General Index Vols. XLI-L, Third Series

General Index Vols. XLI-L, Third Series

GENERAL INDEX OF VOLUMES XLI-L OF THE THIRD SERIES. WInthe references to volumes xli to I, only the numerals i to ir we given. NOTE.-The names of mineral8 nre inaerted under the head ol' ~~IBERALB:all ohitllary notices are referred to under OBITUARY. Under the heads BO'PANY,CHK~I~TRY, OEOLO~Y, Roo~s,the refereuces to the topics in these department8 are grouped together; in many cases, the same references appear also elsewhere. Alabama, geological survey, see GEOL. REPORTSand SURVEYS. Abbe, C., atmospheric radiation of Industrial and Scientific Society, heat, iii, 364 ; RIechnnics of the i. 267. Earth's Atmosphere, v, 442. Alnska, expedition to, Russell, ii, 171. Aberration, Rayleigh, iii, 432. Albirnpean studies, Uhler, iv, 333. Absorption by alum, Hutchins, iii, Alps, section of, Rothpletz, vii, 482. 526--. Alternating currents. Bedell and Cre- Absorption fipectra, Julius, v, 254. hore, v, 435 ; reronance analysis, ilcadeiny of Sciences, French, ix, 328. Pupin, viii, 379, 473. academy, National, meeting at Al- Altitudes in the United States, dic- bany, vi, 483: Baltimore, iv, ,504 : tionary of, Gannett, iv. 262. New Haven, viii, 513 ; New York, Alum crystals, anomalies in the ii. 523: Washington, i, 521, iii, growth, JIiers, viii, 350. 441, v, 527, vii, 484, ix, 428. Aluminum, Tvave length of ultra-violet on electrical measurements, ix, lines of, Runge, 1, 71. 236, 316. American Association of Chemists, i, Texas, Transactions, v, 78. 927 . Acoustics, rrsearchesin, RIayer, vii, 1. Geological Society, see GEOL. Acton, E. H., Practical physiology of SOCIETYof AMERICA. plants, ix, 77. Nuseu~nof Sat. Hist., bulletin, Adams, F. D., melilite rock from vol. v, vii, 405. Canada, iii, 260 ; Ueber das Norian Philosophical Society, v, 527. oder Ober-Laurentian von Canada, see Association. vi, 153 ; nepheline-syenite in On- Ami, H. RI., geology of Quebec, iii, 75. tario, viii, 10 ; the Laurentian of Ampere's laws, apparatus, Raps, vii, Canada, 1, 58. 479 Aerodynamics, experiments in, Lang- Andes, appendix to travels amongst, lay,.ii, 427 ; vii, 41. Whymper, iii, 43G. Agasslz, A., observations in the West Angot, A., les aurores polaires, 1,509. Indies, v, 78, 358; notes from the Antarctica, physical geography of, Bermudas, vii, 411 ; on the Florida Fricker, vi, 317. Reef, ix, 154; Bahamas and the Appalachian gold fields, Becker, 1, Reefs of Cuba, ix, 425 ; underground 425. temperatures at great depths, 1, 503. Arc light for libraries, Dobson, vii, 76. Age of the earth, King, v, 1 ; Fisher, Argon, see CHEMISTRY. v, 464. Arkansas coal measures, Smith, vii, Agricultural analysis, Wiley, 1, 431. 482.-... Air, diselectrification, Kelvin, ix, 470. geological survey, see GEOL. liquefaction of, by Perkins, Da- REPORTSand SURVEYS. vidson, ix, 235. Arms, J. H., Insecta, i, 256. 516 GENERAL IKDEX. [2 Arnold, C. H., increasing the fre- Bailey, L. H., Nursery-Book, Botany, quency of electrical oscillations, vi, i, 442. 359. Baker. E. P., eruption of Kilauea, i, Arnold, H., Die Negativ-retouche, 443 : ii, 77. etc., iv, 256. Ballard. H. O., fossil shells in the Articulates, derivation and homolo- drumlins of the Boston Basin, viii, gies of, Dana, vii, 325. 486. Asphaltum from Trinidad, Peckham, Baltimore, geol. map, Williams, v, 73. i, 33. Barbour, E. H., on daimonelix, ix, Association, American, ix, 327 ; meet- 239. ing at Brooklyn, viii, 352 ; RIadison, Barker, G. F., Elementary Chemistry, vi. 78. 