNS, New York BILL PAXON, New York JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR., Ohio WILLIAM F. CLINGER, JR., Pennsylvania KWEISI MFUME, Maryland HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina NITA M. WWEY, New York PAUL E. GILLMOR, Ohio DONALD M. PAYNE, New Jersey JIM RAMSTAD, Minnesota ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, Kentucky RON DE LUGO, Virgin Islands GEORGE J. HOCHBRUECKNER, New York CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas ROBERT E. ANDREWS, New Jersey COMMI'ITEE STAFF EDWARD H. JURlTH, Staff Director P&'rER J. CoNIGLIO, Minority Staff Director (Ill 153682 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice . document has been reproduced exactly as recei~ed from th.e T~~~on or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated In \hiS document are those of the authors and do not necessanly represent the official position or policies of the Nalionallnstltute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this fllll!wi:""'" material has been granted by Public Domain/l02dCongress u. S. House of Representatives to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permission • of the ~owner. LETTER OF TRANSMiTTAL HOUSE OF REPRESEN'rATIVES, SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CoNTROL, Washington, DC. • The Honorable Donnald K. Anderson, Clerk United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC. 20515-6601 DEAR MR. ANDERSON: I am pleased to transmit the enclosed report entitled tlAnnual Report for the Year 1991 of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, 102d Congress, First Session." This report sets forth the activities of the Committee for calen­ dar year 1991 in accordance with section 306(a)(2) of House Resolu­ tion 51. • Respectfully submitted. Sincerely, CHARLES B. RANGEL, Chairman. (III) • CONTENTS .. Page Letter of transmittal ...................................................................................................... III Committee jurisdiction, authority, funding, and organization: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 Funding .................................................................................................................... .. 4 Rules .......................................................................................................................... 4 • 9 W~ff~.~.~~~.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9 Meetings .................................................................................................................... 9 Overview of the drug problem in 1991: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 10 Drug trends and indicators ................................................................................... 12 Drug supply ............................................................................................................. .. 12 Drug demand........................................................................................................... .. 15 Activities ........................................................................................................................... 31 Hearings: . National drug control strategy-February 6, 1991.. ........................................ .. 31 Heroin control s~rate~-May 9, 1991 ................................................................. 39 Drug treatment m prIsons-May 14, 1991 ......................................................... 42 • Andean strategy-June 11, 1991 .......................................................................... 47 Federal drug interdiction efforts-June 20, 1991.. ............................................ 57 Drug abuse and drug trafficking in western New York: Assessing the threat on the northern border-July 15, 1991.. ............................................ .. 62 The Justice Department's role in the war on drugs-July 25, 1991 ............ .. 75 Drug-exposed children in the schools: Problems and policy-July 30, 1991. 79 Drug-exposed kids: A crisis in America's schools-September 13, 1991 ........ 84 Drug abuse treatment: A review of current Federal programs and poli- cies-October 17, 1991 ....................................................................................... .. 87 Treatment and rehabilitation services for substance abusing criminal offenders-New York, October 28, 1991 .......................................................... 94 International Activities-Study missions: Panama and Colombia; January 6-9, 1991. ........................................................ 99 Syria, Pakistan, Israel, and Italy; August 3-13, 1991.. .................................... .. 100 Toricelli codel to Peru and Colombia .................................................................. 103 International meetings ................................................................................................. .. 103 Legislation: H.R. 462. National Commission on Drug Abuse Treatment Effectiveness .. .. 106 H.R. 463. Medicaid treatment of substance abuse services ............................. 107 • H.R. 464. National Commission to Study the Causes of the Demand for Drugs ..................................................................................................................... .. 107 H.R. 465. Assault weapon export ban.................................................................. 108 H.R. 466. Drug paraphernalia task forces .......................................................... 108 ,H.R. 661. Andean Trade Preference Act............................................................ .. 109 • H.R. 730. Treatment for drug dependent criminal offenders ........................ .. 110 H.R. 1222. Community-Polic,!! Partnership and Drug Abuse and Crime Preventive Act of 1991 ........................................................................................ 111 H.R. 1656. Trauma Center Revitalization Act .................................................. .. 113 H.R. 1707/2956. Federal/State funding ratio for criminal justice formula grants ..................................................................................................................... 114 H.R. 1722. Drug Emergency Areas Act ............................................................... 115 H.R. 2310. Drug Cash Information ."lct of 199] ................................................ .. 115 H.R. 2521. Defense Appropriations Act ............................................................... 116 H.R. 2810. Drug Treatment and Prevention Act of 1991.. ............................... 117 • (V) VI Page Legislation-Continued H.R. 3053. The I.ndividuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1991..................................................................................................................... 117 H.R. 3256. The National Drug Treatment Goals Act of 1991.......................... 117 H.R. 3326. The Supply Reduction Act of 1991.................................................... 118 H.R. 3361. Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 .............. 118 H.R. 3371 (the 1991 crime bill). Section 1719, Coast Guard and Customs interdiction improvements authorization ........................................................ 118 H.E. 3553. The Higher Education Act Amendments of 1991........................... 119 H.R. 3696. Statewide Substance Abuse Assessment Amendments Act.......... 119 H.R. 3832. Educators' and Drug-exposed Children's Assistance Act.............. 120 H.R. 4022. Enterprise Communities Act of 1991................................................ 121 H. Con. Res. 21. Cabinet status for the Director of National Drug Control Policy ...................................................................................................................... 123 H.J. Res. 123. National law enforcement dedication day................................. 123 H.J. Res. 312. National red ribbon month........................................................... 124 H. Res. 146. Fast Track Authority for the North American Free Trade Agreement ............................................................................................................. 124 Special meetings and other activities: Meeting with drug policy Director Bob Martinez-March 21, 1991..............
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