xx-x:x-:-:M-x-:- ,X"XMMH"K"t"X"MH"!X$ ? WEATHER ? SUOAR v Cane 4.G1C lb., $92.20 X Titer, mln., 06. J ton. X V liar. 8 a. in.. 31.01. Beet: 14s. Cel. owt. ?10L- - Wind, 12m.. 9SW. X 80 per ton. ! Anyone Who Has a Few Friends and Can Hustle a Bit Can Haiti, 24h., 8 a. m., .00. Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. Get a Prize in The Star's $3,000 Contest. SEC0ND edition. VOL. XIX. TWENTY-FOU- R PAGES. HONOLULU, HAWAII, SATURDAY. DECF.MMl-.- 2, TWENTY-FOU- FAGES. i fi(t THE CHINA HERIFF PLANS ilhelmina Rise CONFERENCE SAFE AND SANE ravity Railroad PROBABLY CHRISTMAS EVE AILII RE The customary Christmas Eve good tlio last cars will bo leaving town In (Associated Press Cables to The Star.) half-pas- to- - PEKIN, December 23. The peace- conference is expected to prove a t. ,, win i,n i nvi. tho vicinity of t twelve trt5 morrow morning. failure. OHlclnUs insist that tho throne will bo retained. It is believed tho tonight. al- denco Next Saturday evening, which will The proposed gravity railroad up same firm. It is estimated that it will Quito a number of people are revolutionaries arc preparing to advance north by way of Pukow and Nan- Tho presonco of tho lleet fn port ho 0i,scrvca as Now Year's eve, there Wllhclmina Rise, on Palolo Hill, is to cost about ?2o,000. The road will run ready living on Palolo Hill and It is king. Tho tompor of the rebels threatens tho breaking of tho armistice. to top Palolo 11111, overlooking expected y wilt add greatly to the general mer-- : will be a similar system of late cars. become a reality, accoruing to the the of that tho number will be Tho imperialists' had been reontorced and may retake tho town. (Nan- Forty-Hou- the valley, and going to an elevation increased as soon as the king?) rlment of tho proceedings, also to the r Jollification for Jackles. statement made this morning by Chas. Inquiries this morning elicited tho of about 1000 feet above sea levnl. Tho road is In operation. Frank Thompson, Japanese for Hankow. crush. Stanton, manager of the lvalmukl Land information that there is nothing now grado will average about twelve per it is understood, is going to build a WASHINGTON. December 23. It is roported hero that Japanese While tho pollco department wants In connection with fleet matters. Company. 'cent. $25,000 houso on Palolo Hill, and Man- will arrive at Hankow on tho 30th. overyono to enjoy tuemseives, it win Elaborate preparations are now In Mr. Stanton says that soon after The plan is to have tho car coming ager Stanton has already ordered 125,-00-0 down help to pull the car going up. of stand for no rowdyism, and evory !ia,i for the entertainments to be tho beginning of tho now year tho ar- bricks for the foundation tho TO FIGHT FRUIT FLY. aug- There will, of course, be auxiliary line residence he plans to construct SACRAMENTO, December 23. There will bo second of available ofllcer of tho force, hold on Christmas Day and there- Wllhol-min- a a extra session ticles of incorporation of tho power, yet mented by fifty men from the licet, abouts, but these were fully described but it has not been decided for himself. the Letdslaturo to onact a law to aid In the fight to exterminate the Med- Rise Railroad Company will will steam, gas or will patrol tho streets In the Inter- in the Star yesterday. whether this be The proposed railroad will bo tho iterranean fruit lly. probably bo prepared. not electricity. midway the company, will ests of law and order. There should be a big lot of men This does About of property of the land as mean, of Pedestrians must keep on the right iashore tonight from the ships. The however, that construction length of the line will bo a switch be tho road over which it operates, BLOODSHED IN PERSIA. will be once. Hut will pass ono side of the street, which ever way Pnlnrniln will rnntrllniln nlinilt threii the road started at whore tho cars another. for tho streets on Palolo Hill havo not ST. PETERSBURG, December 23. Bloodshed in Persia promises to j money is on building As to straight, having government. they are going. hundred, and the other ships about tho hand for the tho line is be been turned over to the complicate tho settlement. There is more fighting about Lake Ururala. gravity railroad as soon as it seems no turns or curves at all, both the On this account It is not necessary Autos will not be allowed to stop the same number each. These men advisable to do so. The road will be cost of construction and that of main- that tho Kaimuki Land Company ob- in