The It Pays Family To Advertise Newspaper In The Times <%N1> THE NEPTUNE TIMES Vol. XC, No. 50 OCEAN GROVE-TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1S65 township Offers Christmas Stories Grove i uletide Season Opens With Tree Ligl Ordinance For , : For Children At “Law and Order” Neptune Library NEPTUNE— Miss Mary Cal- OCEAN GROVE Iie \v |. OfTiceis reelected were: Dr. Prohibits Loitering In ; let to, Children’s Librarian at Monmouth County Library, re­ vice president and a now tru.s- Charles I. Carpenter, ffresident; Public Places and Certain turns to the Neptune Library tee were elected by the Camp George C. Miller, vice president in. Private Ownership Areas for the Christmas: Story .Hour M eeting Association'/here- last charge of business and president ■ on next Friday,; Decamber 17. Friday night. It was the an­ of the Auditorium Ushers; August G. Stoll, . secretary; - George L.\ NEPTUNE TWP. —- An ordin­ Children from kindergarten nual meeting of the trustees which began Oct- 15 and was Hergesheimer, treasurer; Kev. Ray-* ance , prohibiting, '‘loitering, • loung­ through third grade will be ing and sleeping in the streets, welcome to enjoy the stories recessed until Dec. 3 to conir mond E. .NefF, assistant secretary, parks and public places” was iri- . and songs from 3:30 to *1:30 on plete its agenda. and Howard L. Smith, assistant The Rev. Harold I). Flood, minis-, .tftiduccd on first reading by the that afternoon. treasurer. .v • / . ‘ ter of thf1 'Memorial Church of the municipal committee Tuesday s N e p t u n e Librarian, Mrs. Elected to the Program Commit­ John Northup, reports receipt Holy Cross, Reading, Pa., was elect­ tee were Rev. Edward.-G. Latch, ' night. ; ed Vico President in charge of The prohibition also includes of a supply of Bulletins of the Rev. George G. Dilworth, Rev< spring semester, of the Division Program, 'succeeding the. Rev. Ray­ fronts o£ business houses parking Louis W. Mitchell, Robert H. Hicks of Field Services of Newark mond. E, Neff of Plainfield, who and Rev. Flood, chairman. Elected lois ana vacant private, property.. asked to be relieved of this of- The regulations, are - being offered State College. These are avail­ PRESIDENT THOMAS WASSON of the Ocean Grove BuHinessmen, Inc., presents the first place pos­ to the Business Committee were able for distribution to anyone ter contest award to 11-year-oid Joelle Aponte, after presenting prizes to 3rd place winner Alien | fice. Rev. Neff will be retiring from George L. Hergesheimer, Arthur at the request af the police depart­ Jones and 2nd place, Irene Daniels. •/' {'the ministry next June and desires ment, enabling poper enforcement interested.' • The library also : W. Abbott Jr., Atty. George K. has the nucleus of a collection the last seven months of his pas- of law and order. - -.■' ■.' •'..» • OCEAN GROVE — More than Slingland, Atty, Franklin L. Part­ of books needed for use by stu- , j.toral ministry, to be “most mean- 500 persons attended the annual ridge.and Mr. Miller, chairman. Public hearing before final adop­ dents in the courses' given by . bigful.” tion will take place at. the Dec. ceremony of lighting the Christr An expression of appreciation.; the college in .^Neptune High 21 municipal meeting. , mas tree erected by Ocean- Grove for thc services rendered by all of­ ' School. ■ " - Building Inspector William Guy Businessman at the intersection Established For Narrow Streets ficers was made by President- reported November comtruetioj} of of Main and Central Avenues last Emcritus Kinsey. N. Merritt. $173,500, 1C repairs ahd additions S aturday a t 5 P.; M. OCEAN GROVE— In order South side, of Asbury Avenue be­ Oratorio Sunday Program chairman Richard. Gib­ to, dwellings, $18,645; two new com- to permit snow removal arid tween New York Avenue and Mt. ■ ^ r d a l buildings 405,000, includ­ bons, manager of the Camp Meet­ Tabor Way . , access of emergency vehicles, Named Organist ing the $350 Convacenter nursing ing Association, gave greetings, and North side of Mt. Zion W a y . be­ home at Highway 33 and Walnut introduced Dr. B; Harrison Deck­ an ordinance establishing one- tween New York and Asbury S t. and a new $55,000 pltimblng sup­ er, Chaplain of the Businessmen, side parking on certain Ocean 'Avenues . : v .;-: For Auditorium ply house, on Heck Ave., a project who pronounced the invocation. Grove narrow streets when North side of Mt. Carmel Way be­ Beverly Earlynn Davis of the Neptune Supply Co.; several Howard L. Smith, chairman of the snows 'fall has been, adopted tween Pilgrim Pathway, and As­ repairs and additions to commercial Christmas tree: Committee, and bury. Avenue • ' of Cinnoniinson Succeeds by the Camp Meeting Associ­ buildings, totaling, .