312 : Rochester. iv. 81. 337 : iii, 153 ; Physics, advanced course, Springfield, 1, $9, 352 ; Washing- ~ iv. 426. ton, ii, 353. 1 Barlow, A. E., relations of the Lauren- president's address, ii. 271. 1.tian and Huronian of Lake Huron, Australasian, vi, 79. iv, 236. British. meeting at Cardiff, ' Barometer, mercurial, Waggener, ii, Wales, ii, 358 ; Edinburgh, iv, 387. 342 ; Ipswich, 1, 429 ;..Netting- Barrett, S. T., Oriskany fauna, Colum- ham, vi, 79: Oxford, viii. 353. ' bia Co., N. Y., v, 72. Astronomers, list of, Lancnster, i, 76. Barrett, W. F., Practical Physics, v, Astronomical expeditions to Peru, iii, 240. 3arton. G. H., channels on drumlins, handbook, 1892, iii. 242. viii, 349. Journal prizes, v, 168. 3arns, C., compqessibility of hot Observatory, Yale University, water and solvent action on glass, i, Transactions, v, 357. 110 ; continuity of solid and liquid, spectroscopy, translation, Frost, i. 325. viii, 357. continuity of solid and liquid, ii, Washinetonobservations" for 1885. 125 ; contraction of molten rocks, i, 76. ii, 498 ; solution of vulcanized Astronomy, Kennedy, ix, 484. india rubber, ii, 359. Practical, Miche and Harlow, v, relation of melting point to 528. fusion, iii, 56. and Astro-Physics, iii, 166. change of heat conductivity on Astrophysical Journal, ix, 168. passing from solid to liquid, iv, 1 ; Atkinson, E., 14th edition of Ganot's electric conductivity of rock mag- Physics, v, 436. mas, iv, 242 : thermal variation of Atmosphere, new gaseous constituent, viscosity and electrolytic resistance, Rayleigh, viii, 345 : see argon. iv, 255. Atmospheric radiation, Hutchins, iii, isothermals, isopiestics and iso- 357 ; Abbe, iii. 364. metrics relative to viscosity, v, 87 ; Auditoriums, key note of, Cutter, ii, colors of cloudy condensation, v, 468 ; 1, 449. 150. Audubon monument. i, 337. colors of cloudy condensation, vi, Aurora. periodicity of. Verder, i, 156. 80 ; criticism of Fisher on rock problem. solution, Bigelow, i, 83. fusion, vi, 140. borealis, Trowbridge. vi. 195. thermo-electrios, vii, 366. Aurores polaires. Angot, 1, 509. spiral goniometry, viii, 1 ; status Australia, barrier reef of, Saville- of high temperature research, viii, Kent, v, 362 ; vi, 153. 332 ; telephonic measurement of Aj~es,E. F.. plattnerite, iii, 407. electromotive force, vii, 346 ; chro- nograph pendulum, viii, 396 ; col- loidal dyer, viii, 451. B Base appuratns, iced-bar, Woodward, Bahama Expedition of the State Univ. v. 33.- of Iowa, Nutting, ix, 428. Bashore, H. B., Harrisburg- terraces, Bahamas and the Reefs of Cuba, vii, 98. Xgassiz, ix, 425. Bather, F. A,, Crinoidea of Gotland, Bailey, E. H. S., halotriohite from vii, 482. Pitkin Co., Colorado, i, 296 ; Ton- Battery, new storage, Caillelet and ganoxie meteorite, ii, 385. Collardeau, ix, 61. 31 VOLUMES XLI-1,. 5 17 Bauer, L. A., Wilde's explication of Bigelow. F. H., terrestrial magnetism, terrestrial magnetism, iii. 496. i, 76 ; solution of aurora problem, secular variation of terrestrial i, 83 : reply to Nipher on the theory magnetism. 1, 109. 