UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII LIBRARY ¿Marianas CVMetyg Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol.2aNo.18 Saipan, MP 96950 ©1991 Marianas Variety May 17,1991 Serving CNMI for 26 Years 9 V 902 talks cut short, no results by Ronel B. Concepcion submerged lands can not be fur­ Manglona in his closing remarks of the federal government into terms and reach an agree­ ther discussed. Tuesday. The CNMI was also informed ment, a release from Washing­ The tenth round of the 902 The communication from the The statement, likewise, is in by Glidden that other issues and ton said. talks endedin Washington, D.C. Lt. Governor’s office provided response to the US representa­ agreements were “under exami- The statement would focus on Tuesday without reaching any that any discussion on the matter tive Timothy Glidden’s opening nation”inafederal Insular policy the four major issues of concem- agreement, with the CNMI spe­ “would be fruitless,” because of remarks that the Covenant does report, currently being drafted. self-govemment, third country cial representatives expressing the State Department’s opposi­ not give him any authority to The issue on the authority of assistance, the exclusive eco­ disappointment with the result. tion. “renegotiate” issues involving the Inspector General to audit nomic zone, and the authority of The CNMI group were disap­ The CNMI delegation were policy changes. CNMI’s funds were also on hold, the inspector general. pointed to learn during the made to believe that the US rep­ Glidden was also “instructed” as ordered by the US Depart­ Statements from the Depart­ opening day Monday of the talks resentative has the authority to by the US President that he does ment of Justice “because of ment of Interior provides that that issues, such as the 200-mile negotiate “differences” existing not have the “power” to negoti­ pending litigation,” he said. Glidden “was disappointed” that exclusive economic zone, juris­ between the US and the CNMI, ate matters that will change poli­ Glidden had recommended the CNMI delégates “reacted so diction in the territorial sea, and said Lt. Governor Benjamin cies. that both parties should come up negatively” to his recommenda­ Manglona, CNMI’s head del­ with a joint statement on “Posi­ tion. egate, said that if Glidden does tions of Disagreement” This course of action was sug­ not have such capacity, then he The ‘positions of disagree­ gested by Glidden so that the $2.1 M worth of can only recognize that the ment’ will make the US Presi­ CNMI could resort to other al­ CNMI’s interpretation of the dent aware that both the CNMI ternatives such as the sections 'shabu' drug seized Covenant is different from that and US delegates can not come Continued on pago 30 by Terl M, Flores Art estimated $2.1 million worth of methamphmmine was seized by officers on Tinian on Wednesday morning after officers and agents Hum the CNMI Customs and Department of Public Safety conducted a 100% high risk search of a 20 foot container that arrived from the Philippines. Law enforcement agents found approximately 4,53 pounds of crystalline substances believed to be metbamphetamine inside 21 transparent plastic bags. Methamphetamine are crystallized substances which is com­ monly known as ice or shabu in the Philippines. •Tbecomraband wasfotnd inside an emptyoxygcn bottle where pofice found a steel canister where foe contraband was stashed. Folkefound the contraband in a containcrtbat waspoasigned to Fr^lsooBaimrm^tendkzlaofTlniao.Irtsidetlreamtaaierwere: construction materials* machinery and 100 sacks of bird feed: according to the cargo’s bill of lading. ", - ■ : \ An island-wide search was conducted by the police through a "warrant pf arrest issued by d» Superior Court, Wednesday after- . doom i |h e search proved futile however* after Meodiola was nowherei to be found on the island. i|' 'A$5G8D0dbaill«isbeensetib,Mattdk)lawho,isbdingcharge<i 'j:Wtth'<me count of importation of contraband. , % D & 3pecial Operation DivMon, the Boating Safety Division, FDPSRTmian and Customs; and Quarantine Service on the island Police confiscated on Wednesday 24 plastic bags containing methamphetamin. The “ice" were "assisted'in the'dragbnsh/lRF Y - " - - stashed inside an oxygen bottle included in a cargo consigned to Francisco Barcinas Mendiola of Tinian Retirement agency needs $87M funding liability by Terl M. Flores 7,1989 when Public Law 6-17 government employees isplaced are almost 300 employees who bution has fluctuated from was implemented by the gov­ at 58. are eligible for retirement and 18% to 21% over an eleven There are about 904 retir­ ernment. Aldan said in a Tuesday in­ Aldan said that there are still yearperiodwhileemployees ees who are availing of the Also in the total number of terview that number of retirees employees who have been con­ on the other hand contribute services of the