back irom Main St, nearly 60 feet. It Is expected it will Im completed About Town in June, Heard Along Main Street Mr. Burr’a father waa greatly Buasat 'Council, Ko^. 45, Dagrea interested in trees and ahrubs, and. of Pocabontaa, will hold a bua(- his “son, brought up -in the busi­ naaa meating Monday at 8 p.m. And on Sontf of Manchester*s*lSide SireetSt Too ness. bought the Hubbard farm on The Paraonnal Pollclaf Oomrhit- in Tinkar Hall. , NominaUon of, Oakland St. in 1898 and started on teea of the'Manchester Education offlcera will t ^ a place and plans, Anybody In the Aonghf >VConn.. ...” What an intoxicating his o^'n, m aki'g hlS',.home in Aten, and the Board of Education will be mada for the annual ,Here is a random selection of thought that is. Hartford. On Sept. 20, 1900, he will meet aoon to dTscusa teacher Christmas party, . puns which have grown out of the married Mias Calls. Hickox of requesta for an Increased . wage controversy over the golf course. All That Glitters Durham. Years later, he bought, hike and other benefits. '% Sunaat Rebakah Lodge, No.' 39, When the negotiators for both The latest, If you haveA't heard from the late Henry L. Vibberta No. date' has been set for the W* Hove Gkifs Wax a t will meat Monday'kt 8 p.m. in sides were trying to agree on w hat! yet, is making your own -decora- the Judge Campbell House, so meeting, but It is expected to be igh Odd Fellows Halir The seebnd a fair price for use of the course i tion? fop Christmas, called, which they occupied until held'Within the next. 10 days. nomination of officers will be would be, someone summarized: And if you get into the ^ right after the marriage of thrir son The teachers, who have reported­ CHRISTMAS hold. ■ Mrsr Florence Chapman the situation, thusl;?: The question stores you will fihd a sUggering and daughter, and Mr. Burr's ly prepared their requests care­ and her committee w'Ul serve re- is, what is "par for the course?" | assortment of supplies for thepro- death in September 1945. fully and are ready to present them in* freshmentaf At one point when il looked as ject. There are sequins, multicolor- Judge Campbell is supposed to forcefully, have declined to make STENCILS ton though the parties couldn't agree ed. gold, silver. There is a stuff have built the house,'biit few wrlll them public until their meeting tor 'Volunteer Nurses .-Aides .will on “par,” a headline writer w rote; that glitters which very much remember him or the family that w’ith the School Board committee. And Gio$$ W ax hold their annual Christmas party that negotiations were "stymied.” resembles paper confetti' except occupied it prior to Mr. and Mrs. Strengthening thrir hand,, the 10 at .the -Manchester Coun­ And a neutral party close to the ; that it is cut from metallic paper 3^ibbcrts. We do know,^ however., MEA groups says, will be the try Club. The committee re­ situation says the trouble with the j milticolored, gold, and sliver thr he offered to give a quarter knowledge of widespread teacher lea?e questiim is that everybody’s | And there is very special glue support of the requests to be pre­ quests that all reservations be of whatever the present church By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS made by Dec. 5. Members who •'teed off.” Everybody wants the and'bnetalllc paint in spray cans, edifice, built in 1888. should cost,' sent^., have, not.'been already contacted "honors.”' Everything comes packed in in­ and signed his name to the j,. This knowledge, the MEA group A Crists in the Syrian gov-” was an Arfay ^*nd are urged to phope Mrs. Cather­ A-^ Country. Club partisan dividual packages which range so subscription paper. Another be­ says. Is baaed op a poll' taken of J fniinv that Syria break off relations with claimed, the town is trying to all 365 of its members. Each of eminent reported toda> government refused. ine A. Farr, 521 Main St. far in size thi^t thev- are. meas­ nevolent member of the church on by the Baghdad newspaper , , result, widespread differences' "putt" the club out of business. ured in grains, fractions of an ; whom the pastor at that time, the proposals, the MEA aaya, waa The DeMolay M othersCircle And then again there are many ounce, and fractions of a pound. the Rev. Clarence Barber, called supported by a majority of the 91 At Shaab. It said Sy rian Pre-' have developed within the Syrian rUi will meet at the Masonic Temple club members who .fear the And there are kits. There are upon, signed up for a second per cent <iot the members who re- j