E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012 No. 146 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- petition can be signed through my Web called to order by the Speaker pro tem- utes. site at jones.house.gov. And, Mr. pore (Mr. FARENTHOLD). Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, this after- Speaker, I am pleased to tell you that f noon, a group of Members from both in just 3 weeks, we have over 2,000 parties are going to meet together to Americans that have signed this peti- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO discuss the possible legislative options tion. Our goal is to reach as many peo- TEMPORE to start a process of bringing our ple as possible to put the pressure on The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- troops home from Afghanistan in 2013. our leadership to stop the loss of life fore the House the following commu- Yesterday I was on the floor speaking and treasure in Afghanistan. nication from the Speaker: about Army Specialist Joshua Nelson, Congress, let’s get together and work WASHINGTON, DC, November 15, 2012. from my home county, who was killed on legislation to bring our troops home I hereby appoint the Honorable BLAKE by the very Afghans he was sent to before the current timeline of Decem- FARENTHOLD to act as Speaker pro tempore train. Specialist Nelson is just one of 60 ber 2014. on this day. U.S. servicemembers who have been Mr. Speaker, before I close, this is JOHN BOEHNER, one of the many posters that I have Speaker of the House of Representatives. killed this year by the Afghans that they were sent to train. that I bring to the floor. There’s a flag- f I don’t know where the outrage is by draped coffin. There’s a group of Army MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the United States Congress. I am very officers. There’s a woman holding the hand of a child. And you can see in the A message from the Senate by Ms. disappointed in both parties and their face of the child, Why is my daddy in Curtis, one of its clerks, announced leadership to allow our young men and women to stay in a war that has no end that flag-draped coffin? that the Senate has passed without Congress, let’s wake up. Let’s come amendment bills of the House of the to it. This makes no sense to the Amer- ican people. In fact, Mr. Speaker, the together. Let’s start the process of following titles: bringing our troops home in 2013. H.R. 6118. An act to amend section 353 of American people have said time after time, in poll after poll, that they want Please, God, continue to bless our men the Public Health Service Act with respect and women in uniform. Please, God, to suspension, revocation, and limitation of to bring our troops home now—not in continue to bless America. laboratory certification. 2014, but now. H.R. 6131. An act to extend the Under- On October 7, there was a national f taking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud Enforce- article written, and the title was, ‘‘A BEYOND ‘‘BIKE-PARTISANSHIP’’ ment With Enforcers beyond Borders Act of Mother Mourns a Grim Milestone,’’ re- 2006, and for other purposes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ferring to the 2,000th American cas- f Chair recognizes the gentleman from ualty from the Afghan war. Lisa Free- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE man, who was interviewed in the arti- utes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cle, lost her son Captain Matthew Free- Mr. BLUMENAUER. For years, I ant to the order of the House of Janu- man in 2009. He was shot by a sniper in have traveled the country preaching ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- Afghanistan. Ms. Freeman said: ‘‘bike-partisanship,’’ using bicycle and nize Members from lists submitted by I just sat here, reliving the pain and won- pedestrian facilities to help people the majority and minority leaders for dering: Where is America’s outrage? Where is burn calories, not fossil fuel, improve morning-hour debate. America’s concern that we’re still at war. their health, have fun, and enrich the The Chair will alternate recognition And, Mr. Speaker, I made reference community. Red State, blue State, Re- between the parties, with each party to this yesterday. The October 14 New publican, Democrat, Independent, it limited to 1 hour and each Member York Times editorial, ‘‘Time to Pack doesn’t matter; the public gets it and other than the majority and minority Up,’’ with the subtitle, ‘‘It should not has been part of an amazing renais- leaders and the minority whip limited take 2 more years for the United States sance. Let’s redouble our efforts at cre- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall to leave Afghanistan.’’ ating a stronger Federal partnership to debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. ‘‘It should not take 2 more years for help more communities realize this vi- f the United States to leave Afghani- sion. stan.’’ Since I strongly agree with that But let’s not stop with bike-partisan- AFGHANISTAN statement, I have started an online pe- ship. Are there other areas that are low The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tition to start bringing our troops or no cost that enjoy broad public sup- Chair recognizes the gentleman from home in the summer or fall of 2013. The port, solve problems, and bring people b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6371 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:43 Nov 16, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO7.000 H15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with H6372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 15, 2012 together rather than divide them? There is new legislation to person- They work; and they work hard, often What about rebuilding and renewing alize people’s health care so that they in jobs that are the hardest to fill, America? Certainly the need is there. get the information they need to make picking grapes and garlic, caring for Until recently, the T&I Committee these difficult, sometimes painful, de- young children in day care centers, was an island of congressional con- cisions and make sure their decisions, sweeping and cleaning as janitors, and, sensus. Since we merely extended the whatever they are, are respected by yes, digging ditches and making sure last transportation reauthorization doctors and hospitals. This refined leg- our dishes are washed. You know what and the new Congress must act in islation could easily be achieved now else they do? They pay taxes, regard- about 97 weeks, let’s work on a bolder that we’re implementing health care less of their legal status. vision of investing in America, one reform. But here’s one last fact you should that puts people to work, improves the These are all bipartisan, cost-effec- know about Latinos. They love Amer- economy, the environment, and saves tive initiatives that are overwhelm- ica. And, my Republican friends, I money in the long run. Congress can ingly embraced by the public. Is it per- promise you, in time, you’ll love us, begin on this now. haps time to have a Legislators’ Cau- too. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, cus, where Members in both parties I hope this introduction is helpful, Congress can’t ignore the near bank- who just want to get something done but I know it’s a little late. The Repub- rupt flood insurance program. While we can come together with ideas like lican Party really met Latinos on Elec- fix the short-term problems, however, these? Who knows? Working together tion Day. At about 11 p.m., when the let’s make it more effective, efficient, to get something done might become race was over, pundits, political strate- and actuarially sound so that it will habit-forming. gists, and Republican candidates spare lives, property, and the Federal f opened their eyes to discover who real- Treasury. Overhauling the flood insur- ly lives and votes in the U.S. It looked ance program would solve the most im- LOOK OUT FOR OUR FINANCIAL liked we were watching Columbus mediate challenges caused by extreme FUTURE stumble across America. Latino voters, weather events likely due to global The SPEAKER pro tempore. The who knew? Demographic changes mov- warming. We may even be able to dis- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing as slow as glaciers, but this one cuss climate change in a more thought- Texas (Mr. OLSON) for 5 minutes. seemed to sneak up on the news media ful and rational way. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I want to like a sudden thunderstorm. Based on the work I’ve done in the share a plea from home, from Tony, I’ve been trying to introduce my col- past with Congressman PAUL RYAN and about the impending fiscal cliff. leagues to real Latinos and immigrants Senator-elect JEFF FLAKE, I know agri- Tony writes: for some time. I’ve worked on bipar- cultural reform is a ripe opportunity. We are going to have to go over the fiscal tisan comprehensive immigration re- Taxpayers cannot afford to lavish un- cliff and see the economy crumble before the form bills and stayed at the table to necessary subsidies on large agri- majority of the people realize how much work out a compromise even after all business while harming the environ- trouble we are really in.
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