CA S C[TY CH ON CL @ ~.: Volo 7, No. 37 T~i-COUNT¥ OHRONICLE,EstabIIshedinl899tOonsollda~ CAS5 CITY, NI[CHo, FRIDAY, JANUARPg 3, ~913 OASS OITY ENTEEPRISE, Established in 1881 fApril'-~A), 1W',, l LOCAL ITEMS. , illll Alton Mark of Detroit was home I [I III[IIII =°"°°agenc'primal:Y,of they t"e ballotmust simplifyat the eleocurt IIII[¥ III[ III IIII i _~._~^~ ~;,~..... 1.... a ]~n~ihlv we] -- The election of officers of \Vinona for Christmas. - ; , ,, ~ " i ;GGtCZ. "V :i .... • .... t ...... bets of ~rnei'ica was held 'l"tlesday ~i- had the Aus~.ralian batlot system for i0ii i iiL QiLOii i ill, is able to be cue again. iii ternoon and ~he following wore elect- many years, but, as a matter of fact. ii Norman Emmons of Ellington trans- III[I IIIIII ed for the ensuing yea.r: such is not the case. It is elaimed SESSION OF STATE LEGISLATURE acted business in town Tuesday° Oracle, Lucy A gar. that the present party column ballot WAS SEVERELY INJURED IN BEGtNS THIS WEEK, Si:4mund Freiburger of Argyle -,,,,as Past. Oracle, Miriam Brown. COLLEAGUES IN COMMON SER- is easy for the ignorant voter to vot~ SHABBONA M~LLo a business caller ii& ~.cv;n Tuesday. VICE FOR PEOPLE. the straight party ticket, but it is dif Vice Oracle, Fannie Tyo. Prank Lenzner and son, @roy, ~vor© ficult fdr the independent voter to Chancetor, Malt Hoagland. ~euienant-Governor Ross Wants in Gageto~vn Tuesday on business. split the party ticket. The double Accident Occurred While H~ Was Recorder, Carrie Rice. Quick Action and Early |naugura[ Message of Gov. FerNs De- Lloyd Brown is moving onto the system 6f marking the ballot with a Making Adjustment on an Receiver, Sarah Ca.ldx~ll. Ad]ournmento Tanner farm, near Gagetown, this clares Party Differences Are circle on the top and squares ~t the Oil Gup. Marshal, Daisy Heller. w'eek. Secondary. side gives rise to er~dless confusion. Ass't Marshal, Jessie Hem'. EIton How]son Peck spent the Many v6ters mark squares to the (Special Corresl: ondence.) of the Physician, J. H. }~a,ys~ ticket.. week end at the home of James Following is the full text of the in side of the first name on the Harvey Hyde, a member of the Lansing, Mich., December 31~ believiig that this mark votes the firm of Phillips & Hyde, proprietors Stare-. augural message of Governor Feriis Economy is to be the keynote of the Clinton Starr of Argyle visited at whole ticket. Election inspectors say Io f tlle Shabbona Roller Flour ~'IilIs, administration of Governor \Food- to the state legislature: II[[III III[I that ~ne voter in ~en fails to mark his I had a narrow escape from death, while bridge N. ~erris, the first Democra.tic the home of James Start T~aesday Gentlemen of the Legislature: We ballot properly, indicating that 50,00( lworking in the mills last Thursday. chief executive of Michigan sinc~ the and \Vednesday. are entering upon a new era in state- N[ichigan voters are annually dis]ran He was making some adjustments on - IiYIIIIIIY il]IKI Misses Hetene Irene Bardwell period of Governor %Vinans, 22 years arid erafto A chis~d, in whole or in part, by the are spending a few days v/ith their general awakening is in pro- present complicated ballot. Our t~:~~'-/an oil" cup on a shaft ~a;~hen part of a ago. And it is the determination of • duck coat which he was wearing be- Young People Participating VVere uncle, George Gray, of Elkland. cess of evolution. The people are Governor Ferris that the cost of oper- lot should be changed to the gen::~ :' Congratulated Over and Over Mrs. Charles Altard co,mint to feet with force the tirne- Australian ballot, similar to that -' came eut al~gled in a friction clutch, ating the institutions supported by and daughter, and before he was released, his co~o4 Again, Fern, of Care arrived Sunday to honored quotation, "A government of the, taxpayers of the state shall be re- v;st and shirt w.er'.:,' toni to shreds spend afev¢ wee,ks at the home of the people, by the people and for the duced and that his administration iu and he wa.s badly wounded iu three The College Girls en-~ertainment D. La-w. people." They are not over-zealous as this respect shall conform to the let- or four places on his head and his at the M. E. church on Wednesday J. A. t~enshte~~ and daughter, Irene, to particular political party that SYII f" ILII L!SYilS ter of his p!atfomn and as voiced in the right elbow and left shoulder severe- evening was a decided success, both were in Bay City over Sunday to at- his campaign