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Ingold Institut für Physik Universität Augsburg 86135 Augsburg Prof. Dr. Gert-Ludwig Ingold · · · Institut für Physik An den Universität Augsburg Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Universitätsstraße 1 86135 Augsburg Fakultät Quantum dissipation and decoherence of collective Telefon 08 21/598-32 34 Prof. Dr. Siegfried Horn excitations in metallic nanoparticlesTelefax 08 21/598-32 22 [email protected] im Hause www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/theo1/ingold — Guillaume Weick — 26. April 2006 Doktorprüfung Guillaume Weick Sehr geehrter Herr Dekan, A dissertation submitted to Universit´eLouis Pasteur, Strasbourg I Herr Guillaume Weick hat in den letzten drei Jahren u&nter der Betreuung von Prof. Jalabert in Strasbourg (Frankreich) und mir seinUniversit¨atAugsburge Doktorarbeit angefertigt. Grundlage hierfür ist eine Vereinbarung der Universitat Augsbuforrg theund degreesder Univ of ersité Louis Pasteur über ein binationales PromotionsvDocteurerfahren, dedie l’Universit´eLouisvom Rektor, Pr Pasteur,of. Bottk Strasbourge, am 27.10.2003 I unterzeichnet wurde. (Sp´ecialit´e: Physique de la mati`erecondens´ee) Im Herbst diesen Jahres soll nun die Doktorprüfung stattfi& nden. In diesem Zusammen- hang möchte ich um die Genehmigung der nacDoktorhste derhend Naturwissenschaftenaufgeführten Prüfungskommissi- on bitten, die bereitsdervon Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichendem zuständigen Gremium an der ULP Fakult¨atderStrasbour Universit¨atAugsburgg akzeptiert wurde: Thesis defence in Strasbourg, 22 September 2006 in front of the jury comprising Gutachter Frankreich Dr. Jean-Yves Bigot Supervisor ULP: Prof. Rodolfo A. Jalabert (IPCMS, Strasbourg) Institut de PhysiquSupervisore et Chimie Augsburg:de StrasbouProf.rg Gert-Ludwig Ingold (Institut f¨urPhysik, Augsburg) 23, rue du Loess Referees: Dr. Jean-Yves Bigot (IPCMS, Strasbourg) BP 43 Prof. Ulrich Eckern (Institut f¨ur Physik, Augsburg) ´ F-67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2 Prof. Eric Suraud (IRSAMC, Toulouse) Examiner: Prof. Hermann Grabert (Physikalisches Institut, Freiburg) Prof. Dr. Éric Suraud Invited member: Dr. Dietmar Weinmann (IPCMS, Strasbourg) Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes 118, route de Narbonne F-31062 Toulouse Gutachter Deutschland Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eckern Institut für Physik Universität Augsburg Universitätsstraße 1 86135 Augsburg A` Caroline Contents Remerciements (acknowledgments in French) ix Summary xi R´esum´e xv 1 Introduction 19 1.1 Surface plasmon excitation . 22 1.1.1 Mie theory . 24 1.1.2 Spill-out effect . 26 1.2 Surface plasmon linewidth and quantum size effects . 28 1.2.1 Free path effect . 28 1.2.2 Linear response theory . 28 1.2.3 Random phase approximation . 31 1.2.4 Time-dependent local density approximation . 32 1.2.5 Approach of this thesis . 35 1.3 Time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy . 35 1.4 Outline of this thesis . 40 2 Metallic nanoparticles: A model system 43 2.1 Electronic Hamiltonian within the jellium model . 43 2.1.1 Single-particle confinement . 44 2.1.2 Separation into collective and relative coordinates . 45 2.1.3 Alternative derivation of the coupling Hamiltonian . 47 2.2 Mean-field approximation and second quantization procedure . 50 2.2.1 Center-of-mass Hamiltonian . 50 2.2.2 Hamiltonian of the relative coordinates . 50 2.2.3 Coupling between center-of-mass and relative-coordinate systems 52 2.3 External driving field . 53 2.4 Conclusion for Chapter 2 . 54 3 Dynamics of the surface plasmon excitation 55 3.1 Reduced density-matrix description of the electronic center of mass . 55 3.1.1 Free evolution of the center of mass . 56 3.1.2 Effect of the external driving field . 64 3.2 Two-level system approach . 66 3.2.1 Analytical solutions of the Bloch equations without detuning . 69 v Contents 3.2.2 Numerical solutions of the Bloch equations in presence of detuning 73 3.2.3 Estimation of the saturation parameter in typical experiments . 74 3.3 Conclusion for Chapter 3 . 75 4 Lifetime of the surface plasmon excitation 77 4.1 Dipole matrix element from single-particle self-consistent states . 78 4.2 Semiclassical low-temperature expansion . 81 4.3 Shell effects and nonmonotonic behavior of the plasmon linewidth . 91 4.4 Conclusion for Chapter 4 . 94 5 Frequency of the surface plasmon excitation 95 5.1 Spill-out-induced frequency shift . 96 5.1.1 Mean-field approximation . 96 5.1.2 Semiclassical low-temperature expansion for the number of spill- out electrons . 98 5.1.3 Number of spill-out electrons: semiclassics vs. LDA . 101 5.1.4 Redshift of the surface plasmon resonance . 102 5.2 Environment-induced frequency shift . 105 5.3 Conclusion for Chapter 5 . 109 6 Time evolution of the optical transmission in a pump-probe configuration 111 7 Double plasmon excitation and ionization in metallic clusters 115 7.1 Second plasmon decay: Landau damping . 116 7.2 Second plasmon decay and ionization . 121 7.3 Conclusion for Chapter 7 . 127 8 Surface plasmon linewidth with an inhomogeneous dielectric environment 129 8.1 Surface plasmon linewidth with a soft self-consistent potential . 133 8.1.1 Semiclassical dipole matrix element with spherical symmetry . 135 8.1.2 Surface plasmon rate with a slope for the self-consistent field . 138 8.2 Steepness of the self-consistent potential with a dielectric mismatch . 140 8.2.1 First case: d = m = =1......................141 8.2.2 Second case: d = m = 6=1 ....................142 8.2.3 Third case: d 6= m ..........................143 8.3 Surface plasmon linewidth with a dielectric mismatch . 143 8.4 Conclusion for Chapter 8 . 144 9 Concluding remarks and outlook 147 9.1 Summary . 147 9.2 Outlook and future perspectives . 151 vi Contents A Three-level system 155 A.1 Rabi oscillations of a three-level system . 157 A.2 Three-level system with additional damping mechanisms . 159 A.2.1 Stationary solutions for the case γ1 = γ2 = 0 (no additional damp- ing constants) . 159 A.2.2 Stationary solutions for the three-level system with additional dampings . 160 B Semiclassical physics 163 B.1 Quantum propagator . 164 B.2 Feynman’s path integrals . 164 B.3 Semiclassical approximation of the propagator and of the Green function 165 B.3.1 Free propagator and van Vleck’s approximation . 165 B.3.2 Gutzwiller’s approximation to the propagator and the Green func- tion — Semiclassical expansions . 166 B.4 Semiclassical density of states: Gutzwiller’s trace formula . 170 C Semiclassics with radial symmetry 173 C.1 Langer modification and partial density of
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