, " I ...... .. '.' , .' ,•• I " .• ;•.:." t;,. :.:. _ .:........,:,:.:'J- ...:.'.~ i ...:. ' .... ',' ~~."'.t _' _.'~_~' .._ ' .... .... ...... ,., .. , ". " ... 10.. "'. "- ' .. ". 'l,. ..... ..... .. ... "'. .. - ...... .. f; All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe• ~ws Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home 01 the NetDI Vol. 29-No. 42 Entered as Second Class lIlatler at lOcPerCoPJ' the Post Office at Detrol!, Michigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, October 17, 1968 ~,OO Per Year 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section On. .. <j> IIEADLINES Foundation For Exceptional Children Honors Artists Local Torch Drive Negotiating 01 the Now; News WEEK As Compiled by the Announce Quotas Blackout On Grosse Pointe N eW$ Grosse Pointe Education For '68 Campaign Association Rejects Re- Thursday, October 10 port Of Leon J. DETROIT TIGER PITCHER Herman Mickey Lolich will face Cardi- House-to-House Solicitation Residential Unit Goal is nal pitcher Bob Gib~on today $410,184; Community Bu~iness Goal is $49,780 I By Pepper Whitelaw in St. Louis for the decisive seventh game in the World Chairmen for the Eastem Wayne Community resi- A digni~ied m~n, with a Series. Each has won twice in dential and business campaigns were handed quotas soft but flr1?1 VOice, asked the Series. St. Louis is fa. this week as the 1968 Torch Drive got underway with to b~ recognIZed at the con. vored 8.5. torchlighting ceremonies and a kickoff luncheon. The clusIOn of the regl~lar •• $ residential unit chairman, Mrs. William W. Peattie, of agenda of the G~osse POl~te GEORGE C, WALLACE told Grosse Pointe Farms, will seck $410,184 through house. Board of Educahon meetmg Associated Press Wednesday to.house solicitations. , 0----------- on Monday, October 14. from this total, she has as. L The man, Willis Brown, presi. that he pJ~'ns to send his run. signed area quotas as follows: WV Slates dedt of the Grosse Pointe Edu- ning mate, Cyrtis E, LeMay, to Grosse Pointe Park Mrs. Rex cation Association and a memo Vietnam for a first. hand look Ciavola, $14,012; Grosse Pointe Candidates ber of the teachers negotiating at the war. The third-party f;ity, Mrs. Henry Pea bod y, tea,m, then read a. letter he had $12,:i47; Grosse Pointe Farms wntten to President of the presidential candidate will pub. Mrs. Richard Fox, $30,583; 0 II School Board Alice Mary Hykes, lical1y announce in a speech Grosse Pointe Woods, Mrs. pen ouse expressing the teachers' dis. today from Evansville, Ind., Robert Jurs, $6,756, and Mrs. pleasure over the recent report just what LeMay's plans are, John Schwan, $3,130; Grosse P • V I d/ of Leon J. Herman, fact.finder Pointe Shores, !irs, Russell R. ornte oters nvite To appointed by the Labor Media • • • • Nable, $6,216; Harper Woods, War Memorial Sunday tion Board. , Friday, October 11 Mrs. Floyd DeNard is, $3,171 To Meet Public The letter follows: HOUSE DEMOCRATS forced and Hamtramck, Mrs. Walter GPEA Letter passage Wednesday of legir.la- Paruk, $1,158. Office Seekers "On Wednesday, October 9, tion that could set up televised $49780 Business Quota approximately 400 teachers met debates by major presidential Quot~ for the Eastern Wayne . qrosse Pointe voters are at an all..system meeting at Par. candidates after cracking an community business campaign is InVIted to attend an Open \cells. MIddle School. At that all.night filibuster by Republi. Receiving savings Qonds awarded them for their ground), president of the Foundation, and ROBERT $49,780. Directing the canvass House for Candidates, co. meeting ~e teacher~ v 0 t e d cans. entries in the 1968 Christmas card design competition J. MacMICHAEL, president of the Foundation's Par- of neighborhood businesses is snonsored by the League of overwhelmmgly to relect the re. • • • held annually by the Foundation for Exceptional Chil- ents Group, (far left), presented the bonds during the. A. J. Savage, general pIa n t s Women Voters and \ the pofinrtof Leo!1 J. Hermdh, fact. S t d 0 t b 12 manager power train group G P . t der appomted by the Labor a ur ay, coer dren are Grosse P(linte st.udents, (left to right), DEBBIE October meeting of the Parents Group at the Gross~- Chrysler' Corp. ' .rosse om e War Memo- Mediation Board. Some of the LAWMAKERS ABANDONED STRANDHAGEN DEBRA HALSEY RICHARD CON- Pointe Central Library. The Chl'istmas card co ....pe. H' d." ch' S rJal, to be held on Sunday reasons behind tbis action are plans to wind up the 90th Con. ' " , LU IS IVISlon aIrmen are . ft 0 t b h