189, 314. of solar corona, i, 505 ; solar corona, Bayley,... W. S., fulgnrite from Maine, ii, 1 : causes of variations of the in, 327 ; fibrous intergrolvth of magnetic needle, ii. 233 ; inversions augite and plagioclase, iii, 315. of temperatures in solar magnetic striated garnet from Buckfield, period, viii, 435 ; the earth a mag- Me., iv, 79 : elzolite-syenite of Me. netic shell, 1, 81. and N. H.. iv. 600. Biological lectures, Wood's Holl, vii, Summary of Progress in Miner- 406. alogy and Petrography in 1892, vi, Bionomie des Xeere~,Walther, vi, 240. 76 ; actinolite-magnetite schists Birrl. C., ElementaryeGeology. i. 249. from N. Minnesota, vi, 176. Birds. North American, Nehrling, vii, Beach. I?. E., cupric nitrate in the 139 ; ix. 484. voltameter. use of, vi. 81. Biihop. S. E.. Kilauea in April, 1892, Beaches of L. Erie. Leverett, iii, 281 : iv. 207. 1, 1. Bismuth, resistance in strong magnetic Becker, G. F.. "potential" a Ber- fields, Henderson, viii, 427. noullian term. v, 97 : Fibher's new Bitmnens, origin, Peckham, viii, 389 ; hypothesis, vi, 137 : Green's use of work on, Jaccard, 1, 509. " potential." vi, 151 : finite elastic Blair. Chemical anal~sisof iron, ii, stress-strain function. vi, 337 : astro- 4'28. nomical conditions favorable to Blake, J. F.. Annals of British Geo- glaciation, viii. 95. logy, v. 525 Bedell, F., effects of self-induction Blake. W. P., columbite of Black and distributed static canacitv. " in a Hills. South Dakota. i. 403 : lead conductor. iv, 389 : work on alter- and zinc regions of Wisconsin, vi, nating currents. noticed, v, 435. 306 Beecher, C. E., development of the Blkord. W. T., fauna of British Brachiopoda. i, 343. India. RIammalia, Pt. 11, iii. 338. development of Bilobites, ii, ;il. Blowpipe Analysis. Landauer, iv, 80 ; UDD~~Silurian strata near Penob- Encllich, v. 76. scot-~ay,Xe.. iii, 412. Bloxam, C. L., Chemistry, noticed, i, development of the Brachiopoda. Pt. 11, iv. 133 : lower Oriikany Biketer, surface, Kudbaum. iii, fauna in Columbia Co., N. Y., iv. 239 410. Bolton. H. C.. Bibliography of Chem- larval forms of Trilobites from istry. vi, 301. the lower Helderberg, vi, 142 ; lar- Boltwood. B. B., double salts of val form of Triarthrus. vi. 378 : cwsi~mlchloride. etc.. 1. 249. thoracic legs of Triarthms, vi, 467. Boltzmann. 1Iaxwell's Theorie der appendages of Triarthrus, rii. Elektricitiit und Lichtes, iii, 536 ; 298. vii. 134. structure of Trinuclens, ix, 307. Bonaparte, R., Excursion in Corsica, Behrens, H., Microchemical Analysis, 1 ,509 ix. $4. ~&ney.T. G., story of our planet, Bergen, J. Y., Jr., Text-book of viii, 430. Physics, v, 253. Bonnier, G.. cultures, experimentales Bermudas, notes from, Agassiz, vii. dans les Alpes et les PjdnBes, i, 411. 255. Berzelius and Liebig, Letters from Boston Society of Nat. History, prizes 1831-1845, v. 433. given by, iii, 541. Bevis. A. W.. IIannal of Machine Botanical Garden of Missouri, i, 336 ; Drawing and Design, vi, 80. v, 526 ; 1, 507. Bibliography by the International prizes. French Academy, v, 355. Congress of Geologists. iii. 71. society, Italian, iii, 437. Bibliotheca Polytechnica, i, 432. BOTAXICALWORKS- Zoologica, Taschenberg, ii, 438 ; Australische Florenelement in En- iv, 504, vii, 159. ropa, Ettingshausen, i, 332. 518 GENERAL INDEX. L4 BOTANICALWORKS-- Botanik, Lehrbuch der, Frank, ix, Blaschka glass models of plants at r-ro : Giesenhagen, ix, 75 : Pax, Harvard Botanical Museum, ix, ix, 73 ; Strasbnrger and Schim- 242. per, ix. 7,5. Botanic gardens in the equatorial Botany, Gray's, Bailey, ix, 325.

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