
6052 CONGRESSIONAL. REOORD..-SE·NATE }fARCll 23 By 1\Ir. 1\iORGAN: A. hill (H. R.. 10!380) granting an increase the passage of compul-sory Sun(lay observance legislation in t11e of vem;ion to Lem.ial S. Da rr ; to the Committee on Pension.~. District of Columbia; to the Committee on the. District of Co­ .Also, a bill (H. R. 10581) to reirubtuse J-ame::; F. Wi.llia.ms lumbia . for plly::;kal disabilities su~tained while car.rying the United 138G. By 1\Ir. KNUTSON: Petition of \Vm. J. Kleve, of ]free­ States mail; to the Committee on Clai.m~- port, Minn., and other~, expressing OJ.1position to tbe Curtis­ By Ux. PA.'£TERSON: .A. bill (H. R. 10582) to remove charge Reed bill; to the Committee on Education. of desertion fr<,m the record of Henry Kohlmeyer ; to the Ooru­ 1387. By Mr. LEAVITT: Resolution of Butte Exchange Club mittce on 1\Iilitary .Affairs. of Butte, 1\iont., favoring eontinuance of the provision:-; of the By Mr. ROllSION of Kentucky: A bill (H. R. 10583) grant­ Sheppard-Towner maternity act; to the Committee on Inter­ ing an luerea~e of pension to Loucasy Kerby; to the Committee state and Foreign Commeree. on Iuvalid Pem:ions. 1388. By l\lr. MANLOVE: Petition of 104 citizens of Car­ By l\Ir. S-TRONG of Kansas: A. bill (H. R. 10584) granting thage, Jasper County, Mo., against compulsory Sunday observ­ an increase of pension to l\Iinnie E. Harris ; to the Committee ance; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. on Invalid Pensions. 1389. By Mr. MORROW: Petition of Men's Bible Class, 1\Ictho­ By :!\lr. Sl!M::\lERS of Washington: A bi:ll (H. R. 10585) dist Episcopal Church, Al!Juquerq_ue, N. 1\[ex., pt·otesting against granting a pension to John English; to the Committee on In­ modification of the Volstead Ad; to the Committee on the va1id Pensions. Judidary. By )Jr. SWANK: A bill (H. R. 10586) for the relief of John 1300. By :Mr. O'CONNOR of New York: Petition of Hon. E. Lamar; to the Committee on Military Affail·s. Alfred E. Smith, Governor of the State of New York, urging the By Mr. THO~IPSON: A bill (II. R. 10587) granting a pen­ building of the all-..tl.rneriean eanal; to the Committee on Rivers sion~ to Oscar Drn:;ter; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and Harhors. lly 1\ir. TILSON: A. bill (H. R. 10588) granting an increaHe 13Dl. By l\lr. O'CO:\l"NELL of New York: Petition of the Na­ .of pension to :Margaret Harwood; to the Committee on Invalid tional Committee of One Hundred, to retard the extermination Pensions. of American game birus and to oppose wasteful killing, fav.<>r­ lly Mr. TREA.DWAY : A bill (H. R. lOGS!)) gran tin~ an in­ ing the pas~age of Senate bill 3580 and House !Jill 10433 ; to the crea!=:e of pen~ion to Emily L. Parker; to the Committee on Committee on Agriculture. Invalid Penf'ionR. !892. Also, petition of Albert Corbett, of Salem, N. Y., and By M1. UNDERWOOD: A bill (H. R. 10500) granting nn I1ouis F. Dow, of Ballston Spa, N. Y., favoring increases of increase of pem;ion to 1\iartha Frances Brown ; to the Commit­ pensions to the Civil War veterans; to the Committee on Invalid tee on Invalid Pensions. Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 10'591) granting an increase of pension to 1393. Also, petition of tile U. Grant Border's Sons,. of New Margaret R. P. Newell; to the OommHtee on Invalid Pensions. York City, favoring the passage of Rouse bill 6400; to tho Also, a bill (H. n. 105:)2) granting an increase of pension to Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Su:-mnna Countryman : to the Committee on Invalid PensionR. 1394. Also, petiUon of the :iUorgan County farmers and hus1- Also, a bill (H. R. 10593) granting an increase of pension to ness men of Martinsville, Iml, favoring the passage of the Eunice Higxins; to the Committee on Invalid Pension:". Dickinson export corporation bill; to the Committee on Agri­ Ry Mr. W"GRZBACH: A bill (H. R. 10504) granting a pen­ culture. sion to Lydia Robinson; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. J 395. By Mr. SMITH: Petition of 172 women of southern Idailo, urging the stricte..,t enforcement of the prohibition law; PETITIONS, ETC. to the Committee on the Judiciary. 139G. By 1t1r. TILSON: Petition of E. A. Ross a.nd other· Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid offic"eholders and citizens of I1owndes Oounty, Miss., intlorsi11g on tlle Clerk's desk and referlled as follows : House bill 8132 ; to the Committee on Pensions. 1375. By 1\Ir. BACH.dANN: Petition of Mr. Ernest K. Hoge 1397. Also, petition of Arcemus Carter, ~:arrant officQr, \V. and other citizens of Ohio County, Va., for the passage of United States .Army, Atlanta, Go., favoring pa::;~age of House House bill 11; to the Committee on Inter state and Foreign bill 9512; to the Committee on Military .Affairs. Uommerce. 