WAverly $be jM l^idf Sinus 3 9207 ■ 8 VN’MTUP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF H11X81DB VQL. XXXI— ; HILLSIDE, ,N, J., THURSDAY; DECEMBER 1-5, 1955; PRICE 8 CENTS Present Flag To Prosecutor To Forego Xmas Party Association Will I To Aid Crippled Children Be Santa To 347 Barricade Of ae Christmas spirit will replace1 The Elmer’s Association of Hill- the customary yuletide spirits this oh Saturday. December 17 at Jl :30 impie ted final arrange* ments for its annual Christmas par- a t : the General Brass & Ma­ p.ra. Program for the occasion will ties for the children of Hillside. m chine Works, Inc., 25 Montgomery include a tour of the hospital'by' a The first party will be on Sunday( street.------ oommi-ttee—representing—the—em­ December i8r'Rt 2""p.TiT;^tr"'Zin;lm,F * Milton Nussdorf, personnel direc­ ployes. Hall, 334 Yale avenue; 150 young­ •The employes, however, will cele­ Roads Scored sters will, see Santa deliver Christ- tor, today announced the plant, brate Christmas in the time-hon­ which employs 210 people, wili tpre-- ored manner .with a party of their and soda. * Barricading' the intersection go the annual Christmas party and own at Zatko’s Bar &, Grill. .334 - -The second Christmas party will "Yale avenue, on Friday, December of Wilder street and* Irvington Mil donate the money usually be on Friday, December 23, 11 a-im avenue came under attaok in . spent on oonvlviality to the Crip­ at Calvin Ooolidge. School, Tillman Youth Arrested In General Brass & Machine Works letters to the Township Com­ pled Children’s Hospital, 89 Park manufactures metal parts for Jet- This party will have 197 child- mittee Tuesday night. avenue, Newark. -propelled military and civilian air- ren as guests. Stabbing Of Boy Leo R. Welch of HUlstde, Acting , For. the past four years, Nussdorf The recreation committe said, elaborate affairs have been sis ting of Robert Ward, presli Director of the State Bureau of Traffic Safety of the Department cofr. held at places like The Ivanhoe and John Brooks, vice president: SI \ nl- Holiday Services Zeikor chairman: jtJhtr zeiko aw and:Public Safety, wrote his The Irvington House, Irvington, at Mention, had been called to the * co-chair-man; Frank Agnello,, f in $600 bail for a [a cost running to $750. \ Hnhingsc, Charles Amorskl, bmmlttee's action by^ .Margaret C. A; poll of employes, instituted by r?n t in Magistrate's Court. ix. of 228 Bender avenue, Roselle Slated At Church Vulente, according to Dt Leon A. Marantz, president, un­ Zako ark. She said, according to Welch, "'The! H . Charles GnmL, Friday [that She had been accustomed to ! covered. strong sentiment for the Edws Berber elded a switch blade knife plan to. help the hospital, Nussdorf ___g the streets and questioned schedule of holiday services for the rt J. Balza, 15, of 634 Bui [whether the township, had the right skid. Consequently, arrangements Hillside Presbyterian-Church i have been made for a cash contri- Lo close them .oft ! . , Christmas Eve Candlelight Serv- and Hilldalb place Welch recalled he had refused, to button at $780 by Marantz with | ice. Saturday, December 24, at 8 recommend an ordinance restricting John R. Soyke. hospital director, to p.m, This candleligh t program will the following from* the Mayfp oe presented to one of the patients Kirkmah, Frar through traffic based on-an opinion feature carols, a choral anthem; of the attorney general and advised and a meditation by the pastor, Deber, Mildred the m u rinU ity was without power "Christ is Heffel" to interfere with through travel. On Christmas morning, there 'will Barber Costs Soli Helen He requested Information pn the be regular morning worship at II 1.00 Hollywood township’s official determination of a.m.. wltMffiKe pastor Preaching on Working with thd assoi Taking Jump the topic, “What Now?". Mrs. Frank MahOn,, An inquiry by Police Chief Paul There ~ will be a Preparatory nl; Mrs. Henry Merkf F. Korlesky on the same subject Service on Wednesday evenlna. De­ nt; Mrs. Andrew Orli elicited information from Herbert „ Emanuel M. Reiter of Hillside, center, Cost of visits to local tonsorinl cember 28. at 8 p.m. Included wih ■ling secretary: Mrs. the Fall Term Grand Jury, last week presented an establishments—barber shops — will J. Klnr. 'Chfef, Traffic Engineering American flag- on behalf of members to Prosecutor H. iui?sel Mores, Jr., extreme left. On Reiter's left is be a recognition of new members, sy. recording seeretar section of .the bureau, that the Henry Groh, Grand Jury foreman, Hillsider and vice p increase next Monday as a result of and refreshments will be seated for A.Z.A. Bulb Sale silent .of the Hillside National Bank. action taken, at a meeting Monday^ committee’s action is "illegal and Hlt-fcllQWlngLthe service * * improper;” December 12 ,at thie Robert Treat On New Year’s Eve. Saturdav, De­ eluding superior officers and the Hotel, Newark,, Slated For Sunday Referred To Attorney cember 31. there will b r a Watch- Tlie committee referred the ques­ ■ctyng court, clerk, _ , ‘ |. In anticipation of * a request for night Service a t . 