Partly Cloudy Good Morning IOWA: Partly cloudy IJnd Iowa City THE DAILY IOWAN old" 10il . Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ESTABLISHED 1868 VOL. 78 NUMBER 102 THII A8S0ClATilD rallss IOWA CITY. IOWA THURSDAY. JANUARY 24. 1946 /'or WIIlIPUOTO FIVE CENTS anagement on erence ropose I -------------------------------------------------.... • FRENCH PRESIDENT PICKETS OPPOSE FEPC FILIBUSTER Short Presen,ts I Housing Survey Starts Today Executive Asks New Evidence Over 200 Iowa City women, veterans and their wives and uni· versity students start a city· wide search today for housing lor vet­ For Meeting erans and their families. Armed with questionnaires designed to show not only the im­ To (ommiHee mediate living Space available, but also to indicate what remodel­ ing and building can provide in the future, the canvassers will With Truman cover aproximately 6,000 homes in the three day survey. Preliminary Messages The city has been di vided into 400 districts, and 17 supervisors CIO Union Committee Failed to Show Jap have been appointed. ... ¥¥ Wants Kaiser to Run Attack Imminent Federal Steel Plants WASHTNO'I'O (AP )-Maj. B y THE ~SSOCI~TED rRess O~n. Waltel' C. , hOlt . urpl'is(>d IStreicher Collapses UNO Splits A confl'T'el1C(, of execut i\'e. of Ihe Pea rl H arbor inv('sti~at in g strike- hound compa ni es Winl eommittee yestrl'day w ith docu­ During Trial Recess; President Truman was p roposed mentory evidcnce that: last night by Benjamin P. Fair. 1. Maj. Gen. , herman Miles, Blame Heart AHack On Candidate less as 1h e steel and General l~":l lSi i s~nt c!l ief of staff for FBLIX GOUIN (ABOVE), Soclal­ MotOI'S strikes I'cmained in a mlhtnry mtellLgenee, sent !1 1st was elected president of the cleadlock anrl the White House mCssage to Panama nvo days be- F~nch constituent assembly after Postpone Hess Trial; Elect Indian President made plans to seize the nation's fore Pearl Harbor indicating Gen. Charles De Gaulle resigned Open Individual Cases Of Economic Council; meat packing plants, atul'day, he did not believe a break with Sunday, (AP WIREPHOTO) Thc pr sid ut of nit e d Japan was then imminent: * * * _Ag,!inst High Nazis Adopt Remedial Plans tates teel corporation called 2. Maj. Gen. IIayes A. Kroner, upon the president to call t he chief of th intelligence branch NUERNBERG (AP)--J u I ius LONDON (AP)--Members of WEARING PLACARDS NOMINATING VARIOUS SENATORS TO THE "dis-honor guard," a group of all-management conference of ex­ the United Nations security coun­ under Miles, did not have access IStreicher, sadistic JeW-baiter who pickets parades near the capitol yesterday In opPOsl tion to the filibuster In the seoate on the fair em- perienced executives to get their Gouin New cil met informally last night but ployment practices committee lerlslatlon. (AP WIREPHOTO) advice "on what kind of a wage to decoded Japanese messages preached fanatical racial hatred again tailed to agree on a candi­ although he helped prepare esti­ and violence, collapsed from a increase the economy of this coun­ date for the key post of UNO sec­ try can endure without incurring mates of probable military de­ heart attack yesterday during the retary-general. velopPnents. the danger of an inflationary French Head noon recess of the international The stumbling block was said to Kroner testified at a previous spiral." miUta.ry tribunal trying him and be Russian insistence that since Foreign Intelligence Chief Named Might Pave Way inquiry that from his polnt of the headquarters of the new peace view a Nov. 29, 1941, estimate PARIS (AP)---F'elix Gouin, 61 , 21 other Nazis as war criminals. He asserted such a national con~ organization are to be in the Uni­ ference mlght pave the way for made no mention of "J apan's cap- Socialist chief of the constituent Only 19 defendants of the 22 on ted States, the secretary should be STUDENT REGISTRATION ability against Pearl Harbor" be- assembly, tonight succeeded Gen­ settlement of the steel walkout trial were in the courtroom in the from some nation in eastern Eur­ NOTICE Souers Appointed and "other strikes that now cause he and an army colonel, eral De Gaulle as president of the The attention of stu den t s Chinese Reds afternoon session at which the ope. plague the country." who worked with him on it. provincijll · government of ~ance. While this deadlock continued, and prospective students regis­ had no information "which would The interim president will serve British pressed their case against the UNO speedily and unanimously 0 J\nother proposal regarding the tering for the second semester r Direct Central steel strike came from the CIO lead us to believe that they were until the constituent assembly fin­ Franz. von Papen, Hitler's one- set up