I Vol. V, No. 17 * University Community'sWeekly Paper Thurs., Feb. 23, 1984I. Debbie Will Do S.B. Preston Agrees to let ................................................................................... COCA Show Movie rage 3 i Lobbying in Albany .-.-..°. °-.% °.%°.° .°.%°.° iII page 8 Jun Jo da ...%.°° °°°%- °.%-.°°. °°%°° °.°.% °.°°% ............... ....."Ju n e J ordan ,.° page 7 Rolling Stones page 16 i |1Woody" ....W o Allen Dorm...................... Cooking Debatepage 8 page 1 i The7Fourth Estate: Editorial Value of Education From our earliest days as a nation, the United while taking into account the fiscal conditions of the 83 grew 104% versus SUNY's total growth rate of States has considered education as an essential state. This policy was based on the belief that low 43%. The State University is now supported with far foundation of democracy. Education creates an tuition is the best guarantee of educational op- more tuition dollars than before. informed and politically responsible citizenry. portunity for all qualified individuals. If there is anything that Tuesday's SASU/Polity Education contributes to our nation's economic well- The 1983-84 New York State Executive Budget lobbying in Albany accomplished it was demon- being by enhancing the productivity of individuals imposed the largest tuition increase for a single year strating that there is little positive support for raising and by providing new goods and services through in the history of the State University. In adition, tuition or any other fees, including dorm rents, at research. dormitory room rates were raised for the fifth time in SUNY. Legislator after legislator, many of whom had For centuries, our nation has committed itself to four years which further significantly contributed to attended SUNY schools themselves, expressed their education as a public obligation--public in its pur- raising the cost of a SUNY education. State officials opposition to increased costs, but their feelings must poses and benefits, public in its source of support. argue that these increases were made necessary by a be converted into votes when the budget comes up. Public higher education is distinctive in at least two $1.8 billion deficit that the state experienced last Senators and Assemblymen are heavily influenced important respects. First, public higher education year. by both letters and especially personal visits. calls for universal access for all who can benefit from Considering the small margins by which many As- its services. Public higher education does not per- sembly and State Senate elections are decided, these petuate elites, but rather, disseminates knowledge, officials are highly sensitive to voter ressures, and techniques and other benefits across the widest know that someone who would take fifteen minutes to possible range of society. Second, public higher e- TUITN TUI N write a letter or take a four hour drive to talk to them ducation is responsive to public needs. Supported by personally will have no qualms about voting for public funds, public higher education has a mandate HM<E HIKE someone else if that legislator votes the wrong way. to deploy its resources in service of society. The state budget is due to be voted on by April 1, Also, from a strictly dollars and cents perspective, and now is the time for students to get involved. public higher education is an investment with an Statewuide, SASU is running lobby days and letter- increasing rate of return. First, public higher edu- writing drives, and at Stony Brook Polity should be cation spurs economic growth through increased Although the tuition increase was the largest in any sending another lobbying bus to Albanyn soon. Both worker productivity. Second, college graduates more single year, it continued a trend of increasing the ways are important. Get involved, it can't hurt, and it than pay for their education through the higher taxes financial burden placed on SUNY students in place of will help. that they pay as a result of increased incomes. state tax dollar support. In fact state support as a But from all standpoints, public higher education is percentage of the University budget has decreased an investment that offers virtually unlimited returns from 84% in 1975-76 to 70% in 1983-84. While those in preparation for our nation's future. Since its who frame the state budget argue that SUNY has inception in 1948, the State University has had a merely increased its fair share of state belt-tight- commitmentI -- to maintaining- lowest possible tuition ening, state spending in total, from 1975-76 to 1982- II I III -- I T Z ~ · I : 1 I -r II II , _I i = _Jr~ r L mm The Stony Brook Press Executive Editor.....Joseph Caponi Sr. Photo Ed. .... .John Tymczyszyn Photo Editor .......... Scott Richter Arts Editor. ........... Kathy Esseks Arts Director .......... Daniel Hank Business Manager .... Pamela Scheer News and Feature: Belina