E K R E B Y D O J Jerry Brown meets the Laurel. See Redwood Heights Neighborhood News, page 3. A Community Newspaper • P.O. Box 19046, Oakland, CA 94619 • (510) 287-2655 Serving the neighborhoods from Fruitvale Avenue to Seminary Avenue and from Foothill Boulevard to Warren Freeway Volume 11 Number 8 October 1999 A Room of Her Own with a Spectacular View B Y C Y G ULASSA aside prime office space for Representative Audie Bock, 16th Assembly himself. Ironically, Bock won by s I walk into the Oakland fewer than 400 votes. District, Discusses Strategies for Implementing office of Assembly- Now that Bock is a Sacra- A member Audie Elizabeth mento insider, so to speak, and Her Green Party Agenda Bock on the 22nd floor of 1515 vows to pursue a second term, Clay, I’m stunned by the view. how will she translate Green E Wall-to-wall windows look out Party ideals like social and envi- K R E B ronmental justice into a realistic on an aerial vista of all of West Y D O agenda for her 16th District, J Oakland, with San Francisco ris- ing from the mist like a fantasy which includes Piedmont, city. It’s a spacious office with Alameda, and most of Oakland? a spectacular view any veteran “There are so many impor- politician would die for. tant issues,” she says, pausing As a freshman legislator and to look at the view. The Japa- a Green Party member in a nese ceramics and prints on the Democratic city, how does Bock wall behind her are reminders merit such regal digs? Dressed of her prestigious academic with casual elegance in a twin credentials. Fluent in Japanese set with long skirt, she welcomes and an adjunct professor of me as if for afternoon tea. “This Asian studies, she’s written beautiful office,” she explains several books on Japanese film, with an amused smile, “was re- including a translation of the ally intended for someone else.” autobiography of film director She is referring to her opponent Akira Kurosawa. She turns in the spring special election, from the window, wearing one Elihu Harris. He was so confi- of her trademark smiles. “It’s Representative Audie Bock: “I’m most proud of the fact that I recently got the Legislature to sponsor a dent of victory that prior to the hard to reduce all my priorities resolution against the dioxin pollution of San Francisco Bay.” race he used his influence to set continued on page 4 American Indian Charter Emergency Management School Begins Fourth Year for the 21st Century S fied School District but fol- S B Y T ONI L OCKE E H B Y B ARBARA L ISTON lows a philosophy based on A H IS harter schools have traditional Indian values. It R hat would happen if emerged as one way to is the only charter school in another major disaster raise the abysmal level the Metro area. C struck Oakland? Stories of public education. Mayor Their charter commits W abound about problems with Brown has praised the char- them to meet standards of ter school movement, and the Oakland Unified School emergency response systems. Oakland is home to five, District and is approved by In Turkey, for example, after the each with its special slant. the State Board of Education. recent earthquake, many relief For example, the EC Reems The charter text of 28 single- workers were unable to help Charter, the Dolores Huerta spaced pages, padded with because of lack of coordination. Learning Academy, and the promises, offers a brief mis- Oakland learned about San Antonio Volunteers of sion statement: “The Mission coordination during the great America Charter are spon- of our Charter School, writ- firestorm, when Oakland and sored by John Walton of the ten as a K-12 Charter, is to Berkeley found they could not Wal-Mart fortune through meet the academic, social, even share fire hoses because his “Schools Future Re- cultural and developmental the fittings were different. search Foundation.” needs of American Indian As a direct result of the 1991 The American Indian students, and all students, in East Bay Hills fire, the State of Charter Public School, an environment that respects California in 1996 enacted into housed in the Tongan Meth- the integrity of the indi- law a statewide emergency man- odist Church on Kansas vidual student and diverse agement system, or SEMS. The Street in the Laurel, is spon- cultures and knowledge and system ensures that relief and sored by the Oakland Uni- continued on page 2 rescue efforts are coordinated continued on page 5 The new Office of Emergency Services, Henry Renteria, manager. Your support helps keep the Metro alive! Become one of the Thousand Friends. *Helen Cora & Ed Barber, *Marna Cohen, *Cheryl Guyer * Werner Hertz, *Mary Owens, *Ralph & Marlene Straehle * Renewing friends You, too, can become a friend of the Metro. See page 2. [Note: please add the hotline nu bers (under private agencies): 2 October 1999 Charter Schools the