Laboratories Accredited by CNAS for Testing of Masks,Gloves, Medical Protective Clothing and Other Personal Protective Equipment Currently, the CNAS accreditation scopes for competence in testing masks, gloves, medical protective clothing and other personal protective equipment for the use of Epidemic prevention, cover both Chinese standards and some foreign standards such as those of EU and USA. To be highlighted, although there are differences between these standards, the main performance indicators of these standards are the same or similar. Therefore, the suitability of the standard shall be confirmed according to the purpose and requirements when choosing a testing laboratory and standard. Tables 1 – 4 list the laboratories accredited by CNAS as competent to test masks, gloves, medical protective clothing and other personal protective equipment. For the detailed accredited testing scopes of the listed laboratories, please visit https://las.cnas.org.cn/LAS_FQ/publish/externalQueryL1.jsp (in Chinese) or https://las.cnas.org.cn/LAS_FQ/publish/externalQueryL1En.jsp (in English). 1 Table 1: List of Laboratories Accredited by CNAS for Testing of Masks Updated on 29 April 2020 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) GB 19083-2010 王克作 GB 2626-2006 湖北省纤维检验局 635001239@ 1 L0274 Wang 027-88700447 YY 0469-2011 Hubei Fiber Inspection Bureau qq.com Kezuo YY/T 0969-2013 GB/T 32610-2016 GB 19083-2010 GB 2626-2006 张志荣 zhangzhirong 佛山中纺联检验技术服务有限公司 YY 0469-2011 2 L1842 Zhang 0757-86855062 @fabricschina CNTAC Testing Service Co., Ltd. (Foshan) YY/T 0969-2013 Zhirong .com.cn GB/T 32610-2016 YY/T 0691-2008 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 成嫣 [email protected] 3 L0128 Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and 021-54336137 GB 19083-2010 Cheng Yan n Technical Research 苑淑花 天津市纺织纤维检验所 [email protected] GB 19083-2010 4 L0914 Yuan 022-87551928 Tianjin Textile Fiber Inspection Institute om GB/T 32610-2016 Shuhua 2 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) GB 19083-2010 GB 2626-2006 GB 2626-2019 YY 0469-2011 中纺标检验认证股份有限公司 姜慧霞 YY/T 0969-2013 010-65987480/ jianghuixia@c 5 L0783 Chinatesta Textile Testing & Certification Jiang GB/T 32610-2016 15901288005 ttc.net.cn Services Huixia YY/T 0691-2008 EN 149:2001+A1:2009 EN 14683:2019 ASTM F2101-2019 GB 19083-2010 GB 2626-2006 YY 0469-2011 YY/T 0969-2013 GB/T 32610-2016 广州检验检测认证集团有限公司 孙世彧 ASTM F2101-2019 6 L10314 Guangzhou Inspection Testing and 020-83655480 [email protected] Sun Shiyu YY/T 0691-2008 Certification Group Co., Ltd. EN 14683:2019 ASTM F1862/F1862M-201 7 ISO 22609:2004 3 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) NIOSH Procedure No.RCT-APR-STP- 0057 NIOSH Procedure No.RCT-APR-STP- 0058 NIOSH Procedure No.RCT-APR-STP- 0059 ASTM F 2100-2019 GB 19083-2010 GB 2626-2006 YY 0469-2011 江苏国健检测技术有限公司 苏鹤群 [email protected] YY/T 0969-2013 7 L10118 Jiangsu Guojian Testing Technology Co., 0510-85385997 Su Hequn m GB/T 32610-2016 Ltd. YY/T 0691-2008 BS EN 149:2001 +A1:2009 泰安市纤维检验所 潘继友 taxjs0538@1 GB 19083-2010 