Colorado Radio Minus 300 Ft

Colorado Radio Minus 300 Ft

Colorado Radio minus 300 ft. Stereo. Box 1028 (81602). (303) Best, prog dir; Bruce Clement, mus dir; Anthony An- 945 -9124. Colorado West Bcstg Inc. Net: ABC /E, In- tuna, prod dir; Estel Haning, chief engr. termountain. Rep: Intermountain. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Class 3 hrs wkly. Allen Bell, Ares, mus dir & KYOU(AM) -Aug 24, 1948: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Englewood gen mgr; Terry Ewbank coral mgr; Judy Kess, prog w -N. 816 9th St. (80632). (303) 356 -1450. O'Keiffe dir; Mardi Devolites, news dir. Rates: $13.50; 13.50: Bcstg Co. (acq 7- 17 -78). Net: ABC/E. Format: C &W 13.50; Donald O'Malley, pres & gen mgr; Marc McLean, KWBZ(AM) -1951: 1150 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N. 3 W. 11.50. coml Princeton (80110). (303) 761 -1150. Mullins Bcstg. mgr; Bill James, prog dir & mus dir; Scott Johnson, news dir; Larry (acq 9 -79). Net: APR. Format: Oldies. John C. Grand Junction Selzle, chief engr. Mullins, Ares; Devora Deutsch, gen mgr; Mick Froid, KORE(FM) -Co -owned with KYOU(AM). pros dir; Susie Jones, mus dir; Mick Froid, prom mgr; KCIC(FM) -March 4, 1979: 88.5 mhz; 450 w. Ant June 1967: 92.5 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 470 ft. Stereo. Progs sep from Paul Montoya, chief engr. Rates: $24; 24; 24; 24. minus 431 ft. Stereo. 3102 E Road (81501). (303) AM. Format: C &W Rates: $10.10; 434 -8391. Pear Park Baptist Schools. Format: Educ, 10.10; 10.10; 10.10, Estes Park rel. Spec progs: Class 14 hrs wkly. Harlen Larsen, pres; Charles Hendrickson, gen mgr; John Salazar, KSIR(AM) -Aug 19, 1967: 1470 khz; 1 kw -D. 131 prog dir & prom mgr; Mrs. Harlen Larsen, mus dir; Gunnison Stanley Ave, 2677 (80517). (303) 586 -9555. Estes Nathan K. Bale, chief engr. KGUC(AM) -Aug 23, 1960: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Park Broadcasting Co. (acq 4- 21 -74). Net: ABC /I. Rep: w -N. 113 E. Georgia (81230). (303) 641 -1780. Gun- Hix. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Class 4 hrs wkly Stan KEXO(AM) -Feb 29, 1948: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 nison Bcstg. Net: ABC; Intermountain. Format: MOR. Pratt, pres; Robert S. Gaines, stn mgr; Johnny Dark, w -N. Box 1448 (81501). (303) 243-1230. Western Spec prcg: Oldies 11 hrs, sports 51/2 hrs wkly. Roger prog dir; Al Ratio, news dir; Gary Hartley, chief engr. Broadcasting Company Inc. (acq 7- 1 -81). Group mgr; Enid C. Pepperd, stn dir; Kit Rates: $9.50: 9.50; 9.50; 9.50. owner: Donrey Media Group. Net: ABC /C; Intermoun- W. Pepperd, gen Pepperd, prog dir; Fred Henry, chief engr. Rates: tain. Format: Contemp. Spec prog: Sp 1 hr wkly. Fort Collins Donald W Reynolds, pres; Richard Elliott, VP & gen $3.50; 3.50; 3.50; 3.50. mgr; Mike Connors, prog dir; Steve Pluim, sls mgr; Jan KOUC -FM- Fall 1980: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 304 ft. K COL(AM) -March 1, 1947: 1410 khz; 1 kw-U, DA- Lunsford, news dir; Norm Price, chief engr Rates: Dups AM. N. Box 