ball with hexagonal dimples. Ac- cording to the company, the ball Golfwear will go more than six yards farther than any other ball because of its Ajac Corp., represented by E.J. new construction. Royal also fea- Manley, features golf gloves, putters tures moisture-proof woods, wide and accessories. contour sole and beveled leading edge continued from page 71 irons and the Royal Queen Clubs for All Star Industries offers the leath- proved balls sell for $15 a dozen. ladies. Royal also features golfwear, er All Star golf glove for 1972. Rainbow will also feature golfwear, putters and accessories, golf shoes, headwear and golf accessories. gloves and bags. Aris Isotoner Gloves, represented by George Cook, Ltd., offers golf Ram Golf Corp. features the Golden Shakespeare/Plymouth Pro Div., gloves with a patented fabric that re- Ram woods, irons and ball for 1972. introduces the Mach II woods and lieves hand tension. Leather strip The irons feature a design which irons with a new Tor-Fil shaft. The placement gives non-slip control. redistributes weight as far away from shaft features a new method of con- The fabric is immune to perspiration the center of gravity as possible to structing glass fibers. Also available and will not dry out. Available in a eliminate club head twist on shots are the XLD steel shaft woods and variety of color combinations for irons and the new XL Debs, a line of men and women. clubs for women golfers. The Stylist golf ball, featuring high-tension Stanley Blacker, represented by winding, will be introduced to com- Ernie Sabayrac, features the Prince plement the Shakespeare XLD golf model doubleknit blue blazer with ball in 80, 90 and 100 compression. red stitching. The coat retails for ap- proximately $80. Also featured are doubleknit twill suits, popcorn knit Spalding Div. of Questor, intro- sportcoats, worsted wool flannel, duces the cut-resistant Top-Flite bones, checks and hopsack suits and golf ball with two-piece construc- sportcoats. tion. It will complement the Dot. Both balls retail for $15 a dozen. Braemer Knitwear, Ltd., distrib- Spalding also features the Pro-Flite uted by Ernie Sabayrac, features the ball which retails for $9 a dozen. Tournament, a merino wool sports Spalding woods and irons feature shirt retailing at approximately the Elite, Executive, Top-Flite and $18.50; Elgin V-Neck Pullover, hit off center or away from the sweet MV2 models. In addition to putters double-ply cashmere, suggested re- spot. The woods have ebony-finished and utility clubs, Spalding features tail $40; Golfer, double-ply cash- laminateo heads with extra hard an Imperialite line of golf bags and mere cardigan, suggested retail $50, epoxy face inserts and a brass power Elite men's and women's golf gloves. and the Barnton, double-ply, lambs- weights on back of the heads. The Spalding will also exhibit the Bern- wool V-neck pullover, suggested re- Ram ball features a high rebound hard Altmann line of men's apparel. tail $18. polybutadyne center and a Surlyn cover. Uniroyal, see Royal Golf Equip- Tom Brown and Associates fea- ment Company tures the Tee Bee doubleknit slacks, Reifers Golf, Inc., introduces the golf jackets, shirts and socks for men, Director putter which allows the Wilson Sporting Goods Com- and slacks, blouses, jackets and peds golfer to change the alignment on pany features the X-31 woods and for women. They are also the repre- his putter to compensate for sighting irons, Staff woods and Dynapower sentative for Kent gloves. errors. irons and the Boros Professional Royal Golf Equipment Company woods and irons for 1972. X-31 woods Buccanner Mfg. Company fea- introduces the Royal Plus Six golf feature Strata-Bloc head design and tures 17 different styles of men's and double neck binding. The X-31 irons ladies' outerwear and windbreak- feature an oval sole and beveled lead- ers. New this year are a ladies line of ing edge. Staff woods feature a wide, warm-up jackets and suits in pastels. screwless face insert permanently cemented under pressure and heat- Jack Carnahan, Inc., represents ed to the wood head, and the Dyna- The Hadley Corp., Johnston & power irons have an accented flare on Murphy and Jaymar-Ruby. the back of the blade for better weight redistribution. The Boros Profes- Champion Glove Mfg. Company sional woods and irons retail for ap- features men and ladies' leather golf proximately $140 a set and are sold gloves in full and half finger. Also exclusively through pro shops. Wil- available are golf accessories, caps, son Staff balls, bags and accessories socks and peds. are also featured. (Continued on page 74) Derby Cap Mfg. Company fea- Etonic from the Charles A. Eaton tures men's and ladies' caps and hats Company introduces a new line of in many new styles and colors. They men's golf shoes called the