8 L3327 0538-6136616 Tai'an Fiber Inspection Institute Pan Jiyou 63.com YY/T 0691-2008 浙江省轻工业品质量检验研究院 楼才英 0571-87073530 [email protected] GB 2626-2006 9 L6780 Zhejiang Light Industrial Products Lou /13600541950 m GB/T 32610-2016 Inspection and Research Institute Caiying 4 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) 广东产品质量监督检验研究院/国家质量技 术监督局广州电气安全检验所 胡勇丽 Guangdong Testing Institute of Product Hu Yongli 020-89237935 [email protected] GB 2626-2006 10 L0153 Quality Supervision(Guangzhou Electrical 李晓帆(国 020-89232155 lixiaofan@gqi. GB/T 32610-2016 Safety Testing Institute of China State 际业务) (国际业务) org.cn Bureau of Quality and Technical Li Xiaofan Supervision) 安徽省产品质量监督检验研究院 戴福文 245634687@ GB 2626-2006 11 L0606 Anhui Product Quality Supervision & 0551-63356281 Dai Fuwen qq.com GB/T 32610-2016 Inspection Research Institute 天纺标检测认证股份有限公司 靳慧达 [email protected] GB 2626-2006 12 L0608 Tianfangbiao Standardization Certification 022-27423681 Jin Huida m GB/T 32610-2016 & Testing Co., Ltd. 宁波市纤维检验所 金美菊 jmjzhong@ho 13 L1403 0574-55331025 GB/T 32610-2016 Ningbo Fibre Inspection Institute Jin Meiju tmail.com 重庆市计量质量检测研究院 黄强 023-89232156/ [email protected]. 14 L0568 Chongqing Academy of Metrology & Huang GB/T 32610-2016 13508342739 cn Quality Inspection Qiang 中纺协(北京)检验技术服务有限公司 yuexinmin@fa 谢凡 15 L0784 CNTAC Textiles & Garments Testing 010-65302025 bricschina.co GB/T 32610-2016 Xie Fan Service Co., Ltd., Beijing m.cn 甘肃省纤维检验局 王志成 [email protected] 16 L0712 0931-8639603 GB/T 32610-2016 Gansu Fibre Inspection Bureau Wang v.cn 5 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) Zhicheng 中家院(北京)检测认证有限公司(中国家 用电器检测所) 袁娣 yuand@chear 17 L0793 CHEARI (Beijing) Certification & Testing 010-58083762 GB/T 32610-2016 Yuan Di i.com Co., Ltd. (China Testing & Inspection Institute for Household Electric Appliances) 江苏省纺织产品质量监督检验研究院 唐祖根 jsttzg2008@1 GB 2626-2006 18 L0450 Jiangsu Textile Products Quality Tang 025-85778535 63.com GB/T 32610-2016 Supervision and Inspection Institute Zugen 中国商业联合会针棉织商品质量监督检验测 试中心(天津) 王革 [email protected] 19 L0515 China General Chamber of Commerce 022-26295659 GB/T 32610-2016 Wang Ge om Cotton Goods and Knitwear Quality Supervision Testing Center(Tianjin) 中纺联检(上海)检验技术服务有限公司 许梅芳 021-67877405- gengyifan@cti 20 L6319 CNTAC Testing Services Co., GB/T 32610-2016 Xu Meifang 821 c.org.cn Ltd.(Shanghai) 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院 GB 19083-2010 柯虎 kehu555@26 21 L0194 Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision 027-86778856 YY 0469-2011 Ke Hu 3.net and Test Institute YY/T 0969-2013 国家康复辅具研究中心康复辅具质量监督检 guhuiru@126. 