GB 0219 Penyrorsedd Gwynedd Archives, Caernarfon Record Office This catalogue was digitised by The National Archives as part of the National Register of Archives digitisation project NRA 28851 The National Archives - HAY 1988 NATION^: REGISTER OF ARCHIVES PENYRORSEDD SLATE SPARRY COMPANY RECORDS Caernarvonshiro Record Office 19 7 3 Records deposited by Penyrorsedd Slate Quarry Company Ltd. Catalogued by Mrs. M.A * Aris Senior Assistant Archivist Class Mark t Penyrorsodd INSPECTION OP THESE RECORDS IS SUBJECT TO A 30 YEAR RULE. Contents X FINANCIAL 1-7 Ledgers* 8-15 Cash books. 16-20 Other accounts. II PRODUCTION 21-28 Production account books. 29-38 Other production books. 39 - 51 Stock books. 52-58 Cost books. 59 - 70 Letting lists. 71 - 82 Analysis of costs. 83 - 89 Production and wages sheets III SALES 90 - 98 Order books, etc. 99-103 Price lists. 104 Character book. IV SLATE SHIPMENTS 105 ** 116 Cargo books. V WAGES, ETC. 117 - 150 Time books and wages books. 151 - 154 Other wages books. 155 - 160 Registers of Employees. 161 - 180 National Insurance register 181 - 185 Subsistence analysis books. 186 - 196 Analysis of pay. 197 - 200 Other wages records. VI QUARRY NOTICES 201 - 222 Quarry notices. VII ACCIDENT RECORDS 223 - 270 Accident books* notices of accidents, etc. 271 * 285 Compensation account books 286 ** 290 Other registers. VIII CORRESPONDENCE, ETC. 291 - 328 General correspondence and other papers, 329 * 330 Repairs to farms and cottages. 331 - 362 Rainfall charts. 363 - 366 Medical Club records. 367 - 374 Quarry Union Works Committee records. PLANS 375 - 423 Plans X PHOTOGRAPHS CHS.1245/1-26 Photographs X FINANCIAL 1 - 7 Ledgers! 1. 1903-38 LEDGER. 2* 1919^34 LEDGER (re sales account, salaries, insurance, carriage, etc.). 3* 1921-27 LEDGER. 4. 1927-3* LEDGER. 5. 1929-33 LEDGER. 6. 1948-59 LEDGER. 7. 1934-44 LEDGER. S - 15 Cash booksi 8. 1889-1895 CASH BOOK. 1925 Jan.- CASH BOOK 1928 July Id 1928 Aug.- CASE BOOK. 1932 Sept. 11. 1932 Oct.- CASH BOOK. 1936 May 12. 1936 June- CASH BOOK. 1939 Nov. 13. 1939 Dec.' CASH BOOK. 1943 Oct. 14. 1947 June- CASH BOOK, 1951 July 15. 1961 June* CASH BOOK. 1965 June 16-20 Other Accounts,. 16. 1912-27 JOURNAL. 17. 1932-40 BANK PASS BOOK of Penyrorsedd Quarry Co., Ltd., with Lloyds Bank, Caernarvon. 18. 1940-50 BANK PASS BOOK of Penyrosedd Quarry Co., Ltd., with Lloyds Bank, Caernarvon. 19. 1935-43 SUMMARY ACCOUNT BOOK, 20. I862-6S 1 Volume 1 Balance Sheets of some quarrying enterprise which was wound up in 1868. Gives details of shareholders, capital invested, receipts from sales, also of various payments made on behalf of Quarry Company. - 3 U PRODUCTION 21-28 Production acoount bookst (these give names or" men in each bargain, days worked, production, rate of pay. net bill). 21. 1928-57 MAKE BOOK: Slates made by individual workmen. 22. 1931-36 ACCOUNT BOOKS - shedmen. 23. 1931-42 ACCOUNT BOOKS - rockmen. 24. 1931-36 ACCOUNT BOOK - badrockmen, rubbishmen and daymen. 25. 1937-45 ACCOUNT BOOKS - badrockmen. rubbisnmen and daymen. 26. 1937-43 ACCOUNT BOOKS - shedmen. 27. 1943-63 ACCOUNT BOOK - dock men. 28. 1943-62* ACCOUNT BOOKS - shedmen. 