Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 216 / Wednesday, November 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules 65437 receive on this proposal on the TTB United States Geological Survey foot elevation point, section 13, T5N/ Web site. We may omit voluminous 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They R4W, Mt. George Quadrangle; then attachments or material that we are titled: (12) Proceed west for 2.1 miles along consider unsuitable for posting. In all (1) Mt. George Quadrangle, California, Imola Avenue, crossing onto the Napa cases, the full comment will be available 1951, Photoinspected 1973; and map, to its intersection with the Napa in the TTB Information Resource Center. (2) Napa Quadrangle, California-Napa River at the Maxwell Bridge, T5N/R4W, To access the online copy of this notice Co., 1951, Photorevised 1980. Napa Quadrangle; and the submitted comments, visit (c) Boundary. The Tulocay (13) Proceed northerly (upstream) for http://www.ttb.gov/regulations_laws/ viticultural area is located in Napa 3.2 miles along the Napa River to its all_rulemaking.shtml. Select the ‘‘View County, California. The boundary of the intersection with Milliken Creek, T6N/ Comments’’ link under this notice Tulocay viticultural area is as described R4W, Napa Quadrangle; then number to view the posted comments. below: (14) Continue northerly (upstream) for 0.75 mile along Milliken Creek to its Regulatory Flexibility Act (1) The beginning point is on the Mt. George map at the 1,877-foot peak of Mt intersection with Monticello Road, T6N/ We certify that this proposed George, section 29, T6N/R3W; R4W, Napa Quadrangle; then regulation, if adopted, would not have (2) From the beginning point, proceed (15) Proceed northeasterly for 2.4 a significant economic impact on a 0.4 mile straight southeast to the miles along Monticello Road, crossing substantial number of small entities. intersection of the 1,400-foot elevation onto the Mt. George map, to its The proposed regulation imposes no line and an unnamed intermittent creek, intersection with the section 19 west new reporting, recordkeeping, or other feeding northeast into Leonia Lakes, boundary line, T6N/R3W; and administrative requirement. Any benefit section 29, T6N/R3W; then (16) Proceed east-southeasterly in a derived from the use of a viticultural (3) Proceed 0.45 mile straight east- straight line for 1.4 miles and return to area name would be the result of a southeast to the intersection of the the beginning point at the 1,877-foot proprietor’s efforts and consumer 1,380-foot elevation line and an peak of Mt. George. acceptance of wines from that area. unnamed, unimproved dirt road and Signed: October 13, 2006. Therefore, no regulatory flexibility then continue in the same straight line analysis is required. John J. Manfreda, of direction to the section 29 east Administrator. boundary line, T6N/R3W, Mt. George Executive Order 12866 [FR Doc. E6–18891 Filed 11–7–06; 8:45 am] Quadrangle; then This proposed rule is not a significant (4) Proceed 0.6 mile straight south- BILLING CODE 4810–31–P regulatory action as defined by southeast to the unnamed 1,804-foot Executive Order 12866, 58 FR 51735. elevation point in the northwest DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Therefore, it requires no regulatory quadrant of section 33, T6N/R3W, Mt. assessment. George Quadrangle; then Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Drafting Information (5) Proceed southerly in a straight line Bureau for 0.95 mile to the corner of the Napa- N.A. Sutton of the Regulations and Solano County line at the 1,731-foot Rulings Division drafted this notice. 27 CFR Part 9 elevation point on the T6N/T5N List of Subjects in 27 CFR Part 9 boundary line, R3W, Mt. George [Notice No. 67] Wine. Quadrangle; then RIN 1513–AB19 (6) Proceed southerly for 0.3 mile Proposed Regulatory Amendment along the Napa-Solano County line to its Proposed Establishment of the Lehigh For the reasons discussed in the intersection with a 1,600-foot pinnacle Valley Viticultural Area (2005R–415P) preamble, we propose to amend title 27, that straddles the county line, section 4, AGENCY: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and chapter 1, part 9, Code of Federal T5N/R3W, Mt. George Quadrangle; then Trade Bureau, Treasury. Regulations, as follows: (7) Proceed southerly in a straight line for 0.9 mile to the 1,480-foot elevation ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. PART 9—AMERICAN VITICULTURAL point along the section 9 north AREAS boundary line, T5N/R3W, Mt. George SUMMARY: The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Quadrangle; then and Trade Bureau proposes to establish 1. The authority citation for part 9 (8) Continue southerly in a straight the 1,888 square mile Lehigh Valley continues to read as follows: line for 1.3 miles to the 1,351-foot viticultural area in southeastern Authority: 27 U.S.C. 205. elevation point, section 16, T5N/R3W, Pennsylvania in portions of Lehigh, Mt. George Quadrangle; then Northampton, Berks, Schuylkill, Subpart C—Approved American (9) Proceed 0.85 mile straight Carbon, and Monroe Counties. We Viticultural Areas southwest to the corner of the Napa- designate viticultural areas to allow Solano County line immediately inside vintners to better describe the origin of 2. Amend subpart C by adding their wines and to allow consumers to § 9.