Rc.public of th* Philippinrs &s$crtmr*t ff €b*r;rtf otr Region \TI, Central f isalas Ilivisicn rlf Bllhol 'l'agl:il*r:*r fliry Apri126, 2019 Division M*rnerandurn N"" t7* s. 2$19 -, IIS{iRT TO E.E.A.R.T. FOpqOU-nC? CQUtUtrICAIIOil PAImAIGil Secondary School Teachers Herein attached Regional Memorandum No. 0tr21, s. 2019 and a coilrmunication from the Department of Health * Commission on Popu}aticn {POPCOM-RO7} informing their campign program on "Heart to H.E.A"R.T. ?alk," U4U Teen Treil a&d the Ladderized Peer Education Program. u. The event shatl bc on April 29-30,2019 fmm 8:O0 atn to 5:OO pm at the Crab House Seafood Restaurant, Ma:rsa$& seaside, Tagbilaran City. ?rr aal. Twenty five {25} slots have been reserved for the Division of Boho} Ttre prticipating districts are listed hereunder: Lila Loay Loboc Bat{ran Valerrcira Carmen Sagbayan Mabini Alicie Candiiay CFG laon North Loon South Tubigon East T\rbigon West ?* Inabanga Getafe tsiien Unido Talibon I Talibon 2 Ubay 1 Ubay 2 Ubay 3 Dauis Panglr*o Transportatba and otlrer e{peu"ses incurred. by thq participaotc shall be charged against School/Divisilon MOOE, all subject tq the usual accouriting and auditing rules & regulations. V. For immediate and rnride dissemination. $chools Division Superintend.ent REPI,BL!I$..\C TILIPI!A:; ,t?raal ta ljt .i! iiii!jitll:as K"4C Alih RA]\ HG EilU}L{.SYOI{ i;FF.{Fihtl Ni {lr i ill :,' A 1 :' I\ XEHIVOH YTT, d;ITSAN{; 1'!SATAS RECIOT- 11f. CEIgTRtI- t'lSArAS Sudlon, Lahug. f.hu (:tr1- *€GIOiIALMEMO*AilOUM MAft & I Zurg "HEARTToH.E.A,R.TTAII("PoPcoM-fto?coMMt,lllcATlsl{CAMFAIGN rfn' Schools Sivision Superintend€nts ttfi.e.s-inct rrge of ftegular and lnterinr Divisions gecondarY Schools l{eeds, Public ElerfierrEry and F,ll Otlrers eoneemed of ali concerned' attached is a communk*lT 1. For informatiort and Suidance their campatgn::TL:: on population {poFCoM-Ro7i informina gepa*ment af Health - CoJrm*ion fducatio* Teen Traii and the Ldderired Peer program on 'Heart to H'E'A"R'T Tatl{' U4U Program. T.lnterestedschoolsrnaYserdsletterrequestthroughemailaddress'{li*s 236-4963' or at 0936 372 5651' po-pgqryrqglon;gg4*!,;; or contact their *ffice iS32) M*i'*r'ra*dum is qiesired 3. lmrnediate dissemination of thi$ &a SALUSTHN& T. JIi"{EH[Z- CESOvr irc- rsssm*t ftEGtoNAL ofiEti,qi IULIEIA-.IERUTA, Ph'D', cESo lv Director lVffi I Itv ,!5C ta : I * {trfw.f*.,}kffir{r{tl)r:,tf,i.},i:}:ill3li:l{-:;ji;}"1!-::iJ9.3I{-l;9}:4lq'lll::t &r!o{ttei{kttrtl!tr**xfd\.}.I{rj:ll:j,4jal t t'kldTerhskal.*ristaDrcfllriliDo:fIADi.-tEl ),i,.!rrt*3-:r414"1a2: flr..,.Bl*mi.6rolngthr&g€il.n{Divhion!(jiFlDi, i€l\r!: jIjl}r:{-l,l?-1 1 QuElir-yAssrritrcrlliviriotrlL)-411:"]'ei.\os.r{{i.1:}.:ll.i{!;, ltufirELmsr.rr}sel.{te*rn:riii.${}IRDD},Tdl.Ne"r i0-3:!:JJ-:2_lq Ed{tfiira$4rPsdSesk$Ihlrbaiass!r}.,'cl}tr!*3:!:i{:,}i: Ptnssiat.Sotif]-mdtass.chlnrirha{t,fRl-l), lej.S"s.t!}l?l::j-qrlD. t ,11i,;r!:.,r {dsioirr*tive l}irirlaa Ie: },;ds ii}li!,1i+ rJlb; r1.i-J,16li {l.l,t.lt1ft. {14-rt::tJlJ_4trtl Finre.€ ,iylrio*. ttl. I.-(!:,r i$:;:i 3-j5-:l?5: 1r1,ft,a,! i 4j,t-?lj I " *i{t tttl5: $*ei*pataa ng ta{,*r, *ru.eyr*stm a* ta&s, ,, I .$ rs*i l-{0. :ffa4r6ff.=3 .T l.rr . ..{.'i: -r: i.-F:: i j *ffi,ffi tr3tffi:e JIrr ? I Ap ?E{&I To fi.€*.s.? ?Af,*, F*c€a^r* or corui*f*sJ'fr onr rrsrue4?r*H"*fg5ff ys rO : A[t SCHOOLS Otvt$fiil r.,.,_..-- A{r u r rxu{rrr{DEnr o'lrEr $ c;_; ;;;il t" fne eommissk H.LA.ft f ooulcncffi ugq" .T r^*" ;;';il n*-on dl ogoin r-rn *lrtAnr o*y** *,ir;:ffillsrqr.Dg il1ere ro mr Feb^Jorv 20 rB; lhis octiviry infenr{r 1 ,^ ^: ::'"t,"r],?