Devonport-Takapuna Local Board OPEN MINUTES Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Takapuna Service Centre Level 3, 1 The Strand, Takapuna, on Wednesday 15 December 2010 at 6.05pm. PRESENT Chairperson Chris Darby Deputy Chairperson Kevin Schwass Members Joseph Bergin Mike Cohen, QSM Dianne Hale, QSO, JP Jan O'Connor ALSO PRESENT Councillor George Wood (North Shore Ward) Councillor Ann Hartley (North Shore Ward) Kaipatiki Local Board Chairperson Lindsay Waugh Kaipatiki Local Board Member Kay McIntyre Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 1 Prayer The meeting commenced with a minute of quiet reflection. 2 Apologies There were no apologies. 3 Declaration of interest Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have. Member Schwass declared an interest in Item 21 : “Auckland Council's submission on the Alcohol Reform Bill”. Item 9: Public Forum and Item 7 : Petitions, were taken at this time. 9 Public Forum Ms Judy Grieve a resident of 13 Second Avenue, Stanley Point, made Members aware of the pohutakawa trees in Stanley Point that had been hard trimmed, just prior to flowering in early December. Ms Grieve felt that this had desecrated the avenue of pohutakawa trees, and was seeking information on who had given the authority for the trees to be trimmed. Members sought clarification on what jurisdiction the power company has in relation to street trees that are interfering with power lines; whether the street tree trimming in Second Avenue, Stanley Point, was driven by the utility company, Auckland Council, or had been undertaken by Auckland Transport to remove the tree branches that had been over the road; and whether the NSCC undergrounding policy would continue under the Auckland Council. Castor Bay resident, Mr John Crews, asked questions relating to the Local Board’s heritage policy, specifically whether the NSCC Heritage Policy would be upheld under the Auckland Council. He noted that the World War II installations in Kennedy Park needed to be properly maintained. Resolution number DT/2010/5 MOVED by Member Darby, seconded Member Hale: That the information and presentations be received and the presenters be thanked for their attendance. CARRIED 7 Petitions Mr Derek Barrett-Boys presented a petition on behalf of the residents of Frieston Road, Milford, objecting to the recent marking of yellow no-parking lines adjacent to 15 Frieston Road. There had previously been all-day parking on this part of the road. Mr Barrett-Boys understood that there had been no consultation with residents in the street about the new parking restrictions. Minutes Page 3 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 It was noted that this matter had been considered by the former Takapuna Community Board in August 2010. Resolution number DT/2010/6 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Darby: That the petition from Mr Barrett Boyes and residents of 15 Frieston Road, be received and the questions raised followed up CARRIED 4 Confirmation of minutes Resolution number DT/2010/7 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Schwass: That the minutes of the meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board held on Monday, 8 November 2010, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. CARRIED It was noted that during the declarations by the Local Board Members, Member Bergin swore an oath on the bible. 5 Leave of absence There were no leaves of absence. 6 Acknowledgements There were no acknowledgements. 8 Deputations There were no deputations. 10 Extraordinary business There were no items of extraordinary business when the Agenda was produced. It was pointed out that under Standing Order 3.7.6 minor items that are not on the agenda may be discussed at the meeting, if the member explains at the beginning of the meeting that there is an extraordinary item. 11 Notices of Motion There were no notices of motion. Minutes Page 4 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 12 Meeting minutes Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, 8 November 2010 These minutes were adopted under Item 4. 13 Quarry Lake drowning incident Manager Local and Sports Parks, and Local and Sports Park (North) Team Leader were in attendance to introduce the report and answer Members’ questions. Resolution number DT/2010/8 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Bergin: a) That the report be received. b) That the Board notes a temporary 1.2 metre fence has been installed along the cliff edge adjacent to the car park on Shea Terrace to limit potential risk to public safety. c) That a small working party be formed, comprising Council parks staff, a youth representative and Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Members, to investigate the provision of a permanent jumping platform, a floating pontoon, improved egress, appropriate signage and life-saving equipment at Quarry Lake. d) That the working party have the power to co-opt additional members, as appropriate. e) That permanent solutions be investigated following feedback from the working party. CARRIED Member O’Connor requested