programme 1 www.cineast.lu media partners partners sponsors main partners www .utopolis.c om Pour la huitième année, CinEast, le Festival du Nous avons choisi d’approfondir cette problé- film d’Europe centrale et orientale au Luxem- matique de l’immigration à travers plusieurs do- bourg, vous emmène au cœur de la cinémato- cumentaires et fictions ainsi qu’un débat avec graphie récente des pays de l’ancien bloc com- des spécialistes du sujet. muniste. De nombreux évènements spéciaux viendront La diversité est une fois de plus au centre de compléter les projections, avec des concerts et la programmation de cette nouvelle édition : des soirées musicales au Melusina, à Neimëns- diversité des origines et des genres avec des ter, à Sang&Klang et aux Rotondes ainsi qu’un fictions, des documentaires et des animations ciné-concert à la Cinémathèque : des sonorités provenant de 18 pays, diversité des lieux de jazz, klezmer, tziganes, folk, rock ou électro se- projections et des manifestations, diversité du ront à découvrir, souvent couplés à des projec- public (que nous espérons de tous les âges, tions et à de la gastronomie. toutes les origines et toutes les cultures), mais également variété de la programmation, qui Plus que jamais, nous voudrions que notre souvent déborde du cadre de la simple projec- festival soit une plateforme de découverte et tion de films, avec des débats, des expositions, de réflexion, mais également de rencontre, des (ciné-)concerts et même de la gastronomie. d’échanges et de convivialité. A travers la cinématographie et les autres manifestations il nous tient à cœur de rappro- Nous tenons à remercier toutes les personnes et cher le public luxembourgeois de cette partie les organisations qui, par leur confiance et leur de l’Europe souvent méconnue – montrer des soutien renouvelés, ont rendu cette édition pos- œuvres qui dans leur grande majorité n’auraient sible et surtout vous, les festivaliers – c’est une que peu de chance d’être projetées, mais aussi source de grande satisfaction et de motivation et avant tout, que des personnes d’origines et de vous voir revenir aussi nombreux tous les d’horizons différents se rencontrent, débattent ans. et viennent à la rencontre des cinéastes et d’ar- tistes de talent. Nous vous souhaitons à tous d’enrichissants et agréables moments au cours de cette 8ème édi- Plusieurs films récents font partie du cycle thé- tion et nous sommes impatients de vous retrou- matique « Histoires urbaines ». Il s’intéresse ver dans les cinémas et ailleurs ! aux villes de l’Est (et parfois de l’Ouest) comme espace vécu, croisée des chemins et catalyseur des évolutions sociales. Ce thème fera égale- ment l’objet d’une grande exposition de photo- graphie à Neimënster et d’un débat consacré à l’urbanisme. L’ÉQUIPE Avec le drame des refugiés qui secoue – et par- fois divise – l’Europe ces derniers mois – les pays de CINEAST de l’Est et en particulier les Balkans ont été très souvent sur le devant de la scène médiatique. 3 For the eighth time, CinEast, the Central and Many special events will complement the Eastern European Film Festival in Luxembourg, screenings, including concerts and musical eve- will take you on a journey into the realms of the nings at Melusina, Neimënster, Sang & Klang most recent cinema from the countries of the and Rotondes and a live soundtrack performed former Communist bloc. at the Cinémathèque. Jazz, klezmer, gypsy, folk, rock as well as electronic sounds will be on Diversity is once again at the heart of the pro- the menu, often linked to screenings and food gramme of this new edition: there is diversity events. in origin and genre with fiction, documentary and animated films from 18 countries, diver- More than ever before, we are striving to sity in venues, diversity in the audiences that make our festival a platform for discovery and we hope to welcome (all ages, from all back- reflection, as well as a place for coming to- grounds and all cultures), but there is also vari- gether and exchanging ideas and opinions. ety in the programming, which often extends beyond mere film screenings, with debates, exhibitions, concerts and even gastronomy. We would like to thank all the people and organ- Through film screenings and accompanying isations, who - through their renewed trust and events, we hope to make the people of Luxem- support - have made this edition of the festival bourg more familiar with this often overlooked possible, and especially you, the festival-goers. part of Europe. We will showcase films that, in It is a source of great satisfaction and motivation their vast majority, would otherwise have had for us to see you returning in such large num- little chance of being screened in this country. bers every year. Furthermore, and above all, we want to enable people of different backgrounds and origins to We wish all of you many rewarding and enjoy- come together, exchange ideas and have the able times during this 8th edition