=T11or s rud ; ;''; e n r s r h ;,l,"^hT'' e inp o r r f]T'*.'" enccunter' o nc e o, ffigilTff;;'-,"il:^:T'.Yoi.^;;; #{ ond shoft '" "'"o *;,.; ning wh;ie rrrr;nf o'r#*"* discu55iclp5 ;n r;r,: 3. For morg 1.-.19;1 * rc**oJ*]rr_.,ff' ar rhe c.fimu*cction ",nrchr'4 frorn rhe cc*M,,s,or{ '4' rmmed!^' . ':nd wirte diis-^"+{^ltion of ih* Mgfi.Bfondum i5 dssir*d, ,ru#*u*,rk**,o o,**ffi$,*-r+r ;tr#?ffi_ ii*public *f rhe Fhiiippines nrpartment cf ilealih L$MMI$SIOIJ Sftt p{ E mrywtr! ag Filipi n* Fa*rt!!€s Ja*u*ry 17.ZAW Sr" .f uli*t A. .l€rutr, Fh.O, Jirp616r li!, Fegronal Dtrector Bepartment of Education Region Vlt Gt?eti,lgs *trd Happy l$ew ye*r! ! kr':ew it has **ex a .o.rg!: yet a very productive ?*].g for both ar o*r cffices, and r ant sc pr*ud t* say that we have handled it strongly. For i01g, we have reachecj a mass amcunt ol adoleseents aod teen: becaure *f yaur fi:ri+uBpcrt and €s+Berilti#fi,, This y*ar, *r irfFe ts roniinue that partftershtp with yo{.r l{ yo* coulci recaH, we have raunched th€ cornr*unication .ampsign program ..Fleart rs H't'A.fi.T' Talk" in 2017; "Heart to H.t.aH.T. Tark,, is a pro}ram creared t8 talk absur d.:€ eurrefit HfART issues sf our adgle:eenLt. r.:iircsly; H * illv/AtDs/sE E - Early Sexual Encounters (pre-Marital Sex) A * Ad$i€s€enr Sex*ality fr - Reproductrve Health anrj T - Teenage Fregnancy preventio* fuide from rhe "Hearr To H.E-A.&.I. Talk*; the U4U Teen Trail and the Ladderired peer Education Program are arso our popuiar ififormatior.l, educ*tion and communication {rEC} programs which ail aims to increase the knowredge of Firipino youth on deraying texual debut, preventing teen pregnancy and av*iding sexually tranrmitted infections ir, an lnncvative and interactive apprcach. Through your previous rnernorandurn. we have reached araund 50.000 students and around ico schoots in the region. This sil{cess 1ron,t be made possible u/ithout your commitment and support to our Adorescent Heaith afld Development Fregram and we thank you for that. : Recognizi*g tl're role cf education in curbi*g thr risirig incidences of early pregnancy, s*xuar ln violence, and human-immunorleficiency virus {Hiv} infection arnong the youth, we commend the Depsrtmerlt f;diication of far i:sui'rg the pclicy 6uiderines 0n th€ lmpferrentation 0f the comprehensive Sex*3rity Education icsE) or the DepEd order N*. 3t, series of 2018 1D0 31.) last year. ln line with this, we wourd once again ask for your supporr for rhe -Hrrt ra H"E,A,R"?. Talk', the u4u reen Trair peer and the !*dderired Education program. The memcrandurn that you have issued has reaily played a vitar rore in the attainrnent of the campaign. P*P{&M Vt!, Gmemor Maruei iuenc8 AHtrle, Baniiad, Cebu City, Cebu. philipFitrs 6S** Telepho*e: (03?] { Lf_?szlizJ6-4g63 Fax; i{}JZl:36.4s63 fiep*btiE *f the Fhilippi**s B*partmeni of Herirh E p* m *e ri rg'ii lipi x* lra m i lies f*r irlt€rested $efto$li, tlrey may send ieffer a cf reqrrest to sur €lriail addr*ss, at L*pcqirt{e€[email protected] ti;€y!.,=r !.r=,r$*y : algcerru rea*hrsd*r! t;sU5 thr.}uch{.!! !Lr6:! nrsr,:ffireuq} urirLE r;r;rriec {r!li f.Z5,Ag63, Or at $g36-372_665i" i*.:i} T*anft yeu for yci:r unwavei'ing support to the young peopie and t0 6ur youth pragram. Mcre Ps:#erf ''."'fl' ! - Eegianal^,*["JT.RAGAS 0lrect6r POPCOM Vlt.Corzmor ltanxd Curnc:ll:ft-:lli SaflBd, Cei]li Crry, C*$u, philippina 6*{r* feteFhcne: l032l 416_25?B; t36-4963 rax: fOtit'lio_*sAS.
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