
R. I. JEVi!SH i-! ISTORICAI,. ASSOC. 11 209 ANGE LL ST, PROV . o, R, I • THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOL, XLVlll, NO, I FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1964 15¢ PER COPY 24 PAGES World Awaits Statement From Vatican On Catholic-Jewish Religious Relations ROME - The document on amine all observations on Chapter and warns all Catholics, lay and Catholic-Jewish relations , which Four, on Catholic Jewish relations, hierarchal, against any anti-Sem­ failed to come up for consideration and Chapter Five, on r eligious itic attitudes stemming from the at the Ecumenical Council ses sion freedom. ancient charge of deicide. last year, will be one of the sub­ The current session wlll mark In New York, Richard jects to be considered at a two­ the firs t assembly of the eight new Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop week meeting of the Vatican Sec­ members of the Secretariat elected of Boston and a leadlng liberal retariat for Chris tian Unity, which during the last days of Council last Catholic prelate, expressed con­ opened last week. year and the four new members fidence las t week that the Catholic The 30 members - bishops named by Pope Paul VI after his Church would ''eventually" adopt and cardinals - of the Secre­ r eturn from hi s pilgrimage to the the declaration. tariat, started their meeting under Hol y Land In January. He coupled his prediction with a the presidency of Augustin The Secretariat, und er call for Immediate closer relation­ Cardinal Bea, In Arlccla near Cardinal Bea' s leadership and on ships between Catholics and Jews. Rome. The general theme of the the Instructions of the late Pope The Cardlnal made his state­ session will be ecumenism. The John XXIII, prepared the draft on ment as the principal speaker at CHILD WITH ESRcx:; AND LULOV-The portrait of the child holdlng first three chapters were dis­ Catholic-Jewish ties, which ex­ the annual Brotherhood Week the Esrog and Lulov , symbols of the Jewish holiday of Succos , Is one cussed at the Ecumenical Council empts Jews from any responsi­ luncheon, conducted by the Man­ of the many, lovely oil paintings done by Rabbi Ignace Hauser of sessions. The prelates will ex- bility for the Crucifixion of Christ hattan region of the National Con­ Rochambeau Avenue. Rabbi Hauser's paintings Include many on Jewish ference of Christians and Jews subjects, his favorite theme In painting. Story on Page 9. and attended by more than 1,000 Providence Bureau Of Jewish Education guests. Leaders of the Protestant, Jewish and Greek Orthodox faith Orthodox Laymen To Hear were amoJ)g the honored person­ Gives Approval To Board Of Review ages on the dais and among the of­ flcl al participants, In addition to The Board of Directors of the confronting the Board of Review, many leading Catholics .. Dr. Weiss, Rabbi Bernhard Bureau of Jewish Education ap­ parties s hould try to settle Attempts to Wlite orthodox lay­ proved the organization of a Board problems on the local level, Deals With Schema men of Greater Providence will be of Review at Its recent meeting, through the school administrator Most of the Cardinal's address furthered at a meeting on Wednes­ It was announced by President and the School Board. dealt with the schema on religious day at Congregation Mishkon Tflloh Irving Brocisky . Before a situation ls presented liberties and Catholic-Jewish re­ at 6:30 P.M. "A Board of Review strUCture to the Board of Review both par­ lations. Cardlnal Cushing, vne of Dr. Samson R. Weiss, execu­ becomes essential," Mr. Brodsky ties to the problem will be required the prelates at the Ecumenical \ tive vice president of the Union said, "with the adoption of a Code to write the Board, requesting ad­ Cotmcil, said he hadworkedclose­ of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of Practice for school personnel. judication of the problem and lndl­ ly with Cardinal Bea, He empha­ of America. and Rabbi Norman Should problems of adjudication cating their willingness to abide sized that he was speaking "not Bernhard, dlrector of the Met­ arise which cannot be solved at the by the decision of the Board of as a commentator or bystander" ropolitan Council of Orthodox Syn­ local level, a school committee or Review. but as a Catholic Bishop. agogues, have accepted the Invita­ a teacher would have recourse to DR,Kcx:;EL HONORED "The whole world Is eager for tion of Archie Smith, Providence the Board of Review to deal with NEW YORK Dr. Marcus a statement such as this, as well attorney, to address the gathering. the problem objectively and ju­ D. Kogel , dean of the Albert Ein­ as for the one on freed om of con­ Regarded as one of the