LAKEC acciaiUNION Oiycut o£ t&e ^,a£e Tintoti HERALD (Zott^enettce Vol. XLIII Berrien Springs, Mich., January 23, 1951 No. 4 GLANCE AT 1950 SCORES BAPTIZED R. G. C a m p b e l l OW thrilling it has been to watch the H faithful army of between 200 and 300 loyal Seventh-Day-Adventist Colporteur Evan­ gelists as they have worked so untiringly to carry the Third Angels’ Message to the multi­ tudes of homes all over the Lake Union Con­ ference. Scores of souls have been baptized as a result of their prayers, sweat, and tears. From one book sold some years ago, it has been discovered that 56 souls have already- been baptized. Through another book found in an old dresser in a vacant house by the next family to occupy the house, 12 souls found their way to the message. A student of E.M.C., Bob Hammond, can­ vassing in Aurora, Illinois, sold a- copy of Bible Readings to a man last summer and now that man is ready to enter the Literature Min­ istry in the Michigan Conference. A brother-and-sister team of student col­ porteurs in addition to earning scholarships last summer also found and brought two pre­ cious souls into the message with whom they Robert Link Robert Whitsett Bradford Braley personally held Bible studies. A sister in Detroit found a man and wife in Throng Parks Chicago Coop Theaifrc a tavern trying to bury their troubles in beer. After selling them each a copy of two of our L. E. L e n h e im magazines she invited them to accompany her to church. They are both members of the T W O THOUSAND Gospel-hungry people massive crowd with his beautiful singing, the Grand River Church in Detroit at the present * filled the well-known Shubert Theatre, in way was prepared for the message of the eve­ time. the heart of the Chicago Loop, last Sunday ning. Colporteur Bocock who works eight hours night, to hear the dynamic and challenging Picturing the world to be in a dilapidated per day in a factory in Indianapolis, also finds message of Robert Whitsett. It was the open­ and chaotic state, the speaker declared that time to work an average of a full day of can­ ing service of a streamlined evangelistic cru­ present world conditions definitely indicate vassing for the Lord also. He sold over $2,000 sade, which is scheduled to hold the spotlight that we are plunging on to a hopeless end, worth of our literature in the homes of one each Sunday night at the Shubert Theatre for unless Jesus Christ steps in and takes over Nazarene Church congregation. several months. Week night evangelistic meet­ control of the nations. Crusader Whitsett por­ Colporteur Wilsie of Indianapolis also ings will be held in several prominent loca­ trayed graphically in- his characteristic fash­ works in a filling station eight hours per day, tions throughout the Chicago area. ion that the nations of the world are now but tries to give the Lord’s work as - much making preparation for the Armageddon con­ At the helm of this all-out Gospel Crusade time as his other job. A Methodist minister flict, as foretold in Bible prophecy. were Robert Whitsett, Bradford Braley and came into his filling station for gasoline one Robert Link, ably supported, of course, by Christ-centered, Spirit-filled Revival day and left with over $75 worth of our good the various pastors and workers in the Chicago ft was a grand meeting. The offering books. area. President J. L. McConaughey and his amounted to $540. The audience listened at­ During 1950 our Lake Union Colporteur Executive Committee are giving loyal support tentively. Hearts were touched; souls were Army worked a total of 199,578 hours and and guidance to this major evangelistic cam­ inspired; Christ was lifted up. Revival songs took orders for $530,187.36 and delivered paign. were sung; the old-fashioned Gospel was $409,562.35 which represents a gain over 1949 For several weeks the ground work for this preached. The people returned to their homes of $18,158.13. Crusade has been carefully planned and or­ feeling greatly edified. For all these blessings we thank our Heav­ ganized.