THE QUEENSCLIFF AND POINT LONSDALE NEWS Published monthly on the first Wednesday and available in Queenscliff, NOVEMBER, 2018 – Number 228 Phone: 5258 4828, e-mail: [email protected] Point Lonsdale and the Queenscliff/Sorrento Ferry. FREE – Average monthly circulation 5000 Website: www.queenscliffeherald.com.au Launch of Ron Tandberg's Fisherman's Wharf Artist Board Rejuvenation Minister for Regional Develop- Queenscliff. Demolition is underway Borough of Queenscliffe Mayor ment the Hon Jaala Pulford MLC and completion of the project will be Susan Salter said council was confirmed the state government's during 2019. honoured to launch the new board support for the wharf project after an Key project elements: honouring the work of renowned extensive community consultation -Renewal of the dilapidated wharf. political cartoonist and illustrator, process was undertaken by Queens- -Increased commercial berthing Ron Tandberg. "While the board cliff Harbour which determined the options at Queenscliff. may be cartoonist in style, it cele- architecture for the final project -Upgrade works to the public Dinghy brates a peaceful location that gave concept. Basin. Ron a sense of place in this town The funding brings the total com- -Retention of the historic slipway from where he communicated with bined investment for the Fishermans synonymous with Queenscliff's fish- the entire nation torturing the poli- Wharf Precinct to $2.9 million to ing and boat building heritage. ticians in Melbourne and Canberra revitalise an iconic section of Queens- -Interpretive trail with interactive much to our amusement." cliff Harbour's waterfront transform- displays providing a rich link to the Ron was an extremely modest and ing what has become a derelict wharf Harbour's past. private person, most happy with his into a major asset for the local -Improved waterway access. family, his dogs and horses, walking community and one that will attract a -General infrastructure works, land- down on the waterfront or working in significant number of visitors to scaping and open public space. the garden. He was a national treasure and his death was a great loss to the Doug Rathbone community who miss him dearly. Glen Tandberg and family unveiled the one of Ron's many cartoons representing Many gathered in the Pavilion at on the ferry-to-pier boardwalk. Queenscliff Harbour Princes Park where local writer Barry with Member for Hill talked about his friendship with said Barry. "He was affable, plucky, a the State Library of Victoria in 2016. the Bellarine Ron that began in 1973 when they humanist and he loved to be out and Rob Hendry, Ron's neighbour, said Lisa Neville both worked at The Age. As about with loved ones." that despite Ron Tandberg's many at Fisherman's Education Editor, Barry made use of Barry Donavan, fellow journalist accolades and honours, he was a 'no Wharf. Ron's witty cartoons and witnessed at The Age, said as a member of the fanfare, no fuss' man. Renowned for his promotion to the front page of the Melbourne Press Club and Media and his wit and wry sense of humour, he paper. Arts Alliance of Australia, he cele- was well equipped for his work as "Ron had a schoolboy impudence. brated Ron Tandberg's work in an cartoonist for The Age. He got in first and had the last say," Exhibition of our great cartoonists in Rosemary Brown Labor's spending spree to benefit traders and locals The Queenscliff community and The plan will have community input 3. $50,000 to Tourism Greater local traders are set to benefit from and aims to increase opportunities for the Geelong and the Bellarine to develop an three local projects designed to attract Music Festival and Maritime Museum industry-led vision and brand for the more visitors, offering an economic for potential redevelopment designed to Borough of Queenscliffe to enable future boost for local retailers, thanks to the double annual visitors to the museum. business development across the borough. Andrews Labor Government. 2. $50,000 to Queenscliff Harbour for The project aims to equip Borough Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville a 'Winter Wonderland' to attract visitors businesses with the skills required to announced $150,000 will be delivered by to Queenscliff during the low season. deliver a collaborative campaign to the Labor Government from the Stronger Hosted by Queenscliff Harbour and address seasonal peak issues to build a Regional Communities Plan for three supported by local businesses over three more resilient business community that Queenscliff projects to create oppor- weeks in June and July 2019 with an ice- can identify and solve business issues tunities for economic growth. skating rink, snowfield, and all-weather individually and as a whole. 