leading diciously.'' stein College of Medicine of science, The voice of the Church Ideologists and spokesmen of or­ A panel of 12 commwtlty lead­ Yeshiva University, was honored on religious liberty and our re­ thodox Judaism, Dr. Weiss was ers will be elected to the Board by the Society of Founders of the lations to the Jewish people Is born and educated In Europe and of Review this year at the annual college on the occasion of his 10th awaited In Wliversltles, In national received his rabbinical dlploma meeting - slx for one-year terms anniversary as head of the medical and International organizations, In from the famous Yeshlvah of Mir. and six for two years. Each suc­ Institution. Dr. Kogel was cited for Christian commwtlties, In the In addition to his many contribu­ ceeding year, six persons will be his "deep concern with humanity, press and elsewhere, and It Is tions to the Jewish commwtlty, he elected for two-year terms. his creative and courageous lead­ being awaited with urgent expect­ established the Young Israel In­ Through the organization of a ership In public health and his ancy. I am convinced we shall not stitute of Jewish Studies which Board of Review, the Greater tmmatched skill in medical ad­ be disappointed," the Cardinal de­ developed Into the largest Jewish synagogue at 5:30 P .M. for even­ Providence Jewish community ministration." clared. adult school In this country. Ing prayers. Rabbi and Mrs, Joins many other Jewish commun­ The group will meet at the BIBLE CONTEST WINNERS-Top winners In Sunday's Rhode Island Emanuel Lazar will give a col­ ities throughout the country who Bible Contest held at the Temple Emanu-EI auditorium were, front PLANS ANNOUNCED lation In honor of their son, David have established responsible row, left to right: Sally Wiesel of the Cranston Jewish Center, First; NEW YORK - Plans for the I. Lazar, who will be graduated machinery for stabilizing rel atlon­ Paul Gurwitz of Temple Emanu-EI, Fourth; Steven Blazer of Temple construction of a $35,000,000 from Yeshiva University. shlps between teaching personnel Emanu-El, Third; and Roberta Fain of the Cranston Jewish Center, building to house a new medical The meeting of orthodox lay­ and schools. Second, Pictured In the back row are, left to right: Irving Brodsky, school were announced here by men will start at 6:30 P ,M. The The Board of Directors said, president of the Bureau of Jewish Education; Rabbi Abraham M, Chill Mount Sinai Hospital and the Fed­ talks by Dr. Weiss and Rabbi however, that the Board of Review and Rabbi Robert Layman, Judges: Rabbi Ell A. Bohnen, qulzmaster; eration of Jewish Philanthropies Bernhard wlll be completed by should be the last step In the ad­ Rabbi Saul Leeman, program chairman, and Dr. Harry Elkin, executive of New York. 8:30 P.M. judication of grievances. Prior to director of the Bureau of Jewish Education. (Fred Kelman Photo) Columnists Leonard Lyons - Sylvia Porter Barney Glazer Classified Page 18 Crossword Page 20 In The Herald's Magazine Section An Artist For .Over 60 Years . Poge 9 A Visi to r To Rh cde lslo nd Page 9 For Teen - Agers Pages l 0, l 1, l 2 lro Zucke rman, Director Page 14 Columnists Geraldine R. Foster - Be,yl Segal Herman Goldberg - Jeffrey Berger . N KENNEDY PUND ; I MRS, DA YID LASH \ NEW YORK - Plans for a $100,000 John P. Kennedy Me- i -:. • _ mortal Scholarship Fund were -~ _ ~~l·t~7:·u -00-?0~H~OO OOOOI Funeral services for Mrs. d I ' 1J111ounc:ed !')' Pi_oneer Women, the 1 Florence (Levin) Lash, 64, of 275 i... UNWANTED Women's Labor Zionist Organize- ' Harvard Street, Pall River, Mau., ,.; don of America. 1 who died Monday In Miami Beach, HAIR REMOVED ~~..rt,..~~~... ,..,X,.~"'f)(~~~ Fla., were held Tuesday at Temple :c u PERMANENTLY Warwick School Of HYMAN ABRAMS two daughters, Mrs. Harry Schick Beth El In Fall River. The wife of David Lash, she NI .., Mary aod 1- Celo.. Funeral services for Hyman of Brooklyn, N.Y ., and Mrs. Carl .... llectrel.. i1t1 Abrams, 85, of 99 Hillside Avenue, Jacobs ol Providence: two was born in Philadelphia, Pa., the ~ Music and Dancing daughter of the late Nathan and OFFICES IN NO. PROV. Private or group lessons wbo died Feb. 29 after an Illness brothers, Marty and Joe Werth, > of six weeks, were held on Sunday both of New York City; six grand- Nellie (Cohen) Levin. She bad re­ g 206 Lexingto·n Ave., El 3-3532 Enroll Now! at the Max Sugarman Memorial children, and 13 great-grandchlld- sided In Fall River for the last CALL ST 1-922S 6 Waterman Ave., CE 1-9762 Chapel. Burial was in Uncoln ren. 45 years. f Park Cemetery. Mrs. Lash was a member of Mr. Abrams was thehusbandof JULRJS A.
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