HECHT & COMPANY Seventh Near F HECHT & COMPANY GOOD FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES HECHT & COMPANY Seventh Near F HECHT & COMPANY Good Furniture-Prices Lowest-Nothing to Pay Down! A Combination for Liberality That Can't Be Equaled Anywhere.See Further News in Today's Post This $t8 Apartment-House This Handsomz $40 Brass $ OQ«75 This $30 Brass $9 1.50 THIS $45.00 BRASS BED GO A *7C This Collapsible Go-Cart . ? / A 16 REFRIGERATOR Bed Outfit ** . O Handy PLNNIL5 A . > OUTFIT DAY. Bed Outfit ? ? COMPLETE Another master stroke in Brass Bed selling. Outfit consists of one Extra Heavy All-brass Little ThiB combination consists of a splendid all-brass An offer Without a parallel. This Bed Bed; 2-inch Go-cart, or Four continuous 14 guaranteed finish; continuous posts; Years to Pay bed. with 2-in. posts, brass fillers; is all brass, and the finish is guaranteed not 14.1 - inch comfort¬ FINISH GUARANTEED NOT TO TARNISH; to tarnish; 10 braBS brass able for for strongly large fillers; heavy fillers; An all-felt This Celebrated constructed; mounts; 2-in. heavy mattress included baby and c ontinuous m o u n t s ; easy to one carry Ideal posts; excellent G u aranteed about GILBERT a combi¬ and PIANO. oUc spring spring; Springs on and off !;*. and one nation felt mat¬ GEN UINE street cars, Week. tress. FELT MAT¬ etc.: has (V Best Combina¬ metal construe tion Felt A remarkable TRESS. pusher; tion; Mattress. price for a Equal this perforated if can. 198 galvan¬ All for out¬ you seat an«l $ splendid Price, ized Just like back; rub¬ Delivered to Your Home on 10 lining 120.75 fit. JuBt like picture. ber-tired Days' FREE Trial and Fully worth picture. O mIy 5 0c wheels. packed at $40.00 50c a Week Weekly Special with P a y m ent* »8c. charcoal 50c a Week. Paya the Bill. Required. sheath- Just Like Picture. in*. Bunt of solid oak with round This $29.50 Enamel- t corners. To¬ $ ' Q*95 This morrow only Lined . 7 We've Got the "DELTOX" Business of the Town $12.75. DRIP Refrigerator Becauae we deserve It! Because our prices are much lower than Beautiful $40 PAN FRKE. Best other stores. Here's the proof: construc¬ -f tion; has 45c "DELTOX" 5-Piece This Serviceable $ .98 large pro¬ Bentwood Bench *¦ vision PRAIRIE GRASS chamber; mm PER 32c Parlor packed MATTINGS, YD., with char- Full yard wide. In plain green, red, blue or stripes. The best wearing Matting it is possible to buy, and most beautiful in ap¬ c o a 1 pearance. sheathing. Warrant¬ 35c Rugs, 50c Rugs, 75c Rugs, 85c Rugs, $1.25 Rugs, ed to size 18x36 inches. size 21x45 inches, size 27x54 inches, size 30x60 inches, size 30x72 inches, give PAY WEEK or perfect 23c 33c 53c 67c 93c $1 A $4 A MONTH 0 satisfac¬ This is the very finest piano at or near its prtre tion. Reg¬ I.Ike Picture. that is produced in the world. It will prove itself if you ular $2.50 Rugs, $4.00 Rugs, $6.00 Rugs, $6.00 Rugs, $7.50 Rugs, Consists of Sofa, Arm¬ will give it the opportunity. price, size 54x90 size Hx8 size 8x10 feet, size 0x12 size We no inches, feet, feet, 8x12 feet, chair, Rocker and two ask cash payment down. Why? Because we *20.50. want you to be convinced of its high musical <iualitie<«. Just I.ike This. $1.73 $2.85 $3.85 $3.95 $4.45 Side Chairs; highly its beautiful tone, responsive action, its handsome <.«*<»! Here's the liench you have be«en want¬ DRIP polished; m&tiog any We charge no Interest. There are no extras of any ing for your lawn or porch. $8.00 Rugs, $10.50 40c 3-4 runner- 35c 21-in runner- 42c 30-in. runner- finish frames, with kind whatsoever. It will you hours of PAN Rugs, bound bound We guarantee the piano for ten years. give many enjoy¬ size 0x12 feet, size 9x15 feet, edge. edge. bound edge. best quality verona We ment; ideal for summer days; 4 feet long; coverings. give a piano stool, a handsome siarf and a rubber best bentwood finished in cover FREE with every piano. We the in construction; FREE. tune keep piano dark green. Only 25c a Week. $4.95 $6.95 29c Yd. 25c Yd. 3Jc Yd. 50c a Week for one year FREE. This Large $3.00 This beautiful This Practical This Stylish $22.50 KITCHEN CABINETS, BABY'S CHOICE. Gas Range, Porch Rocker, $9.50 to $45.00 $25.00 Three-piece $8.75 Perambulator! If you are house¬ This Just Like Picture keeping without a Parlor Suite, Kitchen Cabinet A Perfect .85 Handsome Baker; con¬ $1 don't lose any time sumes little but Substantially built getting one in your and finished. gas in propor¬ nicely $14.75 home. You really $19.50 Reed tion to what Double woven cane don't know