OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA WINTER 1967 N O W LET9S TAKE STOCK COLLEGIATir'S QUALITY INTERESTS CO. Sto~k Portfolio Revien' An advisory bulletin Dear K. K. G.: You write that you are considering the following holdings: General Chaos Panic Craft Kappa Industries La Trivia Broadcasting Bell Voca-line Tempus Fugit Associates Guff Oils Notone Controls Hi-Pressures Mfg. My findin gs indicate that this stock list is too highly speculative and is not balanced with any Blue Chips with the exception of Kappa Industries. I would recommend, instead, that you build your portfolio around stocks better able to withstand the pressures of today's market. Although many of the above (especially General Chaos, Bell Voca-line, GufJ Oils, and Notone Controls) have been going up, their earnings are down, and they are due for a bad dedine at the end of the current quarter. My recommendations are: Hold Kappa Industries, but balance your holdings with: Think, Inc. Oriented Concentrates Multi Resources Lerner Research Applied Data Processing Consolidated Action Audio-Tone Control Time-trol Super-cope Corp. Value Consumers It is important to point out that your continued holding of your very important Blue Chip stock in Kappa Industries will be nicely balanced by the acquisition of Consolidated A ction. I would advise, however, di scriminate purchase of the latter, for you will want to have enough resources left to make the other investments mentioned. If, as it is rumored, Think, In c. and Applied Data Processing merge, these investments are due for tremendous growth, and commensurate appreciation in value. Multi R esources is on the verge of some new di scoveries which, if realized, promise un­ limited rewards, and an almost positive assurance of ability to keep pace with any new de­ velopments. My recommendation to replace Notone Controls with Audio-Tone Control is based on Audio­ Tone's superior performance and better management. Speaking of excellent manage ment, Super-cope Corp. has shown absolutely phenomenal gains over Panic Craft. All experts agree that these are the result of performance on the executive level. GufJ Oils' reports are suffering from a credibility gap and their reserves are dangerously low. Value Consumers has proved to be a much more sound investment. Oriented Concentrates, Lern er R esearch are out-performing La Trivia Broadcasting and Tempus Fugit Associates and are marvelous investments for long term gains. Last, but by no means, least, Time-trol has discovered a process that has proved to be much more effective in dealing with pressures th an the out-dated methods used by Hi Pressures. Good Luck!! Loyally, >?-/____.,~ 0 ~ . r ~ Fraternity Scholarship Chairman OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA The first college women's magazine. Published continuously since 1882 VOLUME 84 NUMBER 4 WINTER 1967 Send all editorial material and correspondence to the 2 How high is your HE-Q? EDITOR 5 How to take an exam Mrs. Robert H. Simmons 156 North Roosevelt Avenue 9 Centennial fund launches membership-at-large drive Columbus, Ohio 43209 Send all business items to the 10 What the centennial means to state chairmen BUSINESS MANAGER 11 The circle of giving Miss Clara 0. Pierce Fraternity H eadquarters 530 East Town Street 14 They have given in return Columbua, Obio 43216. Send changes of address, six 1:4 Fellowships weeks prior to month of publication, to 20 Foreign study-foreign student scholarships FRATERNITY HEADQUARTERS 26 Rehabilitation scholarships 530 East Town Street Columbus, Ohio 43216. 31 Graduate counselor scholarships (Duplicate copies cannot b e sent to replace those 32 Gamma Province welcomes you to OHIO undelivered through failure to send advance notice.) 35 Something great awaits you in OHIO Deadline dates are August 1, September 25, November 15, January 15 for Fall, 40 This is COLUMBUS Winter, Spring, and Summer issues respectively. Printed in U.S.A. 43 How to get to COLUMBUS THE KEY is published four 44 Convention program times a year (in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, by George Banta 49 Undergraduate and emergency scholarships Company, Inc., official printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, Curtis Reed Plaza, 59 Rose McGill fund Menasha, Wisconsin 54952 Price: S.SO single copy; S3.50 two-years; $15.00 life. 61 Career corner Second class postage paid at 63 Introductions are in order Menasha, Wisconsin, Copy­ right, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity 1968. 65 Kappas to tour the Orient 66 Kappas abroad Postmaster: Please send notice of undeliverable 67 Campus highlights copies on Form 3579 to Kappa Kappa Gamma 75 Alumnre news Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Town Street, 78 In memoriam Columbus, Ohio 43216. 