1339 (80522). (303) 482 -5991. Beef Empire $22; 12; 16; 18. Bcstg Co. (group owner; acq 12- 1 -64). Net: ABC /I, In- KVLE(FM)- April 18, 1980: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant: KJOL(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 90.3 termountain. Rep: Eastman, Intermountain. Format: 200 ft. Stereo. Box 832 (81230). (303) 641 -3225. mhz; 2.0 kw. Ant: minus 441 ft. 2711 Unaweep Ave. MOR. Jerry Huse, pres; John J. Miller, VP & gen mgr; Valley Broadcasting Corp. Net: APR. Rep: (81503). Format: Ed. Mountain Don R. Grant, VP & coral mgr; Wil Huett, opns dir; Bob Bob Hix Co. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Class 3 hrs, Turley, prom mgr; Don D. Grant, mus dir; John DeHaes, KMSA(FM) -Feb 20, 1975: 91.3 mhz; 37 w. Ant Jazz 3 hrs wkly. William E. Pangborn, pros; John A. news dir; Dave Julian, chief engr. Rates: $22.70; minus (CP: 500 w, Ant It.) Box 2647 Smith, gen mgr; Julia S. Lee, coral mgr; Ronald 18.20; 22.70; 13.60. 500 It. 382 Stereo. (81502). (303) 248 -1240. Mesa College. Format: Div. Jablonski Jr., prog dir; Mark Dewhurst, mus dir; Adam Hernandez, prom mgr; Cynthia Heldmyer, news dir; KCOL -FM -July 27, 1975: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Spec progs: Classical 4 -6 hrs; jazz 6 hrs; C &W 4 -6 William Lyke, chief engr Rates: $8; 8; 8; 7.50. 470 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Btfl mus. hrs; farm 1 hr, wkly. is Susan Radosevich, gen mgr; Rates: 15.80; 19.70; 19.70. Chuck Hendrickson, advisor. $19.70; KWSB -FM -Jan 26, 1968: 91.9 mhz; 10 w. Ant 115 ft. Box 928 (81230). (303) 943-3033. Western State KCSU -FM -Sept 20. 1964: 90.9 mhz; 2 kw. Ant KOIL(AM) -May 13, 1961: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D.250 w- College of Colorado. Net: UPI Audio. Format: AOR, minus 360 ft. Student Center, Colorado State U. N. Box 340 (81502). (303) 242 -7800. Mesa Bcstg Co. Spec prog: Class 3 hrs. jazz 9 hrs wkly (80523). (303) 484 -3525. State Board of Agriculture. (acq 1- 1 -71). Net: APR. Rep: Mesta, Hix. Format: C &W educ. Hickman, gen mgr; Mark A. Friedman, Net: NPR. Format: Educational. Spec progs: Classical John Hough, pres; Jim TerLouw, VP & gen mgr; Don Thomas J. prog dir; Mark E. Beyerle, mus dir; Kevin M. Vasina, 18 hrs; jazz 3 hrs; folk 3 hrs; community affairs 7 hrs; Durden, gen sls mgr; Don Rhea, prog dir; Linda Skin- new all wkly. Jae Spease; gen mgr; Douglas Fried, prog ner, news dir; Dave Colby, chief engr. Rates: S30; 30; dir. dir 30; 18. Hayden KIIX(AM) -Jan 12, 1959: 600 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 2204 KOIX -FM -Co -owned with KOIL(AM). Nov 1, 1973: 1608 Riverside Dr. (80524). (303) 484 -5449. WREN 93.