mv t THIS ISSUE • IN THIS ISSUE I , Father Is Heard In Sacred Heart H. a Girti • World-Wide Broad Win DefcsUag Champé— "ting from Ih« ship of Diocese fro* Hai? THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Bceary H. 8. Founded in 1844 by Rt. Re v. Michail O'Connor, Firat Bithop of Pittsburgh Diocete r-EIGHTH YEAR PITTSBURGH, MAY 21, 1931 Na. Ii \ncyclical To Aim Diocesan Scholarship Exams Will Preside J Sacred Heart Girl OF POPENS ADDRESS To encourage vocations to the Pastors, the certification of their priesthood among the youth of the schools, and their last year'« report Diocese, ami to provide for the edu- card. } Msgr. Spellman Speaks On ; cation of boys who wish to become Debaters Winneri Applicants for all other cia-<es Radio in English After Holy priests but who are unable to meet must undergo examination. Those Father Concludes the expenses of the preparatory wishing to enter 11 tliirh will I«- training for the Seminary, the Right examined in the work of the l-ir-t Says Pope On RadioVATICAN CITY. May 15.— Reverend Bishop has autljprized the I Year High; candidates for the III lit Rev. Msgr. Franrui J Spell- i High, on the work of the Second Of Judge Egan Cup man of Whilnuiti, Mil*»., who Synodal Board to offer a number of ¡Year High, etc. Candidates for col- sjiohe on the radio after Pope scholarship« and half scholarships to j lege will be examined in High School •m b0 Addresses 10,000 Pius today, pave the fallowing deserving young men. I subjects: for Philosophy, in Latin, Capacity Audience AttwA rename of the encyclical on In- Hoys of respectable parentage Greek, Modern History, and English e id. ||gfc«rs in Vatican Court ] bor which is soon to tie issued who, in the judgment of their pas- I Literature; for Theology in I'hiloso- Final Contest far Diae» Dies by the Pontiff: tors, show signs of priestly voca- I phy. EDITOR EXPLAINS irtio- -e of grf Caantless Thousands tions and who have successfully All candidates mu-t send their ap- esan Forensic Leaf Ma Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, completai the studies of the eighth | plication!, and testimonials to the a te- if Others Listening In on in his discourse said that, inherit- grade, will be eligible for those Secretary of the Examining Board, ATHEIST'S ESSAY Championship, Jadfai rn in | ing from his great, predecessor. Pope scholarships. •ev. M. P. Boyle 30» Brilliant a\e- a tío« ^la—Stresses Need of Leo XIII, a special fatherly inter- To determine the candidates to he noe, Sharpsburg Branch, Pittsburgh, Deckfinf by Twa la Oil col. est in the welfare of the laboring selected, examinations will he held Pa., on or before June 11, 1!)31. Ap- i Saya No Inault Waa Intended Jglice as Remedy for classes, he was not content with a by the Synodal Board in Duquesne plication« received after that date To Delegate* Attending in Favor ai Sacred Heart | simple commemoration of the forti- 1'niversit^ Pittsburgh, Pa., on will not be considered. ¿•itions. eth anniversary of the publication Thursday] June 11, 1931, at 10 Catholic Maat Hora Girl» Over Holy Raeavy » ti» o'clock, a. m., daylight, saving time. Application forms may be oh of Pope Leo's encyclical "Rerum tained by writing to the Secretary •tuai In a recent issue of Th* Pitts- Girl»—Cap is Presented VHkan City, May 15.—Pope Pius ! Novarum." Roys who have successfully com- at the above address. nkfltdiii address which was re- He decided to make observance of burgh Catholic, this paper noted the ! [¡¡¿Ipft throughout the Unite») this anniversary the occasion of the pleted the studies of the eighth The Reverend Pastors are respect- fact that the magazine. The Scho- ta Winners by Donor- t fa« EJ^today, promised the ('at hoi ic- announcement of the proximate pub- grade are exempt from these exami- ! fully requested to announce the fore- lastic, printed and edited in Pitts- j -ri ne ily that he would issue in about lication of a new encyclical on this nations. However, they must make ] going to their congregations. burgh, had been recommended to Judge A. B. Reid Pro- J the delegates attending the twelfth a pronouncement on labor j same subject. In this new papal application in the proper form, and THE SYNODAL BOAIil) OF sides. to elevate the workman's document His Holiness will explain annual convention of the Catholic accompany their applications with EXAMINERS, TO CONVENE HERE Educational Association of Penn- we« ; to the members of the Church and The Sacred Heart Girls' High will indicate to the world at large the written recommendations of their (Rev.) M. P. Boyle, retarv. sylvania, held in the Catholic Boys' fH Pontiff's address commemo- Yearly Rally of Young Mission' High school, Fifth avenue, and that i School debating team, champions of th* fortieth anniversary of the i an ample