11 p.m. in. the Hillside A.Z.A., youth group of higher wages 'and shorter 'hours by Kitchen Ware Stolen tion to Assistant Attorney Arthur 13 Police, 3 Firemen Mayor Henry Goldhor •. said the B’nai B'rith, will hold its lighrbuib E. Dienst for study and report. journeymen barbers, the Barbers The. Sacrament of ^ the Lord’s From Sealed Trailer sale Sunday. December 18. Mem­ full list of elig'ibles have been ap­ Employers .Guild No. 26 of Newark, | At the requset of three local of-’ Supper will be celebrated on Sun­ bers will go house-to-house with ficials, the committee directed pointed by this action with the] with which looal barber shops are day morning; January l,..at 11 cGm. Theft of three metal kitchen oabi- packages of 10 bulbs selllngrat $2.00. exception of one on the Fire De-| [aillllated, have set the price .of nets, a metal brendbox and a can Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy to Each bulb ■ bearB the ! Imprint refrain from renewing the licenses Get Appointments partment list and two on the Po­ haircuts at $1.50, children's haircuts of paint from. a sealed trailer of "Hillside A.Z.A." and the quality is $1.15 ann a shave a t 75 cents. Pres- |he I & L Trucking Go^ of 100 of four Jtrnk dealers in the town­ lice Department list. He: invited all Xinas Program At guaranteed. Bulb sizes In the pack­ ship.. Building Inspector curmen Thirteen men were appointed*1"— |eht prices are $1.25, 90 cents and 0f> Route 22, was reported to polios age are those most frequently used; [the- men and .their families to a cents respectively. ’ Monday by Ira Lentz, of 183 Monaco, Korlesky and Fire Chief to the Police Department .and fective ‘January 2, are . Andrew 3\ A self-supporting group whose August. H.. Daviet said after four public 'Ceremony at the organization , The Barbers Guild and Local 22, Scheerer avenue, Newark,. a com­ aim is better, community living, three, to the. .Fir® Departmenti Hathaway, James t . gstlvi;^cari v. [meeting of the Township Commit! Hurden-Looker separate inspections the dealers had Journeymen Barbers of New Jer­ pany official. a .z .a . played an important role in by the ■ Township Oomrnitlte'e! Lepore, William F. Rickerhauser m Monday, January 2 at 12] sey, will meet Sunday, December 18 [ The annual Christmas program ^ ,'0 1 $ trailer was parked on com­ failed to put their yards in order. and David R. Brindle. flood relief collections ^andr^other Fireman Donald Oovd requested a Tuesday night. Eight of the po- "~J ■ [noon in the Coe. Avenue Schopl. ■ at ,10 a.m. at the Robert Treat Ho- of Hurden-Looker School will be pany property activities. the Fire Department— rteFtO dlScuSS wages and hours. It presented on Tuesday evening, De­ paid vacation so that he may get lice appointees hid been bn A. Urbanski on temporary status married on January 28. He will be temporary statua and one. of the is expected that an attempt will be cember 20 at 7:45 p.m. in the Cur­ was named a regular and will star made to raise the scale from $50 tis Room. "Christmas Symbols” advised, that he will have to either firemen. ■ serving at once. Two new men-whoi Young Democrats plus commission: to $60 or $65 plus' w ill, be the theme. Children from Elizabeth Ave. Church Xmas Program take his regular vaoation or a vaca­ wUl^sta^t .sfanuar-y fi-are 'Tony"31 m m ......... ^ , ■. 8 . tion without pay. Mayor Henry £ The eight, police made regular pa­ commission, - Av .shorter ,-wprk week kindergarten through eighth grade, j In the Elizabeth, .Avenue Presby-f— ...—■. — ... ,r...... !Fredd^>and':Paul H. Davis, Motions will .participate under the direction Goldhor remarked that the com­ trolmen are George W. Davises, Jr., will be o^bsidered, from 52 to 48 feriaiT Ghhi*en‘ Sunday," DeeethB'er forth* appointment^ were dtf Po' To Hear Williams hours,. al'?w® as new’ cloi|ng tithe. of the faculty members, Miss (Kath­ Dobie; violinist, Louis B. Dobie, mittee is "not against marriage** William F. Smith, Leonard R. Vi- lice Commissioner V. William D 18, there will be a primary empha­ but that it could not set this prece­ Representative Harrison A. Wi] At present Hillside shops are open erine Ashley, rfiusic supervisor and soloists, Grace Auer and Nancy flotsky, John M. Sena tore, Robert Buojao and Fire Commissioner'Will Miss Rose Sena, program chairman.
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