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant minus 170 ft. Stereo. (303) KHEE(AM)- Spring 1982: 1000 khz; 10 kw -D. Box 245 -9000. Mesa Bcstg Co. Prog sep from AM. Format: Z Bcstg Inc. (acq 1- 1 -74). Group owner: Landon Stns. 466, Wray (80758). (303) 332 -4171. Broadcasters Net: APR. Rep: Pro Radio. Format: C & W. Spec prog: MOR; Top 40. Dan Shanahan, prog dir. Inc. Robert D. Zelimer Jr., pres; Terry L. Tobinson, Farm 5 hrs, Sp 2 hrs wkly John C. Landon, pres; coml mgr; Robert D. Zelimer Sr., chief engr. 1, 1926: 1100 khz; kw-D, 10 John Shideler gen mgr; Chuck Bailey, prog dir; Harold KREX(AM) -May 50 kw -N, DA -2. Box 789 (81501). (303) 242 -5000. TWX Robinson, sls mgr; Dan Kuntz, news dir; Ron Krob, Ignacio 910 -929 -6992. XYZ Television, Inc. (group owner; acg chief engr. Rates: S12; 10; 12; -. 11- 1 PRO McGuire. -66). Net: CBS. Rep: Radio, For- 'KSUT(FM) -June 9, 1976: 91.3 mhz; 425 w. Ant 18 KTCL(FM) -Co -owned with KIIX(AM). September mat: MOR, Information radio. Spec prog: Sp 3 hrs wkly. ft. Southern Ute Tribal Affairs Bldg. (81137). (303) 1965: 93.3 mhz: 100 kw. Ant 1330 ft. Stereo. Prog sep- Carl O. Anderson, pres & gen mgr; Don Billie, stn 563 -4507. Kute Inc. Frances Buck, pres; Lillian arate from AM. Format: Progressive rock. Spec prog: mgr; Steve Heller, prog dir; Al LaDage, chief engr; Seibel, gen mgr; Dawn Santistevan, prog dir; Evelyn Class 4 hrs. jazz 4 hrs wkly Stu Haskell, sls mgr; Becky Franko, news dir. Rates: S11.30: 9: 10110: 6. Hudson, mus dir: Donna Gomez, electronics tech; Tom Wheeler, prog dir; John Hayes, mus dir; John Richard Houston, chief eng. KREX -FM 1, 1960: 92.3 mhz; 30 kw. Ant minus Voorhis, prom mgr; Deni LaRue, chief engr. -May 42 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Format: Btfl La Junta Fort Morgan mus. KREX -TV affil. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; 8.50; 8.50. Listing follows KBZZ(AM). KSTR(AM) -June 19, 1957: 620 khz; 5. kw -D. Box KBLJ(FM)- KBRU(FM) -Listing follows KFTM(AM). 1120 (81501). (30.3) 243 -1722. Lincom Partners Inc. KBZZ(AM) -July 20, 1937: 1400 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 12- 31 -68). Net: NBC. Rep: SavallilSchutz. For- KCMP(AM) -See Brush. (acq w -N. Box 485 (81050). (303) 384 -5456. La Junta mat: MOR. Spec prog: Sp 2 hrs, golden old 3 hrs, Bcstrs Inc. (acq 11 -59). Net: MBS. Format: MOR. country sessions 1 hr wkly. William H. Nelson, pres; KFTM(AM) -May 22, 1949: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D. 250 Grady Franklin Maples, pres; C.A. Denney, VP & gen Bill R. Shoultz, gen & coral mgr, prog dir; Ton Peterson, w -N. Box 430 (80701). (303) 867 -5674. Love Corn mgr; John Doenges, mus dir; Bev Lough, stn mgr; 1 mus dir & prom mgr; Sally Ann Burgess, news dir; Inc. (acq 12- -78). Net: APR. Format: Farm, C &W. Robin Hyatt, news dir; Paul Widlund, Dons mgr & chief hrs Norm Price, chief engr. Rates: $12.50; 10.50; 12.50; Spec progs: Sp 4 wkly. Kim Love, pres; Dan J. engr. Rates: 58.50; 7; 7; 4.50. Robbin, gen & coral mgr; John D. Albert, prog & mus dir; Mike Thompson. news dir: Ron Barnhill. chief engr. KBLJ(FM) -Co -owned with KBZZ(AM). September, Rates: $6.45; 6,45; 6.45; 5.45. Greeley 1974: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Net: MBS. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Sp 16 hrs wkly. Grady 1, KBRU(FM) -Co -owned with KFTM(AM).

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