VOLUME 31 ISSUE 1 SEPTEMBER 2013 THECROWN.CA PAGE 8 MICAH 2.0 StART- TEN THINGS I PAGE12 ING YOUR WISH I KNEW HUMBLE HERO GAMES YEAR RIGHT: IN FIRST YEAR PAGE 3 PAGE 16 HEALTH PAGE 11 PAGE13 THECROWN.Ca ▪| SepTEMBER 2013 EDITOR IN CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR LAYOUT EDITOR Brandon Richardson Justin Olthof Andrew Tosland [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] REPORTER DIGITAL EDITOR GRAPHICS EDITOR Laura Heming Jordan Bokma Bryn Johnston [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact Save the Date T: 905.648.2131 x4291 Crown Office c/o Redeemer University College 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 24/7 Prayer Week – Sept. 25 – Oct. 2 Cross Country Redeemer Invitational – September 28 @crown_RUC /TheCrownRUC Hamilton Bulldogs Home Opener – October 11 ADVERTISING Justin Oltof, Crown Office Art Crawl – October 11 c/o Redeemer University College 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON L9K 1J4 905 648 2139 x 4291 Hamilton Tiger Cats vs. Toronto Argonauts – October 14 Letters to the editor and article submissions must be sent to [email protected] and must include the name and contact information of the writer, although we Thanksgiving (NO CLASSES) – may print anonymously by special request. Works submitted as letters will be edited October 14 for clarity and length only. The opinions expressed in The Crown Like The Crown? are not necessarily those of Redeemer University College’s student body, faculty, Coffee House – October 17 or administration. The Crown is published by students eight times per academic year and is funded by the students of Redeemer University Sibling Weekend – October 18-20 College and by advertising, but is dedicated to the broader college community. Church-in-the-Box – October 20 Reading Break – October 24-27 Follow us on Twitter and Facebook www.twitter.com/crown_RUC | www.facebook.com/TheCrownRUC ▪ 3 NEWS THECROWN.Ca ▪| SepTEMBER 2013 Leditor: Frustra- Humble Hero Sept 2013: tion with New Laura Carmichael Beginnings BRANDON RICHARdsON When faced with something new - a change – that brings chal- lenges we stand at the crossroads In this issue of The Crown we of a decision. At these crossroads focus on “Getting the Most out we have a choice that coincides of Your Year.” At The Crown, we with perspective; we can ei- know what it is like to set out ther stay the course dwelling on afresh. Sometimes starting out those negative things that create new can be discouraging and a growth of dissatisfaction in us even frustrating. It can cause us or look to the positive and more to question our decision to get rewarding aspects of the circum- involved with the new chapter in stance at hand. our lives and perhaps even cause us to resent some aspects of our Think Different, Apple’s motto, situation. can speak a lot to this issue of choice, and for us it would mean The Crown is not a stranger to not taking the easy route, the these feelings that come with new negative route, the route that is beginnings; most of The Crown amplified so often in our culture. this year is comprised of new Thinking different in many ways, members and along with learning is something Christ has exempli- our new positions we stayed up fied for us; “a new way to be hu- until 1 a.m. last night putting the man.” At The Crown we are excit- final touches on this paper. Many ed to unroll some new initiatives of us were pushed to the edge and later this year but this will require probably questioning whether this us to push past the challenges we stress would continue throughout have already faced. As we focus the year. With computers freezing, on excellence and innovation we production expectations bombing choose to run past the hurdles and new skills being developed, that have already crept up on us. it would be silly to ignore the fact Think different this year, choose LAURA HEMING that The Crown has been faced to see things from a different light REPORTER with its first challenge of the year. as you begin your semester, it will most certainly help you as you It would be equally as silly to carry on in this season that God She is the smiling face walking down the hall, chipper and genuine. She is humble and ready to talk with only focus on the challenges we has called you to. anyone. She is empathetic, and has the greatest heart for people, specifically the Redeemer campus. Laura have faced thus far. With a host Carmichael is Redeemer’s Residence Director, and one of the friendliest women you will ever meet. She is of new employees, The Crown has