29-38 Other production accountsi 29* 1940-53 SLATE BILLS BOOK - slates of various types produced by different bargains. 30. 1933-38 MAKE ACCOUNT. 31 * 1961-65 MAKE ACCOUNT. 32. 1964 MAKE ACCOUNTS ­ value of slates made. 33* 1965 MAKE ACCOUNTS ­ value of elates made. 34. 1961-63 ACCOUNT BOOK of surplus blocks at mill. **5** 35* 193^ Juno­ RUBBISH BOOS. 19^7 Fob. - , *. 36*. 1940 July - RUBBISH BOOK. 1947 Jan. 37* 1947 Feb.- RUBBISH BOOK. 1954 May 38* 1936 April- RUBBISH BOOK. 1940 June 39-51 Stock ,boo^at 39. 1927-3^ SLATE STOCK BOOK. 40. 193^-42 SLATE STOCK BOOK. 111. 1942-43 SLATS STOCK BOOK. 42. 1942-47 SLATE STOCK BOOK. 43. 1948-56 SLATE STOCK BOOK. r -7* (These give details of orders received, typos of slates produced, quantity delivered, stock on hand, oto.). 44. 1940*41 STOCK BOOK - slates produced, 45* 1941*43 STOCK BOOK * slates produced. 46. 1943*45 STOCK BOOK - slates produced. 47* 1945*47 STOCK BOOK - slates produced. 48. 1951*53 STOCK BOOK - slates produced. 49. 1954-37 STOCK BOOK - slates produced. 50. 1057 STOCK BOOK * slates produced. 51. 1959-61 STOCK BOOK - slates produced. 52-58 Aug.- COST BOOK 52. 1924 1940 March Oet,- COST BOOK, 53. 1927 1942 Aug. COST BOOK, 54, 1927 1944 Jan. COST BOOK. 55, 1933 Nov.- 1941 July 56. 1941 July- COST BOOS 1952 July 57 1942 Sept., COST BOOK 1956 Bee 58. 1944 Feb.- COST BOOK 1959 Nov. endorsed *Eur* (Kureka?). -9­ 39-70 kafeltos Mgfau 59. 1951-56 MISCELLANEOUS LETTING LISTS. 6*0* 1956 LETTING LISTS. 6t. 1957 LETTING LISTS. 62, 1958 LETTING LISTS. 63. 1939 LETTING LISTS. 454. 1959 LETTING LISTS. 65. 1960 H0N1BLT LETTING LISTS. 65. 1961 LETTING LISTS. 67* 1962 LETTING LIST 68. 1963 MONTHLY LETTING LISTS. 69. 1964 MONTHLY LETTING LISTS. 70* 1964*65 COUNTSRPOIL BOOK Of letting: notes. -10* 71-82 Summary accounts and analysest 71* 1921-37 MONTHLY SUMMARY of tonnage of slates made. 72. 1938*40 MONTHLY SUMMARY of tonnage of slates made* 73* 1951-55 MONTHLY SUMMARY of tonnage of slates made. 7*' 1934 30 June ANALYSIS of costs, produot­ ion, etc. for month. 75* 1939-61 ANALYSIS of production of blocks and rubbish. 7** 1943-52 MONTHLY SUMMARY ACCOUNTS. 11 77* 1946*59 ANALYSIS of days worked, average number of men, etc. 78. 1948-49 ANALYSIS of days worked. 79* 1949-50 COMPARISON of possible and actual days worked at Eureka 8 Mill from 26 September 1949 to 11 March 1950. 80. 1949-50 ANALYSIS of production. 81. 1949-50 ANALYSIS of value of slates made, 1949-50. 82. 1951 ANALYSIS of production costs, days worked, etc. -12­ 83-89 Production and wages sheets: 63* 1938-39 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 84. 1957 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 85* 1958 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 86. 1959 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 87. I960 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 88. 1961 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. 89* 1962-63 PRODUCTION AND WAGES SHEETS. -13­ H I SALES 90-98 Order books, etct 90. 1924-29 ACCOUNT of orders received. / 91* 1940-41 ORDER BOOK. 92. 1941-42 ORDER BOOK. 93. 1953-54 ORDER BOOK and memoranda of slates despatched. 94. 1954-56 ORDER BOOK and memoranda of slates despatched. 