Original Article 149 Turk J Endocrinol Metab. 2020;24:149-162 Scientific Performance in Endocrinology and Metabolism Over the Past 45 Years: A Scientometrics Study in the Middle-East Countries Son 45 Yılda Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizmadaki Bilimsel Performans: Orta Doğu Ülkelerinde Bir Bilimmetri Çalışması Hadi RAMEZANI, Nahid HASHEMIMADANI*, Zahra EMAMI*, Razieh SHAHROKHIFARID*, Fatemeh GOLGIRI*, Mohammad E. KHAMSEH* Khoy University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, IRAN *Endocrine Research Center, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, IRAN Objective: This study aimed to explore the scientific perfor- Amaç: Bu çalışma, Orta Doğu ülkelerinde endokrinoloji ve mance in research of endocrinology and metabolism and its metabolizma araştırmalarındaki bilimsel performansı ve sos- correlation with the socioeconomic indicators in the Middle- yoekonomik göstergeler ile ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçlamış- East countries. Material and Methods: Scientometrics and tır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada bilimmetri ve sosyal social network analysis methods were used for this study. Data ağ analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Veriler; Web of Science, were extracted from the Web of Science, World Bank, and UIS Dünya Bankası ve UNESCO’nun UIS veri merkezinden alın- data center of UNESCO. Results: The majority of scientific mıştır. Bulgular: Bilimsel üretimin çoğu (%79,6) Türkiye, İs- productions (79.6%) were published by authors affiliated with rail ve İran'ı içeren üst-orta ve yüksek gelirli ülkelere bağlı upper-middle and high income countries which includes Tur- yazarlar tarafından yayınlanmıştır. Ortak yazarlık analizine key, Israel, and Iran. From co-authorship analysis, Saudi Ara- göre; merkezîliği en fazla olan Suudi Arabistan, Mısır ve Tür- bia, Egypt, and Turkey with most degree centrality, had the kiye, diğer Orta Doğu ülkeleri ile en yüksek iş birliği oranına highest collaborative ranking with other Middle-East countries. sahiptir. Orta Doğu ile iş birliği yapan ve bu alanda bilimsel The main Middle-East collaborators having scientific outputs in çıktıları olan başlıca araştırmacılar ABD, İngiltere ve Alman- this field were the researchers from the USA, England, and ya'dandır. D i ğer ülkelerle en fazla iş birliği (%63,8) yapan ül- Germany. Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia had the most colla- keler İsrail, Türkiye ve Suudi Arabistan’dır. Ay r ıca küresel boration (63.8%) with other countries. Also, there was a ülkelerle yapılan toplam iş birliği ile atıf sayısı arasında güçlü strong positive correlation between total collaborations with bir pozitif korelasyon vardır. Sonuç: Bilimsel üretimler, atıflar, global countries and the number of citations. Conclusion: Due bilimsel iş birlikleri, araştırma ve geliştirme harcamalarının to the correlation among scientific productions, citations, sci- gayrisafi yurt içi hasılaya oranı ve uzman insan kaynakları entific collaborations, Gross domestic expenditure on research göstergeleri arasındaki korelasyon nedeni ile, ek bütçe ortak and development, and specialist human resources indicators, projeler yürütmek için Orta Doğu ülkelerindeki araştırmalara the supplementary budget should be directed toward research ve küresel ağlar kurmaya yönlendirilmelidir. Böylelikle bilim- in the Middle-East countries and establishing global networks sel üretim eğilimi artabilir, Web of Science’da daha yüksek to conduct joint projects. This could increase the trend of sci- atıflar elde edilebilir ve sonuç olarak bu eğilim bölgede bilim- entific productions and obtain higher citations in the Web of sel, sosyal ve ekonomik kalkınma sağlayabilir. Science, eventually leading to scientific, social as well as eco- nomic development in the region. Keywords: Endocrinology; metabolism; Middle-East countries; Anahtar kelimeler: Endokrinoloji; metabolizma; social network analysis; scientometrics; Orta Doğu ülkeleri; sosyal ağ analizi; socioeconomic indicators; bilimmetri; sosyoekonomik göstergeler; scientific publications bilimsel yayınlar Address for Correspondence: Zahra Emami, Endocrine Research Center, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Tehran, IRAN Phone: +98-21-88945435 E-mail: [email protected] Peer review under responsibility of Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Received: 01 Dec 2019 Received in revised form: 19 Apr 2020 Accepted: 29 Apr 2020 Available online: 19 May 2020 1308-9846 / ® Copyright 2020 by Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey. Publication and hosting by Turkiye Klinikleri. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) DOI: 10.25179/tjem.2019-72325 150 Ramezani et al. Turk J Endocrinol Metab Scientific Performance in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020;24:149-162 Introduction The size, economic, and political issues of a In the field of clinical sciences, endocrinology country, as well as migration and mobility, and metabolism (E&M) have considerable are factors that affect international research significance due to the high prevalence of re- collaboration (9). Moreover, national and in- lated diseases and the subsequent socio-eco- ternational research collaborations depend nomic burden. Endocrinology is a branch of on the government and individual interest, medical science that focuses on hormones scientist motivation, as well as an agree- and deals with the associated disorders ap- ment between institutions. It is also influ- plying multidisciplinary approaches (1). En- enced by similarities in regional conditions, docrine diseases fall into broad categories, lifestyle, and common health problems in including thyroid disorders, pituitary tumors, the countries (10). disorders of bone and calcium homeostasis, Studies have confirmed significant growth in and lipid and carbohydrate disorders. scientific productions on the E&M domain by In particular, among endocrine disorders, di- researchers from ME and the world (3,8,11). abetes mellitus is the most common cause Therefore, it is necessary to employ reliable of hospitalization and death that has integrated indicators to get an overview of reached an epidemic level in most countries the scientific status of a nation or region (5). (2,3). About 38.7 million individuals with di- In this respect, scientometrics is a method abetes live in the Middle-East (ME) and that help health policy-makers. Northern Africa. In 2017, diabetes was the Scientometrics can be applied to evaluate leading cause of death in the ME (4). More- and compare different levels of scientific over, other prevalent endocrine disorders output, including investigators, institutions, are metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, ad- and countries at the national and interna- renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, hy- tional levels (12). One of the quantitative pothyroidism, panhypopituitarism, Cushing’ branches of scientometrics is mapping of syndrome, and acromegaly (1). scientific collaboration, which provides the Science, technology, and innovation (STI) scientific managers and researchers with are the three main components for sustain- objective information on the collaboration ability, adopted as a historical agenda for between researchers (13). Likewise, individ- sustainable development up to 2030 by the ual elements, related elements forming a United Nations General Assembly (5). network, and the interpretation of inter-ele- Moreover, the World Health Organization ment relations are the main components to (WHO), the Council on Health Research for be considered in the mapping of the scien- Development (COHRED) and the Global tific structure (12). Forum on Health Research have empha- Most studies in scientometrics and biblio- sized in order to improve health system metric are based on the number of scientific performance at both national and global publications on E&M and their citations. level, scientists should develop the capacity However, only a few studies deal with the of conducting health research and utilizing co-authorship subject specific to the branch the results (6). From this perspective, pro- of E&M. Thus, conducting comprehensive re- motion in the fields of STI to achieve a high search to evaluate the condition of scientific scientific level ranking globally and to be productions, citations, and the level of col- known as an active contributor to science laborations in the ME countries, as well as is the primary concern of all societies, es- their comparison with socio-economic indi- pecially the developing countries (7). On cators, is essential. The results of this study the other hand, the capability of different could be used to understand further the fa- countries concerning financial research re- vorable perspective and effective policy for sources, scientific research programs, and the management of E&M. utilizing research-generated knowledge dif- fers (8). Hence, scientific collaboration is Material and Methods often used by low- and middle-income This study utilized scientometrics and social countries as an effective way to access the network analysis (SNA) methods to show knowledge and technology of the developed national efforts in research productivity and countries. its correlation with the socio-economic indi- 150 Turk J Endocrinol Metab Ramezani et al. 151 2020;24:149-162 Scientific Performance in Endocrinology and Metabolism cators in E&M among ME countries. Social come. Low income economies were defined network analysts argue that networks oper- as those with a Gross National
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