HOMECOMING Churches in Turlock & Ridgecrest return The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin In communion with one another, humbly thankful as God’s beloved creation summer 2013 • Volume 2, Number 3 The diocese of san Joaquin Governance StandinG committee depuTies To General convenTion Clergy: Clergy Deputies: 2016 The Rev. Glenn Kanestrom Christ the King, Riverbank C1 The Rev. Canon Mark Hall St. Anne’s, Stockton 2015 The Rev. Suzy Ward, C2 The Rev. Luis Rodriguez Church of the Saviour, Hanford (Secretary) St. Paul’s, Visalia C3 The Rev. Glenn Kanestrom Christ the King, Riverbank 2014 The Rev. Michele Racusin, C4 The Rev. Kathryn Galacia St. Francis, Turlock (President) Holy Family, Fresno CA1 The Rev. Michele Racusin Holy Family, Fresno 2013 The Rev. John Shumaker St. Matthew’s, San Andreas CA2 The Rev. Paul Colbert St. Raphael’s, Oakhurst and Holy Trinity, Madera Lay: CA3 The Rev. Kathleen West St. Paul’s, Modesto 2016 Juanita Weber St. Anne’s, Stockton 2015 Stan Boone Holy Family, Fresno Lay Deputies: 2014 Richard Cress St. John’s, Lodi L1 Nancy Key Holy Family, Fresno 2013 Richard Jennings Holy Family, Fresno L2 Cindy Smith St. Brigid’s Bakersfield L3 Bill Latham Christ the King, Riverbank L4 Jan Dunlap St. Brigid’s Bakersfield diocesan council LA1 Judith Wood St.Paul’s, Visalia LA2 Marilyn Metzgar Grace, Bakersfield NOTHERN DEANERY Clergy: 2014 The Rev. Basil Mattews, St. Clare, Priest In Charge Lay: 2015 Louise McCoskey, Christ the King, Riverbank depuTies To province viii synod CENTRAL DEANERY The Rev. Paul Colbert St. Raphael’s, Oakhurst and Clergy: 2013 The Rev. Paul Colbert, Madera/Merced Missioner Holy Trinity, Madera Lay: 2014 Don Austin, (Secretary) Holy Family, Fresno Jan Dunlap St. Brigid, Bakersfield SOUTHERN DEANERY commission on schools Clergy: 2015 The Rev. Linda Huggard, Kern County Missioner Lay: 2013 Carrol Sewell, All Souls, Ridgecrest Samantha Bland Christ the King, Riverbank Faye Choate St. Matthew’s, San Andreas AT LARGE Stephanie Gilmer St. Paul’s, Modesto Lay: 2015 Marvin (Jerry) Pettiford, Grace, Bakersfield Katrian Van Walterop-Ijams St. Paul’s, Modesto Lay: 2013 George Sitts, St. Raphael’s, Oakhurst Janice Latham Christ the King, Riverbank Lay: 2014 Jan Dunlap, (V.P.) St. Brigid’s, Bakersfield Frank Remkiewicz Christ the King, Riverbank Lindy Santellan St. Paul’s, Modesto Juanita Weber St. Anne’s, Stockton commission on minisTry The Rev. Kathleen West St. Paul’s, Modesto Judy Teter St. Paul’s, Modesto The Rev. Kathryn Galicia, (Chair) St. Francis, Turlock The Rev. Glenn Kanestrom Christ the King, Riverbank Deacon George Cano Christ the King, Riverbank youTh commission Shelley Lindgren St. Matthew’s, San Andreas Nancy Silva, (Secretary) Christ the King, Riverbank Stephen Bentley (Co-Chair) St. Anne’s, Stockton The Rev. Jim McDonald Holy Family, Fresno Aaron Conner (Co-Chair) Grace, Bakersfield Elaine Berg Grace, Bakersfield Claire Littlefield St. Francis, Turlock Jackie Cooper-Glenn Grace, Bakersfield Leslie Littlefield St. Francis, Turlock Mike Dunham Grace, Bakersfield Ashley McGuire Grace, Bakersfield haiTi Task force more... The Rev. Harold Clinehens, (Chair) Retired Lydia Fox St. Anne’s, Stockton For documents concerning Stephanie Gilmer St. Paul’s, Modesto the Equality Commission, Richard Jennings Holy Family, Fresno as well as the Canons and The Rev. Connor Lynn Retired Constitution documents, Nick Rogers All Souls, Ridgecrest please see our website, Juanita Weber St. Anne’s Stockton www.diosanjoaquin.org The Rev. Kathleen West St. Paul’s, Modesto under the tab “Governance”. IN THIS ISSUE FROM THE BISHOP Page 1 ‘All Are Welcome’ here Support ELSJ Bishop & Canon Calendars ‘All Are Welcome’ here Page 2 Remain Episcopal offers grants to communities Dear Friends, able in these four “A Phenomenal level of We in the Episcopal Diocese of congregations to Support” for San Joaquin San Joaquin are joyfully welcom- turn our full attention to ministry Page 3 All are welcome as church ing back four returning churches. and Christ’s mission. property returns Four of our legal cases have been We wish to welcome everyone Page 4 Journey to Pine Ridge resolved through settlement; re- back to these churches. We sing a Reservation, worship turning to the diocese: St. Francis, song in this diocese called “All Are Taizé-style Turlock; St. James, Sonora; St. Mi- Welcome.”