' T ' / l e A / HAMILTON SMITH LIBRARY ■ H UNIVERSITY OF __ NEW HAMPSHIRE * \ * v l u 1 f t t r e Volume 23. Issue 26. DURHAM, N. H., MAY 11, 1933. Price Ten Cents 250 SCHOOLBOYS College Students Suffer From DR. H. L. SLOBIN Prussian Professor Comments on BOSTON GLOBE ENGAGE IN MEET Serious Diminutive Difficulties ANNOUNCES 53 Our Attitude of Anti-Hitlerism PRINTS ARTICLE LAST WEEK-END by James G. Burch GRAD. DEGREES • Charles N. Elliott, National Presi­ hand. In factories, in offices, and on “ From ten to fifteen per cent, o f . of such a shortcoming, and, indeed, in dent of Phi Mu Delta fraternity, and farms we were not only your guests BY PROF. YALE our college students suffer from emo- large measure without any apprecia- instructor of sociology in the Univer­ but worked side by side with Ameri­ Manchester Central Wins tional or personal difficulties sufficient- tion that such is the fact.” Largest Number Given Since sity recently received a letter from cans and gathered valuable experience Dr. Ing. Walter Ostmann of the As­ which we hoped to apply on our re­ World in Search of Medium State High School Cup— ly serious to diminish very much their Such information would be duly Organization of School effectiveness and their happiness, and impressive even in normal times, but sociation of Former Work-Students in turn in our own country in profession­ of Exchange Subject of Tilton and St. John’s certainly very much to lessen the in the present period of great change in 1928— Work is America, of Murberg, Germany, who al, academic, agricultural, and busi commented on the reception that anti- Article Published in Also Win benefits which the college experience these facts assume a proportionately ness life. The Ford and Chevrolet, is designed to confer.” greater significance. For it cannot Extensive Hitlerite propaganda has met with in Swift’s, International Harvester, and America. April 29th Globe The above statement was made by reasonably be doubted but that the U. S. Steel plants, Commonwealth SOUTH PORTLAND President Angell of Yale in a recent strains and stresses of our now The letter, accompanied by a pam­ Edison Company—these were only a FIFTEEN COLLEGES phlet concerning the averred Hitler­ few of the American Industries which HOLDS TO TITLE address delivered on the occasion of chameleon-like world have their ef- WORLD ECONOMIC the twenty-fifth anniversary of the feet upon the student mind, REPRESENTED HERE ite atrocities in Germany, is printed we came to know. Whether on a below. CONFERENCE VITAL founding of the first mental-hygiene As President Angell intimates, the small farm in Wisconsin or on a large- Tournament Records Broken unit in the city of New Haven, student directly previous to our new April 4, 1933 scale dairy farm in California— every­ Connecticut. The occasion was fully age was enabled to spend four years Theses of Heterogeneous 197 Roederbergweg where we enjoyed our stay. In Discuss and Shot Put Murberg, Germany Society Doomed if Leaders reported in the New York Times on in a certain amount of academic soli- Character Present The benefits of our stay were not by Geniawicz of May 7th. tude and then to breast the turbulence Dear Mr. Elliott: only personal. We gained a true pic­ Insist on Turning to “ Such percentages are by no means of the outer world, diploma in hand Wide Scope I am sending you the following ture of America and of Americans, National Hatred and Clark School negligible— and some observers would But it now appears to be evident that pamphlet about conditions in Gerr which is quite different from that we put the figure very much higher,” he the problems which the student must Dr. H. L. Slobin has announced many and beg you to read it carefully carried with us from abroad—a pic­ Bigotry Says Yale Forty-six high and preparatory said. face after graduation are occupying that the Graduate School of the Uni­ and believe it. We former American ture gained from the newspapers schools competed in four classes on “Whatever the exactly correct per- an increasingly larger share of his versity of New Hampshire will ten­ Work-students, as well as you, had where only the sensational is of in­ terest. From coast to coast we met “ The World in Search of a Medium Memorial Field last Saturday with centage is in any given institution, pre-coronation days. Naturally, this der fifty-three Master’s degrees this the opportunity to study foreign coun­ of Exchange” is the title of an article Tilton School, St. John’s Prep., Man­ not the least serious aspect of the mat- tends to produce a greater-than-ordi- June, the largest number that has tries first hand and I guess it ought real Americans and found among stu­ dents, farmers, workers, factory su­ by Prof. Wm. Yale