Birdie also feature golf emblems. Shoe. The featherweight shoe has been engineered to be lighter with Dexter Shoe Company features an removable permanent spikes, Fried extensive line of medium-priced golf and True welt construction, cushion continued from page 72 shoes for men and women in 1972. A comfort as well as a square toe for- Coberknit, represented by Ernie Sa- great variety of colors and styles— ward fashion look. With the purchase bayrac, introduces a doubleknit cap toes, wing tips, saddles, casual of 12 pairs of shoes, the professional walking short for men in stripes suede styles for men, and square toe is provided with a counter display. In ($9.25) or solids ($8.50). Also avail- and moccasin toe styles for women— addition, Etonic slacks, both plain able for men are nylon golf jackets will be highlighted. Several popular and fancy, knit and woven are fea- and a doubleknit tennis jacket for red, white and blue styles will also be tured. $13.50 or the Circo-Swing tennis introduced. jacket for $9. A doubleknit tennis Fable of Florida, Inc., features a short with elastic belt and waistband DiFini Originals features 100 per line of imported Scottish rainwear, retails for $6.80. For the ladies, cent polyester doubleknit machine blazer crests, car badges, key chains Coberknit is introducing a short- washable slacks with wide belt loops and ball markers. ie waist-length doubleknit tennis and flare bottoms. They also feature jacket for $13.50. Flip-It Hats and Caps, represented by Ernie Sabayrac, features golf hats George Cook Ltd., features Tee and caps in many styles and colors. Togs, ladies' coordinated tops and cu- lottes made in piques and hand Foot-Joy, by Brockton Footwear, screened printed Dacron and cot- Inc., features the Rex Last golf shoes ton. Culotte sets retail for $30. for men. They are leather lined with George Cook doubleknit sport coats foam cushion innersoles. They are feature 15 different patterns and flexible, lightweight and have weaves and retail between $65 and $75. George Cook sport shirts feature zippered-front, long pointed collar shirts in polyesters, poly plus and ar- nels. They retail for between $13 and $15. Cook also represents Thomson Trousers, Bodin Knits, Mr. Dino, Barrie Cash- meres for men and women from machine washable golf shirts. For Scotland, Golf & Sports Head- the ladies, DiFini features 100 per wear, J>S.I. shirts, sweaters and cent Trevira polyester action pant socks and a complete line of custom skirts and the Suzie full fashion jer- tailored sport coats and slacks, and the sey knit shirt. tungsten carbide tipped spikes. For Isotoner golf glove. the women, Foot-Joy features the * Double Eagle LaCosta Last and the Apollo Last. Corbie Mfg. Company features the In addition to dress shoes for men Arcan Division with polyester dou- Duckster Sportswear, made by Ny- and women, Ben Hogan golf shoes bleknit and warp knit golf slacks in lon Fabricators, Inc., features are also available. 18 styles ranging from $20 to $24 re- Striped Shell water-repellent rain- tail. The Fitzroy Division features gear with stretch nylon cuffs. Sug- Golden International, Inc., fea- cotton lisle golf shirts retailing from gested retail price is $10.85. Also tures personalized golf gloves. The $8.95 to $12.95. featured is the hip-length Bi-Siving Duragluv is a full-fingered, English which is water repellent two-ply leather glove with a button back. Croston of Boston features a new nylon with 100 per cent stretch ny- The Dura Grip has a wide band of black and white check polyester/wool lon knit trim. Suggested retail is Velcro across the back to tighten the sportcoat which retails for $85. Al- $10.40. Also featured for 1972 is a glove. so featured is a doubleknit, two-but- foul weather Star-Pattern Men's ton sportcoat with western pockets Rainsuit with a zip-in hood. It is a The Golf Mart, Inc., distributes in navy, medium blue, tan and bright 100 per cent rainproof K-Kote poly- Munsingwear sportswear, Sun red retailing for $95. urethanc-coated fabric. Suggested Sports golf headwear and E.T. retail price is $25. Wright shoes. David Crystal Company features the LaCoste doubleknit sport dress Edmont-Wilson (formerly Ed- Golf Pro Fashions, Ltd., features a and tennis dresses for women, and mont-Hill) introduces a new wide complete line of men's belts and the LaCoste sport shirts for men. strap golf glove into its regular Su- leather goods. per Grip vinyl line. The new glove will retail for under $5. Golf & Sport Headwear Company features men's and women's straw, Jantzen, Inc., introduces a new ex- Annie Laurie Originals features nylon, cloth and nylon mesh caps tensive Men's Pro Golf Collection the Golden Bag of Today, a three-di- and hats in a variety of colors and for 1972.
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