Received: 9 January 2019 | Revised: 25 July 2019 | Accepted: 26 July 2019 DOI: 10.1002/mbo3.924 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Culture of attached and suspended Rhodopseudomonas faecalis in the presence of decomposing fish feed Xiaodong Wang | Xingguo Liu | Shimin Lu | Chong Liu | Zhaojun Gu | Xianlei Zeng | Qi Ni Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Abstract Sciences, Shanghai, China An approach to culturing attached and suspended forms of Rhodopseudomonas faeca- Correspondence lis by using compound fish feed with tap water in transparent containers is reported Xiaodong Wang, Fishery Machinery and in this study. The ratio of fish feed to tap water was 14.3–50.8 g/L, and no other in‐ Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, 63 Chifeng oculum or substances were added during the culture process. When the ratio of fish Rd., Shanghai 200092, China. feed to tap water was 14.3 g/L, the highest total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total Email: [email protected] dissolved carbon content recorded in the water in the containers were approximately Funding information 730 mg/L, 356 mg/L, and 1,620 mg/L, respectively, during the process of feed decay. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 41401580; Comamonas, Rhodopseudomonas, and Clostridium successively dominated during the The National Basic Research Program of culture process. Rhodopseudomonas was the most common dominant genus in both China (973 Program), Grant/Award Number: 2015CB150703; The Central Public‐interest the attached and suspended forms when the water was dark red, and the relative op‐ Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund, erational taxonomic unit abundance reached 80‒89% and 24.8%, respectively. The CAFS, Grant/Award Number: 2017GH10; The National Infrastructure of Fishery dominant species was R. faecalis. The maximum thickness of attached bacteria and Germplasm Resources of China, Grant/ the biomass of attached Rhodopseudomonas reached up to 0.56 mm and 7.5 mg/cm2, Award Number: 2019DKA30470 respectively. This study provides a method for the mass culture of Rhodopseudomonas by using the fermentation of aquatic compound fish feed. KEYWORDS attached bacteria, biofilms, fish feed, photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodopseudomonas 1 | INTRODUCTION phototrophic bacteria (PPB, largely consisting of PNSB), which range from orange to purple in color. Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) are strains of bacteria with light‐ab‐ Many PPB species have been studied, and their applica‐ sorbing pigments, which convert light energy into chemical energy tions have been extensively investigated (Loo, Vikineswary, & and play an important role in the circulation of material, energy Chong, 2013; Saejung & Thammaratana, 2016), including those of conversion, and water purification in aquatic ecosystems (Madigan Rhodopseudomonas species, which are cultured for aquaculture feed & Jung, 2009). Rhodopseudomonas, a member of the purple, non‐ (Kim & Lee, 2000) and have been suggested to be a high carotenoid sulfur, photosynthetic bacteria (PNSB), is facultatively anaerobic, producer (Saejung & Apaiwong, 2015) and a hydrogen producer Gram‐negative and rod‐shaped. It is capable of nitrogen and carbon (Liu, Xie, Guo, Ding, & Ren, 2011; Ren et al., 2012; Xie et al., 2012). dioxide fixation as well as photosynthesis. The presence of carot‐ PNSB play primary roles in wastewater treatment processes (Okubo, enoids makes Rhodopseudomonas, a well‐known genus of purple Futamata, & Hiraishi, 2005), whereas PPB have been used for the This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2019 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. MicrobiologyOpen. 2019;8:e924. www.MicrobiologyOpen.com | 1 of 12 https://doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.924 2 of 12 | WANG ET AL. treatment of organic wastewaters from the sugar, food processing, Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine (a) chicken abattoir, dairy, and fermented starch industries. whether the dark red microbial growth in the presence of decom‐ Some reports have indicated the dominance of PNSB in both the posing fish feed was a random occurrence; (b) whether the culture suspended and attached forms. Rhodopseudomonas species are found method could be replicated; and (c) if the phenomenon was a regular in various environments including limnetic zones, marine habitats, and occurrence, then what microbial changes occur during the cultiva‐ sewage sludge, which are particularly abundant in eutrophic environ‐ tion process, and what factors stimulate these changes. ments (Wei, Okunishi, Yoshikawa, Kamei, & Maeda, 2016; Zhang, Yang, We reasoned that if the results of this study indicated that Huang, Zhang, & Liu, 2002). Mixed communities of anoxygenic PPB both attached and suspended dark red microbial growth could be and Chlorella‐type green algae have been reported to dominate leach‐ achieved by using compound fish feed decomposition in transparent ate sewage ponds, which are typical hypereutrophic red water ponds containers, then this research might provide a technical reference (Chandaravithoon, Nakphet, & Ritchie, 2018). Some pink microbial for the use of organic waste such as livestock manure, concentrated mats have been found to naturally occur in a swine wastewater ditch, cyanobacterial blooms, and food waste. These waste products could in which the microbial mats were dominated by the genera Rhodobacter be converted to high densities of Rhodopseudomonas, and the bac‐ and Rhodopseudomonas, and the Rhodopseudomonas species was more teria could then be used in aquaculture water quality control, animal dominant than the Rhodobacter species (Okubo, Futamata, & Hiraishi, feed additives, or hydrogen production. 