United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,464,124 B2 Bancel Et Al

United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,464,124 B2 Bancel Et Al

USOO9464124B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,464,124 B2 Bancel et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 11, 2016 (54) ENGINEERED NUCLEIC ACIDS AND 4,500,707 A 2f1985 Caruthers et al. METHODS OF USE THEREOF 4,579,849 A 4, 1986 MacCoSS et al. 4,588,585 A 5/1986 Mark et al. 4,668,777 A 5, 1987 Caruthers et al. (71) Applicant: Moderna Therapeutics, Inc., 4,737.462 A 4, 1988 Mark et al. Cambridge, MA (US) 4,816,567 A 3/1989 Cabilly et al. 4,879, 111 A 11/1989 Chong (72) Inventors: Stephane Bancel, Cambridge, MA 4,957,735 A 9/1990 Huang (US); Jason P. Schrum, Philadelphia, 4.959,314 A 9, 1990 Mark et al. 4,973,679 A 11/1990 Caruthers et al. PA (US); Alexander Aristarkhov, 5.012.818 A 5/1991 Joishy Chestnut Hill, MA (US) 5,017,691 A 5/1991 Lee et al. 5,021,335 A 6, 1991 Tecott et al. (73) Assignee: Moderna Therapeutics, Inc., 5,036,006 A 7, 1991 Sanford et al. Cambridge, MA (US) 9. A 228 at al. J. J. W. OS a 5,130,238 A 7, 1992 Malek et al. 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