. 1 Insanity Law Change Memo^ Show CIA Tests Road Death Toll Rises Upsets Continue in NCAA Makes Acquittals Easier of Enemy Spy Weapons Despite Speed Checks Basketball Tournament Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 Page 11 lianrl|patpr Partly Sunny, Might 45 to 50 Datallt on pagt 2 Energy Talks lEiJfutng Mrralb THURMONT, Md. (UPI) - Vol. XCVIII, No. 142 — Manchoster, Conn., Monday. March 19, 1979 »A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered Higher gasoline prices and lower thermostats — these were the likely outcomes of a meeting of top-level energy and economic experts at Camp David today. President Carter, spending a Path Clear long weekend at his mountaintop retreat, sent for his chief energy and economic advisers to con­ sider plans that would lift oil price controls and impose consumption For Treaty limits such as curbs on ther­ mostat settings. The president was described by JERUSALEM. (UPI) - The The treaty will go before the sources as “virtually certain” to cabinet today overwhelmingly Knesset (parliament) Tuesday and propose deregulating oil prices, accepted the Egyptian-Israeli peace its debate was scheduled to go probably over a two-year period, treaty, giving its approval (o the first through Wednesday following an and to couple that move with pact of its kind between Arab and overnight break. Nearly 90 of the proposals for a new tax on oil Jew and clearing the way for its 120 Knesset members were expected companies to prevent windfall presentation to parliament where en­ to vote for the document. profits from the move. * dorsement seemed certain. The cabinet decided in addition to The panel also was expected to The Israeli radio said the treaty establish a committee to draw up consider additional conservation will be signed in Washington next proposals for Palestinian self- steps as mandatory limits on non- Monday. government in the occupied West residential thermostat settings The cabinet vote accepting the Bank and Gaza Strip prior to and the closing of gas stations on nine-article treaty was 15-2, In­ negotiations with Egypt on the plan, Sundays. cluding that of Defense Minister Naor said. Ezer Weizman who was in Prime Minister Menachem Begin Hearings Due Washington, Cabinet Secretary Arye will head the committee and It will Naor said. start work following the treaty HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella Policeman In Training Voting against the pact were signing, Naor said. He said no con­ Grasso said today four public Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon, crete decisions were made at the ses­ Hearings will be held around the Officer Gary Frost, at the wheel of the Academy and began 80 hours of on-the-job the hero of the 1973 October war who sion about the autonomy plan. state to determine how Connec­ police cruiser, checks out the radio equip­ is esponsible for Jewish settlement in Deputy Prime Minister Yigael ticut citizens feel about proposed training. The department tries to provide the ment with Edward Wilson as part of his new officers expo.sure to a variety of activity the occupied territories, and Yadln said several problems energy conservation and gasoline Transport Minister Haim Landau,, training as a new officer in the Manchester remained in bilateral relations, ap­ rationing plans. in the patrol division, said Sgt. Richard Naor said. ' parently between the United States The f^ e ra l plan, submitted to Police Department. Wilson, a native of Thurston supervising officer. (Herald photo The cabinet voted less than 24 and Israel, and said they will be Congress last month by the Manchester, and three other police officers bv Pinto) hours after Foreign Minister Moshe solved. Department of Energy, includes recently graduated from the state Police Dayan urged an early first concrete “The road is clear provided the proposals to restrict gasoline step in implementing the first Arab- Knesset will approve the treaty, and sales on weekends, to curtail Israeli peace agreement — opening I hope It will,” he said. advertisement lighting by the border between Egypt and Israel The army will resume its businesses and to reduce heating a month after the treaty signing in­ withdrawal from Sinai Sunday, and air conditioning requirements Poll Results Favor stead of nine months. defense ministry sources said. The in buildings. The open borders, Dayan said, military began withdrawing non­ Another facet of the plan calls would facilitate Egyptian participa­ combat equipment in the fall but for gasoline rationing coupons in tion in negotiations for Palestinian halted the operation when the treaty the event of an energy emergen­ autonomy. negotiations ran into a deadloc. cy. Ending CD Program But he stressed the right of move­ With Knesset approval all but cer­ The first hearing is scheduled ment across