May 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E929 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FOSTER CARE Survivors include his parents of Ridgeland; father was a good soldier, and he wanted to his wife, Kisha R. Patterson of Columbus, be a good soldier like him.’’ Ga; two grandparents, Elizabeth Osgood and The state Senate adopted a resolution last HON. DIANE E. WATSON Henry Osgood of Ridgeland; a daughter, week sponsored by Pinckney honoring Pat- OF CALIFORNIA Kesauna M. Patterson of Columbus, Ga; a terson and his sacrifice. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES son, Kaven M. Scott of Columbus, Ga; six sis- During the service, Brig. Gen. Jose´ Riojas, Thursday, May 20, 2004 ters, Toneka P. Nelson, Tarsha P. Myers and assistant commander of the Army’s 3rd In- Jamesha P. Anderson of Ridgeland, Charvia fantry Division based at Fort Stewart, Ga., Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Watkis of Beaufort, Shamone Huggins of presented Patterson’s wife with the Bronze speak on behalf of our Nation’s foster care Whitehall and Marisa Patterson of Korea. Star and Purple Heart that he earned while youth during National Foster Care month. Bostick Funeral in Ridgeland is in charge. waging war in the desert. As of January 2003, there were 33,000 chil- Soldiers decked out in dress uniforms dren in Los Angeles County foster care, which [From the Beaufort Gazette, May 11, 2004] served as pallbearers, and later fired a three- is the highest number of dependents in any FALLEN SOLDIER LAID TO REST round rifle volley to honor Patterson as the sound of taps played by a lone bugler echoed county. I represent many of these youngsters FAMILY, FRIENDS REMEMBER LOCAL MAN WHO throughout the otherwise quiet cemetery. DIED SERVING HIS COUNTRY IN IRAQ who, on average, live in five different places. ‘‘You couldn’t ask for a better person to I co-sponsored H.R. 1534, which strives to (By Michael Kerr) protect our country,’’ Pinckney said. place children in safe, loving, and permanent RIDGELAND.—Esau Patterson Jr. would f homes. have turned 26 today. But what happens when these youths turn But instead of a birthday celebration, his HONORING HONDA 18 and ‘‘age out?’’ Only 27 percent of foster family, friends and loved ones gathered Mon- MANUFACTURING OF ALABAMA care high school graduates attend college, half day at Mount Carmel Baptist Center in the national average. Foster care youths lack Ridgeland, the Army staff sergeant’s home- town, to honor and remember a man of God HON. MIKE ROGERS the funding and supportive climate college stu- who fell as a hero on the Iraqi battlefield. OF ALABAMA dents need to succeed. I support legislation Patterson was killed along with seven IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that helps foster care students with their col- other members of the Army’s 1st Armored lege admissions and financing. Division on April 29 near Mahmudiyah, south Thursday, May 20, 2004 This week the Committee on Government of Baghdad. He had been clearing explosives Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, on from a key Iraqi highway when a station Reform will meet to determine how our current May 7, 2004, Honda Manufacturing of Ala- foster care structure can be strengthened. wagon approached and detonated a car bomb, killing the eight soldiers and wounding four bama held a ceremony to recognize the begin- This Congress must act to ensure the future ning of production on its second line of vehicle of our foster care youth is as bright as any others. ‘‘E.J.,’’ as his friends and family knew him, assembly. This event highlights Honda’s grow- other child’s. Thank you. was the only son in a family of six daugh- ing commitment to Alabama through invest- f ters. He left behind his wife, Kisha, 2–year- ment, job creation and economic development. old daughter Kesauna and 4–year-old stepson HONORING THE LIFE OF ESAU It emphasizes the jobs created by the expan- Kaven Scott. sion as well as the jobs created by the sup- PATTERSON His father, Esau Patterson Sr., spoke about a son who had always made him proud before pliers who have moved to the South, many of HON. JOE WILSON the more than 100 people who gathered in the them in Alabama. Honda opened its first assembly line in Lin- OF SOUTH CAROLINA church ‘‘My expectations of a man are very high,’’ coln in November 2001. One year later, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES said Patterson, who retired from the Army Honda began construction of the second as- Thursday, May 20, 2004 in 1992 and settled in Ridgeland. sembly line. A $425 million capital