. All means “All.” In our Page 6 3rd Annual Women’s Retreat chael’s, Ridgecrest; and St. Paul’s, churches there are no outcasts, and COM’s Day of Discovery Bakersfield. there are no reasons, such as race People Each of these churches has a or station, age, gender or sexual ori- Page 7 News Briefs group who remained Episcopalians entation, or any conditions that will Pentecost Evensong in Lodi who return now to make up the cause anyone to be excluded. Page 8 Modesto’s Mother-Daughter Tea core of the returning congregation. To those who left the Episcopal Pages A-L The Episcopal Journal The exception is St. Paul’s, Bakers- Church and wonder if they are field, which includes members welcome: Yes, “all are welcome.” We On the Cover: At Ridgecrest: Jim of two start-up congregations, are bound to extend Christ’s invita- Furtado, The Rev. Ruth Eller, Nick Grace, Bakersfield, and St. Brigid’s, tion, “come unto me all of you...” Rodgers, Maude Garrett, The Rev. Linda Bakersfield. Now we turn ourselves fully to Huggard. Photo: Canon Kathleen Cullinane. We celebrate the return of these the pursuit of Christ’s mission unen- Bottom Photo: St. Francis on opening churches. The spirit in which we cumbered, in these four churches, day. Submitted photo. celebrate is not of being victorious by any legal restraints. These are the Back cover: San Joaquin farmland. over others, but rather that we have reasons for our joy and celebration. Photo: Jeff Smith/Shutterstock.com. settled our differences with regard Faithfully, Inside back cover: Life at Church of to these properties. Now we are +Chet Talton the Saviour, Hanford. Submitted photos. Can you help to support this Bi SHOP & CANON CALENDARS publication of your diocese? ¨ YES, I would like to support the Bishop Talton Canon Cullinane ministry of Episcopal Life San Joaquin June 23 St. Andrew’s, Taft June 23 St. Paul’s, Visalia Name: ______________________________ St. Michael’s, Ridgecrest St. Michael’s, Ridgecrest Address: July 7 St. Paul’s, Bakersfield June 30 St. Andrew’s, Taft ______________________________ July 14 St. Clare of Assisi, Avery July 7 St. Paul’s, Modesto _____________________________ _________ _____________________ July 21 St. Sherrian’s, Kernville July 14 St. Paul’s, Bakersfield Donation: ¨ $20 ¨ $25 ¨ $50 July 21 Holy Family, Fresno ¨ other $______________________ Mail your check to: Registration information, Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin Celebration 1528 Oakdale Rd., Modesto, CA 95356 costs and forms can be of Ministry obtained by contacting: Hurt, Joy, and the Grace The annual Celebration of Ministry Retreat The Rev. Kathie Galicia of God: A Resurrection Story sponsored by the Commission on Ministry will [email protected] of the Episcopal Diocese of be held August 30, 31, Sept 1 at ECCO. San Joaquin, California. or Jane Onstad Lamb, editor. Our retreat leader will be The Rev. The Diocesan office Foreword by the Most Rev. Katharine Eric Law, Director of the Kaleidoscope [email protected] Jefferts Schori. A collection of essays. Institute, leading us in a weekend of (209) 576-0104 Available on Amazon.com. exploring Holy Currencies. PB Summer 2013 1 R emain Episcopal to offer grants to help communities of faith grow he Remain Episcopal (RE) orga- who felt uncomfortable with ITH M nization is offering grants to help the way the diocese seemed to S Y grow local communities of faith, be heading, worked with others I T : including parishes, missions, deaner- around the country to form a net- ies or church organizations. work of support for faithful Episco- photo C ND The organization, formed ten years palians in similar difficulties. The Rev. Basil Matthews leads RE Baptismal ago with the objective of providing That network was named Via Covenant Series at Christ the King, Riverbank. fellowship and education to Episco- Media, after the “middle way” of palians in the diocese of San Joaquin broad-Church Anglicanism. smaller congregations, RE recognizes In the past RE has sponsored nu- the need to help “grow the church.” merous daylong workshops through- We will expend all of our resources, out the diocese of San Joaquin. The gathered from the generous donations Baptismal Covenant Series gathered of so many throughout the Episcopal in different parishes to explore the Church, in supporting our rebuilding Episcopal Life San Joaquin Quarterly meaning in our lives of five parts of as an appropriate closure for Remain is a publication of the Episcopal Covenant that we as Episcopalians Episcopal, and a catalyst for continued Diocese of San Joaquin affirm at each Baptism. growth and mission outreach. 1528 Oakdale Rd., Modesto, CA 95355 RE has given grants to start up For more information, or to ap- Phone: 209-576-0104 faith communities, and helped to ply, contact Dr. Richard Jennings, Fax: 209-576-0114 finance services and activities that [email protected] and Dr. W. E ditor: Pat McCaughan did not have diocesan funding. Now Marshall Johnston, marshall.johnston [email protected] that many of our properties are @fresno.edu. For an application, visit Art Director: Molly Ruttan-Moffat returning to the diocese, and because the diocesan website at: www.diosan [email protected] these communities will initially have joaquin.org. o Periodical Postage Paid at Modesto CA and additional mailing offices. Episcopal yes, we’ll be there, but to have this Life San Joaquin Quarterly is published “A Phenomenal four times per year in January, April, ongoing support is wonderful.” June and September by the Episcopal Level of Support” The assistance has been in the Diocese of San Joaquin, 1528 Oakdale form of both initial grants, and also Rd., Modesto CA 95355.
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