RAH&'AY FRE2 PUBLIC LIBRARY 1175 ST, GEORGES AVE, P.AHWAY, H,J, 07065 NVros FREE r " New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 iViLvV JERSEY' RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY,; THURSDAY;NOVEMBER "2471988 Rent strike heats up by Pat DiMaggio Tenants involved9? i1n litiga.. - I Five tenants rcnrcwmi-representeHd . Frannv.,,,1k, Dickensonr»:-i, , __, *f"^ MM tion against their landlord by the association have youngster who lives in the showed their dedication to withheld their rent in protest complex, said that someone the cause by picketing their of living conditions they call from the office of Shami As- apartment building during "unhealthy." The group ap- sociates told his mother that the pouring rain on Sunday peared in court on Novem- the judge settled the litiga- morning. ber 16, where their rent mon- tion and that Ms. Dickcnson ies were put in an escrow ac- Court puts payments in escrow Representative of the must pay her rent by Novem- count until the landlord, ber 18. "That was an outright Shami Apartments tenants known as the Shami Associ- association marched in front lie," said Prizzi. "This hasn't ates of Edison, has com- it," said Prizzi. "We can't live a one- or two-bedroom of 400-402 Hamilton Street pleted necessary repairs. been settled yet." like this anymore." Texidor, president of the most of these people. Many apartment in the 52-unit tenants association. "We apartment was without these buildings, he said. "We carrying placards asking for A hearing date of Pecem- Residents of the Shami building. of us arc Hispanic and we water for several days, the needed repairs to the build- Complaints range from no Apartments pay between think we deserve better con- don't know the language and don't want to bring anyone ber 19 has been set and if re- "This is terrible and it is ditions than these. Manage- owners told him to go to the here. We worry about our ings.."We want regular heat pairs have not been com- screens and broken windows $500 and $700 per month for we don't know the law." river to bathe. "We feel and water" read one sign to no heat and hot water, in- getting worse," said Victor ment has taken advantage of Texidor said thai when his families and the health of pleted, the tenants may have ashamed of the conditions of our children." carried by a tenant, "Build- their rents reduced, accord- festation, holes in the ceil- ing unsafe for children" read ing-to Anna Prizzi, spokes- ings, weak floor boards, another. person for the group.. open sewer pipes and struc- tural defects. "We're tired of nut German-American history to be topic of society meeting The Rahway Historical He is an officer in the 1967 and a member of the '•A 4 Society announces that its German Heritage Council next membership meeting Rahway Historical Society T of New Jersey; a member of almost since its inception. will be held Tuesday, the^ Brigade of the Amer- December 6 beginning at icar? Revolution, committee 7:30 p.m. and concluding al member for the Steuben New members rind guests 9 p.m., at the Rahway Free Day Parade; and Chairman are always welcome to at- Public Library (corner of tend Historical Society of the Culture Committee, meetings. Central and St. Georges Deutscher Club of Clark. Avenue). The Society also announ- After a short business ces that the Merchant's and Weingarten has travelled Drover's Tavern will again meeting, guest speaker extensively throughout Walter Weingarten will ad- be lighted for the Christmas Europe in many cultural Season beginning on_FrL_ dress attendees oatheJopic^ reunionsr-He-has been a "Germans in America." dayrNovember 25 through resident of Rahway since January 8. RENT STRIKE ... Residents of Shami Apartments on Hamilton Street picketed last Sunday In protest of the living conditions. Sgt Pittson Carlos Garay honored County ahead of on duty in Cited for dedication to wrestling program ' by Pat DiMaggio W. Germany "Carlos has always had cause it has always been in Carlos Garay was honor- the City of Rahway upper- schedule on ed last week by Rah way's my heart," said Garay. "I've most in his mind," said wanted to share some of the Air Force Tech. Sgt. Municipal Council in appre- Mayor Daniel Martin in pre- Bradley J. Pittson, son of ciation of his "devoted serv- things I gained as a young recycling scnting a resolution in man. Programs such as these Glenn R. and Lucille T. Pitt- ice and dedication" to the Garay's honor. "He is a son of Albcrmarle St., Rah- Rahway Recreation Depart- gave me discipline and self- premier example of an in- confidence. Because of this, Union County is exceed- way has arrived for duty in ment's Youth Wrestling Pro- dividual who went through The UCUA Regional Re- West Germany. gram. it makes it easier to give ing New Jersey's mandated