program which still re- the Diocesan Forensic League Me. % ; mains to be accomplished before the the magazine in question was given [ Sjf «cyclical "Rerum Novarum" Workers Opens on Monday prominent spare in a display booth won the diocesan championship last ¿eo XIII, and Pius' new courageous and splendid initiatives Sunday afternoon when they *fM> With Solem_ n Mass at the convention. The following' ement will be issued in the of Pope Leo XIII can be said to week, The Scholastic contained a ed the Holy Rosary Gins' Higk a lo»C encyclical entitled I have completely attained their frui- prize essay, "God Dies," which was School team, champions of LeagSf | tion. GANGRENE IS FATAL E The annual rilly of the Pitts-! limo Anno" ("In the For- burgh Local Conference of the j a student's championing of the No. 1, in the finals held before aa a»- ir"). Encyclical Outlined I Catholic Students' Mission Crusade cause of atheism. dience that completely filled the spa* lasting for the first time in In anticipation of the publication 'will be held nsat Monday, May 25, The Rev. Dr. Paul E. Campbell, cious auditorium and galleriee of the ,fcrn tongues of Italian, of this new encyclical, the Holy Fa- AT superintendent of ^rish schools for Catholic Boys' High School, Fifth TO ER. FERDINAND: I with religious, business and social avenue. ,« , gad German successively, the ther has given an outline of its con- events occupying morning, after- the Pittsburgh diocese and who, at| «bo spoke over the Vatican | tents to those of his children who Benedictine Priest Succumba. Every Parish In Butler County i noon and evening, respectively. The the time of the convention was pres- The girls comprising the winning > station HVJ, said that the i from all parts of the world .have ¡ Rally will be attended by repre- ident of the stste association, then team were the II usee Alice DehaeiC world must be reorganized | come to Rome in pilgrimage on this In Hospital Following i Is Represented With Over sentatives of all the units of the sent a letter of apology to all dele- Ruth Ann Roberts haw and Rath ^..S justice for the working- occasion to gather together in the Amputation of Leg J 340 Men Present : Pittsburgh Conference, and will be gates who attended the convention Madden, while the Holy Rosary girls _ sad laid great str.ss upon ! home of the Father of all the faith- and who saw or heard his approval were Helena Murray, Anna LaBrune (Cllnodinst Studio» the closing function of the current acids which he «aid would ex' ful, which is also their home, tor Butler, Pa., May IS.—The largest C. S. M C. year. of The Scholastic. and Kathleen Healy. m the meaning of the entire doc- | The Rev. Ferdinand Hartung, Justin McGrath, organizer and for I the Father's home is always the : and most enthusiastic Retreat Very Rev. J. J. Callahan, C.S^p., The Rev. Brother Azarias. F.S.C., The winners were presented with s®t—*prayer, action, sacrifice." O.S.B., of St. Vincent Archabbey, the Judge Egan Cup, emblematic ef eleven years director of the N. C. home of his children. League dinner ever held in this sec- president of Duquesne University, vice principal of the Catholic Boys' JHlfn 16,000 Workers These pilgrims are representa- | was laid to rest in the Archabbey High school and who was elected sec- the diocesan championship, follow- W. C. News Servier, who has just tion of the diocese Ux5k place last will celebrate the Solemn High Mass f»B the papal throne and under tives both of laborers and of cap- plot at two o'clock, Monday after- j in St. Paul's Cathedral at 10 o'clock retary of the State association at|in g the announcement of the judged night in the basement of St- Paul's decision by Judge John F. Ega% I pat canopy in the courtyard of died. tains of industry, and by their pres- noon. Office of the Dead was chanted church when over 340 men, repre- ¡on Monday morning, opening the the convention her«, then wrote a Damaso, the Pope addressed di- ence they indicate the gratitude of letter to the editor of The Scholas- donor of the cup. in St. Mary's church, Pressley senting all the 21 parishes of But- > rally day. Rev. Eugene McGuigan, grfh 10,000 Catholic workers who both laborers and employers to the ler county, gathered to hear noted formerly of the faculty of Duquesne tic concerning the "God Dies" es- The judges, who decided by a S- bareheaded in a scene which vicar of Christ for enunciation of street, North Side, immediately be- diocesan speakers praise the retreat j University, will deliver the sermon say, which brought the following to-i vote in favor of the Sacrai " hriUant with the banners of I those principles, the observance of fore the Solemn Mass of Requiem movement and to urge their hearers , on the occasion.
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