. ; "--:O ·s -·.; •-·••••I'" ---r~....,..--_....-. •'~•••'< _.,,,... • •••••••1'~~•.,••"-•- ...••..,_..,.. -- . .,, ~ F-riiiav. Sentember 8. 1961 THE ISRAELITE PRESS New Year Edition-Page 39 n , n • A 4 4 4 I 4 4' 4 A Vet')' Joyous !'iew Year 10 All Our Jewish nicnds and P.it.r>JllS FABULOUS. ;. ART . COLLECTIONS,:. ., . MILLION· DOLLAR MUSEUM CONTRIBUTED· TO. ISRAEL IN 5721 · e-, MELVIN FENSON Bronfman's seventieth birthday. •· . -Of Sam. and Ayala Zacks of Toronto, one of Canada's greatest collec- ! EDMONTON T . ··. In Tele Aviv, Canada's industrial wonder boy Samuel Dubiner, tions, may· yet end up in Israel Zacks. former national president of ! HE yur 5721 lust fflded has produced many great news stones in one-tim~ · Toronto Revisionist leader. opened Gallerie Israel in Feb- the Zionist Organization of Canada. was featured in the nine-page ! PHOJO·SUPPLY Jewish life. Few may· be of as much lasting cultural value as !,he ~ll!Y• mtending to hel~ make Israel the "art centre of the world." . 'conversation• with art reporter Lawrence ~bbath iJ? a recent issue ) great gifts in the field of art that have been made to Israel d~g Hiril?g a fellow Caoa<fi•m, Barry Kannerman, as gallery director, of. Cancdian Art. Asked what the future of his collection _would be, ~e • Loms RUDOLPH recent weeks •.• and no CO\·erage of the story of Israel and Art_ m Dubmer has already commenced work on one art film, and plans to replied: "In Tel Aviv we have a house of our own cll01ce, which JS: 5721 could be complete without reference to three notable Canadian publish a series of art folios and volumes on Israel artists. · Anyone built like a small art gallery, and we have many beautiful things there. i PHOTO SUPPL1ES development.& during the past year. who is acquainted with the manifold industrial enterprises Dubin.er We're also hoping to go ahead witJl, the Chamr Museum for Archaeol• ; Heading the list is the gift, by the children of ~uel Bron_f~n, launched in Israel ••• including pencils,. cartons, aluminum and plastic otP.: which ~ be built near th_e site of King Solomon's Temple. and ,· DELIVERY SERVICE of ,1 000 000 to built the Samuel Bronfman Archaeological and Biblical plants •.• can expect novel .and. sensational developments in his new will house part of the excavation found on· the spot." Part of the 1 Phone GA 2-2352 Museum in Jerusalem. ·Planned as part of the vast museum-art gallery chosen field. He had previously donated hi s fabulous collection of Zacks' collection is currently on display in Haifa. ;1 complex to be erected adjacent to the Hebrew University, overlaoking African primitive art to Jerusalem's Bezalel Museum. The Zacks' collection, should it find a ~ermanent home in Israel, i PERSONAL SERVICE the 6th centuiy Monastery of the Cross, the Samuel Bronfman Museum The third great Canada-Israel art tie, not yet firmly established as would bring with it a. fabulous selection mcluding works by Gris, , gift was announced in ?tlonlreal last March on the occasion of Mr. an outright gift, is the intimation that the greijt private art collection Braque, Leger, Lipcbitz, Roualt.-Picasso, ·Dufy, C:hagau, S?utine, Gau~ · ·- - --· • ·· ...... --..··--·---- .......... ------- - . : and Matisse (draWUlgs), and llf1ro. · Our A' In 'addition, the Zacks collectionof . 10041 · 101A AVE. Host Cordial New Year Greetings to All ·Friends and Clients · I R.. o· y· 1·v co.1talns a large number Cana- I 0 · dian works, but i;tudiously avoids! (3 dooni East of Purple Lantern} Best Wishes lhe 'Group of Seven.• j Edmonton Alberta (Contlnutcl ftorn Pf!J• 4) The ml hHdllM news in the 1 DAVID. HALPERN,, C.A. as well as lhe exploltatfon of natu.- field has been, of course, Billy Rose' for CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT raI resources in lhe Negev." two recent announcements of the ___________ The investment appeUle of the gift of hundreds of original plaster .----------..... TELEPHONE GA 2-4376 ,audience was whetted by the &peak- casta of the major works of Sir Every Happiness er'.s account of the successful case Jacob Epstein and of Jacques IJp- OUR BF.ST WISHES FOR A 605 hnperial B1nlr Bti1tdin9 historie:i of these projects, and by nchiflt to the Jerusalem Museum of on Every New Day Edmonton. Alt.. his announcement of progress to Art. · • VERY HAPPY AND JOYOUS · date in underwriting almost half To mark fhi. ,vtnt, this New Year NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR the. $5,000,000 c.apJtallzatlon of the ediUon of The lsrHII,_ Pren car- of Joyous Ntw Veer G... t11191 to All Our Jtwllh Friends Canada Israel Development Corpo.r- ries a group of illustrations of FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ation, headed by Samuel Bronfman. works by IJpchUz, one group work This New Year (Later Wednesday evening 11.k. Har- b,- Sir .Jacob J.l.ipateln, two paintings ris met a group of Winnipeg bust• by the famed Parisian Jewilh