MEXEl INSTITUTI OF TICMNOIOGY philadjiphia, pa. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 NUMBER 21 Kacz’ named aide to Computer use, better publicity um-Tech Program vowed by new financial aid head Students visiting the Office of ly aid at Drexel has increased Professor Paul Kaczmarczlk of the total Pennsylvania State lithic opponent to engineering. Financial Aid this term will see by over seventy-five per cent. scholarship has been appointed to the newly money this year. Certain fields do this naturally - some new faces behind the desks. Over a million dollars in state, I created post of Associate Di- like Environmental Engineering The new director is John R. Mc­ federal and industrial funds will To handle the increasing work­ t rector of the Humanitles-Tech- and communications.'* Cullough, who com es to Drexel be distributed by McCullough this load, Mr. McCullough has a new nology Program. The post was When contacted, Kaczmarczik from PMC in Chester, where he year. Approximately 3000 Drexel suite of offices with increased i originated in an attempt to pro­ said that he was learning about was head of the Alumni Relations students will receive this money floor space and a staff of four vide coordination between the the program. Department. McCullough re­ in the form of scholarships, loans which includes Mrs. Marsha areas of engineering technology places John Lloyd, who goes to and work-study programs. Drex­ Weiss, the Administrative As­ and those of the humanities and Penn as a full-time student to el received about two per cent sistant to the Director. the basic scien ces. pursue a doctorate in Economics Originally an engineer, P ro- after spending five years at Drex­ ; fessor Kaczmarczik was chosen el. both because of his background McCullough, a personable man in science and engineering and with an ivy-league appearance, ' because of his ability to develop was at one time a varsity foot­ a curriculum in engineering tech­ ball coach at PMC. He speaks with nology. The latter will be one of enthusiasm about his new job his major tasks. which, he says, gives him a Dr. Mary I. Stephens, director chance to work on a close, per­ of the program said **This en- sonal basis with the students. In gineering-technology curriculum addition, he plans to improve the will serve as a bridge between services of his office. engineering and hum anities. It One of the first improvements will emphasize* the interdisci- will be a system to speed the pro­ plinarian rather than the mono­ Prof. Paul Kazmarczik cessing of aid applications which will make use of the computer for all routine clerical work, enab­ ling McCullough to spend more DIT may be Drexel U time on individual evaluation of applicants. Another innovation will be the publicizing of infor­ mation on all available financial after trustee study aid. JOHN R. McCu l l o u g h , DrexePs new Director of Financial Since 1963 the amount of year­ Aid, relaxes between fiduciary sob stories. Prodded by alumni urgings, favor of the name change is the admission problem s and fund­ fact that most institutions in raising difficulties, Drexel’s Drexel's position have already Penn’s paper threatened Board of Trustees is setting up made the change. This category Romeu quits, a committee to explore the pos­ includes the former Rice Insti­ sibility of changing Drexel's tute, which is now Rice Univer­ name to Drexel University. sity; Carnegie Tech, now part of by FBI probe of ad buyers President Hagerty told The Carnegie Mellon University; and The Daily Pennsylvanian, the part, taking up about two thirds cites academic Triangle that alumni around the Case Institute of Technology, now student newspaper at the Uni­ of the page, was actually signed country have said to him that part of Case Western Reserve versity of Pennsylvania, is under by about forty Penn students. changing the Institute's name University. pressure from the FBI to re­ It read, “ WE WON'T GO. We strain as cause would help them in making con­ The committee will include veal the purchasers of an anti­ the undersigned, as American tacts in their communities. In representatives of Drexel alum­ war advertisement in a paper men of draft age, may be asked Joost Romeu, who had served both adm issions and fund-rais- ni, the Board of Trustees, the published about a year ago. by our government to partici­ as Vice President for Student ing, Hagerty said, D rexel has faculty and the student body. According to DP Managing pate in the war in Vietnam.... Affairs since the inception of been handicapped because the The student members will be Editor B erl Schwartz, two FBI (W)e...have reached the con­ Drexel's present Student govern­ clusion that our participation in ment in January, resigned be­ term “Institute of Technology" Sam Messinger, Drexel student agents came to the Pennsyl­ tween terms. lias been applied quite frequent­ body president and the president vanian’s office at 34th and W al- it would be contrary to the dic­ nut Streets last week to find out tates of our consciences. ly to two-year colleges. of the Evening College Student In a letter to student body the purchasers of the ad, which “We therefore declare our de­ Another factor Hagerty cited in Council. President Hagerty has President Sam Messinger, tapped Prof. John L. Rumpf, head appeared on October 18, 1967. termination to refuse military When the agents were not told service while the United States Romeu said that a change in of the Civil Engineering Depart­ majors had caused unexpected who paid for the ad, they said is fighting in Vietnam." ment and Prof. Solon D. Morgan and heavy academic burdens. He On the N ew s Scene of the Management Department to that a subpoena would follow. Belbw the signatures ac­ companying that statement was stressed in his letter to Messin­ serve on the committee. Schwartz said that the DP will the following; ger that he was not moved to Hagerty explained, “ The pur­ wait until a subpoena actually THE LITTLE MAN who writes resign because of disenchantment pose of the committee is to be is issued before setting strategy the News Scene is already sick “ Over 400 students have sign­ with the student government. sure that we don't leave any in the dispute. He said, “We'll of school, like everyone else. ed the following statement in sup» general body of opinion without make a decision based on whether He wrote,“ ...My decision was But that's not news. or not we feel we can make a port of draft resisters: due only to these academic prob­ its say." “ *We the undersigned believe One factor that may affect the test case of it." Another factor lem s and not any qualms which ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ that our country's involvement in timing of the change, if it comes, in planning a response will be you may think I have with ‘the the War in Vietnam is unjust is the attitude of the senior the identities of the individuals system.' I have always con­ serendipity sometimes hits and im moral and that no young class. If the change is agreed who are cited in the subpoena. sidered Student Government a T'he Triangle. First Rich Lampert Their attitudes toward a court men should be forced to partici­ to by the committee, the senior necessary and vital factor and criticizes the Hum-Techs (page 4, fight and possible jail sentences pate in such a war. We support class may have the option of de­ believe that its sphere and force 3), then the adminstration will apply constraints totheDP's those whose consciences lead ciding whether it wants to be the of influence have been furthered them to refuse entry into the n'lakes an appointment that almost last class to graduate from freedom of action. by and during your administra­ The advertisement in question armed forces of the United looks like an answer to the colu- Drexel Institute of Technology or tion." was a full page insertion, in es­ States, while our troops are en­ ntn--except that the two acts oc~ the first class to graduate from Because Romeu's resignation sentially two parts. The first gaged in this war.'" at the same time (page 1, Drexel University. occurred during the break be­ 1), And then Kathy Lull de- tween terms, Messinger was un­ c^des that Lampert is all wet. able to noti^ members of Con­ 4, col. 3) gress about the vacancy. To m -im fill the post until Congress could * ♦ ♦ ♦ reconvene, Messinger appointed Steve Poland as acting vice presi­ dent. Messinger said he chose n o t ic e t h a t John R. Mc- Poland because Poland ran a <■ ullough, D rexel's new Finan- clo se second to Romeu in the Aid Director, is smiling. election for the post last spring. Makes you think that maybe he oesn't know what h e's in for. Messinger said that he expects ^See page i, col. 3) to have the vacancy filled offi­ cially by Congress at its first ♦ ♦ ♦ nAnnV rolayed by Larry Fenza) observes Mrs. Barker (Sue Lower), who has her eye on meeting. Students interested in r J Lessing). Others in the Drexel Players' production of Albee's ' ‘The Ameri- the post should contact Sam ^■VEN if you*re not a freshman, °"d"’ al^ ’ that freshman saw during their orientation were Fran Bailey and Ward Richardson. M essinger to learn how they our Freshman Accent this (Photos by Friedman.) may ai^ly for it.
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