79 Directory CovER: Margot Copeland Newsom, t;. A-Miami U., with Gordon and Martha, who were subjects of an article by their mother in the May, 1967 Parents' magazine entitled "Feeding Young Children Can Be Easy and Fun." The picture is used with the permission of the publication. Margot, a former Graduate Counselor, is one who ·combines profession and home. Read in this issue what she and other Kappa scholarship recipients are now doing with their training. On a clear day-rise and look around you And you'll see just who you are. On a clear day, how it will astound you That the glow of your being out-shines every star! L ook around you. See who yo~ are­ thor of "The Guns of August," and Pulitzer opportunities and potential, unlimited! Con­ prize winner, is "to form the civilized man sider yourself-on a clear day-aside from the whom I would define as the person capable undeniable joy of just being alive-you are of the informed exercise of judgment, taste, a very special and promising person. You are and values." And, the fact that you are 1 most generously endowed: endowed, by ac­ going to college now when the frontiers cident of birth, with the proud privilege of of knowledge are being pushed back at being an American, which fact puts virtually a rate unexcelled in history, makes your no limits on the opportunity to succeed; en­ educational experience not only more stimu­ dowed, most particularly with nature's mo~t lating to you, but more important to every mystifying, exciting, and wonderful gift, a one. In fact, the responsibilities involved mind; endowed with parents who have en­ would be almost overwhelming if it were not couraged you to use it; and endowed with the that so many are able to share them. ability to put forth the effort to succeed, for Why responsibilities? It has been said, "He you flre happily ensconced in one of our great that voluntarily continues in ignorance is colleges or universities. And, beyond that, you guilty of all the crimes which ignorance pro­ are, not by accident, a Kappa, which adds duces." The inescapable conclusion is that another dimension to just whom you are. the responsibility is YOURS because you As you look around you, can't you see, have the unspeakably precious privilege of a everywhere, opportunities that come because college education. of a college education well-used? In every Now, a look at you-on a cle(lr day-and field of endeavor the need for well-ordered your HE-Q. Perhaps now is the time to make ~inds which have the ability to apply learn­ a rather shameful admission regarding the ing sensibly to reality has never been of more title. I confess to its sounding a bit like a over-riding importance. Education's purpose, Sex-Appeal quiz in the latest issue of as stated by Mrs. Barbara W. Tuchman, au- Fraught, but you might as well know that How high is your HE-t)P by MARJORIE CROSS BIRD Fraternity scholarship chairman 3 not even Scholarship Chairmen (or at least, have the ability to get through a rough ad­ not this one) are above using, what I believe justment period then does well; the "over­ is called in the trade, a Grabber. To explain: achiever" is the best gamble of all. the HE-Q stands for Human Effort Quotient, Does this not bear out the contention that and it has everything to do with you. It is a the HE-Q is indeed very relevant? The "late truism to say that any success story ever bloomer" who did poorly in high school, even written would have a different ending without though he showed promise on his scores, it. In fact, Thomas Edison gave it a 99-1 clearly was not in the habit of putting forth advantage in his definition of genius. the effort to make good on that promise; the There are several reasons for this emphasis specialist seems to be motivated in one field on the HE-Q. First, so-called "native intelli­ only; the student leader usually can be char­ gence" is a very elusive and indefinable thing. acterized as one who organizes his time and Whether it has to do with heredity, environ­ to whom using effort and energy is second ment, the amount of blood supply to the nature; but the "overachiever," the one who brain, a combination of these and other fac­ has the "effort habit" is clearly an example of tors, or whether, in fact, there is such a thing "How to Succeed in College because of at all, has not as yet been determined. It is Really Trying". Benjamin Franklin was right: known, however, that people can raise their "Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck." IQ scores. This leads one to conclude that And so, it is my firm belief that you have human effort is a most relevant factor in the no idea how talented you are, or how much determination of ability.
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