tho area bounded by Fort, Hotel, go ashore this afternoon and have MORSE'S RUSE. built by the Kalmuki Land Company tenance will be light as compared with tain a charter to build and operate ATLANTA, December 23. The doctors report will Nuuanu and King streets. They may forty-hour- s liberty. They will report that Banker Morse and will probably, be operated by the other railroads. tho railroad. be driven through the thoroughfares, for duty again on Christinas morning, die unless freed. hut will only he allowed to stand in and then the remainder of the men IMPERIAL CONVOY ROBBED. Ilcthol street. will be granted the same liberty. HARBIN, I'kjceuiber 23. Brigands havo robbed an Imperial convoy ot Confetti may bo used, hut persons Christmas dinner will bo served DECORATED FLOATS IN FLORAL GOVERNOR ' ?S50,U00. scooping it up from the street or aboard. This should be a happy time sidewalk will bo promptly arrested. for all. The officers, of course, will Bombs, torpedoes, Hour and other have some friends down with them, PARADE WILL BE GRAND E PARDONS devices calculated to injure the eyes, and the men will be made happy with FREIGHTER FROM CANAL ZONE y the good things that arc coming in 1 ears, garments or nerves of passers-b- will be strictly tabu. the Glacier tomorrow morning from good-nature- San Francisco. Unlimited noise and d Chairman Charles R. Frazier, of that the Hackfqld float has always do Govornor Frear yesterday afternoon Quarantine. HELD OUTSIDE AS PRECAUTION ebullition of the carnival spirit "Will Christmas Day in the decorated lloats section of tho served apprize as well as much cat decided to grant some pardons and Dr. - be allowed to go for all It is worth, Ramus has recommended that Floral- Parade, said .that the niendation. commutations to prisoners who are toys quarantine be hut Sheriff .Tarrett has determined for the children in section will bo tho largest and most With the big firms coming to the serving timo in tho jails ot the Ter- for awhile. recognize probability, be in that tho streets tonight shall be a held back complete of any of tho' annual front In this way Honolulu will bo ritory. Evidently Hawaii doesn't before tomorrow donations of clothing - morning. place along which a person may walk Presents and pageants. splendidly represented in this sec- Amimoto, who In 1900 was sen- the Panama Canal zone as the clean- and such tilings will be given right Tho Navajo comes hero from without fear of being burned, singed, Within the past fow days he has tion. tenced .to imprisonment at hard labor est In the world, for tho Navajo, a1 Balboa over to tho immigrants, but toys will With 2.1(10 trma nf 1 whitened, cut, bruised, wounded, and had good news from three of tho big Tlie floats section gives an oppot for twonty-llv- c years for murder in steel steamer, arrived this bo withhold until tho childre'n como small here , nHrbor dock R driven stark, staring, crazy by tho firms, Castlo & Cooko, Aloxander & tunlty for effective decorating that nt the second degree, Is granted a full out. morning irom uaiuon. i.maimi, ami from Now York nna ta,.en ,)y rall tQ devilish devices of tho mob. Sclah! Ualdwin and C. Brewer & Co., each of other division of the parade affords, pardon, after serving oloven years. This. course has suggested itsoir to sho Is to lie outsldo of tho harbor tin-- 1 Balboa, whero the Navajo picked it up. Late Car Service. which has decided to enter iloats, and and Chairman Frazior Is finding that Young Lock Noo Is also given a Dr. Ramus on account of tho liability has boon fumigated, because , Tho tlnip of Journey has been twonty- - Special arrangements have boon It is certain that all of thorn will bo public spirit in this .respect Is far free pardon. Ho got llfo for murder til she of tho toys being broken in transit three days. This protraotod voyage ia mado for a late sorvico of street cars not only representative of somo fea- from dormant. in tho second degree, and will bo freo sho did not bring a certificate of dis- and ruined in the fumigation, the duo to tho heavy weather encountered tonight, and next Saturday night. ture of Hawaii, but will bo unusually on ChrlstmaB morning. Osato, who infection with her. .Irttlmo ntn st'lll unt lii nffnrtnil hv 'Whilo It Is too oarly to give out jail tho way across. Captain K. A. Ah- - Tonight every branch of tho system ' "' attractive and should prove a special got ten years for manslaughter In tho tho cleans Inn nrocess.
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