* The spacious theatre was approxi­ Thus- the Chicago Loop Evangelistic Cru­ enly Father and salute our faithful ambassa­ mately two-thirds full when the musical por­ sade is o ff to a good start. The inaugural dors of Hope and Good Will as they continue tion of the service started at 7:15 P. M. A well- service was Christ - centered — Spirit - filled— their work of love. And we appeal to every trained, robed choir of seventy-five voices, blessed of Heaven! loyal Adventist who desires to gain a richer under the direction of Bradford Braley, ac­ Christian experience and a closer walk with companied by Mrs. Braley at the piano, occu­ * From the very beginning all advertising in God, to help win souls for His soon coming pied the stage and gave splendid musical sup­ connection with this series of meetings has kingdom by joining the great army of soul- port to the meeting. With'Bradford Braley at clearly stated that we are Seventh-day Advent­ winning colporteurs in your local conference the organ and Robert Link inspiring the ists. and help finish the Lord’s work. 2 LAKE UNION HERALD The Publishing Department goal for 1951 In the prophecy of Revelation 12:12 we are church, formed the Monticello company at the is to deliver 25% m ore literature during 1951 warned that “The devil is come down unto beginning of the year. They have given good than in 1950. Our goal in dollars and cents you, having great wrath, because he knoweth account of themselves in many ways. Several is $525,000 worth of Literature delivered by that he hath but a short lime.” T'ou and I see were very active in using the Shuler films in the end of D ecem ber 1951. ¡font you help us? this fulfilled to the very letter today. home evangelism until certain conditions de­ Write your Publishing Department Secre­ The great power in the world that gives its prived them of the needed equipment. Plans tary today. inhabitants the greatest concern today is are under study to make the equipment avail­ “To save souls should be the Life work of atheistic, and not only defrauds man of his able to them again in the new year. every one who professes Christ.”—Vol. 4, Page religious rights but also his civil rights. While Another real achievement for this small but •53 this power is working and absorbing the atten­ zealous group was the re-opening of the Sev­ “Every soul whom Christ has rescued is tion of men, other forces are at work trying enth-day Adventist Church of Idaville. This called to work in His name for the saving of to unite church and state and deprive them church has stood desolate for several years. A the lost.” C.O.L. Page 191. of a free conscience in worship, a free press former pastor fell through the floor which A re Y o u F o l l o w in g G o d ’ s C o m m a n d ? and the right to circulate our literature. had become badly damaged with dry rot. At During the past year in our own fair union, the time there was not enough strength in the conference colporteurs have been arrested and congregation to make the necessary repairs 1 MIMS convicted for selling our truth-filled books. In so the church was closed. The continued C. B5. Bunker - - - President our own state of Indiana our boys who served prayers of one of the members, Cynthia Mar­ SSIton De rain - - - S ec.-T reas. in World War II are denied the bonus because vin, 94, was answered when she inspired the 326G IT. Zßcriiian St., In d ian ap olis 7, Ind. of their religious convictions. Also in Indiana pastor, the conference, and the Monticello Telephone— Wafcash 4571 we have the release time in public schools for company to repair the house of worship. It religious training which is a violation of the was more work than anyone anticipated, but Co-operate for Civil Defense Constitution of the United States. everyone willingly gave -the help that was If ever there was a time when we should be needed to make the old landmark worshipful. Som e weeks ago we received a letter from educating the public regarding the true funda­ The pastor conducted a week’s revival in the the General Conference which we treated as mental principles of Religious Liberty it is church to celebrate the reopening. After the an emergency measure. This letter outlined now. I have before me the Liberty circulation series, a young couple took their stand and the plan for the S. D. A. church to give the record, and it reveals that we are putting only were baptized. prescribed Red Cross training in preparing 4,757 L iberty subscriptions into the whole This has greatly stirred the local commu­ our people for civil defense, and asked that state of Indiana. This is not nearly enough. nity, and there is more interest here at pres­ we appoint at once a state Medical Advisor We should be at least doubling this number, ent than in any place in the district. This and also an Instructor-Trainer to train in­ and we could if our members realized the dan­ furnishes real opportunity and a great chal­ structors for the various churches.
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