CNMI Re­ pension recipients are 129 sur­ double during the month of De­ nected with the government for a 17.6% of their total salary. tirement Fund and the Ad­ viving spouses who receive 50% cember when 95% of the the past 20 years who are still The members of the ministrator for the agency, of the total amount their spouses government’s working staff re­ working. Retirement Fund are cat­ Tom Aldan said the number were receiving prior to his death tire. The pension thatone gets from egorized into class 2 and is steadily increasing. while another 141 surviving **It is usually this phase in their theRetirementFund is computed class 1 members. Those who Aldan said that as of the children whoarereceivinga$90 careeras govemmentemployees based on the average of the three are categorized as Class 2 present, statistics from his a month allocation are also where they get their highest pay,” highest salary the employee re­ members get contribute office show that of the 904 availing of the funds. Aldan said. ceived during his tenure. about 9% to the funds. They retirees, 634 are considered Statistics show that the aver­ Another period where there is The Fund requires a contribu­ also have the benefit to retire tflbe class two members, who age pension for an employee is an influx of retirees is during the tion from both theemployerand at whatever age they decide have been availing of the about $768 per annum while the period of transition between ad­ the employee however, Aldan to without fear that the ben- Fund’s services prior to May average age of retirement for ministrations. At present, there said that the employer’s contri­ Ccntinuod on page 31 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 17,1991 FRIDAY, MAY 17,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 FORUM A Meeting Place For Our Salary act changes by Senate rejected Opinions And Yours. by Ronel B. Concepcion justment and Salary Act of 1991 Cong. JuanReyes commented against the task force’s recom­ politics in everything that we do, was immediately rejected while that the Senate has “totally mendation. it is notforoureown good...have Government employees wait­ still in the house agenda con­ amended” the proposed bill...”it He said that in case the bill to be objective.” ing toreceive an increase in their sidering Senate communica­ only shows that the Senate is not passes the legislature, it will According to Sablan, they are salary will have to keep their tions. being honest to themselves.” likewise be vetoed by the Gov­ the CSS...”we are here to for­ fingers crossed as members of The modem that was adopted He said that this can be seen ernor due to its unconstitution­ mulate laws for the benefit of the ^ IR’s Agenda the House of Representatives was filed by floor leader William from the fact that they have in­ ality, which increase is way be­ people.” E D IT O R IA L by John Del Rosario rejected the Senate’s version Ada, with the majority of the creased the annual salary of the yond the allowable amount Cong. Diego Benavente stated during its session Wednesday. house members also objecting presiding officers of each house Cong. Gabriel Babauta voiced that the reason why the Senate Restrictions needed to House bill 7-206, The Com­ to the proposed amendments by to $50,000, which poses a con­ out that it has “lots of discrep­ made “unconstitutional, unnec­ monwealth Compensation Ad- the Senate. stitutional issue and will be ancies.” essary and unmanageable” I have seen a number of busi­ must be given the strictest cur­ another. Perhaps the focus of He explained that the consti­ amendments is because they prevent car tragedies ness firms wholly or jointly sory review in terms of their attention centers on whether a tution provides how much the have conflict with the personnel owned by Third Country Na­ financial background before certain bill board gets its mes­ legislators should received, and officer. In the past several months the number of car accidents is tionals going bankrupt. These business licenses are issued. sage across before I go past it it established a task force or Although Benavente did not steadily increasing and according to reports, it shows that most firms are mostly in the con­ Gov't, division will support The law must include an ap­ Some are quite successful while commission to recommended the specify the conflict between the of those accidents are involved either a Chinese, Korean or struction area. When they go praisal of savings and assets of most others fail to do the job. right price. by Teri M. Flores likely that the government heads sonnel Officer Jess Mafhas said Senate and the Personnel officer, belly up, it means that the contract each company by bonafide real- Some are purposeful, others are Filipinos nationals and some of those are ended up with a tragic will endorse the house version.
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