95. 1957-6*0 COUNTERFOIL BOOK of orders despatched. 96". 1960-61 COUNTERFOIL BOOK of orders despatched. 97* 1963-65 COUNTERFOIL BOOK of orders despatched. 98. 1940s ORDERS for slates, including many details of war damage. -14 - 99-103 Slate price listst 99. 1937 SLATE PRICE LIST - Penyrorsedd Slate Quarry with circular letter ex­ plaining reasons for increase. 100. 1940 27 Sept. CIRCULAR LETTER announcing a discontinuation of Trade Discount because of increased costs. 101. 1960 SLATE PRICE LIST - Penyrorsedd Slate Quarry. 102. 196*1 SLATE PRICE LIST of Penyrorsedd Quarry with circular letter explain­ ing reasons for price increase. 103* 1962 SLATE PRICE LIST - Penyrorsedd Slate Quarry. m 15­ 104. Character Bookt 104. 1930-61 CHARACTER BOOK : notes on the credit worthiness of various customers, gives details of the companies' capital, shares directors, etc.* 16 IV SLATE SHIPMENTS 105-116 Cargo bo oka, i 105* 1929 Sept, CARGO BOOS, 1931 May 106. 1931 June- CARGO BOOK. 1933 March. April- CARGO BOOK. 107. *933 Oct. 1934 Nov." 108. 1934 CARGO BOOK. 1936 June 1936 July- CARGO BOOK. 109. Jan. 1938 CARGO BOOK, 110. 1938- Feb.' Deo. 1939 17­ 111. 1940 Jan.­ CARGO BOOS 1942 Sept. '. - . ' * 112. 1942 0ot.* CARGO BOOK 1946 April 113. 1946 April­ CARGO BOOK. 1950 Peb. 114. 1950 March. CARGO BOOK. 1955 Sept. CARGO BOOK. 115. 1955 Oct.­ 1961 Sept. 116. 1961 Oct.­ CARGO BOOK. 1968 Sept. 18* V WAGES, ETC. 117-150 Time books and wages books; (These give names of workmen, days worked, wages due, deductions (for doctor, nurse , hospital, health insurance, unemployment insurance, powder smith-fuses and sundries) and net pay.) 117. 1926 Aug.- TIME BOOS. 1928 Jan. June- 118. 1927 TIME BOOK. 1928 Jan. 119. 1928 Jan.' TIME BOOS. Sept, 120. 1928 Jan.' TIME BOOS. 1929 Oct. 121. 1928 Oct.- TIME BOOK. 1929 June 122. 1929 Oct.- TIME BOOK. 1933 Sept. 123. 1929 June- TIME BOOK. 1930 March 124. 1930 March- TIME BOOK. 1931 Feb. 125. 1931 Feb.- TIME BOOK. 1932 Feb. 126. 1932 Feb.- TIMS BOOK. 1933 Feb. 127. 1 933 Feb.- TIME BOOK. 1934 Jan. 128. 1934 Jan. - TIME BOOK. Nov. 129. 1934 Nov.­ TIME BOOK. 1935 Sept. 130. 1935 Sept.- TIME BOOK. 1936 July 20­ 131. 1936 July- TIME BOOH. 1937 April 132* 1937 April- TIME BOOK. Doe. 133* 1940 Jan.­ TIME BOOK. 1941 Jan. 134. 1937 Dec­ TIME BOOK. 1938 Aug. 135. 1938 Aug.­ TIME BOOK. 1939 April 136. 1939 May TIME BOOK. Deo. 137 1941 Jan.­ TIME BOOK 1942 April -21' 138, 19**2 April- TIME BOOK, 1943 Sept, 139. 1943 Sept.­ TIME BOOK. 1945 Peb. 140. 1945 Peb,­ TIME BOOK, 1946 July 141, 1946 July­ TIME BOOK. 1947 Bee. 142. 1947 Dec.­ TIME BOOK. 1949 Aug. 143. 1949 Aug.­ TIME BOOK. 1951 May 144. 1951 May­ TIME BOOK. 1953 Peb. 1953 March- TIME BOOK. 1955 Jon. 146. 1953 Feb.- TIME BOOK. 1956 Dee. 147* 1957 Jan.- TIME BOOK. 1959 March 148. 1959 March- TIME BOOK. 1961 May 149. 1961 May- TIME BOOK. Dec. 1950 1961 Oct." TIME BOOK. 1964 Jul y -23­ Other SffififJ booksi 151*154 151* 1916*­ QUARRY WAGES BOOK, 1945 152. 1951- SLATEMAKERS * WAGES 1957 BOOK. 153. 1957­ SLATEMAKERS * WAGES 1961. BOOK, 154, 1964­ WAGES SHEETS. 1965 24­ 155-160 Registers of Employeest / 155.
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