1398. Dy Mr. '\VUHZBACH: Petition of ~1r. Mack .Johnson 1376. Also, petition of Mrs. Fannie E. Hood and other citizens and other citizens of San Antonio, Tex., protesting again::;t tbe or Marion aud Hancock Counties, \V. Va., against compulsory passage of House bills 7179 and 7822 (compulsory Sunday ob­ Sunday observance; to the Committee on the District of servance bills) ; to tho Committee on tile District of Columbia. Columbia. 1300. By 1\1r. YATES: Petition of the Licensed Tugmen's 1-:nr. Al'><>, petition of Thoss Beven and other citizens of Ohio Proteetive .Association of America, roo:m 32!), Bush 'l'cmple, County, W. Va., to restore to Eugene V. Debs his full rights as Chicago, IlL, urging passage of House bill 9498, introduceu by a citizen of the Untted States; to the Committee on the Judi­ l\1r. GRAHAM, of Pennsylvania, providing. compensation for clnry. longshoremen and har~>r workers injured while working 1378. By Mr. BLOOl\f: Petition of Red Oak Social Club, of aboard ship; to tb.e CommittQe on the Judiciary. Flatlands Bay, N. Y., opposed to closing the ways leading from 1400. Also, petition of Chicago Post Office Clerks' "Gniol'!, Flatlands to Rockaway Inlet and the ocean; to the Committee No. 1, National Federation of Post Office Clerks, urging the on Rivers and Harbors. passage of tlle Lehlbuch-Stanfield retirement bill; to the Com­ 1379. By l\1r. BURTON: Petition of the Cleveland Associ­ mittee on the Civil Service. ation of Credit 1\Ien, Cleveland, Ohio, favoring the adoption of 14.01. Also, petition of citizens of Brookport, Ill., by 1\Ir. proposed legislation for increasing the sal-aries of Federal Ellis Croaeh, requeHting the pa:)sage of Hon e !Jill 8132 and judges; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Eenate bill 3301, for Spanish-A.meriean ·war veterans; to the 1380. .Also, petition of the Minister's Union of Cle\eland, Committee on Pensions. Ohlo, protesting against the weakening of the Volstead act and asking for the strengthening thereof and for more determined enforcement of all laws; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1381. By :Mr. EY Al~S: Petition of Chamber of Commerce ·of SENATE Bozeman, l\Iont., favoring the enlargement of Yellowstone Park; TUESDAY, March 23, 192(] to the Committee on the Public Land8. 1382. By 1\Ir. FENN: Petition of the Bridgeport Chapter of (Lc-yir:;lative day of Saturday, Jfaroh 20, 1926) the Connecticut Branch of the Polish Welfare Council of Amer­ The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock meddian, on the expira­ ica, protesting against the passage of House bill 102, a !Jill tion of the recess. providing for the registration of aliens, and for other purposes; l\Ir. JONES of Washington. Mr. President, I suggest the to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. absence of a quorum. 1383. By Mr. GALLIVAN: Petition of Mr. Joseph F. Conley, The YICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the rolL secretary Boston District Council, International Longshore­ The legislative clerk called the roll, and the fo1lowing Sen­ men's Association, 151 Hamilton Street, Cambridge, :Mass., recommending early and favorable consideration of House bill ators answered to their names: 9408; Ashurst Capper Ferris H:u:relu to the Committee on the JUdiciary. Bayard Caraway Fesi! Harri~ 1384. By 1\fi·. GREJEJN of Iowa: Petition of H. Chrlsten­ Bhlgbam Copeland Flotcher BarriHOU sen and otllers in opposition to House bills 7179 and 7822, HI ease Couzens l1'rnzicr Howell Borllh Curtis (jeorge .Johnson commonly known as the compulRory Sunday observance bills Bratton Dale Glllett .Jones, Wash. for the District of Columbia; to the Committee on the Dis­ Brookhart Deneen GlaRS Kendrick trice of Columbia. Broussard J;;(Jge Goff KPycs Rr11ce I•;uwards Goo1ling King 1385. By 1\lr. HOOPER: Petition of Martha Twichell and Butler J•;ms t f~rccne La lt'oUette 11 other residents of Eaton Rapids, Mich., protesting against Cameron lfei'nald Hale Ltnroot 1926 CONGRESSIONAL l{ECORD-SENATE 6053 McKellnr Ny<' Sl ttcl.:ctt Trnmmcn Mr. ST:ANJ.r"IEL:r>, from the Committee on PuiJlic Lands anu :McKinley; Oddle Sherpard T~~~on McLean Ove~:man l:'bi[)"Rtcn<l ·wadsworth Surveys, to which was ref-ened tlle blll (H. R o2·12) to reveal 1\IcNar:v l'eppct· Slwctri<lgc WHislt the act approved January 27, 1922, providing for change- ot 1\fuyfichl Phipps Himmons '\'arren entry, and for othrr purposes, reported it with an amendment MealUI l:'ine Smith "'atson Mct cal·f Pittman Smoot Weller aud submitted a report (No.
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