March 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E411 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF DR. RUDY In San Diego, we are also proud of Dr. attends the Texas Academy of Mathematics CASTRUITA Castruita’s notable commitment to national and Science in Denton. This honor will most leadership, serving on several national boards certainly serve as a milestone in this young HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS including Scholarship America and the pres- man’s career as a scientist. OF CALIFORNIA tigious Education Research & Development In- I extend my sincere congratulations to Evan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stitute. He was nominated by the President of Scott Gawlik for his efforts and for receiving the United States and appointed by Donald this commendable award given by the Intel Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense, and Science Talent Search. His commitment to Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education, to science and to helping others serves as an in- today to recognize and pay tribute to Dr. Rudy serve on the President’s Advisory for the De- spiration to all. Castruita of California on the occasion of his partment of Defense Schools, which are mili- f retirement as San Diego County Super- tary-based schools overseas. intendent of Schools. I have known Dr. He has also built impressive and lasting re- IN HONOR OF THE 65TH ANNIVER- Castruita since 1994 when he became County lationships in the community with our public SARY OF THE UNITED SERVICE Superintendent in San Diego and have always schools that includes work with the Greater ORGANIZATION been impressed by his tireless commitment to San Diego Chamber of Commerce, the His- children and the students across the school panic Chamber of Commerce, San Diego HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH districts he served. He dedicated his career to United Way/CHAD, the San Diego YMCA, the OF OHIO furthering the cause of education and to help- Natural History Museum, Laurels for Leaders, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing our kids learn. and the California Center for the Arts. Tuesday, March 28, 2006 Prior to his appointment as Superintendent His work on behalf of California’s children in San Diego, he served with great distinction and our schools has made a real difference Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in for six years as superintendent of the Santa across our state, and we all owe him a great honor, recognition and celebration of the 65th Ana Unified School District where he was rec- debt of gratitude for championing these Anniversary of the United Service Organiza- ognized for his tremendous leadership and in- issues. It is hard to imagine substantive dis- tion (USO), a non-profit, civilian organization novation. Among the recognition his leader- cussions of education policy in our state with- established in 1941. Since then, the USO has ship has brought to local schools are several out Dr. Castruita involved. He has provided filled a void in the lives of men and women highly coveted California School Boards Asso- me with tremendous guidance and advice on serving in the U.S. military, by providing them ciation Golden Bell Awards for leading edge these important issues on countless occasions with entertainment, recreation, support serv- efforts to address the educational needs of and his wise counsel will be missed. I wish ices and the priceless sense of connection to students, the Federal Blue Ribbon Schools both he and his family well in his retirement. home. designation and California Distinguished Dr. Castruita continues a lasting and impres- In 1941, the USO was incorporated in the Schools designation. He has also received the sive legacy of commitment to public education State of New York. By 1944, USOs had been prestigious Marcus Foster Award from the As- within California and across the country as he established in more than 3,000 locations sociation of California School Administrators begins other endeavors that will undoubtedly across the country, held aloft by its volunteer and in 1992, he was named California’s Su- contribute to the well being of children and membership. President Franklin Delano Roo- perintendent of the Year. public education. sevelt, who initially challenged six non-profit As a San Diegan with deep roots in the Thank you very much Mr. Speaker for allow- organizations to form a military support organi- public schools there, I took great pride in the ing me this time to honor such a great leader zation, became the first USO Honorary Chair- role that Dr. Castruita played as Chair of the and important figure to education. person—a role accepted by every President statewide effort to set standards for high f ever since. The mission of the USO has re- school graduates in the state of California. CONGRATULATING EVAN SCOTT mained unwavering: To serve the spiritual, so- This endeavor was perhaps the most impor- GAWLIK cial, welfare, educational and entertainment tant state education reform of the past several needs of the men and women of the United decades. He also served on the State Super- States Armed Forces. intendent’s Advisory Committee for imple- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Over the years, thousands of entertainers, menting the Public School Accountability Act OF TEXAS famous and unknown, have volunteered their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of 1999, a law that helped to instill rigorous time and efforts to perform to grateful audi- standards into the curriculum and educational Tuesday, March 28, 2006 ences on U.S. military bases around the delivery system throughout the state. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to world. From the legendary music of Duke He also served on the Governance Task congratulate Evan Scott Gawlik of Denton on Ellington to the manic comedy of Robin Wil- Force of the statewide committee to develop a his commitment, contribution and success as liams, the USO tradition has carried on. The Master Plan for Education, and State Reading a finalist in this year’s Intel Science Talent brilliant legacy of volunteerism that illuminates First Committee. Dr. Castruita’s abiding per- Search. the life of the late Bob Hope, whose name is sonal commitment to eradicating illiteracy The Intel Science Talent Search is a synonymous with the USO, is carried on across our community has made the San science competition for high school seniors. through the song, dance and comedy of every Diego County Office of Education a beacon in Intel is committed to encouraging and devel- volunteer who continues to keep the spirit of literacy programs and distinguished him as a oping America’s brightest youths so that they hope alive for our men and women serving prominent leader in this important Issue. may well be on the road to becoming tomor- our country far from home. I have had the pleasure, along with a num- row’s elite scientists. As an Intel STS finalist, Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me ber of state leaders including governors from Mr. Gawlik is displaying to the world that he in honor and recognition of the volunteers, our state and other state constitutional officers has exceptional promise and has the potential past and present, of the United Service Orga- to utilize the San Diego County Office of Edu- to become one of tomorrow’s great scientists. nization. During times of war and peace, the cation’s state-of-the-art regional technology Through education programs such as the Intel USO continues to serve as a vital bond of center that exists today because of Dr. Science Talent Search, Intel works to inspire calm and familiarity, uplifting the spirit of men Castruita’s efforts. His enthusiasm and interest and educate children in communities around and women in uniform with heartening support in cutting-edge technology to lift student the world in the areas of science, mathematics and entertainment reminiscent of home. We achievement resulted in his being named one and engineering. extend our deepest gratitude to those who of 12 ‘‘tech savvy’’ superintendents in the na- One of those finalists was Evan Scott have traveled thousands of miles, crossing tion by eSchool News. Gawlik, a constituent of the 26th District, who perilous borders and lands of strife, to uplift ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 Mar 29, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28MR8.001 E28MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 28, 2006 their morale and reenergize the spirit of count- PERSONAL EXPLANATION who passed away on February 20, 2006 at the less American soldiers around the world. On age of 63. behalf of the memory of Bob Hope and the HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS Eli Segal was born in Brooklyn, NY, in 1943. collective service of every volunteer—Thanks OF CALIFORNIA He graduated from Brandeis University in for the Memories. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1964 and received a law degree from the Uni- Tuesday, March 28, 2006 versity of Michigan in 1967. f Mr. Segal began his political involvement in Mrs. DAVIS of California. Madam Speaker, 1968 when he joined Senator Eugene HONORING THE 55TH ANNIVER- during rollcall vote No. 67 on the motion to in- McCarthy’s presidential campaign. Even SARY OF THE UNITED STATES struct conferees on H.R. 4297, I was on a though Senator McCarthy lost, Mr. Segal was MILITARY ACADEMY CLASS OF leave of absence due to illness.
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