EXTENSIONS of REMARKS December 18, 19 '79 Amended, and for Other Purposes; to the H .R

EXTENSIONS of REMARKS December 18, 19 '79 Amended, and for Other Purposes; to the H .R

36856 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 18, 19 '79 amended, and for other purposes; to the H .R. 2769: Mr. RoussELOT, Mr. RoBERTS, LAGOMARS!NO, Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. LEACH Of committee on Education and Labor. Mr. CLAUSEN, Mr. !CHORD, Mr. ANDREWS Of Louisiana, and Mr. STUMP. By Mr. ROSENTHAL: North Dakota., Mrs. HOLT, and Mr. TREEN. H.R. 6070: Mr. PERKINs, Mr. ULLMAN, Mr. H. Con. Res. 230. A J.""esolution to disapprove H.R. 3246: Mr. NoLAN. DICKINSON, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. CHAPPELL, the sale of smaJrt bombs and missiles to H.R. 3252: Mr. KEMP and Mr. RAILSBACK. Mr. MATHIS, Mr. MCKAY, Mr. RUNNELS, Mr. saudi Arabia; to the Committee on Foreign H.R. 3264: Mr. BEREUTER, Mr. DORNAN, Mr. JoHNSON of Colorado, Mr. LoTT, Mr. REGULA, Affairs. KOGOVSEK, e.Ild Mr. STANGELAND. Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas, Mr. YOUNG Of H.R. 4358: Mr. AuCOIN, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Alaska, Mr. HUCKABY, Mr. MARRIO'I"I', Mr. Mr. CLINGER, Mr. HANCE, Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT, STUMP, Mr. ANTHONY, Mr. CLINGER, Mr. LEACH MEMORIALS Mr. KEMP, Mr. LELAND, Mr. MARRIO'I"I', Mr. of Louisiana, and Mr. WAMPLER. MINETA, Mt. MrrcHELL of New York, Ms. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, H.R. 6109: Mr. BENJAMIN, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. 0AKAR, Mr. TAUKE, and Mr. VENTO. WHITEHURST, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, 329. The SPEAKER presented a memorial H .R. 4516: Mr. EDWARDS of Oklahoma., Mr. Mr. WINN, Mr. STANGELAND, Mr. MURTHA, Mr. of the Legislature o! the State of Indiana., JONES of North Carolina, Mr. RoBERT W. REGULA, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. DouGHERTY, Mr. DER­ relative to Iran; to the Committee on Foreign DANIEL, Jr., Mr. HUCKABY, Mr. MCDONALD, Mr. WINSKI, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. RHODES, Mr. MAz­ Affairs. ANDREWS Of North Dakota, and Mr. GINGRICH. ZOLI, Mr. GUDGER, Mr. WON PAT, Mr. HYDE, Mr. H.R. 4563: Mr. CAVANAUGH. RoE, and Mr. BUCHANAN. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 4588: Mr. CONTE, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. H.R. 6149: Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. GUARINI, HORTON, Mr. MURPHY Of Pennsylvania., Mr. Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. FLORIO, Mrs. FENWICK, Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private RAHALL, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. WEISS, and Mr. HOLLENBECK, Mr. HOWARD, Mr. HUGHES, bills and resolutions of the following Mr. SIMON. Mr. MAGuiRE, Mr. PA'I"I'EN, Mr. RoE, Mr. Ro­ titles were introduced and severally re­ H.R. 4631: Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, DINo, and Mr. RINALDO. Mr. SCHEUER, Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of Cali­ H.R. 6152: Mr. BOWEN and Mr. STAGGERS. ferred, as follows: fornia, Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. MCKINNEY, Mr. H.J. Res. 15: Mr. MARRIO'I"I'. By Mrs. SPELLMAN: YATRON, and Mr. EDWARDS Of Oklahoma.. H.J. Res. 414: Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. DAVIS of H.R. 6178. A bill for the relief of John D. H .R. 4678: Mr. VOLKMER, Mr. SABO, Mr. South Carolina, Mr. GRAY, Mr. GUARINI, Mr. Rogers; to the Committee on the Judiciary. WILLIAMS Of Montana, Mr. ENGLISH, Mr. KOSTMAYER, Mr. LLOYD, Mr. LoWRY, Mr. By Mr. STANGELAND: WHrrEHURST, Mr. VENTO, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. McCORMACK, Mr. MATSUI, Mr. ST GERMAIN, H.R. 6179. A bill for the relief of Sophia SIMON, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. ANTHONY, Mr. Mr. SEmERLING, Mr. STACK, and Mr. WmTH. Sanchez; to the Committee on the Judiciary. PEASE, Mr. YATRON, Mr. HOLLENBECK, Mr. H.J. Res. 432: Mr. YATRON, Mr. HEFTEL, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. STUDDS, Mr. RoE, BROWN of Ohio, and Mr. GRAMM. Mr. CARR, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. BEDELL, Mr. H.J. Res. 445: Mr. MARKEY, Mr. PERKINs, Mr. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS COELHO, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. GRAY, M. HAW­ MrrCHELL of New York, Mr. LEACH of Loui­ Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors KINS, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. SEmERLING, Mr. siana, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. Mc­ BINGHAM, Mr. MINETA, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. DADE, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. CLINGER, Mr. LED­ were added to public bills and resolutions HUGHES, Mr. BEILENSON, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. ERER, Mr. SABo, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. LUNDINE, as follows: STENHOLM, Mr. McCORMACK, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. DouGHERTY, Mr. FRosT, Mr. BARNES, Mr. H.R. 75: Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. Mr. ROYER , Mr. MILLER of California, Mr. BOLAND, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. JONES of North Lo'I"I', Mr. RoussELOT, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. BUT­ MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. D'AMOURS, Mr. Carolina, Mr. STOKES, Mr. PREYER, Mr. DE LA LER, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. REUSS, JEFFORDS, Mr. GORE, Mr. FAZIO, Mr. 0BERSTAR, GARZA, Mr. LENT, Mr. CHENEY, Mr. FOUNTAIN, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. FROST, Mr. SANTINI, and Mr. Mr. PANE'I"I'A, Mr. HEFTEL, and Mr. NEAL. Mr. TRAXLER, Mr. MOTTL, Mr. ADDABBO, Mr. ATKINSON. H.R. 5282: Mr. RoE. PATTEN, Mr. QUILLEN, Mr. LoNG of Maryland, H.R. 76: Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. H.R. 5616: Mr. RoYBAL. Mr. EMERY, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. DoRNAN, Mr. Lo'I"I', Mr. RoussELOT, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. BUT­ H.R. 5642. Ms. HOLTZMAN. MYERs of Pennsylvania, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. LER, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. FROST, Mr. H.R. 57115: Mr. FuQUA, Mr. RrrrER, ami Mr. DuNCAN of Tennessee, Mr. FARY, Mrs. SNOWE, SANTINI, and Mr. ATKINSON. LAFALCE. Mr. RAILSBACK, and Mr. MATSUI. H.R. 77: Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. H.R. 5756 : Mrs. CHISHOLM. H. Con. Res. 129: Mr. HANLEY, Mr. BUR­ LOTT, Mr. ROUSSELOT, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. BUT­ H.R. 5813: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mr. GENER, and Mr. ROE. LER, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. REuss, RUNNELS, Mr. YOUNG of F'lorida, Mr. DER­ H. Con. Res. 225: Mr. O'BRIEN, Mr. HoP­ Mr. WmTH, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. FROST, Mr. SAN­ WINSKI, and Mr. BOB WILSON. KINS, Mr. EvANS of the Virgin Islands, Mr. TINI, and Mr. ATKINSON. H.R. 5847: Mr. IRELAND. LEDERER, Mr. DAN DANIEL, Mr. WINN, Mr. H.R. 78: Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. H.R. 5862: Mr. ARCHER, Mr. BENJAMIN, Mr. PERKINS, Mr. APPLEGATE, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. Lo'I"I', Mr. RoussELOT, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. BUT­ BOWEN, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. MURPHY of LER, Mr. MAZZOLI, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. REUSS, COLLINS of Texas, Mr. ERI.ENBORN, Mr. GUD­ Pennsylvania, Mr. GAYDOS, Mr. BARNES, Mrs. Mr. WmTH, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. FROST, Mr. SAN­ GER, Mr. HINSON, Mr. HYDE, Mr. KEMP, Mr. CHISHOLM, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. KOSTMAYER, TINt, and Mr. ATKINSON. KINDNESS, M!r. TREEN, Mr. WALKER, Mr. Mr. GoLDWATER, Mr. ScHEUER, Mr. RoE, Mr. H .R. 168: Mr. MADIGAN. WHITEHURST, and Mr. CHARLES WILSON of MARKS, Mr. MrrCHELL of Maryland, Mr. LEACH H.R. 169: Mr. MADIGAN, Mr. WHrrEHURST, Texas. of Iowa, Mr. NOWAK, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. SWIFT, Mr. RoussELOT, Mr. SYMMS, Mr. HYDE, and H.R. 5909: Mr. GILMAN, Mr. MINETA, Mr. Mr. KRAMER, Mr. DAVIS of Michigan, Mr. DIN­ Mr. PRrrcHARD. COLLINS Of Texas, Mr. DICKS, Mr. BEDELL, GELL, Mr. YOUNG Of Alaska, Mr. YATRON, Mr. H.R. 172: Mr. MADIGAN. Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. MURPHY Of Penn­ RICHMOND, Mr. HYDE, Mr. D'AMOURS, Mr. H.R. 173: Mr. MADIGAN. sylvania, Mr. CARR, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. JEN­ MURPHY Of Dlinois, and Mr. PANE'I"I'A. H.R. 174: Mr. MADIGAN. RETTE, Mr. EDWARDS of Oklahoma, Mr. BAR­ H.R. 801: Mr. KAZEN. NARD, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. SCHEUER, Mr. PAT­ H.R. 882: Mr. MICA. TEN, Mr. MITCHELL of New York, and Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 2341: Mr. BROOMFIELD. BARNES. H.R. 2400: Mr. LOWRY and Mr. YOUNG Of H.R. 6062: Mr. MOTTL, Mr. BEVILL, and Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Alaska. Mr. STUMP. 255. The SPEAKER presented a petition of H.R. 2447: Mr. D'AMOURS, Ms. FERRARO, Mr. H.R. 6063: Mr. AMBRO, Mr. McDONALD, the House of Representatives of the Republic GRAY, Mr. LEACH of Iowa, Mr. MoAKLEY, Mr. Mr. CHARLES WILSON of Texas, Mr. BEVILL, of Cyprus, relative to disarmament; to the PA'I"I'ERSON, Mr. STOKES, and Mr. WmTH. Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. WHrrEHURST, Mr. Committee on Foreign Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CAREER OF TOM BERKLEY published in the Oakland Post newspa­ velopment of minority business and po­ per, commemorating the career of Tom litical leadership. Many people in the Berkley. bay area are indebted to him for his HON. RONALD V. DELLUMS Mr. Berkley is a man with many fine contributions to our community. I OF CALIFORNIA careers in the bay area. He is a lawyer, take great pleasure in commending this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES newspaper publisher, and director of one article to my collegaues: Tuesday, December 18, 1979 of the major U.S. ports. His is a 1[From the Oakland Post, Nov. 16, 1979] career which by example has offered e Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, it is with FivE HUNDRED TO HONOR TOM BERKLEY promise to many black and minority per­ TONIGHT great pleasure that I commend to my sons and he is a person who has always Mayors of six Bay Area cities and Los colleagues the following article, recently sought to positively influence the de- Angeles have proclaimed toda.y "Thomas L. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. December 18, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 36857 Berkley Day", in honor of Post Publlsher international studies. The Magnet School achievements, I joined with the other and Editor and Oakland Port Commission of International Affairs-to be estab­ Members of Congress in sponsoring leg­ President Atty. Thomas L. Berkley. lished in center-city Philadelphia as the islation <S. 2076) calling for a termina­ over 500 persons are expected tonight to first of its type in the United 'States­ tion of U.S. sanctions against Rhodesia when a gala salute to Berkley will be held will provide a strong academic program when the British Governor, Lord Soames, at Goodman's Hall in Jack London Square in areas such as global economics, inter­ assumed authority in Rhodesia to imple­ in Oa.k.land.

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