investment, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- Over the years, Patterson said, he watched coupled with the initial expenditure, brought his little boy exceed those expectations and er, I rise today to honor the life of Army Staff become a man. Honda’s investment in Alabama to more than Sergeant Esau Patterson, Jr. of Ridgeland, ‘‘That made me proud, and not because he $1 billion. The result is 4,300 high quality, SC, who paid the ultimate sacrifice on April was in the military,’’ he said. ‘‘He was a gen- good paying jobs and a doubling of the plant’s 29th in Iraq while on duty defending American tleman at all times. He always put other initial production capacity to 300,000 vehicles families in the War on Terror. is a true hero people in front of him. He always carried a and engines by the end of 2004. Honda’s Pilot and will be remembered as a patriot. smile on his face and tried to do the best.’’ SUV will join the Odyssey as the two products I ask all of my colleagues to join me in ex- Family members and friends recited manufactured at Honda Manufacturing of Ala- pressing our deepest sympathy to his family poems, sang hymns and told stories of a won- bama. derful son, brother, father and husband. Pat- and friends. terson was a kind man, friends said, a man The new assembly line was built adjacent to I ask that his obituary and an article from who loved his family and his country, a man the existing facility and will mirror the current The Beaufort Gazette be inserted into the who gave everything to protect them both. facility’s operations with synchronous body CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. ‘‘I am so proud to say, to have said, I have and engine assembly under one roof. Oper- OBITUARY—ESAU PATTERSON JR., MAY 9, 2004 a family member, a first cousin, fighting for ations for stamping, plastic injection molding, Staff Sgt. Esau Patterson Jr., 25, of this country,’’ said Roger Patterson, who die-casting and machining of engines and en- Ridgeland, died Thursday, April 29, 2004, in traveled from New York to attend his cous- gine assembly have been increased at the ex- Iraq. in’s funeral. ‘‘I was so proud of that. It was isting facility to supply both assembly lines. the ultimate sacrifice he gave, and for that The family will receive friends from 7 to 8 The jobs created at HMA are competitive in p.m. Sunday at Bostick Funeral Home. I’m proud.’’ Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at Mount Patterson was more than just a soldier, his the industry, providing quality compensation Carmel Baptist Center in Ridgeland, with family has said. He attended church no mat- and benefits. Honda had three objectives burial in Patterson Cemetery in Ridgeland. ter where he was stationed, taught Sunday when it came to Alabama. First, it wanted to Mr. Patterson was born May 11, 1978, a son school and was always quick to help a neigh- build a plant using the company’s flexible of Carrie Mae Osgood Patterson and Esau G. bor with chores around the house. manufacturing system. Secondly, it wanted to Patterson Sr. Another of Patterson’s cousins, Clementa hire and train associates with no automotive He was a member of Mount Gilead AME Pinckney, the Democratic state senator experience. Finally, Honda wanted to employ Church in Columbus, Ga., where he was a from Ridgeland, grew up just a few minutes Sunday school teacher. He was in the Army, from the fallen soldier. associates using advanced technology and SSG Battery C, 4th Battalion, 27 Field Artil- ‘‘He was always a good man, always with a materials. The startup of the second assembly lery regiment 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Divi- smile . just happy-go-lucky,’’ Pinckney line at the Lincoln facility is testament to the sion, Combined Joint Task Force 7. said, standing in the family’s cemetery. ‘‘His success of these objectives in Alabama. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate May 04 2004 04:36 May 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20MY8.014 E21PT1 E930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 21, 2004 Congratulations to Honda and its associates vapors will not reach beyond facility prop- ify that approval and siting authority for for their many achievements, and thank you, erty lines. FERC also enforces DOT and Na- LNG facilities is most appropriately deter- Mr. Speaker, for the House’s attention today tional Fire Administration regulations that mined at the federal level, as established limit siting to appropriate areas.) under the Natural Gas Act. It also clarifies on this important matter.
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