the International border tain, the government already made Thursday at the Capitol. The MANCHESTER — Response to a Manchester on this subject?” drew a you aware there will be a town would have to be mutual. In essence, final plans for the ceremony in other hearings are scheduled question in a poll Conducted by The response from 253 persons that they referedum on this subject and that it meant Israelis would have the Washington where President Carter, March 26 in Bridgeport, hbrch 28 Herald last week indicates, of those were aware of the controversy while the voting will be held April 17. right to drive across Sinai to Cairo if Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and in Waterbury and March 28 in persons contacted, more were in the remaining 137 said they were not A total of 238 persons said they they wanted. Be^in are to put their signatures to New London. favor of the town stopping the use of aware. were aware of the referendum which Ilie favorable cabinet decision did the treaty. Begin and an Israeli CD and HUD funds that those The percentage of persons not represents 61 percent and 152 per­ not come as a surprise and was made delegation are to leave for desiring to continue the funding. aware of the controversy is 35 per­ sons, or 39 percent said they were not during a five-hour special session. Washington Friday. Sewage Backup The question, one of five in the cent of those who responded. aware of the referendum. MANCHESTER - Backed-up Poll, asked, “ Do you think CD and The response of people who said The fifth question asked persons if sewage caused damage to a large HUD funding should be continued or they are not aware could be inter­ they expect^ to vote resulted in 240 amount of clothing at the Two stopped?” preted as poor publicity on both sides persons, or 61 percent, saying they Mission Returns Legs store in the K-Mart Shopping The results showed 124 persons of the question or poor com­ would vote and 101 persons, or 26 per­ Plaza off Spencer Street late last stating they were in favor of stopping munications. cent, said they would not vote. The week. All the other stores in the the funding and 97 persons were in The second question, "Do you have remaining 49 persons contacted said plaza were also affected by the favor of continuing the programs. any feelings on this matter, one way they were not sure if they would vote Without Success backup which apparently The survey was conducted last or the other?” drew a total response in the referendum. originated in the Pizza Wagon Monday and Tuesday nights and a of 311 persons who said they had The final two questions showed 61 National Security Advisor in Israel, Prime Minister restaurant. total of 400 persons were contacted feelings one way or the other and 79 percent of the people would vote in Zbigniew Brzezinski ended an ap­ Menachem Begin called his Cabinet The back up into floor drains at for their response to five questions persons who did not commit the referendum which is an extreme­ parently unsuccessful Middle East into session today to approve the full the Two Legs store and the concerning te CD question.' themselves. ly large percentage for a town vote. mission today without the Saudi Ara­ text of the draft peace treaty amid Heritage Savings branch office Of the 400 persons contacted, a Of those who responded 156 persons It has been estimated by voting of­ bian and Jordanian support he had signs of dissent by three ministers was first noticed Thursday night, total of 390 persons agreed to answer said they did have feelings on the ficials and other persons that the sought for the proposed Egyptian- pressing for a tough stance on what according to Kim Prell, employee the qeustions. question and 155 persons said they referendum vote will probably at­ Jraeli peace treaty. autonomy will mean for the 1.1 at Two Legs. Ms. Preli said the The first question, “Are you aware did not have feelings on the subject. tract about 25 to 30 percent voter tur­ Brzezinski’s party split up before million Arabs on the West Bank of sewage problem was not solved of the controversy here in The fourth question asked, “ Are nout. leaving Cairo, where the American the Jordan and Gaza Strip. until late Saturday afternoon mission arrived Sunday to report to when a private, firm was called to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on Political sources said the do the work. its talks with the kings of Saudi ministers, members of Begin's coali­ The Town Health Department Dentist Group Protests Arabia and Jordan. tion partner, the National Religious was called and found that the While Brzezinski flew to Party, want the government to com­ sewage backup was not from the Washington, Deputy Secretary of mit itself to no Palestinian state in tine on Spencer Street.
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