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S371 of PCT Application No. PCT/US2013/ as being safe across a range of indicators, thus providing the 046151, filed Jun. 17, 2013, which claims priority under 35 first evidence for the clinical safety and efficacy of a topical U.S.C. S 119(e) from U.S. Provisional Application No. 10 Syk kinase inhibitor. (Meltzer, Eli O.; Berkowitz, Robert B.: 61/663,290, filed Jun. 22, 2012. Grossbard, Elliott B. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immu nology (2005), 115(4), 791-796). In a more recent phase II FIELD OF THE INVENTION clinical trial for allergic rhinitis (Clinical Trials.gov Identifier NCT0015089). R112 was shown as having a lack of efficacy The present invention relates to certain substituted pyridine 15 Versus placebo. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease compounds of the Formula (I) (also referred to herein as the affecting approximately 1% of the population.
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