how seat and Other stoves do; back, just much* time and labor to high enough to be you save yourself GO'Cart, very easy comfortable. Made Highly pol¬ until keep clean and you experience will last a life¬ of hardwood. Nat¬ ished and the comfort s u r- ural finish. Worth body one time. A genuine rounding of these New design, ma¬ bargain at Just Like Picture. $3.00. Special. $1.85. well construct¬ great household con¬ $12.85 hogany finish, 3- veniences. We have 18.75. ed extra finest line of Choice of brown piece Parlor Suite, heavy the exactly like cut, tires. Excel¬ Kitchen Cabinets in or natural finish. consisting of sofa, the city. I>et us Corduroy up¬ A Most Convenient at lent demonstrate their armchair and arm A Host Convenient Thing.An Account tempered manifold advantages. holstering .fancy rocker, upholster¬ Thing.An Account at . fine NO CL.UB PL.AN8 roll reed edge- ed in best quality springs OR RED TAPE. very pretty de¬ green velour; high¬ 1 eat h er ette sign. Heavy rub¬ est grade temper¬ This Cabinet, 99.50. Just pick out the one ed hood. FREE.A Coffee; you like most, and ber tire wheels. steel springs; 513-515-517 7th folding Mill with Every 29c to SOc Will Good quality $25.00 value. Spe¬ Street SOc m Week Paya for It. Cabinet Sold. Pay the Bill. springs. 50c a M eek Paya for It. cial. $15.50. SOc a Week. dates for national are of the and that the delegates pledged. country delegates which the heavy steel hull passed on "Bvery political sign Indicates that Col. from Ohio will contribute their full share its way to the water. Roosevelt Is certain to carry a substan¬ to that end." 'At almost the exact moment scheduled tial majority of the twent>*-one congres¬ a year or more ago the Texas beg.ui to ; * SPEAKERS sional districts, and we shall not be sur¬ Expresses His Confidence. OHIO REST move TAFT NOW ACCUSED from her cradle. In less TEXAS SETS RECORD slowly prised if he sweeps the state next Tues¬ than two minutes she was -- day." Gov. Harmon here grave expression to floating the sentiment that Ohio would not defeat majestically on the waters of the J.ime* (Continued from Second Page.) river, not far from where more than Taft Is Mistaken. own Florida "Progressives" Elect On Showing to Date President Three Presidential Candidates Says its candidate, and added: Warship's Launching Unrival¬ fifty years ago her prototype, the 'The President is wholly mistaken District of Columbia, "who is now con¬ "If I am right in my belief, the dele¬ Monitor, engaged in battle as the first testing the seat of the rightfully elected gates from Ohio will present the name of Delegates In Opposition to Is Confident of turret armorclad warship. Could the End Strenuous Week. about the reason for my position in this Twenty- ed as Feat. original Monitor have been placed along¬ Walter F. delegate with Mr. Taft's cordial approval, her governor at Baltimore In no spirit Engineering contest," declared Brown, Col. was not only indicted, but served a Jail side her present day prototype she would Roosevelt's Ohio to¬ of hostility or envy to any other. They "Regulars." Two Texas have looked like a pigmy. campaign manager, sentence." will simply make good the unanimous Delegates. ALL ARE day In answer to the charge made by Col. Roosevelt also mentioned Patrick action of the convention at Dayton by Innovation Declared Success. CLAIMING VICTORY President Taft at Toledo last night that Calhoun, who was indicted in San Fran¬ confirming at the state primaries Tues¬ NO HITCH IN CEREMONIES Mr Brown broke with him because he cisco. day its selection of me, and back that JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 18..So- Last night the Taft bureau gave out An Innovation at the launching whs Referring to President Taft's allusions action fair and honorable called progressive of Florida the the use of steel could not have his way about judicial to the fact that George W. Perkins of by advocacy. republicans following: triggers instead of the appointments. "In making his judicial They will neither attempt dictation or met in the state convention here today '.President Taft's total number of dele¬ usual oak blocks, which are sawed away Taft, Harmon and Eoosevelt Forces New York had contributed to Col. Roose¬ submit to it from any one. Infant of United States appointments in northern Ohio he acted velt's fund, the colonel said elected six delegates at large and six al¬ gates elected to date for the con¬ Navy Ic to free the vessel.
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