t NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Proqtrement & Contract Administration Section 28-Mauve Area, G-91 I, Islamabad Tel: 9032727 , Fax: 926Q4I9 No.6(5 1e)/ GM(P&CA) / NH Al 2021/pA Islamabad, .frY^.uary, 2o2b Director General Public Procurement Regulatory Authority l"t Floor FBC Building near State Bank, SectorG-5 12, Islamabad Subject: ANNOUN,CEMENT OF EVALUATION REPORT (PPRA=FIJI+E-Q5I: Consultancy Senrlces for Feasibllity Study and Detailed Desien for Construction of Ring Road from Swabi Interchange [M-11 to Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estatg (DePosit Work) Reference: PPRARule-S5 Find enclosed herewith the combined Bid Evaluation Report along with Evaluation Criteria (Annex-I) for the subject Services in line with PFRA Rule-35 for uploading on PPRA website at the earliest, please. fu,.r (MUHAMMAD ![,NWEER ISHAQI GendaI Manager (P&CA) Encl: Evaluation Report along with Annex- I Copy for klnd information to: - Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad; - Director (Tech.to Chairman), NHA, Islamabad; - Director (P&CA)-III,NHA, Islamabad. (As PerRule 35 of PP Rules.2004) 1. Nameof ProcuringAgency: NationalHighway Authority 2. Methodof Procurement: -SingleStage Two EnvelopeProcedure 3. Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof Ring Road from Swabi lnterchange(M-1) to Gadoon Amazailndustrial Estate (Deposit Work) 4. TenderInquiry No.: 6(51e) 5. PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS433167E .6. Date& Timeof BidClosing: 2ndNovember,2O2O at 1130 hours local time 7. Date& Timeof BidOpening: 2ndNovember, 2020 at 1200hours local time 8. No of BidsReceived: Five(05) Proposals were received L Criteriafor BidEvaluation: Criteriaof BidEvaluation is attachedat Annex-l 10. Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: As below Marks Rule/Regulation/ Evaluated SBD**/Policy/ Cost Basis for Nameof Bidder Technical Financial Total Rejection/ (.f (.f (out of (Ecr Acceptanceas per ,(PKR) applicable)applicable) 1000) Rule35 of PP Rules,2004. 1) M/s Associated Consulting Topscoring firm in EngineersLtd, in JV with M/s combined 8,216,388 LatitudeEngineering Consultant' 621 200 821 evaluation(PPRA Rule36(b) (ix)) 2) M/s NESPAK(Pvt.) Ltd in JV with M/s ZAK Consulting 634 184 8{8 8,945,840 2nd Engineers 3) M/s Associated Consultancy Centre(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s 590 197 787 8,342,580 3to Pavron 4) M/s Asif Ali Associates(Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s A.A. Associates and M/s BAK 598 118 717 13,886,736 4tn ConsultingEngineers 5) M/s Prime Engineeringand TestingConsultants (Pvt.) Ltd. PPRARule 36(b) withM/s Finite Engineering (Pvt.) 505 FinancialProposal not opened (v) Ltd. and M/s Concept EngineeringServices ConsultancySeruices for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Constructionof Ring Road from Swabi Interchange(M-1) to GadoonAmazai lndustrial Estate (Deposit Work) Page 1 of 2 a EVALUATIONREPORT (As PerRule 35 of PP Rules.2004) EC ls the EvatuatedCost usedfor evaluationpurpose and includesonly the cost of competitivecomponent (i.e. Remunerationand Direct Non-SalaryCosf) and is exclusive of ProvisionalSum, Contingency and lndirectTaxes. Top RankedBidder: M/s AssociatedConsulting Engineers Ltd. in JV with M/s LatitudeEngineering Consultant 11. Any other additional/supportinginformation, the procuringagency may like to share: The Procurementwas carried out in line with PPRA Rules & Regulations.The biddingwas doneon QCBSmethod with 80:20Technical to FinancialProposals ratio. The Contractis being awardedto M/s Associated . ConsultingEngineers Ltd. in JV with M/s LatitrrdeEngineering Consultant at Signature: Official Stam p: . .. .. .Natittnal .H i ghw uy Au&ority **sta n d ard B i ddin g o oc u mldtlt!'BgBl W ConsultancyServrces for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof Ring Road from Swabi Interchange(M-1)to Gadoon Amazai lndustrial Estate (Deposit Work) Page2 of 2 ? a NationalHighway Authority Feilrro'vri$r.a'Avs Annex-I Criteria tro& Bid Evaluation ,, ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy andDetailed Design for Constructionof Ring Roadfrom SwabiInterchange (M-1) to GadoonAm azaiIndustrial Estate(Deposit Work) January,2021 NATIONAL HIG AUTHORITY Proanrement & Contract Administration Section 28 Mauue Area, G-9/1, Islamabad I 051-903272 H 051- $Rifrro'vri$r.a.Ars 926041.9 ber, 2O2O Ref: 6(519)/DIR-III (P&CA/NHA12o2ol)33 Dated: 26ft To All Prospective Consultants Subject: Reference: Pre-Proposal meeting on th.esubiect teld on 75th October, 2020' Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting & Addendum No.1 beipgintegral part of RFP for the subject services are enclosed herewith for nece3sary action, please. '*:<__lxlxx il ' t SHAHI Director P&CA Enclosure: t Copy for infgrmation to: - Member (Planning), NHA, Islamabad - General Manager (Planning), NHA, Islamabad' - General Manager (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad' - Director (Tech.) to Chairman (N{A) Islamabad' (, Minutesof Pre-ProposalMeeting MINUTES OF PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING HELD ON 15thOctober.2020 ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and f)etailedDesign for Constructionof Ring Road from Swabi Interchange(M-1) to Gadoon AmazaiIndustrial Estate(Deposit Work) A Pre-ProposalMeeting was held in NHA Auditoriumat I 100hours on l5'hOctober ,2020 to discuss the Requestfor Proposal(RFP) for subjectServices in the presenceof NHA officialsand prospective consultant.During the saidmeeting the prospectiveconsultant submitted queries. The clarifications/replies aresummarized below for informationof all prospectivebidders: On page 7, Date Sheet Point 1.'1,lt is stated"The Consultantmay pleasenote not to suggestnames of key staff alreadyproposed in anotherproposal with the Client or awardedrecently. This will affect adversely marking of these professionalsin evaluationof the Not accededto. Pleaseproceed as per RFP. technicalproposal. Their securedpoints a reliableto be reducedby 50% if their name appearin more than I previous proposalin which they are ranked No.l." Pleaserelax the saidcriteria. Time durationof project is 04 Months.However, for Not accededto, Pleaseproceed as per RFP. mostkey staffman Months are 02 or 01. The required experiencefor Teal Leader, Senior StructuralEngineer and PavementEngineer is 20 years with preferablyM.Sc. TransportationExpert Structural Engineer which is also required M.Sc. Structural Pleasesee Addendum No.l Engineering. For Junior Structural and Highway Engineerexperience required is 15 years with MSc Hugescope of work is involvedwith 15deliverables in just 04 monthtime period, Not accededto. Pleaseproceed as per RFP Detailed topographic survey, Geotechnical investigationsand traffic surveysrequired time of at Not accededto. Pleaseproceed as per RFP least0l months.All the otherdesisn activities will start after that. ProposedStaffing in RFP is not as per scopeof work. Lump SumCosts, inclusive of all expenses Positionof Environmentalist/ Environmental Engineer, inter alia remunerations of concemed Geotechnical Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer/ personnel, ate required to be quoted Hydrologist, Surveyor, Traffic Engineer, Contract against tasks of: Topographic Survey Engineerand Electrical Engineer are misse-{- Report, Traffic & Axle Load Survey Report, Soil & Material Investigations Reports, Hydrology & Hydraulic Study Report, and EIA Study Report along with NOC. Costs related to Geotechnical Investigations,inclusive of all expenses inter alia remunerations of concemed FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof Ring Roadfrom SwabiInterchange (M-l) to GadoonAmazai Industrial Estate (Deposit Work) Page1 of 2 Minutesof Pre-ProPosalMeeting Reply Sr. Queries No. personnel, will be covered under Provisional Sum amounting to Rs.l.50 Million. Requirementof postsof ContractEngineer and Electrical Engineer not accededto' Costs,if deemedessential, may be quoted 'others against the head of not covered above to comply with ToR requiremenf' with properjustifi cation. ftrm having experienceas per RFP is 7. JV wittt a Query is not clear. requiredto fulfill the requirementsql riqpe e!l{erkr-- proposalsbe extendedfor 8. The datefo. submissionof Pleasesee Corrigendum-I' furthertwo weeks. ooo0 ooo... f"uiiUitity Studyand Detailed Design fur Constructionof Ring Roadfrom Page2of 2 SwabiInterchange (M-l) to GadoonAmazai Industrial Estate (Deposit Work) _\ SummaryEvaluation Sheet ay No to CorruPtion PROPOSALS (QCBS) SUMMARY EVALUATION SHEET FOR FULL TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA in roadTranspoft Sector Evidenceof SiteVisit with Identification of Problems/ Solutionsfor this ii) SeniorStructural -.,... 4. P"tfo.-uoce Certification from clients*** 5. PresentCommitmg4!!9-lPgry1 [ =t;6il--8ffi;T;-ras;- - Non-complying-07o - 80{9olo Ave.rt$e-70-79o/" Below Average l-e9% Excellent - 1007o very coffi%-Tro* evera-ge Score:MaximumWeightagexrating/t00.MinimumqualifyingscoreisT0ohorT00marks. iatnseMbzti"s.sisnic@ldst@P'E'Je@h Y;#,-;"-fffi';;;,;;;;;;--"k,ttp.Dn,e*soJdEp,opst',hictiturwtesbuttuttinitz.tbh-dbindins'K4!' Ptc'p6otFot6I in ataredas po spzcine'wdat Atwc pt@'! in rechq'rt ffit^K*#r- r*-hgt@i^ 25tuks o'toJ45o n4tb koa'Ple@ r** h-t;sioe|blEefcldbrlefnh6Nilwh.enb|@H'st.!N,a'y@|dt&|6ci|d.da|k ...25o|l'ott00Wkhinba'[email protected]|edb''&'odhco Fot^)' p'i;ii )"'p"a iu pi 'p""i"' *'a a tnn&B pte"t i't rectskatPrcpoet '*+.CtidtidJqpasg)rtu*J'liuwnr of @nft@@t t"" "otW^ tuttiM i bt 6l@s' NN fid i!: the N ilhictt l,a! @de'! od Wi"ls Indusrial Estate(DePosit worD l?- ConsultancyServices for Feas;bilityStudy and L'€11 Afbcl^rq*-{ Data Sheet SayNo to CorruPtion 4.5 Validity periodof the proposalis: 180days The bid shall remainvalid up to 27th April,20?l The locationfor negotiationof
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