utterances. an official represents; in fact, the from the standpoint of the manage- tend the funeral of Mr. I~enshter's YI IISYIIIYIK IIIIISS ly injured. "@q~ile die ahief aim of the incom- three great political parties in Mich- \Vhen he was finally released, he menr avd the a.udience. The word uncle° ing governor is to reduce the cost of igan agree on essentials and it ought, made his ~ay over ~ large drive belt "C@<Ed" will have a new meaning Miss A-ddie Gal]agher 1eft ~{onday Miss Alice Libby of Oxford. Ohio, state government zo the taxpayers if therefore, ~o be easy for the legislators and uuder a low shaSt before reach- to a lot of Cass City folks and the for Sterling ~vherc she will qsit at, Entertained Ladies With possible he is not o- --, o, abou-t it blind- b~g; the ma, iv floor of the building ipare~ll-S of the young WOlllen who SO the home of her sister. Mrs. P. H. representiug these three great parties ]y. tie has an inLimatc knowledge of Fa!k on Japan. delizhtfully entertained the large Knight, a few days. to work together harmoniously an:d \vhcre his part~.er, M. E. Phillips, where it is best to be~hl, and he is , ~udi.:mc<- ahould feel gratified: upon ;~,~,. ~.~ud Mrs. Jc, lin McQra%h, jr. ei~icientiy In soCUrlll~ th~m~ ~JOiii~/iOll 0ue of the most pleasant sorrel .ha.o,Aiz :;:::=::'::cnod >'?'k' ~'~d took tile Club li!~jurcd ma,~ ~e ..... home. Mr. ~tydeliiaving such satisfactory value for convince~t wmoc tmmuz b, ;,~i,~ wast and children, Harold and Lorene_ ~ffr. ends. We are, indeed, colleagues in thn,,Suaseujoyed°f theby\VOmalYsits members Study and a lsi tvs he rez ah~ed consdousness while t th< money spent in the training ed, not essentially through carless- and 2Ira. Wilson Spavin, Mr. and • and ~ d tt is his ou.rposel our effort to join in common service [ the physlcian was dressing his education of their daughters, q?he i ness but in mc no ...... Mrs l{ol)ei% Spa.vin a~!d Mr ~nd Airs. for the highest welfare oii our great feWhome£UeStSoltheTUesdaYsociety "~4aftern°°npresident,atMrs'theJ wounds ~bout three hours later. I{le yoa£g ladles were congratuiated over. to relieve t~resent conditions by re- C]utr]es Zandall and two e.hi!dren state. In other words, we are citi- is stitl greatly puzzled -co know how anna over again, and the cordiality of forms which the closest of prevail- and the girls was{ mutual i ing systems seem to warrant, spent New Years at the home of I. B. Auten. qlhe encerLainmen~ was zens and public servants first and our he made his way over tl~e moving theMissaUdience~ny Fee, as reader delighted 1 \~(hile the tegista~ure is Republican Mr. and Mrs. John i!f[cGrath. i arranged by the ladies of the art party differences are Secondary. drive belt and under ~ the shaft with- her hearers in every numbe# and was in complexion and the bPolance of pew, Mr, and Mrs. John S<riffler and can assure the present legislature that committee ~tesdames Auten, Yoder, entertained out being further injured or" killed. brought back for enccros each time er rears with the controlling party daughter, Miss Ha-rtha,. I shall take great pleasure in encour- a.dmavt, Cleaver, Sohweitzer, Knapp, He is recovering from his injuries she appeared. Graceful and natural in imembers, the new governor will have Mr. a.nd -Mi's. A. Ma,rk and family, aging hearty co-operation from start Seed, \Vitsey and Hays. as rapidly as any man can expect is utterance and gesture, she could not the cordial support of a stronger at- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mark and fan> to finish. I~lost of the measures that The principal feature of the after- the verdict of the doctor. fail to please. Her numbers were ray of sympathetic supporters than ily, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sir]filer and ! shall recommend have commanded neon was an instructive: address on Several years ago, a fornler pro- well selected for varietb son, 1trine, Mrs. Salerno Bien and the attention of the people for at least Japan by Miss Alice Libby, sister of Miss Lucile Schenck, while new in l w°uld appear unon the surface. fa,mily, Mrs. M. M. Schwegler, and prietor of the Shabbona Mills, met her hcme town as a vocalist, was In the house there are 54 Republi- a decade. N rs. Auten, who, last year in com- 5it. and Mrs. W. R. I4:aiser and his death in a similar accident. It fam- Primary Law. pany w'ittl her brother, Rev.. Fr@er- most heartily received.
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