mier Sabri Assali resigned ib I Army itself and some high-ranking liar in the John Mather Chapter room "greenskeeper" won't be able to modest kits (for beginnerrs, no quarter. Elisha Hilliard also sub­ turned a questionnaire on them. I manage the deal. That would be a doubt I which include a couple of a dispute IMtn me A1TO> , Actually. A1 Shaab said, the two at 7:30 Monday night. scribed a generous sum. and Pas­ : g^ms smuggling was part of ”a "handicap.” dozen stars, a smattering of se­ tor Barber knew the rest would involving Iraq. President Israel Told Both sides want "gfimmcs.’' quins, snd a small handful of con­ Shukri Kuwatly refused to ac- ] net of smugglers working between t The following women’s circles of Oi) the other side of fight there's be forthcoming from the parish- Again Refuses U.N. the Community Baptist Church fetti. And there are professional loner.s. Four days later. Judge cept the resignation and was S.vri»r Jordan snd Israel.” Publtca- n f , a commeht that the proposed lease models with a few ounces of each will hold meetjtngs next week: The to-the club 4e "for the birdies.' Campbell wa.s on the ocean en piciuietinirtm-pH asaa irjingf rvimr to10 natrhpaicn unup ^g„„g^ m Syria "td hide an at- T o G iv e ^ r = Afternoon Circle Tuesday at 12:45 shape in a number of colors. route to Ktiropc. Before the the rift. And one sotir observer of the We have it on the reliable au­ , tempt to Involve Iraq. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bernard effort to move the club off some steamer reached Antwerp, he was The paper said Assali tried to Bliss, 112 S. Main St.: the busi­ thority of a couple of, do-it-your- added to the long list of those in i - lea on Observers In* land and onto oth^r, land, accused aelfers that making decorations quit in protest against chargea by \ There was no indication in this Gaza, Sinai ness and Professional Women's ; negotiators of "topographical ger t’le pari.sh of whom it could truly the Syrian Army that Iraq at- dispatch as to the source .of Circle-Tuesday at * -p.m. at the with this stuff is great fun; It also be said: "TTie.v rest from their RICH FARM LOAM FOR SALE Budapest, Dec. 3 -An official spokesman of the ^vern* rymandering.’’ has its disadvantages. tempted to supply arms for a coup Shdab’s information. The Syrian tlio home of Mrs. Raymond Ruddell. labors, but their works do follow Calvin Bedell, manager of Prudential Life Insurance Company’s GET A GOOD START NOW FOR NEXT SPRING WHILE In Syria. A1 Shaab Said the allega- Army ha.s that nation’s press and London, Dec. 3 Brit­ ment of Janos Kadar reluctantly admitted today that Bun* 150 Oak St.; and the East Side One evening recently, the couple them." < TRUCKS ARE ABLE TO DELIVER ON FIRM GROUND. radio under tight control and bars Circle Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the B rin g ^m e Change -got very tnyolved in converting new Manchester District office, welcomes Russell Hathaway, president tiona were made by a group of of­ ain and France bowed todaj’ garians had been deported to the. Soviet Union. loo- ^ Manchester and a billion dollars 3t Manchester Trust Co., and Walter Fox, longtime agent with Pru- ficers headed by Col. Abdul Hamid nearly all information from the to the will of the United Na-. home of Mrs. Wallace Orube, 387 used flash bulbs to Christmas tree .^nd Then There Were Four Approximately 5 Cubic Yard Loads $10.00 Weat. Outgoing dispatches also The dramatic admisAion was made by Istvan Szirmei, press Porter St. The flrst two will do got tied together in several para­ ornaments. lential, to reception yesterday afternoon marking opening of insur­ Serraj. tions and agreed to pull their chief of the government, to a group of five western Reporters graphs of a column in the Miami, Five Canadisn Geese were the ance branch In town. (Herald Photo by Pinto). are censored. Us. White Cross work and the East At one point, the man of the guests of Manchester this week, Col. Serraj ia chief of Syrian The struggle for power in Syria troops out of the Suez Canal in the tank-surrounded Budapest Parliament buiWng. Side Circle will have a Christmas Fla., Dally News this week. The house interrupted his artistic en­ PHONE Ml 9-4824 Army Intelligence'and leader of a column, quoting an accountant's but if the four which survived A luncheon marking the official apparently Involvea not only Col. zone without delay. Szirmai also conceded that ‘^Mattered armed bands” were ami* party.
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