artist GREENE & MILLAR ness leadera at a gathering at the Mane Kati, . and 10me Interesting . M E N . Ref l A ~· HOUSE SPECIALISTS · PROPERTY MANAGEMENT home of Samuel N. Cohen, conven- and contr~ example, of .Blbll­ ed by Moms Neaman, and dedicat- cal· themes· aa treated by the Clln• . · IN... · · Palm Dairies Limited ln,uranc:e • All Branches • Rffl Estate Lo.ns · ' ed to matteni affecting Winnipeg temporary Montreal painter Ghlt­ 211d Floor participatfon in this corporation). ta Gaisennan, and others by Rem­ 200 T•9ler Bldg. Phone GA 2•7181 Unden.cortng the t>ttullar attrac- brandtj and ·a Flemlah contemgor-. Edmonton, Alta. Uon llirael and her development ary pf hi,- BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND CONTENTED NEW YEAR TO ALL 'juttl'(~ must hold for Canadians, he stated: Th• original am, Rose plan to ' . OUR JEWISH PATRONS AND FRlENDS IN EDMONTON "The progress only' ind.lc.at~s locate his million dollar private SLACKS·. AND THROUGHOUT WFm.'ERN CANADA OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR. A HAPPY NEW YEAR more and more what the Israelis sculpture collection In Jerusalem TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES have been telling the world for created a furor of protest among some time. Il!r&el needs peace; Is· the city's orthodox elements, who rael needs calm; Israel needs quiet cited the traditional Jewish injunc­ H. ·1~ KELLOUGH REALTY LTD. so that as .she goes from her Bar tion against representation of the The-Most Mr. and Mrs. Zane Feldman Mitzvah year into the stage leading human form. The uproar has since REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE t~ adolescence and maturity .ahe been stilled,. and indications are Popular DAVID, MARK AND SHERRY ROSANNE will he able to c~tinue ~er efforts ,that Jerusal1;m will give a, calm GROUND FLOOR, McLEOD BUILDING to attain -econonnc, political and. if not enthusiastic reception to the military security so that not only priceless gifts he has been able Men's Slacks Phone GA 2-7141 10 TWEEDSMUIR CRESCENT we as Jews, but we as citizens of to secure for her, Ground Floor, McLeod Bldg. · Edmonton, Alta. Canada-a · country dedicated to The mont than 200 origin.I Ip. EDMONTON ALBERT A peace and the betterment ~ man- shin plasters. from which all of in Western Branches Strateglcally Located Throughout the City kind, can take humble pride in the his bronze sculptures have been ~-~~:.~:.:::.:.~;.~;.~:.:::.~:.:::.:::::.~:.:::.;.:::.::::~:.;.;;;.=::.~:,~;.~ fact that we have played • mighty cast, wJU be· housed In a special :; 0 role ID aecuring freedom and pavilion to be erected by the mu- Canada •·- . ._ -• · """ ... ' " 1... -~," -•.•- '" " sovereignty, pollUcal and economic, seum at a cost of,$420,000,r:m· addi• BF.sT WISHES FOR A· BRIGHT AND HAPPY NEW YEAR until the spirit of the people has tlon to the · collection of· orlgbial TO ALL OUR PATltONS AND FRIENDS been liberated to resume ita c:re- plasters, Lady Epstein anno.unced • a\l,ve march, across the -pages .of that •lie was giving the Jeruflillem J~ Simple Arithmefic·forS~ho.ol Davs hlstoey," , .·· Museum ,two -other· worb :by Sir EPPY. DISPL·A YS . ~lding at the meeting w a a Jacob: a bronze· portrlllt of Gener• A. A. EPSTEIN, Prop. Winnipeg - Rotary Club president, al Jan Christian Smuts, former '. D\lllcan Jesslm1111. Pl'ime · Minister of South Africa, Smart Looks PLUS and a large piece of stone sculpture , _ , . Jq6 Petroleum Bldg, - Phone GA 2-1232 entitled "Maternity/' Prefit Fit PLUS B ·· · h H II _10041-'102nd ST~EET . EDMONTON OFU( e fflaD . L11dy lipdeln, explaining the gift Top Value ADD UP to ll9n1;' . Shpwc:ard~, . Window Dl1pl1ys, Screen·o· Procen .. .· .r:·d·a·.·,·n·e·d ·: ,·n-· -... u··.s· .· thatll~e ':~:.1:ai:~~.::~=r~e~i:: thfa fa what · Sir Jacob would 1· ,, - -· """'" ...... .... ... .. , ... ...., ·- ~~-- ....... CHICAGO; '(Special) - Boruch have wanted." At the,tinie of Ep, Hellman, son of Dr. and M.r,:J, Nath, s~in's death Jn. J,qnd0n in 11159 a~ · NEW YEAR GREETINGS •• • lilt Hellinan, 33 Martili'arenue, Win• the age of 78, Sir John Rothenateln, ,., nipeg,, has been ordained by il.Je director of the Tate National Gal­ . , "\¥11 Apprec:laie Your Petrona9a• Hebrew Theological ,College · of lery of l'tlodern_Art, said: "He .WllS ; Skokie, ID. (a suburb of Chicago),. by far. ,Uie _greatest portrait sculp­ .. lt Was announced by Di'. Oscar z. tor of his time." Dr. Fritz Novodny ' CHAMPIO:N'S DE·LI-YE·RY "' 'sid t f the colle"e of the Belvedere MUSelllll of Vien. 1 "arman,Rabbi preHellman, en °who was chair-"' · ua, called him "..-,ne of the greatest , ;'. AND TRANSFER man of · the High Holiday Place- figures in the history of sculpture." ; T. M. CHAMPION, Manager ment Service of the.college ~or the The noted American critic, Dr. Al•, ast tw O yea.ta and aided from 60 Ired M: Frankfurter, Edi~ of Art ,: .
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