SUMMERFORD ENGINEERING, INC. 175 Frost Road P. 0. Box 1005 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923 Charles R. Summerford, P.E Phone: (870)246-6011 David H. Holcomb, P.E. FAX: (870)246-9533 Consulting Engineers E-Mail: [email protected] December 20, 2012 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 5301 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118-5317 Attn: Lindsay Copenhaver, Enforcement Analyst Water Division, Enforcement Branch RE: NPDES Permit No. AR0044822 JAN 0 9 2013 Case No. CV 2010-32603 Higginson, Arkansas .... Dear Lindsay: Enclosed you will find the following items concerning the referenced project . 1. One (1) set of Plans and Specifications 2. Corrective Action Plan 3. Design Calculations 4. Construction Permit Application (Form 1 and Form 2A) 5. Notice of Intent for Discharges of Stormwater for Large Site with SWPPP. Please forward the enclosures to the proper person for review. At this point, we did not include a check for $200.00 for the large site storm water permit fee. We have proposed to apply the old sand from the sand filter beds to a six (6) acre adjacent grass site owned by the City. If we cannot do that, then we will. require the contractor to haul off and dispose of the old sand and the City will not need the large site storm water permit. Very truly yours, SUMMERFORD ENGINEERING, INC David H. Holcomb, P.E. DHH :ms Enclosures: As Stated cc: City of Higginson Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Construction Activity for Large Construction Sites National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit # ARR150000 Prepared for: Wastewater Treatment System Improvements City of Higginson, Arkansas ,-..- --__-- .- .- -- . Date: I ' , December 2012 I JAN 0 9 2013 ~ ! I Prepared by: Summerford Engineering, Inc. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activity Page 1 ARR150000 Project Name and Location: Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Higginson, Arkansas Property Parcel Number (Optional): Operator Name and Address: Citv of Higginson, P. 0.Box, 198, Himinson, AR 72068 A. Site Description a. Project description, intended use after NO1 is filed: The proiect involves constructing improvements on an existing wastewater treatment plant site and on an open grass area adiacent to and on the east side of WWrP site. See site map. Part of the proiect involves rehabbing existing sand filters. It is proposed to applv the old sand removed from the sand filters to the 6 acre adiacent grass site, disk and mix the soil and then reestablish the grass cover on the site. It is proposed to install silt fence and small levee around perimeter of the 6 acre site as shown on site map with a silt fence barrier and small settlement basin and rock check dam to control runoff from site until grass is reestablished. The project also involves excavating on the WWTP site to install ~ipes, conduits, concrete boxes and manholes. Runoff from this part of the WWTP site will go to the 6 acre grass area site. All disturbed areas will have grass reestablished or be covered with gravel surface. - - - - b. Sequence of major activities which disturb soils: Installation of silt fence, temporaw levees, other perimeter controls, settlement basin, rock check dam and other items as shown on site map. Application of old sand to specified Rrass area and diskinq and mixing the soil and reestablishing the grass. Excavating to install improvements on the WWTP site, backfill and reestablish grass on disturbed areas. c. Total Area: 9.5 Ac. Disturbed Area: 7 Ac. d. Soils Information: i. Runoff Coefficient Pre-Construction (See Appendix A) : 0.26 ii. Runoff Coefficient Post-Construction (See Appendix A) : 0.27 iii. Describe the soil or the quality of any discharge from the site: silt loam Revised date: 02/17/2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activity Page 2 ARR150000 B. Responsible Parties Service Provided for SWPPP (i.e., Individual/Company Phone Number Inspector, SWPPP revisions, Stabilization Activities, BMP Maintenance, etc.) Construction Contractor to be Installation & maintenance of all determined later controls and completion of stabilization measures, BMPs & cooperation with inspectors. Joey Smith/Summerford Eng. (870)245-9344 lnspector for sediment and erosion controls. 