appearing in the chester Central, and South Portland ter is in the post-college experience, nary strain upon the student mental- been given since the organization of to be our duty to stop building walls perintendents, office managers, and ex­ Boston Globe of April 29. the winners of the 21st annual track For, to send men out into the world ity, which, it is reasonable to assume the school in 1928. between the American and German The article takes up the economic and field meet sponsored by the Uni­ in any appreciable numbers, ostensibly aggravates the condition of which Twelve Master of Arts degrees will peoples, against our better judgment. ecutives of our firms generous patrons and friends. situation before the World War and versity. For the second successive trained for responsible positions in President Angell speaks, be presented; three for work in the I would personally appreciate it very analyzes the events leading up to the year Ernie Werner was in charge life, when they actually suffer from In conclusion, he states that “ the English department, one in History, much if you could do something to We left America full of apprecia­ tion, and defended and explained to present time. It starts with the world cooperating with Coach Paul Sweet serious defects of emotional equilibri- college must seek the most intelligent seven in French, and one in Educa­ help your people know the truth. on a solid financial standard based on Anthony Geniawicz of Clark School um and character, such as are prac- and devoted expert service which it tion. Nineteen Master of Science de­ Sincerely yours, our countrymen the ideals that Am­ erica really stands for and tried to Sterling, a universal currency which was the outstanding performer, tak­ tically certain largely to cripple their can command for its students in the grees are to be given, of which two WALTER OSTMANN. enabled the world to act as an eco­ ing three first places and breaking success, is to fall short of meeting the development of sane and sound per- are in Agricultural and Biological picture America to them as it really TO OUR AMERICAN FRIENDS: is. We returned to a country torn nomic unit, although it was divided two tournament records. reasonable obligations of the college, sonality; but the university must Chemistry, five are in Chemistry j one into many political groups. In the in-state preparatory school We German Work Students have re­ by internal political strife and facing both to the individual student and to strive to mobilize all its scientific re­ in Entomology, four in Mathematics, In 1933 we no longer have the same class, Tilton won without the slight­ economic disaster. society itself. sources to lay bare the causative con two in Sociology, and five in Zoology. turned but a short time ago from sterling standard that existed in 1914. est trouble from New Hampton, Clark your country. For varying periods of We have not fanatically partici­ “ And yet, that is exactly what ditions of psychic disease, and to dis- Of the twenty-two students to re­ The various currencies of the world and Austin-Cate. Geniawicz, repre­ pated in German politics because our many colleges, perhaps most of them, cover the preventive and remedial ceive the degree of Master of Edu­ time we had the opportunity to study are on no common basis, and con­ senting the Clark School, won the stay in America, supplemented by are actually doing. Needless to say, measures required for the protection cation, thirteen are at present carry­ American methods in industry and tinually fluctuate in relation to other hammer throw, discus throw, and agriculture and to see America first­ # (Continued on Page 2) this is quite without any desire on of society and the individual against ing on the required work in the Uni­ money standards. The depression is shot put, breaking the inter-scholastic the part of the college to be guilty its ravages.” versity, and nine have completed the records in the latter two events. His in part a result of this loss of an in­ requirements in the past school ses­ ternational economic system. toss of 145 feet, six inches in the sion and will come up for degree pres­ discus establishes him as one of the Inflation is a direct result of the entation in June. OSGOOD GIVES NEW HAMPSHIRE upheaval in the industrial world dur­ best men in that event in the East. According to Dr. Slobin, the re­ Manchester Central won the state SYLVIA SIDNEY JUSTINE LOUGEE ing the war. This inflation, however, quirements for a Master’s degree at was not uniform in the different polit­ high school class with 64 point, Nash­ the University of New Hampshire are APPOINTS EDITORS ua placing second with 33.
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