______ to read as follows: of the section 17 south boundary line, T5N/R3W, Mt. George Quadrangle; then better identify wines they may § 9.llllll Tulocay. (10) Proceed southwesterly for 0.7 purchase. We invite comments on this (a) Name. The name of the viticultural mile along the Napa-Solano County line proposed addition to our regulations. area described in this section is to its intersection with the 1,686-foot DATES: We must receive written ‘‘Tulocay’’. For purposes of part 4 of this elevation peak, east of Sugarloaf, section comments on or before January 8, 2007. chapter, ‘‘Tulocay’’ is a term of 20, T5N/R3W, Mt. George Quadrangle; ADDRESSES: You may send comments to viticultural significance. then any of the following addresses: (b) Approved maps. The appropriate (11) Proceed northwesterly in a • Director, Regulations and Rulings maps for determining the boundary of straight line for 2.1 miles to the 90- Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and the Tulocay viticultural area are two degree turn of Imola Avenue at the 136- Trade Bureau, Attn: Notice No. 67, P.O. VerDate Aug<31>2005 13:35 Nov 07, 2006 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\08NOP1.SGM 08NOP1 cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PROPOSALS 65438 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 216 / Wednesday, November 8, 2006 / Proposed Rules Box 14412, Washington, DC 20044– the boundaries of which have been rolling hills and a similar agricultural 4412. recognized and defined in part 9 of the climate throughout. • 202–927–8525 (facsimile). regulations. These designations allow The evidence submitted with the • [email protected] (e-mail). vintners and consumers to attribute a petition is summarized below. • http://www.ttb.gov/wine/ given quality, reputation, or other Name Evidence wine_rulemaking.shtml. An online characteristic of a wine made from comment form is posted with this notice grapes grown in an area to its The petitioner explains that Lehigh on our Web site. geographic origin. The establishment of Valley derives its name from the Lehigh • http://www.regulations.gov (Federal viticultural areas allows vintners to River, which flows through the e-rulemaking portal; follow instructions describe more accurately the origin of proposed viticultural area and into the for submitting comments). their wines to consumers and helps Delaware River at Easton, Pennsylvania. You may view copies of this notice, consumers to identify wines they may The petitioner states that the word the petition, the appropriate maps, and purchase. Establishment of a viticultural ‘‘Lehigh’’ originated with the Delaware any comments we receive about this area is neither an approval nor an Indians in the 1600s, who named the proposal by appointment at the TTB endorsement by TTB of the wine area ‘‘Lechauwekink,’’ meaning an area Information Resource Center, 1310 G produced in that area. with river forks. The petitioner notes Street, NW., Washington, DC 20220. To that through a series of translations of make an appointment, call 202–927– Requirements the original Indian name, the name 2400. You may also access copies of the Section 4.25(e)(2) of the TTB ‘‘Lehigh’’ now identifies the area. The notice and comments online at http:// regulations outlines the procedure for petitioner also notes that the ‘‘Lehigh www.ttb.gov/wine/ proposing an American viticultural area Valley’’ name applies to a much larger wine_rulemaking.shtml. and provides that any interested party area than the immediate region See the Public Participation section of may petition TTB to establish a grape- bordering the Lehigh River and is, in this notice for specific instructions and growing region as a viticultural area. fact, associated with the entire proposed requirements for submitting comments, Section 9.3(b) of the TTB regulations viticultural area. and for information on how to request requires the petition to include— The petitioner provides evidence for a public hearing. • Evidence that the proposed the use of the Lehigh or Lehigh Valley name throughout the proposed FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: N. viticultural area is locally and/or viticultural area by cities, schools, the A. Sutton, Regulations and Rulings nationally known by the name specified National Highway System, and Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and in the petition; businesses. For example, Lehigh Street Trade Bureau, 925 Lakeville St., No. • Historical or current evidence that is a major thoroughfare in the city of 158, Petaluma, CA 94952; phone 415– supports setting the boundary of the Allentown, Lehigh University is located 271–1254.
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