SENIOR PROM AT CARLTON TOMORROW No. 24 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON. I). C, APRIL 18, 1929 VOL. X HONORS AWARDED GARVAN ORATORICAL SENIOR PROM TO TAKE PLACE AT CONTEST. CARLTON HOTEL TOMORROW NIGHT IN GASTON HALL The contest for the Garvan Oratori- cal Medal will be held on Tuesday, Sidney's Orchestra to Be Musicians at Close of Social Season for April 13. This medal is awarded Plans for Relief of Congestion yearly In the college. The competi Graduates—Affair to Be Held at Scene of Junior Success—Tea Announced — Various Depart- tors may be from the Senior, Junior, Dance Held Following Afternoon. ments to Be Consolidated on or Sophomore classes. Campus — Asks Support of Each entrant must prepare an orig- Tomorrow evening will mark the climax of the socia career of the Senior Class of inal oration, on any subject he desires. Georgetown, when they usher out their leadersh.p in favor of the Juniors with dim Jesuit Seminary Fund. The speech must be of eight minutes lights, soft, dreamy music, and the girl. In other words, the Senior Prom will he held duration. The competitor must pre- tomorrow evening. The Tea Dance will take place on the following afternoon, Sat- On Monday, April 15, a general as- sent to the Dean of the College a type- sembly of the student body was held m written copy of the oration pn the 20th "cha'irman Leo Kundtz has announced that everything is in readiness for the big Gaston Hall, for the purpose of award- of April, or any date before that time. event. The place is the Carlton Hotel, at 16th and K Streets. Th.s hotel is one of ing testimonials to those who^ received a Eight men will be selected to speak the finest in {he city and is well adapted to a Prom. TheJunior Prom, a few month. grade of 95 or above in their subjects. in the contest. The choice of these ago was held at the Carlton and the ballroom proved entirely satisfactory, so here is Awards were made to Harry C. Pauly, men will be made from the quality of no doubt that from the standpoint of a dance floor the affair will be successful. J. C. Gardner, and Erik Kjellstrom, of the orations handed in to the Dean. The orchestra engaged for the evening the Junior Class; John C. Hayes, of the The decision of the judges will be de- is Sidney's, a company which has an en- Sophomore division, and Hugh H. Hussey, termined upon the basis of 50 per cent viable reputation as music makers at of the Freshman Class. for composition and 50 per cent for DRAMA ISSUE OF prominent dances. They have played at After the presentations, the Reverend delivery. many Georgetown affairs and have evoked Rector of the University, W. Coleman JOURNAL PRAISED much favorable comment. Perhaps their Nevils, S. J., congratulated the honor stu- most notable performance was at the re- dents and also voiced his approval of the GASTON DEBATERS Great Range of Subjects Treated cent Junior Prom. Their playing at that splendid appearance the R. O. T. C. unit —Three One-Act Plays Fea- affair was very well received, for they made in the Inaugural Parade. He like- ture Outstanding Issue. demonstrated their ability to render the wise mentioned the fact that such training TO MEET FORDHAM selections in a novel and entertaining prepared young men to be leaders and was The long-awaited and much-heralded form. therefore well worth while considering. And so everything is in readiness. Debate on Jury System to Be Drama Number of the Georgetown Col- The greater part of the Rector's speech, Chairman Kundtz and his committee, con- which followed, dealt with the future de- Held First Week in May— lege Journal appeared on the Campus im- mediately after the Easter vacation came sisting of Frank O'Keefe, Paul McDon- velopment and improvement of the Uni- Criscuolo, Hogan, and Glavin ough, Joseph Henlock and Bernard Mo- to a close. It lived up to every expecta- versity along the lines of scholarship and to Represent Georgetown on tion and far exceeded, in length and gen- loney have done a great deal of work and accommodations. He made mention of have spent much of their time to make Affirmative Side. eral interest, any other single issue this the overcrowded conditions of the school this year's Prom a big success, and now year. The purpose of this number is to with regard to boarders and the step after all arrangements have been made excite interest in the Drama and to de- {Continued on page io) At the meeting of April 11, Gaston de- there seems to be no doubt that it will be. velop dramatic talent. The committee is anxious to make the af- cided by society vote in favor of the af- In the field of plays, "Which Stone to firmative side of the question, "Resolved, Throw," by William Jackson, '32, was