$43,000, includ­ member of the Camp Meeting As­ North side of Mt. Tabor Way be­ Josephine G. Eddowes ing a 535,000 second floor addition sociation, welcomed those present ation. The entire ordinance is tween Pilgrim Pathway and Ben­ to Fitkin Hospital and an $18,000 and wished everyone a happy holi­ published on page. 4 of this son Avenue OCEAN GROVE—The ap­ warehouse and garage remodeling day season, on behalf of Dr. Char­ n e w s p a p e r . North side Of Mt. Hermon Way pointment of .Miss Beverly by Anthony Sammarcp on Ninth les I. Carpenter, Ocean Grove presi­ The police department will de­ between Pilgrim Pathway and Earlynn Davis of Cinnamiri- 'Ave. dent, who was unable to attend. termine when a snow, emergency Lawrence Avenue ' . son, N. J., as official organist ..The com mittee adopted an of- Christmas music was played by a exists and. will immediately post West side of Benson Avenue from at the Ocean Grove Audito­ >3Rfll resolution on the recent brass ensemble led by David Shot- “Emergency No Parking” signs on Mt. Tatyor. W ay to Main Avenue rium was announced this death of Arthur H. Pharo, a town­ well. Dennis Wood, Scoutmaster, I week. Miss Davis will begin thc specified side of^the following West side of Whitefield Avenue be­ Rev. Harold D. Flood ship employee for 35 years and directed the Troop 41 Boy Scout . | her new assignment next streets; :. tween Mt. Tabor Way anti Broad­ treasurer for 31 of these years. The Chorus in several selections. The A trustee of Ocean Grove since J u n e . North side of Abbo^ Avenue be­ way . • ■ . resolution praises "his work and co­ spirit of Christmas was felt as 1953, Rev. Flood has been sen?ins' tween Ocean and-rJCentval -Ave­ West side of Delaware Avenue be- operation making the Township of everyone joined in . singing tradi­ as a member of the AssociationV nues: , • > 5 > . tween Asbury Avenue and.Broad- Neptune n better place In which to tional Christmas carols. • Program Committee and cBjtiiman Novtli side of Webb'*'Avenue be­ . way -. live.” JAJSlCli M ATISSE, mezzo-so­ President of the Businessmen J. of its Youth Committee. Tic ha; tween Ocean and Central Ave- West side, of New Jersey Avenue A letter from Frank A. Cole, 307 prano soloist in the Ocean Grove Thomas Wasson, . turned on the held pastorates in Narberth, Phila­ : nues • between Asbury Avenue and Lakewood Rd., was read commend­ Auditorium during the summer lights of "the most beautiful tree ; delphia, Gladwyno and lliddleiow.'!, months, will he guest K«l<iis( Sun­ North side of Embury Avenue be­ Broadway ing the township for the fine ser­ the Grove has ever had.’/ Mrs. Mar- j al! Pennsylvania. A graduat? uf day in the St. Paul’s Church tween Ocean and Central Ave- West side of Pennsylvania* Ave­ vice provided by the septic tank tha Hurry and her committee pass­ Duke University, where-lie received < nancsil Choir presentation of .nues nue between Asbury Avenue and cleaning truck and operator. Camil Vanllulse’s “Christmas ed through the crowd assembled, • his .A.B. degree in 1932, Rov. Flood North'- side of Heck Avenue be­ Broadway Oratorio.” The oratorio will be giving candy canes to all the chil­ studied for the ministry at Drew .--■■■ « . tween Ocean and Central Ave- West side of Now York Avenue be­ sung at the 1 P.M. Vesper Serv­ dren. j University, earning his Divinity ice, with William A. Reid, min­ nues • • tween Asbury Avenue and Broad- A highlight of the program was t degree in. 1935. He served as a ister of music, directing the choir North side, of Olin S treet between . way ■ - '-/■ ■ nnd Robert Batdorf at the organ. the announcement of winners of j chaplain in tho V. S. Navy- from Special Patrols Ocean and Central Avenues \Vest side of Pilgrim Pathway be­ Other soloists, all from the Chan­ the poster contest, sponsored by the | 194-1 to 104(5. cel Choir, will be Ruth Gilbert Businessmen, on '.‘How To Keep . North side of Pitman Avenue be­ tween Main Avenue and Broad- S|ek Assailants anil Roberta Thatcher, sopranos; tween Ocean and Central Ave- ..way ; Rev, Stacy I). Myers Jr.. minister Ocean Grove Clean." President | of The Methodist Church in Jenkin Robert Orr and David Shotwell, West side of Beach Avenue between tenors, and Herman Brown, Ken­ Wasson announced Joelle Aponte, ! XTn^ S town, Pa., since May of this year, age 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. North side of McClintocfc S treet be­ Spray Avenue and Broadway Police Report 3 Purse neth Orr ahd Louis W. Mitchell was elected an Ocean Grove trustee. John Aponte, .34 Olin St., won first tween Ocean Avenue and Pilgrim Snatchings In 4 Weeks; jr.. baritones. Vehicles parked in non-observ­ He is 3G years of age and began prize, a $25 U. S. Savings bond; Pathw ay • Launch Protective Program ance of the emergency signs will his student ministry at Arch Street Irene Daniels, age 13, of 84 Mt.
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