NOLLY, KATHY DOW and ADRIENNE NABOR. tition, run in aU Grosse Pointe schools, began a few J, FitzSimons, m, treasurer, a ernoon, c,o er .20t , as,.f0~lows. absenteeismgress Fridayforcedwhenthe exces.iveHouse to Kathy, a Parcells Junl'or Hl'gh' student, was awarded years ago un d er th e a d'.miniS tra t.IOn 0f pas t P aren t s FitzSimons Manufacturing Co., from. 3 to 5 0 clock In the Fll'st. ' the salary recommen . quit for the day before an ad. a $50 bond for her winning entry. Debbie, Debra, Group president Maurice Vermeulin, who felt that 3775 East Outer dr.; John W. Fnes Ballroom of the War datIon of. that report does ~ot .ournment resolution could be Adrienne and STEVE' GARDNER, (not pictured), an such a contest would help publicize the Foundation Coe, manager, the J. L. Hudson Memorial. pla~«: us .10 a ttuly competitive J . .. C 'E tl d Sh . Ct. Th' " position if we want to attract ( pll.ssed. Both House and Senate at Parcells, an d Richard, a student at St. Paul's School, and make the commumty more aware of Its contr}- 0., as an OpplDg en er, IS occasIon WIll afford the best qualified feachers to , had. fiDiIi)jl!i!-"their legislative received $25.bonds.,PRi",'JQSEPH TAPERT, (back-, bution to the education of handicapped children. -. C~'.;~QUlti~' H •. SCultbgO~, ~~hmchemberllof the community a Grosse Pointe. Second it does workload and were ready to quit . , . ---------------------.-- "romo on man a e, 0 ance to meet informally with t d th 't h until January 3, 1969,when Rep. - •• Brewery Co., and Clarence F. candidates who are soliciting no rewa~ e career el!c ~r Delbert Latta, R-Ohio, de~a~d. Set Halloween New Samt John HospItal GP Girl Dies Wascher, ~anager, Jacobson's, loca~ supp~rt, to ask questions, :J:ctk:vldce:n.~~~:de~~I~o~ ed that a quorum, or a maJority '., , GrTohs~ePOID,te, t.b t' .11 tto bdlSCllSSIssues, to, learn ways ment. Third, the salary sche<lule of the House's members be on T P · ems ' 1 Q · k S IS area s con rl u Ions WI ° .ecome. !!,ore actively involv- is not commensurate with tbe the floor. The call only turned een artles orpOI'ate- tructnre . n ,Ule . tart go. toward the overall To~ch ed In politIcs from the grass emphasis placed on educational up 188 members, 29 short of the . .lYlje- . " ; DrIVe goal of $27,550,000 which roots up and to enter the voting excellence b the .t nseUsmsl.boenr,necessary to remain in ,_ Now Be'm.'g' " eve loped will benefit ,nearly .200 health booth with more ~owledge and and as expr~ssed t~~o'::~u~~~ At Three S:tes" Auto' ."r. age;IyfA' and conunumty. services. assurance on election day. Board of Education. Finally, it .. " .. I ~ommunJty Goals.. Invitations Issued is not in keeping with the sig. Sunday, October 13 War Memol'ial And North James T. Farley Appointed President And Chief Ex- Farms Police Seeking In- Of t!l1S t~tal goal, ~esldentlal Open House invitations have nificant services provided to the TH W 1 f Off R . f P cao:pa,lgns In the Umted Foun. been extended to candidates for Grosse Pointe communities by E CRE of Apo 10 7 raced And South Highs 10 Be ec:u Ive . Icer; e~r9antz~ ,Ion rogram formation In Death of d~tlon s three,co,unty area are the U.S. Congress, the State the schools. ~:~~~~a~f t~:o:u~c:~~~r~o:~ Scenes Of 1968 . Has Two Significant Goals 13.Year-Old Cynthia ;"pec~e~ t~h raise b~I,~1l,363. Legislature Judicial and Coun. Teacher Morale Low stranded, in space. Astronauts Festivities Sal'nt John. HOS-P-l',t-a-l.-h--a-s-a-n-n-ou-n~eda ma]Qr reor- Jensen arg~ or ..\ e com me, con:. ty offices. ' "The morale of the teacbers mumty busmess campaigns IS is low.' We are rapidly losing were dehg~te~ as the three-man ganization of its corporate structure. Sister M. Verenice, $533989 Early acceptances have been fd . th ti ti o spacecraft s big rocket slamll\ed Grosse Pointe teenagers S.S.J chairman of the Board of Saint John Hospital and Farms police are looking:\l~re 'than 130000 volunteers received from the following of. can I enced lD .e thnegBa d~n them toward a rendezvous WIth .11 . " th H .'. .... f th d' f d' . ' d f 1 lice s 'ekers. Ho Luc.en N process rID even ill e oar s the burned-out second stage of WI once agam Jom e al. SuperIOr General :of the SIsters of Samt Joseph, aI!- or e rIver 0 a car, an vrill(~~ti~~e~el::~~g:n6) e - Ned-zjcand Peter 3;Rourk~ (14th willingness to. negotiate a rea- their Saturn I booster, represent. loween hobgoblins Thurs- nounced the. appomtm~nt of. James T. Farle:r as presl- his two passengers, for Congressional District).
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