in- {Continued on page 12) That State judges should be elected," teresting. "The • Golden Moon," by Ed- CONVERTS LEAGUE while Mr. Mehren was acclaimed the best ward L. Cox, '30, was especially well speaker of the evening. More informa- written and cleverly conceived. Another LAW SCHOOL PROM HEARS GLEE CLUB tion on the proposed Fordham debate was play, and one with a distinctively col- also announced. legiate atmosphere, was Milburn Petty's ON LAST FRIDAY Seven Numbers Rendered at Fordham will debate Gaston, May 2. "Jane Bags a Class Ring." "The Ghoulish Meeting — Excellent Program Since Gaston has a team composed of the Murder Mystery," by James L. Mac- best of her talent, the intercollegiate de- Kavanagh, '30, was a humorous satire, Favors Win Praise from Recip- Brings Request for Encore. bate with Fordham should be intensely in- written with subtlety and erudition. ients—Two Hundred Couples teresting. The subject to be debated is a This issue is replete with verses, deal- Make Financial Success Cer- On the evening of Thursday, April 11, (Continued on page n) (Continued on page 9) the Georgetown Glee Club entertained at tain. a meeting of the Converts League. The meeting was held in the Catholic Daugh- ANNUAL VARSITY "G" BANQUET TO BE The Law School held its Annual Prom ters of America Hall. Bishop Hafey of last Friday night in the ballroom of the Raleigh, North Carolina, was the princi- HELD AT WILLARD HOTEL, WEDNESDAY Mayflower Hotel and the affair proved to pal speaker of the evening. After the be a repetition of past successes and fur- speaking and singing program was com- nished a most enjoyable event for the pleted, refreshments were served and an Certificates to Be Awarded—Demand for Tickets Exceeding Supply— many who were present. informal dance was held. Large Numbers of Alumni and Prominent Men to Be Present Not the least of the many attractions The program was so arranged that the were the favors which the Committee pre- —Glee Club Will Furnish Entertainment. sented to each couple at the door. They Glee Club alternated with the speakers. The musical program opened with "Veni were in the form of bracelets and met Creator." This was followed by "Sea The annual Varsity "G" Banquet which Freshmen of tickets due to this condition. with decided favor from the guests. This Fever," "John Peel," two Negro spir- will be held on next Wednesday evening From the alumni comes the greatest de- choice of favor was certainly original and mand. The banquet affords a fine oppor- caused many pleasant comments from the ituals, "Bring a Torch, Isabella," and at the Willard Hotel, beginning at 6:30 tunity for the gathering of the alumni lastly, "Sons of Georgetown." The sing- P. M., and at which certificates are fortunate young ladies. The music of the evening was fur- ing, however, was so excellent that the awarded the winners of the Varsity "G" and old letter men, and that this is fully appreciated may be seen from the fact nished by the Strickland-Bonbrest Or- audience requested an encore. The Glee during the past year, holds great promise that they account for more than half of chestra and was a fitting accompaniment Club obliged by rendering "A Little Close of surpassing all its predecessors if pres- the total number of tickets sold and are to the decorations and excellent prepara- Harmony." ent indications, which would seem reliable, may be accepted as being so. present in numbers even greater than at tion of the Prom Committee. The League for Converts is an organ- Commencement time. More than two hundred couples were ization composed of persons who have Due to the great demand the sale of tickets has been limited. The committee This year there will be but three speak- present and made the evening a memorable been converted to the Catholic Faith, or ers, where there were four last year, and social event, in keeping with the other who are considering entering the Church. in charge of the banquet has made pro- visions for 750 alumni and students, but in consequence it is expected that the ban- successes of former Law Proms. The It is the object of the League to bring quet will be over at an earlier hour. The entire affair reflected much credit on those these people together from time to time it is expected that the demand will ex- ceed the supply. In fact, it is now thought Reverend Father Nevils, President of the of the committee who planned and ar- in order that they may become acquainted University, will be the principal speaker ranged for the Prom, and the appreciation with one another, and may hear prominent that the end of the week will see the sup- ply of tickets exhausted.
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