her dissenting vote against clauses c), d) and e), be recorded. Resolution number DT/2010/9 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Bergin: f) That all Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Members be invited to be members of the working party, with the Chair to facilitate. CARRIED 14 Devonport Master Plan Working Group Resolution number DT/2010/10 MOVED by Member Schwass, seconded Member Bergin: a) That the report be received. CARRIED Resolution number DT/2010/11 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Schwass: Minutes Page 5 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 b) That the re-instatement of the Devonport Master Plan Working Group, be endorsed. c) That the terms of reference for the Devonport Master Plan Working Group as set out in Appendix A of the report, be endorsed. d) That the Devonport Master Plan Working Group comprise all Members of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and supporting advisors, with Member Hale as facilitator, and that the Working Group have power to co-opt. e) That Working Group advisors prepare a triennial report updating the Devonport- Takapuna Local Board on the Devonport Master Plan implementation and project progress. CARRIED Item 26, was taken at this time. 26 The Auckland (Spatial) Plan: An Introduction Team Leader Special Strategy was in attendance to explain the process and timetable for consultation and the production of the Auckland (Spatial) Plan, and answer Members’ questions. Resolution number DT/2010/12 MOVED by Member Darby, seconded Member Hale: a) That the report be received. CARRIED Resolution number DT/2010/13 MOVED by Member Darby, seconded Member O'Connor: b) That Devonport-Takapuna Local Board notes the background and approach to the Auckland (Spatial) Plan, as outlined in the report. c) That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board will actively engage in contributing to the development of the Auckland (Spatial) Plan. d) That the presentations, minutes and outcomes of the Governing Body’s Auckland (Spatial) Plan workshops/meetings be brought to the attention of the Devonport- Takapuna Local Board at the earliest opportunity. e) That the Chairperson of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board write to the Mayor of Auckland Council advising him of the Board’s support for the Auckland (Spatial) Plan process and suggesting ways the Local Board can work with him. CARRIED Minutes Page 6 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 15 Local Board meeting schedule 2011 Resolution number DT/2010/14 MOVED by Member Darby, seconded Member Schwass: a) That the report be received. b) That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board meeting schedule for the period February-December 2011, be amended to provide for a meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, commencing at 6.00pm, with the last meeting of the year to be resolved at the 1 February 2011 Local Board meeting. c) That it be noted, dates and times for hearings and deliberations on the 2011/12 Annual Plan and the draft 2012 -2015 Local Board Plan are still to be finalised and as such have not yet been provided for in the Local Board 2011 meeting schedule. d) That the meetings be held around the area the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board is responsible for, as appropriate, to encourage community engagement. The motion was put in parts. Clause a) was put and declared CARRIED Clause b) was put and declared CARRIED. Member Cohen abstained from voting. Clause c) was put and declared CARRIED Clause d) was put and declared CARRIED Member Cohen requested that his dissenting vote be recorded. 16 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board allocation of additional remuneration Resolution number DT/2010/15 MOVED by Member Hale, seconded Member Bergin: a) That the report be received. b) That, in response to the Remuneration Authority, the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board recommends that the additional funds of $12,000 be allocated as follows: i) Deputy Chairperson of the Board $3,250.00 ii) Chairperson and Local Board Members $1,750.00 each This allocation reflects that all Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Members will be sharing the workload, and also recognises the added responsibilities of the Deputy Chairperson of the Local Board. c) That the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board structural framework be discussed at a workshop in February. CARRIED Member O’Connor requested that her dissenting vote be recorded. Minutes Page 7 Devonport-Takapuna Local Board 15 December 2010 17 Local Board appointments to Business Improvement Districts and Mainstreet organisations Resolution number DT/2010/16 MOVED by Member Darby, seconded Member Schwass: a) That the report be received. CARRIED The Chairperson called for nominations for Devonport-Takapuna Local Board representation on the Milford Business Association Incorporated and the Takapuna Beach Business Association Incorporated.
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