its economic and social is c a I led to a typographical capable of or planned to do so." ishes its work in May. I\ime top diplomat. Von Papen council. By acclamation, the 18 Violate Truce steelworkers' 175-man wage policy error in the instruction sheet committee, in a statement also ad­ (Attack the Hawaiian base.) There were 55 votes cast for listened attentively as the prose- members of the council elected Sir accompanying the registration Unit of New System Sent to Panama. ,other candidates, with some ab- Ramaswami Mudaliar of India as dressed to the president. cutlon charged him with subser­ materials. Step 6 of the regis· WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ CHUNGKING, Thursday (AP) The committee declared that the The Miles message which Short stentions. preside'nt, and then adopted pro­ tration instructions s h 0 u 1 d said was sent to Panama on Dec. Gouin's election was greeted vience to Hitler's objectives and cedures under which they can dent Truman yesterday appointed -The national military council billion dollars worth of govern­ read: "Pay tuition in full at Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers ment-owned steel plant facilities 5 read: with cheers from all sides excep; dupliCity in assisting their attain- tackle t.he assigned task of raising the office of the treasurer, Uni­ today accused Chinese Commu­ "United States Japanese rela- the section occupied by the popu­ ment. world Jiving standards and remov- of St. Louis as director of central should be made available for pri­ versity Hall, between Tuesday, intelligence, one of three units ot nists of "continuing large-scale vate operations " by individuals tions strained. Will inform you if lar Republican movement (MRP), Streicher Bedridden ing economlc causes of war. Feb., 5, and Saturday noon attacks" a g a ins t government and when severance of diplo- one of France's three major Streicher was confined to Qed. I John Winant, the nation's new foreign intelli­ such as Henry J. Kaiser" or should Am~assador ~. Feb. 9. Those who fail to pay be operated by the government. malic relations are imminent." parties. Col. B. C. Andrus, the jail como' AmerIcan representat~~e on the gence system. forces as late as yesterday, 10 days tuition before noon Feb. 9 (in­ Souers is qeput:v cbie.! of naval Sugge t Kaiser In his testimony, Miles said an 'rhe MRP at the last moment mandant, reported lale yesterday declared that seldom PtI­ aitel- the cea e-fh'e deadline, in coun~ll, a'elld of Feb. 4 M printed) "are inteUigence. The committee asserted that atlack on Hawaii always had been had requested an agreement that afternoon that Streicher still was for~ In. human history has an or­ subject to a late registration Mr. Trllman also designated Ad­ five provinces. Kaiser, the west coast steelmaker, considered a possibility and was the Socialists and Communists resting under effects of a seda- I gamzatlOn been. ere ate d with lee which is assessed automat­ Listed were Shantung, Shansi. tivEl. Andrus said the prisoner g:eater opportunIty serve man­ miral William D. Leahy, the presi­ who has accepted the president's not mentioned in the military esti- join with the MRP in recognizing ~ ically by the treasurer." dent's chief of staff, to represent Kiangsu, Honan and Hope1 prov­ 18 % cent wage increase recom­ mates because it was "inherent in "the necessity of a tri-partite go v- probably would not be able to kind. than has been given the eco- nomIc and social council." him on the national intelligence inces. The council said the Com­ mendation, 01' the government the situation." ernment." return to court before Friday. Oth ' t t fed n authority which will formulate munists had launched "a new of­ should continue operating these n was in rebuttal to that state- The Communists bluntly re- The British also opened their er III eres. 0 c u S 0 M Ch k Wf broad policies for Souers to carry fensive" against the northern federally-owned steel plants "until ment that Short brought out the pulsed MRP efforts to get a three­ . d" d 1 . t B whether the secunty counCIL would arlone 0 es 1° e In lV] ua. case agams aron act immediately on Soviet charges out. Honan town of Sinsiang, on the the steel corpora tions accept the Kroner document. This was a par- party harmony pledge on record Konstantm von Neurath, former th t B 'ta" l' 'es' G eece The third organization in the Peiping-Hankow railroad north president's decision." lial transcript of testimony Kroner before the voting. ~azi foreign minister, ?resent- an~ Inr~O~~s~a p~~~~ ~~eat:ning After Ouarrel About setup is on intelligence advisory of the Yellow river, and in Shansl In the General Motors strike, the gave Sept.
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