California State oversight agency (Little Hoover Commis- HOT NUMBERS sion). “In California’s charter Friends of Sausal Creek CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CITY OF OAKLAND AGENCIES system, the price of failure is revocation—and in one in- ABAT—the Alcoholic 238-7103 which creates educational control and has submitted Beverage Action Team stance when a charter school B Y M ICHAEL T HILGEN partnerships among teachers, them to the State Department Graffiti hotline 238-4703 did not live up to its commit- students, parents, and the wider of Fish and Game and to the Abandoned cars 615-5715 ments, the sponsoring district Sewer Replacement City of Oakland for approval. community consisting of indi- O.P.D. Non-emergency 238-3333 viduals, businesses, institutions shut it down.” Many of the Project Continues in Slopes will be regraded. The schools studied have had a dif- Animal control 535-5602 and cultural organizations.” Dimond Canyon road will be subtly realigned ficult struggle, and others are Beat Health (drugs) 615-5808 Under state law, charter The sewer project is moving in some places and covered finding their options limited. schools are public schools, along, with new plastic pipe with wood chips. Creek banks Drug Hotline 238-DRUG The A.I.C.P.S. counts covering the range of grades now in place from the upper will be protected with coconut Noise Hotline: 238-6777 among those that are strug- (Oakland CEDA, from kindergarten through end of the project, above the fiber mats and replanted with gling. Concerned parents have property complaint line) 12th, created or restructured Leimert Bridge, all the way cuttings and seed of local raised serious questions about C.O.R.E. 238-6352 under charter agreements nego- to El Centro Avenue. native plants. (Citizens of Oakland the inadequate site, inadequate tiated by coalitions of interested Although work has been Sections of the park will Respond to Emergencies) funding, and the inability of parties. They hire and fire their progressing steadily, the be closed to the public during Truancy Hotline 479-2199 the Board of Directors, headed project has not gone exactly construction. The entire project Oaklanders Assistance 444-CITY own staff and teachers, raise by Ramona Wilson, to retain a funds, and operate free from as planned. At one point, the is expected to be complete in Center knows the answer principal (a third in three years contractor found the old pipe mid-October. Planting will to all problems with city many of the constraints of begins this fall) or to keep their and other governmental the mainstream public educa- encased in an underground continue into the late fall and services in Oakland. strongest teacher. A perception concrete footing and had to early winter. Volunteers are tion system. In 1992, with the of lack of democracy and ac- PRIVATE AGENCIES passage of SB1448, California dig into the creek channel to needed for maintenance and countability in the school has clear the obstruction, using other planting tasks in Dimond Safe Streets Now 836-4622 became the second state in the (drugs) been troubling. However, new excavators, loaders, and a Park. To get involved, come nation after Minnesota to allow principal Barbara Graumann, winch. The creekside road to the next Friends of Sausal A Safe Place 536-7233 charter schools, the first open- (domestic violence) five new teachers, and 80 stu- in Dimond Canyon was wid- Creek meeting on Wednesday, ing in 1993. After five years, Conciliation 763-2117 dents enrolled in grades 6 to ened and a temporary road October 20, from 7 to 9 p.m., the chartering authority, in Services of Oakland 10 are opening this academic constructed upstream from at the Dimond Library, or join (neighborhood disputes) this case the Oakland Unified year with fresh commitment. where the old road ended. our next workday, Saturday, Sentinel Fair Housing 836-2687 School District, determines Acting superintendent George The City’s creek restora- October 23, from 9 a.m. to (free landlord-tenant whether to renew the charter Musgrove is overseeing media- counseling and tion consulting team has noon, in Dimond Park. For discrimination investigation) for another five years. tion to settle differences within designed plans for slope more information, call Anne Ongoing studies and the school family. reconstruction and erosion Hayes at 231-9566. evaluations of charter school Whatever your views outcomes praise innovation about charter schools, the and community involvement community has a stake in this but question the funding base school’s success. We owe it to and many other findings. Aca- children who desperately need Like a good neighbor, ISSN 1091-1111 ® demic results are not yet clear, the education the school’s own State Farm is there.
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