from the associated press ^^ To Parents of Tunnel Staff i News Roundup: From the State, Dean Sends Warnin g Letters By ALLAN YODER The letter to the parents of Tunnel staff dent whose conduct is prejudicial to the good upon notification that foinuil charges ai«- Nation & World members included a copy of the letter Mur- name of the University may be dismissed." bemg placed against them by the University Collegian Stajj Writer phy sent to the staff members themselves "We hope we don' t have lo go .is far a*, Murphy also said in his letter to staff Parents of Water Tunnel staff mem- last Friday. In that letter. Murphy listed ex- taking legal action." Thomp.ion said "We cerpts from the first issue of the paper, members. "I strongly encourage you to re- would leally like to come to some type of The World bers received letters yesterday from the which abounded with four-letter words. frain from publishing and distributing on agreement with the Administration." he this campus material like that which ap- added. Hanoi Press Hints Impatience for War ' s End University Administration warning that peared in your first issue." The 14-page firs t issue of the Tunnel wa> PARIS — Members of the U.S. delegation of the Viet- ght be taken A spokesman tor the Water Tunnel said disciplinary action mi In his second letter to parents of minor banned by Charles L. Lewis, vice president nam talks are studying a batch of articles in the official at last night's Students for a Democratic Hanoi press hinting at public impatience in North Vietnam against their sons and daughters. staff members of the Tunnel. Murphy said , for student affairs, two hours after it ap- for an end to wartime hardships. The Water Tunnel is an underground Society meeting that plans are tentatively "1 regret the necessity for this letter io you, peared on campus. The tenor of these articles lecturing and admonitory being formed to set up a table at the Jerry and particularly the necessity for the quoted , newspaper, currently under a University ban. Last week, more th:m seven student 01- in tone, suggests that public knowledge that peace talks Rubin talk tomorrow night for students to materials (from the first issue of the Tunnel) gnnmitions condemned Lewis' ban of th-' Raymond O. Murphy, dean of students, are in progress .has generated an eagerness for an end to sign up as staff members of the Tunnel. to your son (or daughter). Not to do so, how- paper. And Monday in the HUB, seven or- a state of war which has lasted the better part of a quarter- sent the letter to parents of all minors whose ever, would be falling shoit of my responsi- ganizations sold the banned first issue and The spokesman said the purpose is to get century. names appeared on the masthead of the first bility in notifying parents of minor students the second issue of the paper. The Paris talks, resuming tomorrow, are bogged down a large number of student's names on the of concern that we have at the University issue. The letter apparently was sent before At that time, mure than 3D students re in oratory and deadlock. masthead so that the Administration will be which could ultimately result in difficulties The articles appeared in Nhan Dan, official news- the second issue of the Tunnel was distrib- for the student." ceived personally addressed directives warn- unable to discipline a very large number of ing them to stop selling the first issue Eaper of the Lao Dong Workers' party and Quo Doi Nhan uted this week, because the letter alluded of the students. Action against Administration Tuunel or face possible disciplinary action. lan, organ of the North Vietnamese army, a few days only to the first issue, banned last week by in advance of the return to Hanoi of Le Due Tho, Politburo "In the next issue we'd like to have a Also, moie than 200 other students signed a Charles L. Lewis vice president for student Another aspect of the Water Tunnel con- petition admitting to their participation member and special counsellor to Hanoi's delegation in , two or three page masthead, with a couple in Paris. affairs. troversy evolved yesterday when the Town the sale of the first issue of the paper. The of thousand names on it." the spokesman Independent Men 's Council considered pos- There is a vague suggestion in this of some internal " Seriousness second issue of the Tunnel has not yet been Communist party difficulty connected with war and peace said. sible legal action against the University Ad- bannec. "The seriousness of this matter prompts ministration to halt the University's ban on policies. Tho is rated as one of Hanoi's outstanding hawks, me to inform you of this publication on the Neither Lewis 01 Murphy weic available who strongly supported