1 Randall Homsley/ City (501)388-2357 lnspector for sediment and erosion controls. C. Receiving Waters a. The following waterbody (or waterbodies) receives stormwater from this construction site: Gum Springs Creek b. Is the project located within the jurisdiction of an MS4? ayes NO i. If yes, Name of MS4: c. Ultimate Receiving Water: U~edRiver m~hiteRiver n~uachitaRiver u~t.Francis River U~rkansasRiver u~ississi~~iRiver D. Documentation of Permit Eligibility Related to the 303(d) list and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) (http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/water/brancl~planning/default.htm) a. Does the stormwater enter a waterbody on the 303(d) list or with an approved TMDL? m~esUNO b. If yes: i. Waterbody identified on 303(d) list: Bavou Des Arc ii. Pollutant addressed on 303(d) list or TMDL: Zinc Revised date: 02/17/2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activity Page 2u ARR150000 iii. This specific project or generally construction activity is identified on 303(d) list or associated assumptions and allocations identified in the TMDL for the discharge: n~es NO iv. Additional controls implemented: E. Attainment of Water Quality Standards After Authorization a. The permittee must select, install, implement, and maintain BMPs at the construction site that minimize pollutants in the discharge as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. In general, except in situations explained below, the SWPPP developed, implemented, and updated to be considered as stringent as necessary to ensure that the discharges do not cause or contribute to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard. b. At any time after authorization, the Department may determine that the stormwater discharges may cause, have reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to an excursion above any applicable water quality standard. If such a determination is made, the Department will require the permittee to: i. Develop a supplemental BMP action plan describing SWPPP modifications to address adequately the identified water quality concerns and submit valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or ii. Cease discharges of pollutants from construction activity and submit an individual permit application. I understand and agree to follow the above text regarding the attainment of water quality standards after authorization. ayes NO F. Site Map Requirements (Attach Site Map): a. Pre-construction topographic view; b. Direction of stormwater flow (i.e., use arrows to show which direction stormwater will flow) and approximate slopes anticipated after grading activities; c. Delineate on the site map areas of soil disturbance and areas that will not be disturbed under the coverage of this permit; d. Location of major structural and nonstructural controls identified in the plan; e. Location of main construction entrance and exit; f. Location where stabilization practices are expected to occur; g. Locations of off-site materials, waste, borrow area, or equipment storage area; Revised date: 02/17/2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activity Page 3 ARR150000 h. Location of areas used for concrete wash-out; i. Location of all surface water bodies (including wetlands); j. Locations where stormwater is discharged to a surface water and/or municipal separate storm sewer system if applicable, k. Locations where stormwater is discharged off-site (should be continuously updated); I. Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished and no further construction phase permit requirements apply. G. Stormwater Controls a. Initial Site Stabilization, Erosion and Sediment Controls, and Best Management Practices: i. Initial Site Stabilization: Install silt fence, temporary levees and perimeter controls. Install entrancelexit pad if sediment tracking occurs. ii. Erosion and Sediment Controls: Diversion ditches, silt fence barrier, rock check dam, sand ban check dam, sediment basins and sediment fence. iii. If periodic inspections or other information indicates a control has been used inappropriately or incorrectly, the operator will replace or modify the control for site situations: [XIyes NO If No, explain: -- - - iv. Off-site accumulations of sediment will be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impacts: Ryes NO If No, explain: v. Sediment will be removed from sediment traps or sedimentation ponds when design capacity has been reduced by 50%: m~es NO If No, explain: vi. Litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals exposed to stormwater shall be prevented from becoming a pollutant source for stormwater discharges: m~esONO If No, explain: Revised date: 02/17/2012 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activity Page 4 ARR150000 vii. Off-site material storage areas used solely by the permitted project are being covered by this SWPPP: ayes NO If Yes, explain additional BMPs implemented at off-site material storage area: b. Stabilization Practices i. Description and Schedule: Disturbed areas will be seeded and mulched if necessarv once work is completed in a particular area. Gravel areas to be repaired. - ii. Are buffer areasquired? Dyes UN~ If Yes, are buffer areas
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