谷慧茹 010-58122725/ 22 L2073 验中心 com GB 19083-2010 Gu Huiru 18910268180 Rehabilitation Technical Aids Quality yanheping@si 6 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) Supervision & Test Center, National na.com Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical Aids 天津市医疗器械质量监督检验中心 孟涛 mengtao@md GB 19083-2010 23 L0517 Tianjin Medical Devices Supervision and 022-87175216 Meng Tao tc.org.cn YY 0469-2011 Testing Center GB 19083-2010 Only BFE in YY 0469-2011 EN 14683 - 山东省医疗器械产品质量检验中心 张强 sdzxsyp@163 YY/T 0969-2013 2014 24 L0584 Shandong Quality Inspection Center for Zhang 0531-82682935 .com EN 14683-2014 Medical Devices Qiang ASTM F2101-14 ASTM F2100-14 西藏自治区食品药品检验研究院 谢平 xieping126@ GB 19083-2010 25 L2791 Xizang Institute for Food and Drug Control 0891-6811395 Xie Ping 163.com YY 0469-2011 (XZIFDC) 青海省药品检验检测院 王燕 931106713@ GB 19083-2010 26 L2715 0971-8247092 Qinghai Institute for Food and Drug Control Wang Yan qq.com YY 0469-2011 GB 19083-2010 上海市医疗器械检测所 王葳 021-38019900- 1492077085 YY 0469-2011 27 L0459 Shanghai Testing & Inspection Institute for Wang Wei 1333 @qq.com YY/T 0691-2008 Medical Devices YY/T0969-2013 7 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) GB 19083-2010 屈媛媛 YY 0469-2011 北京市医疗器械检验所 quinta_qu@si 28 L0704 Qu 010-57901588 YY/T 0969-2013 Beijing Institute of Medical Device Test na.com Yuanyuan GB/T 32610-2016 YY/T 0691-2008 安徽省食品药品检验研究院 GB 19083-2010 陶运来 1527202330 29 L9908 Anhui Provincial Institute for Food and Drug 0551-63710067 YY 0469-2011 Tao Yunlai @qq.com Control YY/T 0969-2013 四川省食品药品检验检测院(四川省药品质 量研究所、四川省医疗器械检测中心) Sichuan Institute for Food and Drug Control 陈燕 18048517006 GB 19083-2010 30 L2064 028-87877484 (Sichuan Institute for Drug Quality Chen Yan @qq.com YY/T 0969-2013 Research 、Sichuan Testing Center of Medical Devices) GB 19083-2010 广东省医疗器械质量监督检验所 020-66602381 张旭 56192980@q GB 2626-2006 31 L0637 Guangdong Medical Devices Quality /382 /383 Zhang Xu q.com YY/T 0969-2013 Surveillance and Inspection Institute /66602694 YY0469-2011 中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司 技术检测中心 马猛 13505462643 32 L2313 0546-8792344 GB 2626-2006 Technology Inspection Center of Shengli Ma Meng @139.com Oilfield Branch, SINOPEC 8 Contact Accreditation Scope Certificate Laboratories Name No. (Chinese & TEL E-Mail for Testing of Masks Note Number (Chinese & English) English) (Standards) 陈勉华 GB 2626-2006 广州市微生物研究所 QD_GGW201 33 L0823 Chen 020-62800791 YY 0469-2011 Guangzhou Institute of Microbiology [email protected] Mianhua GB/T 32610-2016 沈亦红 YY 0469-2011 浙江省医疗器械检验研究院 654356360@ 34 L1111 Shen 0571-87896521 YY/T0969-2013 Zhejiang Institute of Medical Device Testing qq.com Yihong YY 19083-20103 辽宁省医疗器械检验检测院 赵进 024-83780173/ zhaojinlmti@1 35 L0201 YY 0469-2011 Liaoning Medical Device Test Institute Zhao Jin 13019304087 26.com 成都海关技术中心 方智 fangzhi224@ 36 L3009 Chengdu Customs District Technological 028-62998521 GB/T 32610-2016 Fang Zhi 163.com Center GB 19083-2010 江苏省特种安全防护产品质量监督检验中心 GB 2626-2006 Jiangsu Quality Supervision and Inspection 陈敏 1735889887 37 L7901 0523-86989903 GB/T 32610-2016 Center for Special Safty Protection Chen Min @qq.com EN Products 149:2001+A1:2009 北京市劳动保护科学研究所劳动保护用品检 GB 19083-2010 验实验室 陈倬为 GB 2626-2006 010-63520770/ [email protected] 38 L1499 Testing Laboratory for Labour Protection Chen GB/T 32610-2016 13611215487 m Products of Beijing Municipal Institute for Zhuowei EN Labour Protection 149:2001+A1:2009 上海市安全生产科学研究所劳动防护用品检
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