THERE CAME A FALLING AWAY by David C. Pack THIS BOOK IS PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE AND IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY THE RESTORED CHURCH OF GOD. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely given tithes and offerings of the mem- bers of the Church and others who have elected to support the work of the Church. Contributions are welcomed and gratefully accepted. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this WORK OF GOD around the world are gladly wel- comed as co-workers in this major effort to preach the gospel to all nations. Copyright © 2008-2012, 2016 The Restored Church of God® All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America Herbert W. Armstrong led the Worldwide Church of God for 52 years, teaching hundreds of true doctrines. He proved them from the Bible and told us to do the same. His successors changed them all. Do you think some changes were right? Do you realize ALL were wrong? Have you recognized them? Here they are! TABLE OF CONTENTS PROLOGUE ................................................................................... 7 AUTHOR’S STATEMENT ........................................................... 13 BIOGRAPHICAL FOREWORD ................................................... 23 SECTION I – HOW THE SEDUCTION SUCCEEDED ................................ 33 SECTION II – WHY SO MANY CHANGES ARE INCLUDED .................... 47 SUMMARY LIST OF CHANGES ........................................... 49 TOPICAL INDEX OF CHANGES ........................................... 59 SECTION III – DOCUMENTATION OF 280 DOCTRINAL CHANGES ....... 73 SECTION IV – PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE LITERATURE ........................ 415 THE NEW WCG VIEW OF HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG .. 421 POLICY CHANGE OVERVIEW .......................................... 423 DEDICATION The final edition of this book is dedicated to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, who would have wanted someone to pre- serve the truth that God established through him—and to the sheep he so faithfully served, who needed a shep- herd’s help in retrieving what had been stolen from them. THERE CAME A FALLING AWAY 7 PROLOGUE e are pleased to present you with a copy of There Came a Falling WAway. It is a different kind of book from the others written to those in the splinter offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). In fact, it was originally prepared for those still in the WCG because most of the organizations that eventually broke away had not yet formed. The passing of time has made it into more of a reference and history book. And it can be studied over time before, during or after your final decision regarding our Splinter Explanation Packet (SEP). It took a staggering number of hours and the help of many people to make this very large volume a reality. I am most grateful for their assistance. It would be difficult to know where to start and stop in thanking the contributors. God knows who they are, and He will reward them. This effort began in the spring of 1993. The result was a thick ringbinder then called Except There Come a Falling Away, which comes from a prophecy in II Thessalonians 2:3. This was really the first edition of this “newer” book, There Came a Falling Away. Over the next year, as more doctrinal changes occurred in the WCG, six more editions were offered. In the spring of 1995, an extensive appen- dix was added to the seventh edition. During the next five years, there were no substantive additional changes, editions or appendices. Different editions have circulated (almost 24,000 by the Spring of 2006), with no one edition in the hands of all readers. 8 THERE CAME A FALLING AWAY While I have returned to amend, expand and improve the book many times over the years, this is the final edition, and also my final effort to tell the story and explain at least certain basic elements of the true meaning of the apostasy in the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). I pray that it will continue to help more see what happened there with full and correct clarity. Much has been added to this final edition—clarifications, adjust- ments, additional author’s notes, also this Prologue, etc. It is still not perfect, but no effort of this type could be. It is hoped the reader will understand that an initially small staff of basically untrained (in pub- lishing), but very dedicated, people “pulled off” a project that would normally only be tackled by a large publishing house. The book now includes an Author’s Statement followed by a Biographical Foreword, which are then followed by several sections, each offering important elements of what happened. Realize that a book of this type defies the normal tradition of writ- ing in the form of a story flow. The apostasy must be viewed from different perspectives to see the entire picture. What were the changes? How did they come about? Why was the apostates’ seduction so effec- tive? What exactly did God prophesy would happen? Why was this great trial sent upon God’s people? Did Mr. Armstrong ever warn the Church that it was coming? How was the idea for this book formed? Why did I feel that I must undertake the project of compiling and pre- senting it? What should a true Christian who wants to fully hold fast DO about the material in this book? These are all part of why this extensive volume was written as it was. Carefully reading (and possibly studying) all of the material is vital to seeing the whole picture that is presented. Although this could occur over time, you will commit an injustice against yourself if you do not read all parts. Seeing all of the contrasting quotes on point after point carries its own weight of convincing authority as to the two minds—in reality, TWO SPIRITS—that were in conflict during the apostasy. I sug- gest the following approach: Read the book straight through in the order in which it is written, without deviating, sometime after first reading our absolutely vital book The True Church – One Organization, or Many?, if you have not done so already. That book should be fol- lowed by the equally important books “Anoint Your Eyes” – Christ’s Warning to His People, The Government of God – Understanding Offices and Duties and The Work of God – Its Final Chapter!, in that order. Finally, be sure to read Why The Restored Church of God? – Should You Join?) Prologue 9 There Came a Falling Away steps on many toes. While no author actually sets out to do this, in the case of this book, it is not only unavoidable, but for everyone who survived the apostasy, it is neces- sary. If what you learn deeply sobers you, then it will have served its purpose. Also, some of those it offends have turned and attacked its source. Since “men love darkness because their deeds are evil” (John 3:19-21), there have been some who have gotten very angry about the light this book sheds on the darkness they prefer. Of course, we are living in the darkest age in history. No converted person doubts this. Since Christ and all His disciples “are the light of the world,” then this alone puts true Christians in harm’s way—just as much as it did Christ Himself. After 40 years in the truth, I was not naïve about the level of persecution this much “bright light” would produce—and neither should you be. Some people wish to be secret admirers of God’s truth and way, meaning they “love” the truth as long as they can remain unseen “in a closet.” It takes spiritual courage to be true Christians, because they are part of “a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.” Jesus Christ said that Philadelphians have “not denied My name” (Rev. 3:8). It is apparent that one of the ways many have done this (those of the seventh era) is that they will have been embarrassed by certain truths that left them feeling “uncomfortable” when under scrutiny from worldly peers. Many have gone to certain organizations because they determined in advance that they could be more “comfortable” there. They may have convinced themselves that they should shed some of God’s more “dif- ficult” truths. Of course, these “embarrassing” doctrines—those that brethren are often ashamed of—vary from person to person. Many do not want to appear extreme by holding to all that God’s people once treasured. Others have found a wonderful convenience in being able to declare they “grew out of” certain teachings. Coincidentally, these will probably be the same doctrines they considered embarrass- ing. Of course, they cannot see that they denied Christ’s authority (His name) by saying, in effect, He was too weak to fully guide His apostle. This means some will have to conclude that the many times Mr. Armstrong told the Church, “Christ puts truth into the Church through apostles” were merely misguided statements of a sincere man, but one who was occasionally doctrinally confused. They may further conclude that he was an apostle—but one who taught wrong doctrines. Some demand written proof that The Restored Church of God is committed to exact doctrinal integrity. That is certainly fair! This book, along with all of the others prepared for the splinters, publicly and 10 THERE CAME A FALLING AWAY permanently removes all doubt. No other organization is willing to go on record as clearly or thoroughly as Restored. This way, other organi- zations can remain “fluid” with certain doctrines—and I do not apolo- gize for the strength of this statement! I have often said, “If I ever tried to forsake parts of the truth, I could never get away with it, because people could simply confront me with my own books”—and if they didn’t, they probably should.
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