2006). A continuous photo‐anaerobic membrane reactor started with raw domestic wastewater has been found to change to purple with PPB 2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS dominance during culture, and Rhodocyclus or Rhodopseuodomonas and Rhodobacter or Rhodobacter dominance have been found to occur 2.1 | Experimental setup and management during different culture stages (Hülsen et al., 2016). In photofermentation H2 production research, bacterial immobi‐ From 5 January 2015 to 31 May 2016, extruded freshwater compound lization technology resulting in biofilm formation with PNSB domi‐ fish feed was used as the base material for Rhodopseuodomonas cul‐ 2 nance has been used to enhance photo‐H2 production (Levin, Pitt, ture in a 220 m greenhouse. The greenhouse was located in Yangpu & Love, 2004; Mohan et al., 2007; Robledo‐Ortíz, Ramírez‐Arreola, District, Shanghai, China (N 31°16′52.75″, E 121°29′46.88′′). The Gomez, González‐Reynoso, & González‐Núñez, 2010; Tian et al., air temperature in the greenhouse reached up to 45°C with some 2010) with a synthetic culture medium. Chemical synthetic media are windows open during the hot summer and decreased to as low as usually used for the culture of Rhodopseudomonas (Weaver, Wall, & 5°C with all windows closed during the cold winter. The frame of Gest, 1975). Models of PSB biofilm formation have been developed, the greenhouse decreased the light intensity by approximately 50%. considering bacterial inactivation, light intensity, pH values and initial Eight transparent containers (TK1–TK8) were filled with tap inoculation, in the construction of biofilm photobioreactors (Chen, water and fish feed for the culture process; the details are provided Pu, Liao, Zhu, & Wang, 2013). However, no reports have described in Table 1. The ratio of fish feed to tap water was 14.3–50.8 g/L. the culture of attached PPB such as Rhodopseudomonas with natural During the incubation, no other substances or strains were added. organic matter decomposition, although colored microbial mats have The compound fish feed was composed of high‐quality fish meal, been found to occur in swine wastewater ditches where PNSB dom‐ soybean meal, animal protein, yeast powder, flour, calcium dihy‐ inate (Okubo et al., 2006) and in red water with purple anoxygenic drogen phosphate, trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids; the phototrophic bacterial blooms (Belila, Gtari, Ghrabi, & Hassen, 2009). content of crude protein, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, and trace Before the experiment reported in this paper, we attempted to elements was 35.0%, 1.0%, and 0.3%, respectively. obtain organic and inorganic nutrients from fish feed decomposi‐ The process in two of the eight tanks (TK1 and TK2, tion to study Microcystis blooms. In 2014, fish feed and tap water 60 cm × 35 cm × 40 cm) is described below. On 1 December 2015 were placed in tanks without aeration. After slow degradation (winter in Shanghai, China), 1.0 kg of compound fish feed was added during the first few weeks, the fish feed remained relatively stable, to TK1 and TK2. Tap water was then added to the tanks, to a total as the dissolved oxygen in the water was consumed, and the feed volume of 70 L. remained unchanged in an almost anaerobic environment. To pro‐ Tanks TK1 and TK2 were heated to 33–35°C with a 300 W heat‐ mote the decomposition of fish feed, we used aerated tanks start‐ ing rod from the start of the experimental period until day 64 (3 ing from January 2015. During warm periods in 2015, we observed February 2016). During the culture process, the heating rod became some interesting phenomena in the tanks. Some dark red material damaged by the growth of fouling organisms. After the old heating attached to the inner walls of the tanks, and the water in the tanks rod stopped functioning properly, it was replaced with a new heating also gradually became dark red. Analysis of the dark red material rod. From day 64 onward, heating was stopped, and the culturing and the dark red water revealed that the color was due to the dom‐ process continued at ambient temperature. inance of Rhodopseudomonas. On the basis of these observations, Tanks TK1 and TK2 were continuously aerated with an air stone, we carried out further experiments to test and verify the ability of which was set at the bottom of each tank.
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