1. $50,000 to the Queenscliff Music facilities to keep people warm. The event "Local business will reap rewards, Festival and Queenscliff Maritime is expected to attract more than 5,000 with extra tourists in the region spending Museum to plan for future use of the visitors to the Borough, providing a their valuable tourism dollars on food, Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville was delighted to be part of the fun at the buildings within the museum precinct welcome economic boost when retailers gifts and accommodation," said Ms Maritime Museum after announcing several grants of $50,000 designed to boost and old Fisherman's Cooperative. are typically quieter. Neville. the borough's economy and visitation. 5 pies for $20* Any 5 pies, pasties or quiche for $20 *Excludes Crocodile pie * Cold only. *Lunch size only, Must present coupon. Ends November 30th. OCEAN GROVE – 12 Park Lane – Ph: 5256 1517 QUEENSCLIFF – 40 Hesse Street – Ph: 5258 1533 LEOPOLD – 670 Bellarine Highway – Ph: 5250 6101 Page 2 – Queenscliffe Herald, November 2018 New tourism attractions brochure The Visitor Information Centre, Federal MP Sarah Henderson Bellarine Railway, Fort Queenscliff, Mayor’s Queenscliffe Historical Museum and says Labor MP the Queenscliffe Maritime Museum have worked collaboratively to has created a funding mess Column produce 'Heritage Queenscliff', a new "Bellarine MP Lisa Neville has misled the Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale brochure highlighting the attractions 100th Anniversary of including: and services of each organisation, communities over a $2.5 million grant to the Queenscliff Cultural Hub project." Remembrance Day - A new netball game day facility, with opening hours and contact "On 29 August 2018 Ms Neville $1.2 million grant and $450,000 from Sunday 11 November 2018 marks funded by the State Government and details. 'Heritage Queenscliff' will be announced that $2.5 million of a the Living Libraries fund announced the 100th anniversary of the armistice Council, with home and away change distributed through local tourism $2.695 million grant she provided last separately by Lisa Neville) for the that ended the fighting during the First rooms, toilets, showers, first aid room, outlets and Searoad Ferries. year to the Borough of Queenscliffe to Hub, not $4.15 million as she claims. World War. The Queenscliff / Point kitchenette, office and storage, and November Community fund a series of projects, including an As a result of Lisa Neville making Lonsdale RSL Sub-Branch will hold a covered decking for spectators. Listening Post additional four cabins at the Queens- a funding promise she has not Remembrance Day to Fort Queens- - New netball courts, designed to the Please join Council at our Comm- cliff Recreational Reserve, was being delivered, council does not have cliff on Sunday 11 November. most current Netball Victoria stan- unity Listening Post on Thursday 22 cancelled and redirected to the Hub sufficient funding to apply for a federal Assemble for the March at the dards. November from 2:00pm until 3:00pm project. This money has not been grant under the Building Better corner of Symonds and Hesse Streets, - Four new fully-enclosed cricket nets. in the Point Lonsdale Primary School cancelled and redirected because to do Regions Fund which requires match- Queenscliff, from 10am in readiness - AFL-standard lighting at the oval for Hall at 22 Bowen Road, Pt Lonsdale. so would breach a funding agreement ing funding. to step off at 10:15am. A Service will safer football training. Next Meeting between council and the Victorian Ms Henderson says that the Hub be held at Fort Queenscliff at - AFL goal netting at the oval, to Thursday 22 November comm- Government. project is underfunded and that the 10:30am. facilitate multiple uses of the greater encing at 7pm. All welcome. Council has confirmed it has much needed $2.4million will only be Everyone is welcome to join the Queenscliff Recreation Reserve. Cr Susan Salter received only $1.65 million from the delivered if MP Lisa Neville and the Anniversary March and Service. Wear - A 93-space car park for users of the Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe Victorian Government (comprising. Labor party are elected to govern- a red poppy as a symbol of remem- sport facilities. ment. Council has received $1.65 brance, and if a member of your - Best practice, environmentally sen- million for the project and can only family has been awarded for wartime sitive drainage and water saving apply for the same amount from the service, please wear their medals with infrastructure. The greening of Hesse Street Building Better Regions grants that pride. Council is particularly thankful to Revitalising Hesse Street is on the wishes, dreams for a revitalized street- close 15 November. Sport and Recreation Precinct Lisa Neville for providing additional agenda again. Around 40 traders and scape and unsurprisingly there were As I have previously made clear, Fellow councillors and I were funding for the netball game day interested locals gathered at Lom- many similarities expressed. Robin the Commonwealth is working hard delighted to join the State Member for facility.
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