and we look chance to meet talented filmmakers and artists. forward to seeing you in the cinemas and else- where. A number of films belong to the thematic cycle ‘Urban Stories’, which takes a closer look at East- ern European cities (as well as, to a lesser extent, those in the West) as a living space, a crossroads and a catalyst for social change. This cycle is also reflected in an extensive photography exhibi- tion at Neimënster, as well as in a debate dedi- cated to urbanism. With the refugee drama that has been shak- ing - and sometimes dividing - Europe in recent months, Eastern European countries, especially The CINEAST the Balkans, have been in the media spotlight. TEAM We have decided to contribute to the immigra- tion debate through several documentaries and fiction films and a debate with specialists on the subject. 5 C FILMS IN COMPETITION S CINE SECTIONS Babai Son Of Saul / Saul Fia by Visar Morina by László Nemes (Kosovo-Germany-FYROM- France 2015) (Hungary 2015) The films on the programme are di- Body / Ciało The Cleaner / Čistič vided into seven sections: by Małgorzata Szumowska by Peter Bebjak (Poland 2015) (Slovakia 2015) COMPETITION OFFICIAL Seven outstanding fiction films com- COMPETITION peting for the Grand Prix, Special Jury Prize and Critics’ Prize of CinEast 2015 The official competition line-up of the 8th edition of CinEast comprises FUNNYEAST seven films. They will compete for Family Film / Rodinný Film Some of the best comedies from the the Grand Prix and the Special Jury by Olmo Omerzu countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Czech Republik-Germany-France-Slovenia- Prize awarded by the international -Slovakia 2015) jury, as well as, for the very first time, EAST GOES WEST the Critics’ Prize awarded by a sepa- A selection of films born somewhere rate press jury. in between the CEE countries and the “West” The festival audience will choose the winner of the Audience Award. The CINÉSCOPE festival-goers are invited to cast their A selection of the most interesting film votes using voting slips, but they recent films from across the region of In The Crosswind / Risttuules can also vote via text message. Spec- Central and Eastern Europe by Martti Helde tators present at the short film mara- (Estonia 2014) thons will also choose the winners of CINÉDOCS the Audience Awards for short films A selection of outstanding documen- (Best Short Fiction Film, Best Short tary films Animated Film and Best Short Docu- mentary Film). CINÉSHORTS A selection of outstanding short films The award-winning films will be an- - fiction, animated and documentary nounced at the Awards Ceremony Self-Portrait Of A Dutiful Daughter/ held at the Cinémathèque on 23 Oc- CINÉSPECIALS Autoportretul Unei Fete Cuminti tober (at 20.30). See p. 57 for more in- Special screenings by Ana Lungu formation about the ceremony. (Romania 2015) 6 IJ INTERNATIONAL PJ press jury JURY ANDRZEJ ŻUŁAWSKI (President of the jury) One of most renowned living Polish film ANTÓNIO RAÚL REIS directors, who started his career as the António Raúl has published film critiques and assistant of Andrzej Wajda. A victim of presented several radio shows both in Lux- the censorship of the communist regime, embourg and Portugal (Première Portugal, he moved to France where he became Radio Ara, BOM DIA, Público, etc.). He looks known for his highly artistic, original and up to the Coen brothers and Todd Solondz controversial films starring, among oth- and enjoys performing as an extra. The only ers, Romy Schneider, Isabelle Adjani and film critic writing in Portuguese in the Grand- Sophie Marceau. His best known films in- ALEXANDRA HOESDORFF Duchy, he has organised two film festivals clude L’important c’est d’aimer, Possession, Luxembourgish producer with a long list to showcase movies from his home country La femme publique and La fidélité, after of collaborations and projects in Europe and participates in the main film events in Eu- making which he withdrew from filmmak- as well as overseas. In 2010, Alexandra rope, from the Cannes film festival to CinEast. ing for 15 years, only returning this sum- founded the Luxembourg-based produc- mer with his highly anticipated new film tion company Deal Productions. With Cosmos. over 17 years of production experience, Alexandra was recently elected the first female member of the board of ULPA, the Union Luxembourgeoise de la Production Audiovisuelle. She is involved in the de- velopment and production of a range of feature films. THIBAUT DEMEYER A Belgian passport holder and freelance film VICKY KRIEPS critic since 30 years, Thibaut has published A Luxembourg-born actor living and work- articles in Woxx, La Voix du Luxembourg and ing in Berlin, Vicky Krieps has been active currently writes for Wort while officiating in theatre (also as a director) and acted in programmes on radio stations MustFM and numerous film productions.
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