cycling Program provides the system. His participation back. recycling goal more than one curbside pickup of recycla- Pittson is a weapons main- Garay, program chairman in sports programs and com- year ahead of schedule by re- bles in Berkeley Heights, tenance bay chief with the for the recreation depart- munity activities goes on and "I would like to share this cycling an average of 17.28 Cranford, Mountainside, 86th Equipment Main- ment for over 10 years, was on." with my family and my percent of its residential and New Providence, Plainfield, tenance Squadron. instrumental in developing brothers. The City has af- commercial waste stream, Rahway, Scotch Plains, His wife, Diane, is the the Youth Wrestling Pro- "The reason I've ex- forded the ability for this according to figures re- Springfield, Summit, West- daughter of Horace and Rc- gram to the successful status pended my energy in the type of program to develop." leased by the Union County field and Winfield. District gina Frable of Old Bridge. that it enjoys today. wrestling program is be- Utilities Authority (UC- Recycling Coordinator Joan UA). Buhrendorf explained that The 17.28 percent figure the 17.28 percent figure also represents the combined re- includes' recyclablcs col- cycling efforts of the lected in curbside and depot county's 21 municipalities recycling programs operat- and is based on 35,187 tons ing in the remaining 10 of recyclable materials col- municipalities, lected during the first six "All of Union County's months of this year. residents and businesses The Statewide Recycling should be commended for Act, signed into law by Gov. contributing to this achieve- Thomas Kean on April 20, ment," said Buhrendorf. 1987, requires that a min- imum -of IS percent of the municipal solid waste stream Financial aid be recycled one year after topic of the N.J. Dept. of En- vironmental Protection ap- PTO meeting proves the county's recycling plan. The recycling law also Need financial aid for col- sets a 25 percent require- lege or tech school? Want to ment for 1990. become familiar with the process? 'The (act that we have not Richard Line will speak only met but exceeded the on the subject and attempt state's goal is proof of Union to answer questions at the County's commitment to re- Rahway High P.T.O. meet- cyclingcycling;'; ' UCUA Chairman ing in the school library, Louis A . SantagatStt a saidid. November 29, at 7:30 p.m. "Reaching this goal before QUESTS A HOSTS gather for lunch during the 13th an- FIRST CUT... N.J.Secretary Arthur R. Brown Jr. contends that a "Jersey Fresh" holiday meat Refreshments will be serv- Clark. Standing (left to rightji: Manuel Cunha, St. Patrick "cant be beat." Slicing turkey for Muriel Ashley, a turkey grower In Flanders, Brown stressed receiving approval of our ed. nual Youth In County Government Day held recently in plan puts us in great shape to Elizabeth. Seated (from the left) are Angela Santiago, High, Elizabeth; Richard Bopp. U.C. VO-Tech (Roselle the freshness and versatility of New Jersey's crops still available at farm stands, pick-your-own Membership chairper- resident); Greg Shaw, Governor Livingston High, markets, or local supermarkets. meet and exceed future re- SL Patrick High, Elizabeth; Suzanne Hilyard, Rahway quirements." sons are Mabel Smith and High; Jennifer Powell, Rahway High; Sherry Thompson, Berkeley Heights; William Tlsdall. Public Safety Direc- Terry Quinn. Unden High, and Jodl Favor, Arthur Johnson High. tor; and William Humcke, Union County Police. 1 RAHWAY NEWSRECORD/CLARK PATRIOT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1988 PAGE 3 PAGE 2 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1988 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT Collector's WORLD open house ACCORDING TO NED & Aallstamps of Milltown will bold a collector's open by Nf house on Sunday, Nov. 27,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone in- terested in stamp, postcard and sports card collecting is ••',:.:vs-]5 welcome to attend. The OLIO SPOKEN HERE! address is 38 North Main b Milltown. Knowledgable personnel No, this isn't about cooking. That's olco with an e. will be present to answer Spelled with an i, it means a hodgepodge; a mishmash; questions as well as to ap- ••>$': a random and inconsistent mix. And it's as good a way as praise and/or purchase col- HARMONY .. .The Jereeyaires Chorus of the Rahway every Monday at 8 p.m. at the RarTway Day Care Cen- any to describe the way we Americans blithely mix English, lectibles. Refreshments will Valley Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society will ter, Hazefwood & New Brunswick Avenues, Rahway. Latin, French, Arabic, etc. in our everyday speech and writ- be served.
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