$ttt ooa0ae WATER CONDITION WEDNESDAY'S TIDES 3-asd ,-t a k wi- -,9 CHINFO c~ath c4wam4 Charlie V HIGH LOW BAY, CUBA 6:29 a,m. 1:59 a.m. U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO STORAGE ASHORE 8:23 p.m. 12:46 p.m. 14.0 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Laird Says U.S. Troop Withdrawal Might Continue WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)--Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird says President NixonA decision to withdraw 25,000 U.S. troops from Vietnam may be followed by further pullout of American GI's in August. Secretary Laird made the statement on his return to Washing- ton from the Midway conference. Laird said: "I believe we return closer to peace and now have a program moving forward to change the role of the United States forces in Southeast 4sia. I believe our program to improve and modernize the forces of Vietnam will bear fruit. The program will be under continual review and another decision will be made early in August." The secretary said a task force will meet in Hawaii Thursday to determine which troops will be withdrawn first. He said: "The task force will include representatives of the Army, Navy and Air, Force, and of their sea and air transport sections, as well as delegates from the office of the Secretary of Defense." Laird said: "This task force will make the preparations for the movement of troops in early July." Secretary Laird Australian Admiral Testfies In said: "The final increment of Collision Inquiry the withdrawal announced yes- SUBIC BAY NAVAL BASE, THE PHILIPPINES (AP/APNB)--An Austral- terday will be leaving to com- ian Admiral said the carrier Melbourne narrowly missed ram- plete the whole deployment by ming another American ship three days before she hit the U.S. the latter part of August." destroyer Frank E. Evans. A statement issued at the Admiral G.J. Crabb testified Pentagon said the Hawiian before a joint Australian-Am- VC Continue To Press Attacks meeting will be under the erican board investigating SAIGON (AV/AFNB) -- The an- leadership of Admiral John Mc- the collision betweeli the two ndunced troop withdrawal from Cain Jr.,. commander for the ships, in which 74 American Vietnam did little to cool the Pacific with headquarters sailors died. heart of the fighting there there, and will probably last * Crabb said the Melbourne had yesterday. through Friday or Saturday. passed within 50 feet of an- Communist forces attacked "These sessions of logistics other ship four days before it a Soflth Vietnamese camp on the will go into all the require- hit the Evans last Tuesday. outskirts of Tay Ninh, but de- ments for the movement of Meanwhile at least 150 sur- fenders hurled back the as- United States troops from viving crew members of the sault. South Vietnam," the Pentagon ship are to arrive back in Officials say the South said, adding, as to the ident- itv of the trooDs. this will Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, June 10, 1969 WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)*-- Secretary of State NEW YORK (AP/-FNB)--Followers of Black act- William P. Rogers acknowledged that if the ivist James Foreman have occupied three floors United States succeeds in tests of missiles, of the Inter-church Center in New York City. it might raise a new problem in the quest for They say they will remain until action is arms control agreements with the Soviet Union. taken on their demand for $500 million in re- Rogers said: "It might be that if rocket parations from the churches. A spokesman rahid tests are successful over the next few months police would not be called as long as the sit- it would present problems in inspection." ins stay peaceful. Rogers had said last week that multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) FORT ORD, Calif. (AP/AFMB)--The future of 14 tests would not affect the chances for succes- young stockade prisoners accused of mutiny sful arms talks. after a sit-down strike demonstration is in the hands of a five-member court-martial JUNEAU (AP/ANB)--Apparently the only hope board. United States re- for 19 crewmen of a missing The panel consists of three sergeants, a connaissance plane is that they might have major and a lieutenant colonel. It received the plane been able to use two liferafts if the case late Thursday in the 35th day of the went down at sea. lengthy triAl after an hour of instruction Search planes, a Coast Guard cutter and from the presiding officer. fishing boats have continued a search in the The trial which has drawn nationwide attent-W Bering Sea for the reconnaissance plane. It ion stemmed from a demonstration last Oct. 15, was reported missing last Thursday night. by 27 prisoners at the San. Francisco Presidio Search crews report that no wreckage, oil Stockade, just three days after the fatal slicks, debris or liferafts have been spotted. shooting of a fellow inmate. The Air Force says the plane was on a rout- The 27 refused to go to work but instead ine mission from Shemya--near the tip of the sat down on the parade ground and sang "We Aleutian chain--to its home base at Eileson, shall overcome." They said they were pro- near Fairbanks. It was last heard from about testing the shooting and the substandard 30 minutes after takeoff from Sherya. stockade conditions. All were charged with the serious charge of mutiny. Several of the WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB)-.-- The United States prisoners received solitary confinement after Court of Appeals has ruled draft boards do not the protest, and are awaiting trial. have the right to re-classify registrants be- cause antiwar or antidraft activities. Draft Director Lewis Hershey suggested in 1967 that persons trying to hamper the draft could not be acting in public interest. And Guantanamo Gazette as he put it, deferments are issued in public interest. ComNavBase RAda J.3. Bl1dreth The court called Hershey's statement a "de- Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach claration of war against anti-war protestors." It said the reasoning came "full-grown from Editor J02 Mike Nash the head of General Hershey without the bene- Associate Editor JOSN Phil Jordan Staff fit of reference to any provision of the Writer JOSN John Bell Selective Service Act." The case was brought The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published according to the to court by the National Student Association. rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed PORT-JU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP/AFNB)--The Foreign four days a week at government expense on government Minister of Haiti says the British government equipment. The opinions or statements in news items will be asked to surrender any Haitians in- that appear herein are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- volved in last week's fire bombing of the cap- ment of the Navy. Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours of 8 a.m.' and 3 p.m. MON through FRI only and will be Tuesday, June 10, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Our destiny is thus largely, if not wholly CHAPLAINS' in our hands. "I can, I ought, I will." We are not feathers in the wind, or straws on the stream, but men with souls and wills and con- sciences; and as men we fix our destiny by our CORNER character, and we fix our character by our Chaplain Whitney Parrish actions. Joshua, the veteran chieftain of the tribes Third, there are only Ewo masters to choose of Israel, just before his death gathered the between. God will accept no. divided alleg- tribes together at Shechem and said unto them iance. Jesus said; "No man can serve two "choose you this day whom you will serve. masters." The alternative for us, in the mat- Joshua knew that he was the leader of the ter of service, is between sin and Christ. chosen people, but a people chosen not for Our choice lies between these two only. Serv- their own greatness, but for a special duty or ice to the one or the otber we must be. vocation in God's world. Fourth, the choice is urgent. Goethe said: In the new phase of their history on which "Heard are the voices; heard are the sage's they were entering, everything now turned upon the world's, and the age's. Choose well: your a choice. They were at a solemn crisis. God choice is brief and yet endless. had chosen them for His work; but God's choice is never absolute, never a mere selection for We are presently enjoying water condi- pre-eminence, never a mere display of power, tion Charlie V as a result of an idea sub- but patt of a great purpose which runs through mitted under the Community Suggestion Pro- time. gram of the Naval Base Civic Council. To fail to do that work to #hich God calls However, for this idea to work, it will is, by that failure, to nullify the choice. require the cooperation of every resident Would the Israelites be true to their mission? on the Base. God had given them a land for which they did As the dry season approaches, every drop not labor; He had driven the nations out be- of water wasted through over-indulgance or fore tham. But for what? "That they might carelessness will be working to defeat keep His statutes and observe his laws," that this idea.
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