last year's Tet-lunar new year- the Tunnel. campus of the Pennsylvania State Univer- Murphy also cited University Senate Rule last night for comment on the matter. offensive in South Vietnam in an urge to achieve a de- sity, Dexter Thompson, TIM Legal Affairs cisive victory. " Murphy wrote. He added that his of- W-ll in his letter to staff members. The rule fice "has not yet determined the degree of states in part, "The University regards all Committee chairman and Undergraduate * * * + association with the paper for any of the ten acts of unethical, immoral, dishonest or de- Student Government town congressman, said * • individuals whose name appeared there." structive behavior as serious offenses. A stu- he has been in contact with several lawyers from outside the State College area and some Italian Youths Protest Church 's Power have agreed to take on the case. ROME — Youths in Rome and Milan demonstrated Comp lete Text of yesterday in protest of the special status and influence the Thompson also said that if any student.., Roman Catholic Church enjoys in Italy as the result of are disciplined by the Administration. TIM the Lateran Pact signed exactly 40 years ago. will try to institute proceedings to revetse In Milan a small group of students protested because any at lion taken against the students. Murphy's Letter they got yesterday off from school to honor the pact's anniversary. They held a protest rally in front of the resi- Thompson was referring to the directive Following is the full tout of a Utter tent dence of Giovanni Vardinal Colombo, archbishop of Milan. given to students selling the Tunnel in the to parents oi minor staff members Het«l Union Building Monday. of the In St. Peter's Square, below the apartment of Pope Water Tunnel by Raymond O. Murphy, dean Paul VI. other anticlerical youths brandished posters de- Disci nouncing the pact and handed out leaflets accusing the plinary Action of students. It was sent yesterday. Church of exploitation and corruption. The diiective warned students that they "Enclosed you will find n copy of a They were moved out of the square by papal guards, would be subject to disciplinary action if they iccent letter to your son indicating our con- but lingered in the vicinity for another half-hour. sold the Tunnel. cern for his participation in the publication The Lateran Pact, signed by dictator Benito Mussolini and representatives of Pope Pius XI, Feb. 11, 1929, estab- All students who received the directives of thr Gstfield Thomas Water Tunnel, lished Roman Catholicism as Italy's official religion. warning of possible disciplinary action for The senouMicss of llu« matter prompts On this basis the Vatican argues that divorce cannot participation in the sale of the first issue of me to inform you nf this publication on llie be approved by the state nor can Parliament pass pros- the Tunnel were advised by Thompson to campus of The Pennsylvania State Uni- pective legislation to legalize the sale of contraceptives. contact the TIM or Undergraduate Student versity. Government legal affairs committees. Your son 's mime appeared on the mast- • * • Thompson said students should get in hcad of the fust edition of tins paper. We contact with these committees immediately have not determined the degree of associa- The Nation tion wilh the pape r for any of the 10 Indi- Nixon Hits Obstacles To Draft Reform vidua!*, whose names appeared there. WASHINGTON — President Nixon may find he can't Since we have decided to isauc a warn- have prosperity and an all-voluntary military force at the ing lo the individuals involved against fur- same time. ther publication and distribution of material This is the opinion of experts citing past government Irvis To Meet studies which concluded it costs too much to attract enough like this on campus, it seems unnecessary tn volunteers for the armed forces when there' are plenty of determine at this point individual degrees civilian jobs available. of icsponsibility One Pentagon study has calculated it would cost as With Blocks I regret the norriMly for tlu« letter lo much as $17 billion more a year to support a force at you, and particularly the neressity for the the pre-Vietnam war level if unemployment fell as low as A spokesman for Majority Leader 4 per cent of the national work force. " quoted materials in ihe letter to your son. The Labor Department's latest job report, issued yes- K. Lcroy Irvis (D-Allegheny) told The Not to do so, however, would be falling terday, showed unemployment at 3.3 per cent, seasonally Daily Collegian Monday that Irvis will short of my responsibility m notifying pai- adjusted, matching December's 15-year low.
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