As our gift to you we have at- willing to help anyone at the drop of a hat. When you are having a bad day she is ready to put aside her own seen its greatest surge of creativ- tempted to tailor this issue of The plans to talk with you ity in a long time and anticipation Crown in a way that will help you looms within our tiny office as we get off to a good start this year at She makes great cookies, and always has cupboard full of tea, which speaks to her hospitality. Laura cares look ahead to the coming year. We Redeemer. about her RA’s as people as well as RA’s in their job. She’s wise and invests in people fully. Her humble at- have plans to unroll a host of new titude and constant smile can light up any room. She is witty and wise and is genuine in spirit formats for The Crown as we try to God bless. serve the Redeemer Community RLF, Luke McKee said, “Laura Carmichael’s selfless attitude has been reflected clearly in the on campus better. We are also attempting to community. Her tireless efforts for this community are inspiring and have made an incredible impact. Laura create more cohesiveness within is a true hero in that she has dedicated herself to serving others and helping people draw closer in their rela- each issue of The Crown to foster tionship with Christ. a more enjoyable read for you the reader. With more ideas likes this Thank you Laura for your investment in the Redeemer community, and putting your whole heart into ev- we have a lot to be excited for. erything you do here. The campus wouldn’t be the same without your innovative ideas and heart for genuine community. You are deeply appreciated here. (Early Church History) “There are two EVER distinct words in Greek that read ‘tradition’ and ‘teaching’. You would have to be high on vodka not to notice the difference.” -Professor Peyton p-ROFL “There must be something written on my forehead that says, ‘Hi, I’m a therapist. Come talk to me.” -Professor Irwin “Everyone has the right to learn something, except for Christians. We should know this stuff. It should be dyed into our bones.” -Professor Bates Quotes “I can take some liberties because I am retired; I’ve passed my best before date.” -Professor Vriend “We are basically going to get pregnant and give birth in one class.” -Professor Irwin “Now who of you has ever murdered someone? Oh! Ah! Why is my hand up?!” - Professor Koyzis 4 ▪ LOCAL & CAMPUS THECROWN.Ca ▪| aprilSepTEMBER 2013 2013 Proving the Existence of God: Apologetics Club Apologetics is not something for Now, once you have your object, stand in a very strong position in PJ BUYS some Christians only, but for all Now, with that being said, I you pose this. Did the object create showing how God actually exists, believers. If we want to be faith- will give you one very easy and itself, or have something or some- and that there is something that ful in our attempt to reach out to a simple “proof” for God’s existence one else that created it? Now, the created everything. lost world, we will naturally come that you can use anywhere at any obvious and clear answer is that As the leader and founder of the against opposition. The Apologet- time; no matter where you find everything around you, whether it Step 1. Is the hockey puck self Redeemer Christian Apologetics ics club is not a club where the yourself. To begin, consider this is a ball, or a cup, did not create created or caused? Club, my hope and goal in starting ‘smart’ kids go, but for the aver- situation. You are walking down itself, but was created/caused by this club was to spark an interest age Christian who struggles and the street, and you are repping a something else. Step 2. The hockey puck is not for evangelism and apologetics wrestles with tough questions. T-shirt that says “I LOVE JESUS” self created but caused. amongst the uninformed or un- Like how Jesus said Christianity on the front, or, perhaps a T-Shirt The hockey puck did not ran- aware members of the Redeemer is for the broken and sinful, and that has a Christian pick up line domly come into existence all of a Step 3. Is the universe self cre- community. I am not sure what not for the healthy and righteous on the front with a picture of Ryan sudden from nowhere. The hock- ated or caused? the general thought on campus is (Mark 2:17), the Apologetics club Gosling in the background. As you ey puck did not create itself, nor about the club, nor am I generally is made for those of us who don’t are walking, a person wearing a do chairs, trees, or anything else Step 4.
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