Anderson, Al Bosco, Brian Cameron, Eric Corlev, Brian Ehrlich, Ben Euster, Lorna Francis, Dave Goodman, Patrice ja- cob)son, Brian Kohn, Ken Kruger, Ron Ostertag. Arts: Michael Barrett, Sarah Battaglia, Greg D'Auria, Philip Garfield, Hubert Moore, Jean Marie Pugni, D.J. Zauner. Photo: Albert Fraser, Mike, Dave Morrison, Mike Shavel, Haluk Soykan. Graphics: R. Gambol, Charles Lane. Production: Egan Gerrity. Office Manager: John Tom. The Stony Brook Press is published every *Thursday duringthe academicyear by The Stony Brook Press, Inc., a student run and student funded not-for-profit corporation. Advertising policy does not necessarily reflect editorialpolicy. The opinions expressed in letters and view- points do not necessarily reflect those of our staff. Phone: 246-6832 Office: Suite 020 Old Biology S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York 11794 F L-l __; page 2 The Stony Brook Press L I I I · I II I I · MillIIIIIIB Debbie Does Stony Brook COCA and Student Affairs Agree tby Ron Ostertag Affairs has set forth his policy, and Vice President for Student Af- the university's policy regarding the fairs Fred Preston finally issued an showing of pornographic films. official written statement Tuesday Although he stated: "In effect this concerning the showing of porno- is not a policy against pornogra- graphic films on campus to COCA phy," and he argues that he is not Chairman Michael Barrett, in ef- regulating "campus student moral- fect telling Mr. Barrett that the ity," letters of objection in hand, pornographic film "Debbie Does Preston will not condone the show- Dallas" cannon be shown in Lec- ing of "Debbie Does Dallas" unless ture Hall 100 this Friday and it conforms to university policy. Saturday. Michael Barrett disagrees, and with Claiming a right under the first the First Amendment in mind, he Amendment of freedom of expres- plans to be running the film this sion, however, Barrett vows to Friday and Saturday regardless of show the film and face the conseq- its being or not being part of a univ- uences. Having spoken to Preston, ersity "educational program." and been made aware of the pos- Preston, after learning of the sible severe consequences of going supposed plans of Barrett to run against the mandate, the COCA the film regardless, called Barrett chairman remains resolute but Wednesday and asked if it was his hopeful of understanding, and intention, as he had heard, to run affirms,"we will show it." the film "come hell or high water." The memorandum sent to Bar- Barrett said that it is his intention rett Tuesday presented no new ar- to go on with the program as plan- gument, but merely restated "univ- MIKE BARRETT ned, and Preston sympathised with ersity policy" that to be shown on the "time constraints" which campus, pornography must be part of an educational program," and in ference Committee Lorraine Ham- COCA is working under, and will of an educational program. This itself or even with the combined merslag, who also works in the wait for the memo from Barrett "arbitrary university policy," ac- running with the anti-porn films Department of Student Affairs, zoncerning the film's showing. Bar- cording to Barrett, has not been "Not a Love Story" and "Killing us which applauded Preston's "cour- 'ett is hopeful that communication "fairly or judiciously enforced," Softly" by COCA and the womyn's ageous decision" in banning the 3etween COCA and Student Affairs referring as an example to the Center, "Debbie Does Dallas" is not film, argued that "The sanctioning vill settle the tension, and reminds showing of "Flesh Gordon" last considered to be an educational of pornography on campus is surely hat "it is not my purpose to chal- semester, a pornographic film program as defined by Administra- inconsistent with the goals of an enge authority. which was shown on campus and tion. educational institution, particularly was not part of an educational pro- A "twofold" reasoning was giv- one that is publicly funded." The Note: At a late Wednesday meet- gram as defined by the administra- en by Preston in censoring "Debbie 'secondary' reason is that the ing between Barrett and Preston, tion. According to Preston, "the Does Dallas". His 'primary' reason, movie would be offensive to some Preston announced that he key criterion to be judged as an ed- he stated, is that within tax sup- members of the university com- would allow "Debbie Does Dal- ucational program" is the involve- ported facilities, the sensitivity of munity, and a number of students las" to be shown along with the ment of at least one faculty mem- the taxpayers must be taken into have voiced their objections to Pre- other two films. No other deatils ber in the planning or the presentat- account. A letter from the Chair- ston. were available at press time. person of the Women's Safety Con- I The Vice President of Student ion of the event.
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